Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1952, Page Seven, Image 7

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    , Newburn Named to Executive Group
Of American Council on Education
University President H. K. New
burn has been appointed to the
executive committee of the Ameri
can Council on Education.
Newburn is currently studying
on a grant in Europe.
The appointment was made Sat
urday at the 33rd annual conven
tion of the council in Chicago. The
executive committee consists of
nine members, six of whom are ap
pointed by the council—two each
year—for three-year terms.
Two other members are the
chairman and secretary of the
council, who become the chairman
and secretary of the committee;
the remaining member is the Unit
ed States Commissioner of Educa
tion, ex-officio.
The ACE is a council of national
“constituent” groups — including
educational associations “associate
members”—groups with related in
terests, and “institutional” mem
bers — including universities, col
YMCA Secretary
Jack Merner Quits
To Enter Ministry
Jack Merner, executive secretary
for the YMCA, has resigned his po
sition to enter the Congregational
Church ministry.
Merner, a graduate of the Uni
versity of Washington and the Yale
Divinity School, has been with the
campus YMCA group for five
years. He was ordained as a Con
gregational minister April 20 in
services at the First Congregation
al Church of Eugene.
The YMCA committee has been
appointed by Winfield Atkinson,
chairman of the advisory board, to
survey the leadership needs of the
YMCA and seek a successor to
Retailing Honorary
Taps 15 Initiates
Twelve University students and
three Oregon businessmen were
tapped by Eta Mu Pi, national re
tailing honorary, during the Ore
gon Retail Distributors’ Institute,
held here Sunday and Monday.
Selected by the honorary were
Richard Haake, Alan Babb, Mary
Alice Baker, Thomas Lynch, Rod
Smith, James Rippey, James
Owens, Bill Carey, Robert Wilkins,
Albert Hampton, Elizabeth Miller
ri~ and Richard Schwary.
Merchants named to the honor
ary were Donald Farr, mayor of
Coquille, Reese Dooley of Albany,
past ORDI president, and Albert L.
Green of Portland, ORDI adviser
and manager.
Elmer N. Calef of Portland was
elected president of the ORDI, re
placing Gene Vandeneynde of Sa
lem. Other new officers were: first
vice-president, W. F. McKinley of
Portland: second vice-president, J.
D. Swenson of Salem; third vice
president, Robert Needham of Sa
lem, and fourth vice-president, J.
V. Owens of Klamath Falls.
Re-elected treasurer was Henry.
R. Burch of Eugene and named to
serve again as directors for two
year terms were Harold Wendel of
Portland and Dooley.
Music Honorary
Pledges 10 Men
Phi Mu Alpha Sinafonia, men's
national music honorary, pledged
10 men recently.
Pledged were William Woods, in
structor in piano; William O’Leary
and Grover Rodich, graduates in
music; Donald Loftus and Richard
Ramsdell, seniors in music; Paul
Roake, junior in music; Leonard
Jared, sophomore in music; Robert
Kuykendall and Ray Walden,
freshmen in music; and Edward
Kenney, freshman in architecture.
leges, city and private school sys
tems, and like organizations. It is
a clearing house for exchange of
information, a liaison with the
federal government, a project-ad
ministration agency at the request
of the defense, navy, and state de
partments and a pioneer in educa
tion methodology.
The council operates through
committees and commissions. New
burn has been chairman of the Pa
cific coast committee of the ACE.
Van Meter Talks
William Van Meter, deputy com
missioner of the Oregon bureau of
labor, spoke to the campus chap
ter of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People Tuesday night, explaining
the provisions of the Fair Em
ployment Practices act in Oregon.
He felt that the law as it stands
now in Oregon is quite good and
that no changes should be made.
He went on to explain the protec
tion that is provided under the
In an open discussion period that
followed, he answered questions
about the FEPC act and told how
the commission had acted with
“beligercnt” employeers who were
disobeying the act.
Later in the discussion period a
member of the audience pointed
out that most fraternities and
sororities discriminate against
Negroes and Orientals in the selec
tion of membership and that all
such students must live off
campus or in the dormitories. Van
Meter then stressed the import
ance of an educational program
for all prejudiced persons.
Election Contest
(Continued from f'apc one)
filed the day of the elections (April
30) and according to the two, be
fore they knew the election results,
is as follows:
“We feel that today’s elections
were held contrary to provisions
of (the) Consitution. Therefore, it
is our duty in the interest of good
government to contest these elec
tions regardless of the outcome.
This is not to contest the fitness
of any candidate, but the organic
law should be followed.”
The point of contesting the elec
tion is to indicate the “fallacies" of
constitution in regard to the elec
tion procedure, the two said. They
cited the constitution provisions
for the time polling booths should
be open, which were said to be vio
lated from two minutes to around
one half hour.
. to the Letter . .
They called for new elections on
the basis that the last ones were
not held according to the constitu
tion which they said in their peti
tion “must be followed to the let
ter by all concerned.”
Francis Linklater and Fred
Risser, fifth-year law students,
have taken over the job of pre
senting the case of the petitioners
to the constitution committee, they
Hawaiians Hold Luau on Campus;
300 Students Attend Celebration
Hawaii came to the campus—
with all her bright colors and
strange dishes- last weekend.
Over 300 Hawaiian students,
from the University of California,
from Washington State and from a
dozen other West Coast colleges,
converged on Oregon for an an
nual celebration, sponsored by Hui
O Kamaina, club for Hawaiian stu
dents here. —
Big event in the two-day gather
ing was the Luau, a feast of na
tive dishes eaten in island fashion
which was held Saturday night in
Guests sat on mats on the floor
and ate Poi, lau lau (Taro, leaves,
fish and pork), chicken laua, lomi
lomi salmon (raw salmon, tomato,
onion and salt), coconut cakes and
coconut chips with their fingers.
