Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1952, Page Three, Image 3

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    World News Capsules —
General Eisenhower Victorious
In Pennsylvania, New York Voting
Compiled by Mary Ann Mov/ery
(From tin- win-. of tlx- United I’rcHH)
(>( nci .il I >vv ij'lit I). I',i .ciiliowcr ;i<Mc(l two more prcsielcutial
primary vietorie ; to liis campaij'ii by proxy Wednesday by
winning I eniisylvatiia s popularity contest ' and giving liis
hackers claim to most of New 'i ork’s 96 Republican national
convention delegate
« I In- general tritiniplied in Pennsylvania's preferential pri
mal’. yesterday with almost a 5(X),fXXJ vote edfje over his near
i t opponent, Sen. Rejbcrl A. I aft of Ohio, whose name was
Rot on the ballot.
Eisenhower won seven of 12 GOP contests in New York whereas Taft
l>:,d settle for one. The other four winners were unpledged, but be
longed to the state organization headed by Gov. Thomas K. Dewey
and GOP chairman William 6. Pfeiffer, who favored Elsenhower.
. There were no candidates on Pennsylvania's Democratic ballot, but
Ken. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee led all hopefuls in an unenthusiastic
write-in campaign.
Rioting broke out. ,.
... among the besieged convicts in a cellbloek at southern Michigan
• %on Wednesday over who was to lead their revolt against prison
Earl Ward, self-styled leader of the 172 convicts who hold nine
prison guards as hostages, said he put down the insurrection this
"And I broke one guy’s arms and legs yesterday for trying
to take over," the arrogant, 28-year-old boss of the mutineers bragged.
lie was referring to James Glenn, Detroit, serving a life term for
murder, who was tossed out of cellbloek 15 Tuesday night while un
conscious. The prison hospital refused to make a report on his con
. Ward, speaking to a newsman through the bars of the besieged dis
ciplinary barracks, did not say what had happened to the group re
volting against his rule.
• He warned, howe ver, that "if any more of this happens there'll be
some killings."
Oregon will stay on standard time ...
.... this summer, Gov. Douglas McKay said, following a thorough
study of the fact which led to rejection of daylight saving time. Un
der Oregon law, the governor can proclaim fast time only if he finds
that the state's economy would be damaged by remaining on standard
.time. Me was given this power by the legislature.
, McKay’s decision means that Portland will be the only major west
coast city on standard time this summer. California will go on day
light tune Sunday ns well as Seattle.
The Communists revealed Wednesday . ..
. . . that the United Nations nan proposed and the Communists ap
parently rejected a plan for solving the truce talks deadlock on
prisoner exchange by revising the list of Ked captives.
Peiping radio, in a dispatcli datelined Kaesong, Korea, said the U.N.
submitted a revised list of prisoners in a “disgusting American scheme"
to allow the Communists to save face on their demund for forced re
turn of all prisoners.
The Chinese Communist radio <ft the same time accused the Allies of
violating the secrecy agreement on the prisoner talks.
Firemen succeeded in 'containing'...
... a multi-million dollar waterfront fire in Vancouver, British Col
umbia, but the city’s civil defense co-ordinator said danger of a “tre
mendous" explosion still was great.
The public was ordered out of a five-block area around the fire
scene because of the two-fold blast danger.
Some tOO firemen continued to battle stubborn flames which threat
ened concrete grain elevators on the landward end of the 1,200 foot
jetty. Vancouver civil defense co-ordinator F. V. Heakes said that if
flames reachedth e batteries of elevators flashing grain dust could un
leash a “tremendous'' blast.
Someone made off with about one million yen ...
... Wednesday while Canadian soldiers were lining up to change their
money into Japanese currency, a spokesman for the British common
wealth forces reported. The spokesman said the money, worth about
?2,700 “simply disappeared.”
• “There was no holdup or anything like that,” he said. “One minute
■the money was there and the next it was gone.” He added that mili
tary police had “an idea” who got it.
• Karlier a Japanese police report said the money was believed taken
!*y a Canadian soldier. The military spokesman did not confirm this
The House killed ...
. . . . Wednesday a bill to lot President Truman name 23 new federal
judges in the waning months of his administration.
• It voted 165 to 149 to send the measure back to committee. The vote
was a victoryfo r an anti-Truman coalition of Republicans and south
ern Democrats.
.The administration asserted the new offices aie needed to relieve an
ever-growing work load on federal judges. Proponents accused Re
publican opponents of wanting to block action on the bill in the hope
'that a GOP victory in November would make it possible for a Re
publican president to appoint the new judges.
French Author
To Speak Today
In Classrooms
Henri Barzun, internationally
known French author who is cur
rently touring American universi
ties, will he on the campus today.
While on the campus Barzun will
talk to several French classes and
will be the guest of honor at a
noon luncheon sponsored by the
foreign language department.
He has been active in working
for a world government since
World War I. He published in
Paris, in 1920, a post-war plan for
an economic federation of Europe
and a world government.
He was editor and founder of
"The French Forum,” a quarterly
devoted to art and education, and
has published 16 books summing
up his labors in the fields of art,
literature, history and philosophy.
He is a member of the American
Association of University Profes
sors and has held lectureships at
Lehigh university, Fordham uni
versity graduate school, City Col
lege of New York, Pennsylvania
State college and the universities
of Maryland, Iowa, Kansas City
and Utah.
• Campus Briefs
• Committee petitions for the
YWCA sponsored "Ladies Night
Out” party on May 16 have been
called for with the deadline Mon
day. Petitions are to be turned in
to Mary Elizabeth McDowell at the
Y headquarters in Gerlinger, Mary
Ellen Burrell at Alpha Delta Pi or
Helen Wright at Alpha Xi Delta.
2000 Set
For Annual
Over two thousand Oregon grade I
school children have registered for i
the annual “big broadcast” of
"Let’s Sing, America” which will
be held tofjay at 1:15 p.m. in Mc
Arthur court.
Creswell grade school has the i
largest number of students reg
istered thus far, according to R. E.
Nye, associate professor of music j
and director of this year’s pro-1
gram. The school with the smallest I
number of students registered is j
also the school coming the greatest
distance, Nye said. Ward grade
school, route 2, Monmouth, is
bringing a delegation of five stu
Many more schools are expected
to register before broadcast time
Nye stated. The program, which is
produced by Glenn Starlin, assist
ant professor of speech, will be!
broadcast over KOAC. It is part)
of the “School of the Air” series 1
which originates on the University
of Oregon campus and is broad
cast weekly over KOAC.
The Condon grade school chor
us from Eugene, under the direc
tion of Mrs. Ruth Bradford, will i
provide special music during and
after the broadcast. Also, the i
Springfield Elementary school
band under the direction of Gene
Slayter, will be heard after the
broadcast. Before the program |
starts the children will be enter- j
tained by the University of Ore-'
gon varsity band under the direc- j
tion of Ira Lee, instructor in brass ;
Forty boy scouts from the Eu- j
gen area will act as ushers
Place your ad at either the Stu
dent Union main desk or the
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Best offer over $850.00 L. A.
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Attend the All-Campus Vodvil
Friday at 8 p.m., MacArthur
Court. Support the WSSF drive.
Cast your vote for the Ugliest
Man on Campus — support the •
WSSF drive.
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Friday at 8 p.m., MacArthur
Court. Support the WSSF drive.
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^iingle your cares with pleasure
now and then
Dislicha Dc moribus
Make that pleasure an ice-cold
Coca-Cola and you’ll tip the
scales froir care to cheer.