Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1952, Page Four, Image 4

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    Trackmen Hold Workout
As Moscow Trip Nears
The University of Oregon’s track
team ran through a light workout
Wednesday after Tuesday’s time
trials. The Duck cindermen are
preparing for their dual meet with
the Idaho Vandals Saturday.
The tracksters will leave Ku
gpne by plane at 7 a.ni. on Satur
day for Moscow. They will leave
at 7 pjn. for their return flight to
The Webfoots have faced Van
dal coach Stan Hiserman’s squad
jtfour times in the past, winning all
of the meets.
In 1951, the Vandals won one
-,and lost three in Northern Divi
sion dual meet competition and
liknished fourth In the N'D and
^iivth in the Pacific Coast Confer
ence. They lpst to last year’s Ore
gon traeksters by a 53 1-3 to 77 j
J2-3 count.
Two members of Oregon’s pres- J
er.t track team are the holders of
records in the Oregon-Idaho meet.
Jerry Mock holds the 220 yard
-dash record with 21.7. while Fred
Turner has registered the best
time in the two-mile run with his
9:50.7 last year.
The tentative traveling squad for
t le meet follows.
Sprints: Anderson. Mock. Smith.
440 yard dash: Fell. Clement.
880 yard run: Hutchins. Loftis.
4 Mile: Hutchins, Martin.
Two mile: "Reiser.
Hurdles: Blunt, Swalm, Risley.
High jump: Emery Barnes.
Desk Editor: Bill N'orvall.
Staff: John Whitty, Bob Zwald,
Jffttl Gurney, Ron Ricketts.
Oregon has won first place in j
Northern Division basketball cir-:
cles seven times.
Broad jump: McClure, Smith,
Pole vault: Packwood. Mannex,
Weights: Noe. Craig.
Javelin: Missfeldt.
There will also be a telegraphic
track meet to be held today be
tween the Oregon junior varsity
and the Washington State JV's.
Results in Wednesday s mixed
doubles bowling are as follows:
League no. 3
Moore and Graham 4, Butz and
Ireland 0. Troeh and Troeh 2. Allan
and Naapi 2. Pasley and Koppe 2,
Goddard and Reekman 2. Perkett
and Perkett 4, Rilea and Ekstrom
League no. 4
Donahue and Theriault 3, Hop
pens and Shawe 1. Bryan and
Baumohl 3, Williams and Thomp
son 1. Lowery and Englund 3, Can
non and Cannon 1. Cosart and Hee
stand 3. Hande and Hamilton 1.
Today's IM
4:00 Beta Theta Pi vs. Pi Kappa
Phi Kappa Psi vs. Alpha Tau
An Oregon basketball team has
never scored 100 points. The moJt
points scored in one contest was
in 1946, when the Ducks rolled up
99 counters against General Gro
Summer Session
The University of Hawaii
announces a full curri
culum for its Summer
Session. 1952. starting
June 24 and ending August 1. Distinguished visiting and
resident faculty members will give 120 credit courses in 27
fields of study for under-graduate and graduate students.
Earn credits while you absorb the sun and fun and fasci
nation of an enchanting subtropical island. Live on campus,
15 minutes from Waikiki Beach, Write for our booklet
giving complete information.
Honolulu, Hawaii
IN THE CAMPUS - 854 £; B*
Oregon Takes 8*6 Loss
As Vandals Cop Opener
Fore, and That Sort of Thing
Atkinson, Clark Are Prominent
In Milligan's ND Links Planning
Golf is not a spectator sport in
college, anil most students know
rather less about the top-golfers
than about their top fullbacks.
So with the opening of the Nor
thern Division season for Cuaeh
Sid Milligan's linkamen coming
Satuiday against OSC, here is a
brief rundown on the leading Duck
varsity golfers as seen by Coach
Sid Milligan.
Incidentally, Milligan Is predic
ting that his men will win the
Northern Division title. Looming
large in his plans is Boh Atkinson, ,
whom Milligan terms a “very long" I
hitter. His screaming drives are
also accurate, but he hus been a j
little off on his puts and green ;
And then there is Ron Clark, the
Duck captain. Regarding him Mil
ligan stated:
27 for Nine Holes
“Clark is a long hitter, but not
extremely long. However, he has
the most complete games of any
man on the team. His iron control
Webfoof Netfers
To Face Aggies
In ND Opener
Coach Bob Laurence's varsity
netmen will get their first taste j
of Northern Division action this
Saturday when they travel to Cor
valli3 to take on the Beaver tennis
The Beaver net team isn't ex
pected to be too strong, although
they boast an outstanding player
in Don Megale, 0 foot, 6 inc h netter
from Coos Bay.
However, the Beavers were
trounced last weekend 7-0 by a
talented University of Washington
outfit, indicating that they are
probably lacking in depth.
Meanwhile, Laurence has been
running his players through daily
workouts, in an effort to have the
team at a peak for the weekend
Ladder play has been the main
thing on schedule, with the stand
ings now reading in the following
order: Tom MacDonald, Bill Hose,
Jack Neer, Neil George, Hon Low
ell, Don Neraas, and Bruce Ding
ier. The only new development in
the rankings is George's rising
from number six to number four
spot. George has been showing a i
lot of improvement lately, and i
with his strong serve, which is one '
of the best on the squad, should i
help the Oregon cause considerably
this weekend. 1
How the rankings will look for :
this weekend's match, however, is :
still uncertain. Five singles men i
will be used and there will be two
doubles teams.
