Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1952, Image 1

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\ illume Mil
Fifty-third year of Publication
Duck Preview Begins Tonight:
Busy Schedule
Awaits Visitors
At Duck Preview
The high school seniors visiting
the- campus this Duck Preview
weekend have h program In store
for them which will keep them
busy from the moment they arrive
on campus until they leave Sunday
On Friday, registration begins
officially at 7 p.m. in the Student
Union and ends at 10 p.m. How- 1
ever seniors arriving early today
will be able to register beginning
at 4 p.m.
All Campus Vodvll
At 8 p.m Friday night, the All
Campus Vodvll show begins at
McArthur court. Campus clothes
will hr- worn.
Registration continues from 9
to 11 a m. on Saturday in the Stu
dent Union.
From 9 to 12 am., there will be!
an informal tour of the campus. t
Exhibits will be on display in de- |
Professor* Available
Processors will be available in 1
the various departments to give
advice to the visitors and chat j
with them about their studies.
Saturday noon there will be a
luncheon for high school seniors j
and University freshmen in the;
Student Union. Entertainment will
he provided and student and fac- ,
Preview Schedule
Friday Night
5:30 p.in.—Dinners In rumpus
thing organizations.
7-10 p.in.—Registration in SF.
H p.m. — All - Campus I'uilvll
slum In McArthur court.
!)-ll a.m.—Registration In Sl'.
9-12 a.ni.—Campus Tours.
12 noon—Luncheon In SC ball
2-4:30 p.m.—Afternoon events.
5-7 p.m.—Exchange dinners.
9-12:30 p.m. — All - Campus
11 a.m.—Church.
1 p.m.—Dinner in living orga
ulty speakers will speak. Campus
clothes will be in order.
Amphibian Pageant
The Amphibian pageant, a re
view of the fall term water show
will be held in the men's pool at
2 p.m.
An Oregon-OSC junior varsity
game is scheduled for 2 p.m. at
Howe field. *
Panhellenic will hold an informal
snack time for the women in Ger
linger hall from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
The YWCA facilities will be
open all afternoon.
Exchange dinners will be held
in the campus living organizations
from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. The din
ners are to be informal and cam
pus clothes will be adequate. The
dinners were moved from Sunday
to Saturday because many of the
.visiting seniors must leave early
Sunday in order to return home.
Planning the Weekend
JACKIE WILKES, right, general chairman for Duck Preview Week
end, reviews plans for the weekend with Bill Carey, ASl'O president,
and Janet Leffcll, Carey’s secretary.
A group of campus bcaulics,
members of Skull and Dagger,
men's sophomore service honorary,
four faculty members and the six
Ugly .Man contest finalists will
be auctioned off to the highest
bidders at the World Students
Service Fund auction on the Stu
dent Union terrace today immcdi
atedly following the "Friday at
Four" musical program, about
1:15 p.m.
According to Wayne Carothers,
auction chairman, the groups pur- j
chased will serve Friday or- Satur- 1
day night dinners and provide
some type of entertainment.
"This is a good way for the j
houses to have something unusual
(Please turn la facie three)
All-campus Vodvif
Opens Program
For Prep Visitors
I hick Preview weekend for 1952 gets under way tonight
when the All-Campus Vodvil begins at H p.m. in McArthur
court. A full program has been outlined by the Duck Preview
committee. Approximately 450 women and 400 men have indi
cated that they will be here for the weekend's events.
me nign school guests will be
housed in campus living organiza-1
tions, cooperatives, fraternities,
sororities and dormitories.
Can Register at 4 p.m.
The visitors can begin register
ing at 4 p.m. today, although reg-'
istration is not slated to start offi-!
cially until 7 p.m. A booth will be !
open in the Student Union for this
Pairings for Saturday’s exchange 1
dinners have been released by Carol
Dwyer, chairman for exchange din
ners Saturday night.
Pairings Announced
Pairings for women's living or
ganizations are:
Alpha Chi Omega. Carson hall;
Alpha Xi Delta. Carson hall; Kap
pa Kappa Gamma, Carson hall;
Zeta Tau Alpha, Carson hall; Pi
Beta Phi, Carson hall; Alpha Delta
Pi. Cfhi Omega; Alpha Gamma Del
ta. Delta Zeta; Alpha Omicron Pi.
Delta Delta Delta; Alpha Phi,
Kappa Alpha Theta; Delta Gamma.
Hendricks hall; Gamma Phi Beta.
Sigma Kappa; Rebec House. Uni
versity House; Highland House.
Ann Judson House.
