Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1952, Page Five, Image 5

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As the 1952 baseball season progresses, certain things be
come apparent to followers of the University of Oregon’s
diamond squad as the l)uck baseballcrs continue through their
Northern Division schedule.
I'irst and most important, this year’s Oregon team is more
than living up to advance expectations. At the start of the
season, most predictions indicated that the Oregon State Beav
ers, under the direction of Coach kaJph O. Coleman, would
sweep to the championship with little or no competition.
Ducks Pushing OSC for Crown
As matters stood before \\ ednesday’s games, OSC was well
on its way to the championship, with a 6-3 record for a .667
average. It happens that Oregon’s percentage in ND play at
that time was also .667, with the Webfoots possessing a 4-2
won-loss record.
These figures show that OSC was in possession of first place
in the conference play, with Coach Don Kirsch’s Webfoots a
mere half game behind them due to the fact that the Ducks
have played three fewer games than the Beavers.
Right at this time the Duck baseballers are in the midst
of the most grueling week of play during the entire season.
They played the game with Idaho Wednesday and will have
another tilt again today. On Friday and Saturday, it is the
WSC Cougars in Pullman, and on Monday and Tuesday of
next week they face the Washington Huskies in Seattle.
Six Contests in One-Week
'\ his comes to a total of six games in seven days, all of which
are scheduled to be played away from home. The results of
this trip will almost certainly spell out the final outcome of the
XI) season as far as the Webfoot flychasers are concerned.
However, even if the Webfoots drop a few games to their
opponents on the trip, they will still have a chance to take the
Northern Division crown, because their strongest competitors
for the title, the Beavers from Oregon State, are also making
a similar trip through the Inland Empire and the Puget Sound.
The season will be climaxed in the Willamette Valley for the
Ducks, as their last four tilts pij them against these same Ore
gon Staters in games which are scheduled for May 17, 19, 23
and 24. The contests on the 19th and 24th will be played here
in Eugene, while the other two will be held in Corvallis.
Beavers Lead in Statistics
A look at the recap on this year’s Northern Division base
ball season brings to light some percentages which should in
terest followers of the XD diamond sport.
Oregon State is statistically far ahead of the rest of the
league, as they were the holders of first places in both team
batting and team fielding, as of last Saturday, May 2. The
P>eavers have a team batting average of .326, while Oregon,
^-4he next highest, has compiled a .310 percentage. OSC’s lead
in the fielding department comes as a result of the .942 fielding
Idaho, which is in last place in the fielding as far as percent
ages are concerned, has one consolation. The Vandals have
chalked up 12 double plays in 10 games to lead the conference
in this phase of the game.
Ralph Coleman also lists on his roster the two leading pitch
ers in the division. Beaver hinders Bailey Brem and Norb Well
man had each been credited with two victories and no defeats
when the statistics were compiled, and were the only ND
hinders with this record.
Aver ill Going Strong
Oregon’s Earl Averill held the lead in two departments. The
Duck All-American has banged out three circuit clouts to lead
the conference in the home run column. Averill also holds the
top spot in runs-batted-in, as he has sent 15 of his Duck team
mates across the plate in the six contests played by the Oregon
Averill's showing is especially impressive in view of the
fact that Oregon had played only six conference tilts, while
the other ND hitters against whom he was competing have all
had eight games in which to accumulate homers and RBIs.
Idaho has played ten games so far this year.
In the Northern Division percentage batting race, Chuck
Fisk of OSC has taken a commanding lead, as he has compiled
a .500 average with 12 hits in 24 times at bat. Joe Sugura and
Averill of Oregon hold the fifth and sixth spots with identical
.407 averages.
Norway planted 31,000,000 trees
last year, 7,000,000 more than in
"■ 1950. Most of the trees were
spruce. This year it is planned to
plant 37,000,000 trees.
The Dominican Republic’s $12,
000,000 hotel-building program will
insure, by 1950, a total of eight
new hotels to augment the 15 now
dotting the island.
Rain Halts Tennis
P/ay, But Webfoots
Beat Staters, 4-2
By Bill Norval
Oregon’s varsity team downed
OSC for the second time this sea
son in a 4-2 match played on the
University courts Wednesday.
The Webfoots came out ahead
of the Staters in both singles and
doubles, winning singles 3 to 2
and taking the only doubles event
finished. Th* win gives Oregon a
4- 0 mark for the season.
The expected close duel in first
singles between Tom Macdonald
and Don Megale of OSC failed to
materialize as Macdonald downed
the Beaver netter 6-2 and 6-4.
