'Operation Politics' Cut to One Day Due to Coniiict With House Dances “Operation Politics," Oregon’s rock political convention, will be 1 -Id only May 2. not May 2 and 3 n- originally planned, due to mi x' ■'rous house dances planned for Saturday. May 3. Governor Val Peterson of Ne braska will be the key-note speak e* at the convention. The decision to hold a mock Re p blican convention was made earlier by the students through a campus poll. Houses Voted V'arious living organizations have been paired and assigned the slates to be represented at the con vention. Each living organization e' >cted its representatives for their respective states. Representatives ace to contact the Republican headquarters of their assigned s’»tes in order to determine for vhora that state will vote in the If national presidential nominating convention. House representatives are urged to call Bob Ridderbusch, Phi Sigma Kappa, as soon as they have com pleted a list of their delegates. Students living off campus who are interested in serving as delegates are also requested to call Ridder busch. Idea Caine From Oborlln The original idea for the mock convention came from the Oberlin college convention in Ohio, which boasts of 92 years of experience with mock conventions. It is the desire of the students planning the convention that "Op erations Politics" will be a realis tic replica of a national conven tion. port WSSF. Support your Ugly Man -sup ■ ■ i. ,1 ■ -I CAMPUS ZOO" Ali-campus Vodvil £.ilie*ti*Uf On ...Qn KWAX Thursday 3:00 Idaho-U of (> llasebnll :.H0 Nous 5:45 (’ampus Nows 0:00 Campus Intorvlow 8:15 Musio in tho Air 0:30 Workshop Drama 7:00 Progressive Khythms 7:30 Surpriso Paekage r 7:45 Invitation to Hoad 8:00 Campus Classics 0:00 Serenade to tho Student 10:00 Anything (loos 10:50 News 10:55 A Tune on Say Goodnight CAMPUS CALENDAR 10:00 Home Ext 110 SIT Noon Chem Staff 112 SIT l'hi Theta Epsilon Comm ESE Movie Comm 318 SE Queen Sel 11 1 SIT Spanish Table 113 SU j Deseret 214 SE | 12:30 Theta Siffina l*hl 213 SE I 2:00 WSSF 215 SU 3:30 Jr Week-end Promotion 113 SE j 4:00 Bar/.an Coffee Hr Dads Km SE Br Km Comm 201 SE Art Gallery Comm 313 SE l’ers Comm 302 SE 6:30 Seabhard A Blade 313 SE Foods Movie 110 SE 7:00 ASEO Nimi Ashly Ballrtn SE 7:30 IRC Elect 333 SE Chess Club 1I2SL' IVCF 111 SE 9:00 Rush Chrm 213 SE little Boy Short* 10-20 ... $3.95 Clamdiggers 10-20 ... $4.95 Carryall. . $2.95 Deck Trou 10 20 ... $5.95 W/tiU Bottoms are Tops Half Maori Bodice 10-20, $3.95 Laiy Susan Wrap Skirt S-M-l, $7.95 Rope Jack 10-20, $5.95 Hoe Down Skirt 10-20, $6.95 Wrap RaKal Sun Jumper S-M-l, $8.95 White Stag goes to all lengths, from scants to deck trou’s to deck you out for care-free days-in-the-sun. In ORIGINAL SAILCLOTH, the fabric that looks even better after scores of tubbings. Easy to iron. Sanforized, of course. GAY JUBILEE STRIPES AND SOLIDS (List the colors in solids and stripes you feature here.) Reserve Commissions Available Through Advanced ROIC Course Men who are not presently en rolled in the ROTC program, but who are eligible to apply for the advanced course and interested in obtaining a reserve commission are urged by the department of mili tary science to apply at that de partment. To tpiulify for enrollment in ad vanced ROTC an applicant must have completed two years of basic RCTC and have had two full aca demic years remaining in school or be a veteran of at least 12 months service arid have it at least two full academic years remaining at the University. Army and Air Foree Options The military department has an advanced army ROTC program and an nir force ROTC program. The army ROTC program offers train ing in the infanty and the trans portation corps. Upon successful completion of army ROTC training the graduate is appointed a second lieutenant in the organized reserve corps of the army. The advanced air force ROTC Art Workshop Deadline April 30 The deadline for turning in art material for the Student Work shop. to be held May 2 to 11, Is April 30 in the Student Union browsing room. Paintings submitted must be prepared for mounting, and water color work must be matted. Other materials which may be submitted are ceramics, sculpture and weav ing. Art majors who plan to submit work must do their projects out side of class or if done In class they must be a year old. Foreign Students