Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1952, Page Seven, Image 6

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    .KWAX Plans Tour
For Senior Guests
During "Duck Preview” .Satur
day, KWAX, the campus KM radio
station, will be on the air from 0
n.m. to 12 noon ao that high school
seniors can view the simulated
broadcast procedure.
A tour of radio facilities and an
explanation of station operation
will be held under the direction
of D. Glenn Htarlln, assistant pro
fessor of speech.
5:13 Guest Star
5:S0 News
5:45 Sports Shots
6:00 Tuble Hopping
6:30 Entertainment Guide
6:45 Kellglou* News
7:00 International Visitor
« 7:15 Time for Tonne
7:30 Dlxlography
8:00 Ite^uest Time
10:30 News
10:55 A Tune to Say Goodnight
3:00 Freshman Forum
4:00 BBC Theatre
5:00 Musle for the Connoisseur
6:00 Songs for Sunday
7:00 Sign Off
'State Fair' Is
SU Sunday Movie
“State Fair” will be the Sunday
movie at 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. in the
Student Union ballroom.
Starring Jeanne Craine and Dick
Haymes “State Fair” is a Rodgers
and Harnmerstein musical in tech
nicolor about a farmer's family and
their Adventures with hogs, bran
died mincemeat and Romance at
the State Fair.
The movie features the academy
award winning song, “It Might As
Well Be Spring.”
Admission Is 30 cents.
Vodvil Program Starts
At 8 p.m. Tonight
(( oiitinued from page one)
this year and is donated by Kver
green theater. Formerly there was
»cne trophy for the best act among
both men and women.
A plaque will be given to the
freshman men's dorm with the
highest GPA for the year. The
plaque is awarded by the Junior
Chamber of Commerce.
During the Vodvil an award will
bo given for the “Ugly Man” con
test winner. Five finalists are en
tered in the contest Hank Bonne
maip Nell Chase, Mel Blevens,
Dave Jeremiah and Ulrich Trump
oner. The winner will receive a cup
an^l Herman, the traveling moose
head donated by Alpha Phi Omega.
Booths Close
Booths in the Co-op and the SU
will close at noon today for the
contest but will be set up in Mc
Arthur court at the beginning of
the show to allow further voting.
The Dick Schwary quintet will
play between acts and will include
several solo numbers, one a drum
solo to “Sweet Georgia Brown."
The combo includes Dick Schwary.
trumpet; Bob Hughes, drums; Tom
White, bass; Bozo Cftvaco, guitar;
and Kaare Sandegren, piano. They
will play about ten numbers in
cluding "Tenderly,” "Melancholy
Rhapsody,” "Stardust" and "Man
With a Horn.”
During the judging for the show
Ed Kenney will sing, Susan Fitz
gerald will give a dramatic mono
, logue, Verla Thompson, and Phil
■? lip Lewis will pantomime a record
l to “She’s a Lady.”
Religious Notes
Compiled by Tom Shepherd
At Us recent elections, Inter
Vnrslty Christian Fellowship elect
or! Itay .Steed president. Other new
officers are Vice-president Bar
bara Freeman, Secretary MarJIc
rravllllon, Devotions Chuirmun
Ksther Trippct, Contact Chairman
Kuth Cutllp and Activities Chair
man Dotti Schick.
The group will hold its weekly
meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday In the
Student Union with Miss Rosalind
Rlnker, I-VCF state staff member,
speaking on the topic, "Why I am
a Christian.” Visitors arc Invited
to attend.
Gamma Delta
Lutheran students of the Mis
souri synod will meet at 5:30 p.m
Sunday for a topic discusion and
business meeting at 1343 Mill st
Newman Club
University of Oregon Newman
club members will join with two
other schools for a picnic Sunday
at Silver Creek Falls near Salem,
according to Hank Herbring, presi
All members must bring their
own hot dogs and buns, Herbring
added, but all other refreshments
will be furnished. Oregon students
desiring transportation should cal!
Dick Schwary at 5-1874. The
groups will leave at 11:30 am.
Westminster Foundation
Due to Duck Preview activities
♦ hero will bo no scheduled Friday
and Saturday night get-togethers
at Westminster.
The Book of Acts will be the sub
ject for study at the 9:30 a.m. Sun
day Bible study class at the house.
The Rev. Thom Hunter will lead
the group.
A picnic and vesper service is
planned by Westminster at 5 p.m.
Sunday. The group will meet at
Westminster house and go from
there to Armitage park.
Barbara Fulton is student leader
for the Wednesday noon chapel
A fellowship dinner is planned
for 5:30 p.m. Wednesday with the
I stewardship commission supervis
Canterbury Club
f anterbury Club will meet Sun
day at St. Mary's Episcopal
church. Evening prayer begins at
5:30 p.m. and will be followed by
supper and discussion.
Episcopal students are reminded
of the weekly celebration of the
Holy Communion at 7 a.m Wed
i uesday in Gerlinger hall.
Lutheran Students
| Lutheran student association's
regular Sunday meeting will begin
j at 5:30 p in. with a buffet supper.
Quirinus Breen, professor of his
j tory, will speak following the sup
per or. the topic, "Christ at Work:
100-300 A.D.y The public is cordi
ally invited.
HAY 1st
J lie last day for purchasing'
rneinherships in the Co-op
for the school year 1951-52
0b Jiome
13th & Patterson Sts., Eugene, Oregon
The private library of the late John Canoe, Pro
fessor of History, will he on sale on the balcony
of the
University of Oregon Co-op
First Baptist Church
Broadway at High Dr. Vance il. Taylor, Pastor
9:45 a.in. — University class — Bred Beard, teacher
11 :00 a.in. — “Christ and Our Privileges”
Broadcast over KASIf
6:30 p.m. — Youth Fellowship'Hour
7:30 p.m. — “This Is Indonesia”
in pictures and message by Rev. John Breman.
873 E. 13th Dial 5-9369
When good fellows
get together
they wear Sportshirts
Indoors or out, when you see r crowd of campus biggies
relaxing, you’re sure to notice that the really smart boys
are wearing Manhattan Sportshirts. The reason is as
simple as a snap course. Manhattan Sportshirts are style
right, handsomely tailored, and so darned comfortable
you just hate to take ’em off. Manhattan has them in long
and short sleeves ... in a wide variety of colors and
patterns all in the finest fabrics. All are the sportiest you
could put on your back when you wapt to take it easy!
bill baker's mens wear
“beside the side”