Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1952, Page Three, Image 3

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Place your ad at either the Stu
dent I nlon main desk or the
Emerald ‘‘Shuck’’; or call
5-1511, ext. 210 between 2
and 4 p.m.
I tat cm: First Insertion 4c per
word; xiihNetpienl Insertions 2c
per word.
WANT TO BUY lute model
standard portable typewriter.
5-5143. 110
: .XP WANTED 2 purt-tlme
girls In the Sports Dep t., 1 full
time secretary,' 1 part-time of
fice girl; experience. Call Mr.
Bussell at Russell’s Dep't. Store.
Phone 5-3314. 110
house ut 1448High St. $55.
CLUB COUPE. Radio, Heater, 41
Chev. Comp, motor overhaul.
Best offer over $850.00 L. A.
Green, 2200-3 Patterson. 110
Future Dentists
To Be Interviewed
Students who are enrolled In the
pre-dental course at the Univer
sity of Oregon and want to enter
the University of Oregon Dental
school next full will be interviewed
this evening and Saturday.
Ellis Jump, chairman of the ad
mission •committee, and George
Batterson, educational advisor,
both from the dental school, will
interview students who are inter
ested in attending the school.
Students who plan to be inter
viewed must make appointments at
Room 1, McClure hall, by Friday
afternoon. The interviews will be
held in Rooms 1 and 6 in McClure.
175 E. Broadway
Eugene, Oregon
Expert Watch and
Jewelry Repairing
Phone 4-5353
In the days when it took a
real Composer to know a
Grace Note from a seventh
inverted minor chord,
there was n Freshman
named Orgatroyd whose
Aunt had told him the
l'iano was the Fast lrack
to popularity on Campus ana meriaiier. tic
Relieved her urn! took lessons.
Being tone Deaf, Orpy kicked the Dash
hoard out of the family Steinwuy over miss
ing n f!oeducationul Picnic in order to prac
tice “Forest Felloes", In college, sonic other
Student with the ivory touch wan always
making Orgy's Schubert sound like hydraulic
brakes. This frustrated our Boy. Next, he
met a Brunette. She was cold to Cacophony
Intt u Set up for Sonnets. He took to writing
• her Sequences, for which lie had a gift. But
she was getting Mail by tlie bushel, llis
vaporinge were tossed out witli the Bills.
Desperate, Orgy got. Then he saw a sign
Jlut said “Just Call Western Union”, llis
next Sonnet hit the Brunette on u Yellow
’ Blank that even She could scan, ller mother
, invited Orgy Home for n Meeting. Today he
is a Foreman in his Mate’s Father’s Cold
• Boiled Mill.
5 * From Matriculation to Old Age, there’s
4 Mailc in a Telegram. For whipping a Saw
buck from the Skipper, grubbing a Deathless
Bate from the Jaws of the Basketball Cap
> tain, or heating a Business Rival to the Draw,
, L Telegram does ni\y Job quicker and belter.
Violinist to Give
Recital Sunday
Robert Groth, violinist, will pre
i sent his senior recital at 4 p.m.
•Sunday In the music school audi
torium. He will be accompanied by
Dorothy Pederson, pianist. The re
cital is open to the public.
• Groth haa been a student soloist
1 in the orchestra concert for out
j standing students this year, as has
Miss Pederson. He plays first po
; sition violin In the University or
j chestra and is also a member of
the University student string quar
Petitions Asked
For Annual Dance
Petitions for chairmen of the
Mortar Board Ball, annual girl
date-boy affair May 24, arc due
| today.
Petitions should be turned in to
Marilyn Thompson, Delta Delta
| Delta; Jeanne Hoffman, Kappa Al
pha Theta; or at the Mortar Board
' box, third floor of the Student
I Union.
WSSF Auction Today
(Continued jrnni po>/e one)
for their high school guests down
for Duck Preview,” Carothers said.
Ail funds will go to the WSSF
drive, as will donations from the
Ugly Man contest and the all-cam
pus vodvil show.
Included in the campus queen
group will be Cathy Tribe, Betty
Co-ed; Audrey Mistretta, Miss Ore
gon; Charlotte Heup, Little Col
onel; Verla Thompson, Moonlight
Girl of Phi Sigma Kappa; and
Anne Steiner, Sweetheart of Sig
ma Chi.
The faculty members are Ray
Hawk, director of men’s affairs,
and Mrs. Hawk; Alan Wickham,
social living instructor at Eugene
high; Mrs. Golda Wickham, di
rector of women's affairs; Les
Anderson, alumni secretary; and
A. L. Ellingston, counselor for
A special surprise group will also
be sold which will be appropriate
only for sororities to buy and it
will remain a secret until auction
time, Carothers said.
Skull and Dagger
Skull and Dagger petitions, due
today, should be turned in to John
Beal, Phi Kappa Psl, or Bob Scott,
Sigma Chi.
Text of Proposed Amendment
(Kti note: The following Is an amendment to the ASUO constitu
tion which will appear on the ballot April 30, the general student
body election date.)
The ASUO Senate proposes to the Associated Students of
the University of Oregon that:
Article VI, Section IV (Dates of Elections) be amended
to change Freshman elections from after the first and prior
to the fifth week of winter term, to after the fifth and prior to
the eighth week of fall term.
( ) YES, I vote to adopt the proposed amendment.
( ) NO, I vote against the adoption of the proposed
Place your orders now for
Caps, Gowns and Announcements
Note: A few poor quality announcements were
delivered in error. Anyone having these, please
return to us for replacement.
Chinese food tastes best in hot weather.
Come in any enjoy our in a quiet restful at
mosphere. Stop by on your way up the
rod taylor's
4090 Pacific Hi way South
Dial 5-0046
Bellow to Speak
i Saul Bellow, noted author and
! lecturer, will again be the speaker
at the browsing room coffee-hour
at 7:30 p.m. tonight. James Hart
will be the discussion leader for
, the evening.
Sugar Plum
13th & Hilyard
Drive Right Up
Anytime .. .
We have everything
to go for those Mc
Kenzie picnics! We'
ve got the snack that
^ will bring you back
" for more. You'll like
our food!
4325 Pacific Hwv. South
Phone 5-8814
..■ ■ —)
Spring is here...
and so ar_ $trip6S by
Ship'n Shore'
A fabulous collection of fashion-bright SHIP'n SHORE striped
blouses, newly arrived... straight from the pages of fashion %
magazines! Wide stripes ... narrow stripes ... stripes in blocks
end colors galore. Ever lovely, ever washable combed cotton
broadcloths and woven ginghams. Sizes 30 to 40.