Friday night there was a party
for all the visiting Hawaiians and
their guests. Following this Min
turn hall serenaded women's living
organizations on campus.
Committee heads for the celebra
tion included Jim Solidum general
chairman, Orlando Mathais, Mar
lire Abplanap, Terry Nagasaki,
Barbara Silva, Henry Fong, Reg
inald Park, Don Hanaike, Charles
Oyama, Hilda Wong, Bill Crandall,
Carson Moore and Yoshinobu Ter
Former Prime Minister of Indian State
Will Address (JO Majlis, Other Students
One of the most controversial
and colorful figures in modern In
dia will visit the campus during
this weekend as a part of “India
Day” and will address a meeting
under the auspices of the Oregon
Majlis, foreign students’ cultural
group on campus.
The speaker is Sir C. P. Ramas
wami Yiyar, a former Prime Min
ister of Travancore in South India.
“India Day,” joint undertaking
of the Majlis, the. Northwest Con
ference on Religion in Higher Edu
cation and Oregon Conference on
Philosophy of Religion, will open
Saturday with Sir Ramaswami’s
address at the Dads' Lounge in the
Student Union at 4 p.m. (DSTi.
The meeting will be a continuation
of the two conferences to be in
progress on campus Friday and
Ethics of Writing
(Continued from pncie one)
work available to Hollywood.
When asked if one could then
conclude that a writer could not
be held ethically responsible for
anything he writes, he replied:
“It is not important for any
w’riter to exist ... He is faced
with a problem of communication
. . . he is not a writer until his writ
ing is read ... it is no sin to make
money or to have readers.”
“Is the object of a writer to have
readers, then ?” it was asked.
DeVoto answered that the num
ber of readers is irrelevant, that
the audience was making too much
of such concepts as “responsibil
ity,” that they are meaningless.
‘Writers have far less social util
ity than plumbers,” he added.
Loss Would Be ‘Negligible’
The author of “The Easy Chair”
(in Harper’s magazine) stated that
if all the writers of today were
wiped off the earth, the net effect
on culture and society would be
In reply to a question concerning
the compatibility of integrity and
making a living in professional
writers, DeVoto implied, that those
two qualities are embodied in all
professional writers of today—
writers wrho are concerned with do
ing a workmanlike job.
Democrats ‘Sunk’
In his press conference Tuesday
morning DeVoto said that now that
Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois
will not be a Democratic candidate
for president, the Democratic party
is "sunk”. Asked about Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D.-Tenn.), DeVoto said,
“The party pros will take Kefauver
to the cleaners.”
“Anybody could beat Taft (Sen.
Robert A. Taft (R.-Ohio)," he said,
“and Stevenson could beat Eisen
hower (Gen. Dwight D. Eisen
Greater Love Hath—
Sheriff J. R. Cummins had to turn
down a three-man delegation that
offered to serve a day apiece s*
that their jailed' companion's sen
tence would be finished.
Saturday. Sir Ramaswami will
speak on “The Challenge of Com
munism in Asia".
Dinner Planned
A dinner honoring Sir Rarnas
wami is planned at 6 p.m. DST Sat
urday at the Faculty club and
will be open to the public. Tickets
for the dinner are SI.25 and may
be obtained from Wallace Balding
er, associate professor of art, at
the art school: William Yeomens,
president of the Majlis or from
members of Majlis responsible for
the “India Day" program—M. S.
Venkataramani, Basdeo Maharajh,
or Durga Bhutani. Dinner tickets
will also be available at the regis
tration desk during the conference
Friday and Saturday.
An informal discussion on Hindu
philosophy and culture will be held
after the dinner Saturday evening
with a presentation of Hindu music
and art and Indian films.
Sunday morning Sir Ramaswami
will be the guest speaker at the
9:30 and 11 a.m. DST services at
the Eugene Congregational Church.
He will speak on “India's Religious
Noted Lawyer
Sir Ramaswami, a noted lawyer
in India, held several important
assignments during the days of
British rule in that country. A
scholar of repute, he traveled wide
ly and is well-known in political
and academic circles throughout
the British Commonwealth.
Ramaswami ruled in the state
of Travarcore and opposition to his
administration from certain groups
culminated in an assassination at
tempt four years ago. Sir Ramas
wami escaped. He retired from ac
tive public life when constitutional
changes were made in India.
All hours Daylight time
Noon l’M,YW Cabinets 111 SW
Faculty Senate HOST/
Alpha Kappa Delta 113 SU
Record Music Comm
3:00 AF ROTC Int
3:30 SU Bd
4:00 Pi Lambda Theta
6:30 Jr Week end
Dance Comm
Young Demos
7:00 AF ROTC Int
Skull & Dagger
Educ Movie
Sq Dance
7:30 Br Rm Lecture
Ins Society
8:00 Hillel
0:00 Educ Movie
313 SU
215 SU
337 SU
113 SU
313 STJ
302 SU
214 SU
215 SU
315 SU,
207 Chap
Gerl Annex
201 SU
114 SU
110 SU
333 SU
334 SU
207 Chap
Makeup Editor: Paul BIuem!c.
Copy Desk: Xoreen Johnson,
Phil Bettens, Jim Haycox.
Night Staff
Night Editor: Marge Floren.
Staff: Helen Wright, Aloy-n
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