Men's Houses
Men's pairings are as follows:
Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Phi Ep
silon; Phi Gamma Delta. Alpha
Tau Omega; Sigma Xu. Beta The
ta Pi; Chi Psi. Theta Chi; Delta
Upsilon, Phi Sigma Kappa; Kappa
Sigma. Lambda Chi Alpha; Tau,
Kappa Epsilon. Pi Kappa Phi: Pi
Kappa Alpha, Campbell Club: Phi
Kappa Sigma, Philadelphia House:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Phi Delta
Theta; Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Al
oha Ensilon. Phi Delta Theta.
Special Edition
A special four-page edition of
the Emerald, prepared by visiting
high school students, will be pub
lished Saturday morning.
Vodvil Program
Starts af 8 p.m.
Ten vaudeville acts will be pre
sented beginning at 8 p.m. today
in. McArthur court in the annual
Duck Preview weekend feature—•
the All-campus Vodvil.
Tickets are available in the Co
op and the Student Union at 60
The following acts will be pre
sented in the show:
Alpha Delta Pi. "Waiting for
the Robert E. Lee"; Sigma Alpha
Mu, "Streetcar Named Bus"; CM.
Omega, ' The Hour for Toys": Phi
Xappa Psi, "Salvation Bill”; Delta
Delta Delta. "Girl Crazy"; Camp
bell club, “Flicker Frolics": Kappa
Kappa Gamma, "Doll Dance": Sig
ma Phi Epsilon. "A Salesman
Herman's Back!
Kerman, the fast-traveling,
elusive moose head whi<fc will be
awarded tonight to the “ugliest
man on campus," returned to his
temporary owners. Sigma Phi
Epsilon, early Thnr-, lay morn
After a trip Wednesday night
which involved stops at the Chi
Psi house. Delta Up don and
finally the ROTC building, where
he was discovered and returned
to the Sig Eps, Herman was
being groomed Thursday for dis
play at tonight’s Vodvil show.
Named Desire”; Delta Gamma, "I
Can Smell It Now and Phi Delta
Theta. "Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”
Rotating Trophies
Rotating trophies will be award
ed the best performer, the best
men’s act and the test women's
act. The women's award is new
(Please turn .Y /eye j.'t eu)
Science Building Dedication Program
Includes Speeches, Discussion Periods
Dedication of the University's
spanking-new science building be
gins today, with official ceremonies
scheduled for 3 p.m. in the build
ing's main lecture room.
The program, today and Satur
day, will include talks and discus
sion by Oregon state officials,
prominent scientists and Univer- ,
sity science faculty members. It
will get underway with the official
inspection of the three-stories-plus- ]
a-basement building by the state
hoard of higher education building
committee at 10 a.m.
Besides the addresses of the dedi- i
cation and science conference
schedule, two open houses will be ;
held, one for students, staff, fami-1
iles and friends of the University
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today and,
the other for the general public
from 9 to 10:30 p.m.
Last event will be a tour of the
building, housing physics, chemis
try and biology, and demonstra
tions at 1:30 p.m. Saturday.
Speakers at the dedication cere
monies this afternoon will be Gov.
Douglas McKay; President Edgar
>V. Smith of the state board of
higher education; R. E. Kleinsorge,
chairman of the building commit
tee; Chancellor Charles D. Byrne
of the state system of higher edu
cation; Alan T. Waterman, direc
tor of the National Science foun
dation; and Acting University
President William C. Jones.
The following addresses will be
given in the $1,600,000 building;
all in the main lecture room;
“Science Looks Ahead," by Wat
erman, at S p.m. today.
"Problems in Modern Biology,"
by G. W. Beadle, chairman of the
division of biology, California In
stitute of Technology, at 9:30 a.m.
"Chemical Institutions and Sci
entific Personnel in Europe," sem
inar address by G. Ross Robert
son, professor of chemistry, UCLA,
at 10:50 a.m. Saturday.
"Current Research in Nuclear
' Physics," by S. K. Allison, head
of the Institute for Nuclear
Studies, University of Chicago, at
1:30 p.m. Saturday.
Discussion periods will bo held
after all addresses except the one
today by Waterman.
A dinner for visiting scientists
and guests will be held by the Ore
gon chapter of Sigma Xi, science
honorary, at 6 p.m. today in the
Student Union.
A coffee hour and reception at 3
p.m. Saturday in the SU will fea
ture a panel discussion on "Educa
tion for Science." Participants will
be Allison, Beadle, Robertson, Wa
terman, Donald Stotler, supervisor
of science for the Portland public
school system; Clarence Diebel,
science teacher at Eugene high
school; P. J. Van Rysselberghe,
professor of chemistry; and E. G.
Ebbighausen, associate professor of
physics, who will act as chairman.
"Science Loci:-; Arc .d”