Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1952, Page Three, Image 3

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    IlfC Launches
Jrive to Obtain
Official Position
Striving for official recognition
} campus by the office of stu
;nt affairs, the Junior Inter-fra
rfiity council has taken on a busy
liedule of activities.
JIFC, which has decided to work
i a service organization, is the
Sanup committee for the Junior
rom Friday, will handle physical
rangements for seating at the
f-campus sing Saturday, will
rub the Oregon seal and paint
le "O” for Junior Weekend and |
working with the Eugene Opto
iA club on recreation facilities!
.r city boys.
Some members have worked
ith the Optomists in establishing
Recreation center in the basement
fhe Eugene armory and the co
aeration will be continued, by
icceeding groups of members,
?wly-elected President Don Craw
ifd explained.
Cra^yford said his organization is
anning a social function this term
term of next year, the pro
K; to go for ahtletic equipment
jB te Optimist progr am. He said
R.’ will hold a meeting with
nior Panhellenic and hopes to ar
r.ge to work with that women’s
hup on the function,
ftlhor new officers of JIFC are
>n Rotenberg, vice-president;
nil Peterson, sectary; and Bob
raw, treasurer.
Jlace your ad at either the Stu
dent Union main desk or the
■Emerald “Shack”; or call
.>1511, ext. 219 between 2
and 4 p.m.
Elates: First Insertion 4c per
vord; subsequent insertions 2c
ter word.
At) RIDERS WANTED to share
car expenses to the East Coast
after final exams. Dalton, 1344
Htlyard.. 119
Al^TED: A few more student
politicians to attend Willamette
Mock Republican Convention,
Saturday, May 10. Call Tom
Barry, 5-9491. US
)9T:,A-Black corday purse on
campus or at Arena Ballroom.
Reward. Return 1883 University.
|apel dinner jacket. Size 40.
j-8860. 119
IV. 1948 CHEV. All extras,
’hone 4-1821. 123
Round Trip
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See your local travel agent tor
ders and details or write us.
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Harvard S<4., Cambridge, Mass.
Features Combo Terrace Dance
Johnny Lusk and his three piece
orchestra will provide the music
fo rthe Terrace Dance, “Mother
Goose on the Loose,” which will be
held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. (DST; to
day , following the all-campus
Living organizations have been
requested to postpone dinners un
til 6 p.m. (DSTj to enable stu
dents to attend the dance.
Members of the Junior Weekend
court will be introduced by Mike
Lally, general chairman for Junior
3:00 Idaho-U of O Baseball Game
5:30 News
5:45 Campus News
6:00 Campus Interview
6:15 Music in the Air
6:30 Workshop Drama
7:00 Progressive Rhythms
7:30 Surprise Package
7:45 Invitation to Read
8:00 Campus Classics
9:00 Serenade to the Student
10:00 Anything Goes
10:50 News
10:55 A Tune on Say Goodnight
Awarding of the trophies for the
all-campus cleanup will be made
by Jack Nichols, chairman of cam
pus cleanup.
Alpha Phi Omega, national ser
vice fraternity, will award the Al
pha Phi Omega Service Cup to an
outstanding underclassman in cam
pus service.
Education Meet
Set for Campus
The second annual Northwest re
gional elementary school princi
pals’ work conference will be held
here June 16-27 in the Student
The work conference is open to
teachers, superintendents and
others, as well as principals, who
arc interested in improving educa
tion for children. The states of
Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Mon
tana and Utah will be represented.
Adolph A. Sandin, associate pro
fessor of education and director of
the conference, said about 150 per
sons will attend.
Objective of the conference is to
bring together all those who have
a mutual concern for elementary
schools’ weaknesses, problems,
needs and significant trends
11:45 Chem Staff 111 SU
Noon Movie Comm 313 SU
Coop Bd 114 SU
Spanish Table 110 SU
Deseret 113 SU
Speech Dept 112 SU
2:00 W8SF 118 SU
3:00 AF KOTC Intv 213 SU
3:30 Jr Week Pmtn 111 SU
4:00 Art Gallery 313 SU
Personnel 302 SU
Br Km Comm 201 SU
Float Parade Reps 214 SU
Asbly Comm 337 SU
4:30 Terrace Dance Terrace SU
6:30 Scabbard & Blade 333 SU
Kwama 315 SU
IKC Disc 214 SU
7:30 Phi Delta Phi 1st FI Gerl
Phi Alpha Delta 3rd FI Gerl
Chess Club 110 SU
8:00 Morse Lecture
Music Sch Aud
213 SU
Give Mother
a Treat
Take her to the
for a
Special Dinner
Reservations Required
Ph. 4-6139
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Notion and Woman
Prove 'All Wet'
PARIS — (U.R) — Two young
heroes said Wednesday the popu
lar notion that a woman has a
right to change her mind Is "all
Within the space of an hour
Wednesday, each had jumped in
to the Seine River to rescue a
young woman who had attempt
ed suicide and yelled for help be
cause the water was too cold.
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in fish and seafoods
Call 4-2371
Fresh, frozen and canned
fish and seafoods
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