Neer and Rose will probably
make up one of the doubles com
binations, and MacDonald will ^
team with either George or Lowell
on the other, but which will play j
first spot is also indefinite.
The Ducks should be in tip-top
shape for the Beaver match, al
though MacDonald was forced to
miss practice a couple of times
this week due to hand injury. Also,
Neraas has been having trick knee ;
trouble but should be ready to go
is fiin*, and lie 1h deadly in me
Attesting to the fact that ( lark
is unions the top In the Northern
Division Is his course record of 27
for nine holes set last year at
WSC. Tills was eijflit-under-par,
and sizzling to say the least.
Don Krieger is a golfer who hus
been Improving of late, according
to Milligan. He hits medium long
drives, und has a sound short
Mueller Hot With Iron
Consistency with the irons is an
outstanding virtue in a golfer, and
Milligan says Fred Mueller has it
to a great degree.
“He Is one of the liest on short
approaches and wedge shots 1 have
ever seen," stated Milligan.
Another "reliable” Is freshman
AI Mundle, who is a short hi tter,
but has "one of the smoothest,
most reliable" swings on the team.
A freshman, King Shanks from
“—most complete game”
Lincoln high In Portland, is a pow
er hitter, but has a tendency to
bo erratic.
Miiiigun Is Lawyer
The Duck golfers practice about
54 holes per week, according to
Milligar. He personally visits them
jvery evening on the Kugene
Country Club course. During the
Jay, Milligan takes care of his
Sugene law practice, with golf as
>n avocation.
A member of the Duck golf
earns In 1935-30-87, Milligan per
ormed for a Northern Division
vinner each year. He still shoots
■olf in the low 70's.
Note on Bob Takano, another
uember of Milligan’s team: He
;hot one of those rare holes-in-one
latuiday while practicing on the
Uugene Country Club course.
Major League Results
Boston won its eighth victory in
10 starts yesterday by topping the
vorld champion New York Yank
■es, 3 to 1, on Kinder's masterful
In a night game the St. Louis
browns downed the Cleveland
Indians, 1-0.
The New York Giants moved to
vithin orie-half game of second
dace in the National league by
jeating the Boston Braves, 9 to
By Bob Zwald
The Idaho Vandals spent a
profitable afternoon at Hay
ward field yesterday afternoon
as they marred ()re(i°n’s per
fect Northern Division record
and boosted thnnselve into
first place with an 8 6 victory*
over the Ducks.
Oregon's are southpaw, Don*
Slegmuml, met a cool reception
from the Idaho Imtsmen who found
him for five runs In the first In
ning and three In the eighth.
Siegmund gnve up eight walks
and five hits during the seven and
one-third innings he worked. Four
of the free passes and two of tf»o
hits came during the disasteroua *
top half of the first inning.
The first inning started harm- .
lessly enough with Earl Huffman
walking and then being cut off at .
second base on a fielder's choice.
Bruce McIntosh drew a walk, both^
runners moved up. and then Van
dal third-baseman George Huff
man sent them both across the
plate with a line single.
After Jerry Ogle flew out to
Joe Sugura in right field for the
second out. Slegmund walked Paul*.*
sen and Kleffner. This set the
stage for Mel Brown, Idaho left
fielder, who djove in the fourth
and fifth Idaho runs of the inning
with a double to center field.
Oregon Score* In lill.i
Vandal chucker Dick Dodell kept
the heavy-hitting Ducks in check
unti! the fifth inning when Oregon
combined two hits and two walks
to score three runs Shortstop I’ete
Williams opened the inning by
striking out.
Kirgmuml and Shaw botli walk
ed, advanced to second and third
on Jim IJvcsay's roll-out to first
base, and then scored on Ilarylo
Nelson’s single to right-center.
Neljon stole second and came
home on Siigura’s single to end
the scoring for the inning.
Oregon was unable to capitalize
on a scoring setup in the sixth
inning. Earl Averill walked and
went to third when Idaho center
fielder Bruce McIntosh momen
tarily hobbled Phil Settecase's
scorching single. However, consec
utive pop-ups by Williams and
Siegmund and a ground-out by
Shaw ended the inning.
Siegmund settled down and
pltelied steady ball until the eighth
inning when George Huffman
walked, Paulsen was safe on I’ete
Williams’ error, and both runners
scored on Flip Kleffner’s double.
Mel Brown Collected his third
single of the afternoon to send
Kleffner across the dish.
Oregon grouped three hits, a
walk and a fielder’s choice in the
eighth inning to score three more
runs and bring their afternoon's
final total to six. Ron Bottler
singled but was thrown out at
second ori a fielder’s choice which
left Averill on first.
Settccase followed with a walk
and both runners moved up u base
on a passed ball. I’lnch-hltter Iton
Phillips batted hi lioth runs with
a single and later scored himself
on a pinch-single by Duane Owens.
Idaho pitcher Dick Dodell went
the entire distance, giving up
seven hits anil six walks. Dodell bit
(Please turn to fape five)
Attend the All-Campus Vodvif*
Friday at 8 p.m., MacArthur
Court. Support the WSSF drive.