Megale Tense
Megale was obviously tense in
the opening games of the first set,
committing several double faults
and losing the first two games by
love scores.
However, he finally got tn the
match in the fourth game, when
he started playing the net to cop
the game, 50-15.
After losing the next game as
well on good net playing by Meg
ale, Macdonald came back to win
two in a row for the first set, 6-2.
In the second set, hou’ever, the
ex-Marshfield High school athlete
put up a lot better fight.
Rushing the net after his serves,
Megale managed to place his shots
out of Macdonald’s reach enough
times to take the first game 50
Macdonald Stretches Lead
Macdonald, however, showing a
nice net game of his own, and
using his power to good effect in
the backcourt, then took five
games to the Stater's one for a
5- 2 lead.
At that point Megale, again get
ting his net game warmed up,
made a comeback to break through
Macdonald’s service and win his
own for a 5-4 count.
“Twas ail to no avail,” however,
as Macdonald, evidently unde
sirous of having to go to extra
games, quickly shut out the Beav
er 50 love for set and match.
. Rose Edges Allison
Considerably closer was Bill
Rose’s three-set battle with George
Allison in second singles, which
went to Rose in three sets.
Things were even up after the
first two sets, Allison having won
the first, 6-3, and Rose the second
by a 6-0 score. j
The third set went to three
games all uefore Rose managed
to get out in front, 5-3.
The situation looked bad, in the
next game, however, as Rose hurt
his knee in a futile try for one of
Allison’s net shots. That gave Al
lison the game and a four to five
Rose came through unfazed,
however, as he quickly took the
next game by a love score, giving
him the match.
In third singles, Jack Neer had
his usual easy time of it in topping
Day of OSC, 6-0 and 6-1.
OSC Wins Two
Oregon State countered with
wins in both fourth and fifth
singles. In the former, Ron Lowell
lost to Pete Carter, 4-6 and 3-6,
and in fifth spot Don Neraas lost
to Bud McCoy, OSC, 5-7 and 2-6.
This gave Oregon their 3-2 edge
in singles, thus making necessary
Only one doubles win to take the
match. The W’ebfoots cinched the
match by taking the first two sets
in the doubles.
With Neer’s serve working al
most to perfection and with Rose
hitting everything in sight at the
net, Oregon easily took first
doubles from Allison and Megale,
6-0 and 6-3 in a match that ended
up in the rain.
Rain Ends Play
In second doubles, Macdonald
and Neil George had a little closer
go as they edged out Beavers
Day and Carter 9-7 in the first
set and lost the second, 4-6. Rain
halted the third set.
Friday, the Webfoots will leave
for Seattle for their final dual
match of the season, playing the
University of Washington on
World production of the princi
pal fats and oils in 1951 is esti
mated to have set a record high
of 25,850,000 tons.
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IM Tennis, Golf
Decided Soon
Six days from today the winners
of the intramural tennis and golf
championships will be known, and
it will be possible to figure out
which of the thirty-odd men’s liv
ing organizations will win the an
nual intramural trophy. At this
time it is virtually impossible to
tell just which of the five clubs
remaining in the elimination play
offs will prove to be the victor in
the tennis circles.
In the upper bracket Beta Theta
Pi has reached the semi-final post
and will, play the winner of the
Minturn-Campbell Club match. In
the lower group Sigma Chi will
meet French hall for a semi-final
position. The Other two clubs par
ticipating in the playoffs have not
as yet been decided.
If things run true to schedule,
the semi-final matches will be
played on May 12 and 13 with the
championship being held the next
day, the 14th.
Turning to IM links activities
some definite contenders can be
seen in the form of Phi Kappa
Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta
Theta, and Sigma Chi. Due to
failure bf some living organiza
tions to turn in their scorecards
on time, the standings in the eli
mination brackets are consider
; ably fouled up.
j The original schedule called tor
the semi-final matches to be held
on the ninth and twelfth, and the
final encounter to be played cm
Tuesday, the thirteenth. It is
hoped that the weather will hold
up so that this slate can be follow
ed as close as possible.
Now Playing
“Steel Town”
Ann Sheridan & John Lund
“Kongo Wild Stallion”
Fred Stone & Rachelle Hudson
Now Playing
“Henry the VIII”
Now Playing
“Red Skies of Montana”
Richard Widmark &
Constance Smith
“Weekend With Father”
Van Heflin &'Patricia Neal
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