To Be Entertained At Sunday Picnic The annual foreign student pic nic sponsored by the International affairs committee of the YMCA and YWCA will be held Sunday at the Frank Graham residence at Jasper. All persons planning to go are to leave their names at the YM of fice in the Student Union or the YW headquarters in Gerlinger by noon Friday, YW Chairman Bar bara Boushey has announced. Any one is invited to attend, Miss Bou shey said. The group attending will meet in back of the Student Union at 10 a.m. Sunday. Sack lunches are to be brought, Miss Boushey said, and refreshments will be provided. A charge of 25 cents will be made to cover the refreshments and transportation. Selective Service Qualification Tests Scheduled Today Selective Service qualification tests will be given on campus to day at 8:30 a.m. in Fenton hall, ac cording to J. Spencer Carlson, di rector of counceling and admis sions. All men planning to take the test he said, should present their tick ets of admission at room 3, Fen ton hall, where the test will be held. Doors will close at 9 a.m. for the exam. Persons taking the exam arc asked to bring a pen or a No. 2 pencil. The exam takes about three hours excluding time for reading instructions. Support your Ugly Man—sup port WSSF. offer* four options: administration and cglstica, comptrollcrshlp, gen ernl technical and flight opera* lions Thu administration and legistlcs option prepares the student In ad ministration, supply and transpor tation functions. The comptroller ship option prepares the cadet In the statistical service of the air force. General technical is primar ily designed for students majoring in science and mathematics, to pre pare them for the technical serv I ices of the air force. Flight opera | tions is designed to prepare stu dents for flight training in such ! positions as pilot, navigator, ob ! server, and radar man. Voluntary Application I Completion of the air force pro gram gives the cadet a commission as second lieutenant in air force reserve. The student must apply volun tarily for admission, according to the ROTC department, ami must be selected by the head of the In stitution and the head of the mili tary unit. Those selected must sign an agreement to continue In the KOTC during the remainder of their undergraduate courses, and to attend summer camp when or dered to do so. In return they become entitled to receive a monetary allowance (at the current rate 00 cents per day> except while attending camp. The four-week summer camp is usually attended between the junior and senior years. While at camp, the student is paid at the rate of $75 per month, ami is furnished sub slstence, housing, medical care and necessary uniforms. Railroad fare paid for by the ROTC, or a travel allowance of 5 cents per mile, is authorized for the round trip to and from camp. The advanced course contract is not to be confused with the defer ment agreement, which continues throughout the period of military training and thereafter as long as the individual remains in good standing in the ROTC program. The army ROTC is now accept ing applications for advanced training in transportation and In fantry fields. Deadline for applica tions is April 30. Applicants for army ROTC will be interviewed by a boatd of officers beginning Sat urday. PS Professors To Attend Meet Several members of the Univer sity of Oregon political science de partment will attend the fifth an nual Northwest Political Science association meeting at Washing ton State College in Pullman, Wash., Friday and Saturday. Faculty members who will par ticipate in the program are M. J. Flaeh, visiting lecturer in politi cal science, who will talk on “The Effect of the United Nations on International Tensions" at the round-table discussion of "The United Nations in the Framework of Power Politics;" and J. M. Fos kett, associate professor of sociol ogy, who will speak on “The Con tribution of Sociology to Political Science” during the round-table discussion of “The Contribution of History to Political Science.” Surprenant Elected Paul Surprenant, Pi Kappa Phi, was elected president of the House managers association Tuesday night. Other officers elected wore Low ell Schuck, Delta Upsilon, vice president; Bill Wright, Alpha Tail Omega, secretaiy; and Marty Johnson, Sigma Phi Epsilon, treas urer.