Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1952, Image 1

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    n Daily
Fifty-third year n\Publication
Honor Code Gets Slim Majority Vote
A Klim majority of students
2.0 per rant to 47.4 per cent of
oters gave their okay to the Ore
011 honor code in WcdncHduy'B
cferendum, leaving the next step
indeeided until the code committee
neats Tuc-Hday afternoon.
However, it wax the consensus
f niemberM of the committee,
lHUO senate, administration, and
ampus political candidates con
acted by the Emerald that the
iiajmity obtained was insufficient
o JiiHtlfy adoption of the code at
Irejjon. 't he committee has pre
riously stated that a fairly sub
Itantial majority would be neces
sary before It would ask the sen
ate to request the adoption by the
Of the 2027 valid votes, 1060
voted "yes” and 961 said "no" to
the statement: "I am in favor of
the adoption of the honor eode at
the University of Oregon.” The
2027 total valid vote is 51 per rent
of the latest spring term registra
tion figure, 3072 as of Tuesday.
Approximately ten ballots were
marked either both "yes" and "no"
or expressed indifference in some
way or another; these were thrown
Ballots were not turned ill for
some of the 10 am. closes in which
most voting was conducted but
voting at the Student Union booth,
the other method, was fairly brisk
during the 45 minutes the booth
was open.
Merv Hampton, chairman of the
senate honor code committee, HaifJ
his group will decide on what steps
to recommend at its meeting Tues
day, and will make its report to
the senate next Thursday. "I'm
very disappointed,” he said, "that
more Oregon students didn't feel
an honor code had merit enough
to warrant a trial period.”
Asked if he could express an
opinion as to the likely fate of
code, Hampton said the decision is
up to the committee.
Hampton, who is also ASUO
vice-president, stated, "I do not
believe, however, that the vote in
dicates that students would not
abide by and work for an honor
code, A "no” vote did not mean
that a student would fail to sup-1
port the honor code. Perhaps the
negative expressions were an indi
cation that many students feel we
are not yet ready for an honor
Here are the statmonts of other
officials and political candidates
contacted by the Emerald:
K. (i. Khbighausen, faculty mem
ber of the code commtitee and for-!
mer chairman of the group "I do I
not think that the percentage was I
} sufficiently large so that the sen
ate ought to petition the faculty
for the code's adoption. I am not
completely disappointed, however,
| since we have only been working
! six months. I hope that next year's
senate will approve the attempt to i
continue the program next year.
"It appears that a good many
students are skeptical. But it seern*r
that a good portion of the 48 per
cent voting against would not
cheat, but feel others would cheat
under the honor code The majority
is not decisive; it would be a mis
take to start the code on the.basif*
of such a slirn majority. But t
don't think we ought to quit.”
Don Collin, senator from the
junior class, who has opposed the
code, especially the committee's
report "The only thing I have
ever said was that the report wa»
inadequate, that it didn't prove
an honor code workable or applic
able at Oregon. The 'no' votes coubV
<I'lea. < turn ,*/ four rc: rn )
850 High School Seniors
To Storm Campus on Friday
The University of Oregon's liv
ng organizations will h- filled to
jverflowing this w< ekend with ap
jroximately 850 high school sen- j
ors who are expec ted to visit the
ampua for Duck Preview week
According to Put On tin, houx
ng chairman for the weekend, 450
iVomen and 400 men have returned
•aid.; to the committee saying
hat they were coming to Oregon
lor the annual campus visitation
Change in Program
A ehangt in the previously issued
Lentative program has been made.
Although registration officially
starts at 7 p.m. on Friday, the
registration booth will be open
from 4 until 10 p.m.
Luncheon chairman Ann Diel
Bchneider requests that all living
organizations co-operate in seeing
that the visiting high schoolers j
attend the luncheon to be given in
their honor at 12 noon on Satur
day. The event will he held in the
Student Union ballroom.
No Lunch In Dorms
"No lurch will be served to1
freshmen in the dormitory cafeter
ias, but they are requested to at
tend the luncheon," Miss Diel- ■
sehneider said. Tickets are avail- \
able at 15 cents in the dorm cafe
The high school guests may visit
departments and schools where
displays and exhibitions will be
prepared for them. Professors will
be present to gi\c advice and as
sistance to the visitors.
"Kleven Dutch I’rintmakers"
In the School of Architecture
and Allied Arts there will be an ex
hibition of "Eleven Dutch Print
Four Speechs to Mark
Dedication of New Buildinq
A crowded calendar of events
(follows the dedication of the Uni
IverKity’s new $1,600,000 science
building Friday afternoon.
Four prominent American scien
tists will lecture Friday and Sat
urday. They are Alan Waterman,
director of the National Science
Foundation, G. W. Beadle, chair
man of the biology division of the
Finalists Named
In Queen Contest
Twelve women were named as
[finalists for Junior Weekend queen
following Wednesday night’s judg
ing. There was a three way tie for
tenth place, that being the reason
for the two extra finalists.
Queen candidates are Barbara
Booth, Jo Martin, Joan Renner,
Nanette Sil vert home, Francis Gill
more, Sally Keeley, Mary Alice
Baker, Helen Jackson, Pat John
son, Harriet Vahey, Nancy Van Al
len, and Sarah Turnbull.
Voting to choose the queen and
her four princess will take place
Tuesday and Wednesday at booths
in the Student Union and Co-op.
'The booths will be open from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. each of those days.
California Institute of Technology.
G. Ross Robertson, professor of
chemistry at the University of Cal
ifornia at Los Angeles, and S. K.
Allison, head of the Institute for
Nuclear Studies at the University
of Chicago.
Inspection Opens Pay
The program opens Friday with
the official inspection of the new
building by members of the State
Board of Higher Edueation at
10:30 a.m. and is followed at noon
by a luncheon for the board. After
the dedication, a University open
house for students, faculty and
families will be conducted until
5:30 p.m.
At 6:30 p.m. a dinner for speak
ers and guests will be held in the
Student Union and at S p.m. Wa
terman will speak on the topic,
“Science Looks Ahead." A public
open house until 10:30 p.m. ends
Friday’s activities.
3 Seminars Slated
Three seminars highlight the
program for Saturday. Beadle will
speak at 9:30 a.m. on “Problems
in Modern Biology," Robertson at
10:30 on “Chemical Institutions
and Scientific Personnel in Eu-,
rope” and Allison at 1:30 p.m. on j
"Current Research in Nuclear
(l'leasc him /<> page seven)
makers'' in the little Art Gallery.
The teletype will he open for in
spection in the .School of Journal
The new science building will
be open from 10 a m or. with spe
cial exhibits ami demonstrations
beginning at J p.m. The foreign
language; department will have
a display in room £21 Friendly
Real Law Students
\ isitor- will be able to watch ac
tual classes in session in the law
school. The education school will
open a seminar in secondary educa
tion to the seniors. In the Condon
Museum of Natural History there
will be a large display of minerals,
nature studies and Indian relics.
I he chemistry department will
have a display in McClure hall,
and the home economics depart
ment will have a show case full of
students' work in Chapman hall.
Music School Open
Tlie music school will open the
entire school for inspection. Other
places of interest are the Oriental
Art Museum, the Student Union
and radio station KVVAX.
Tlie Gerlinger hall swimming
pool will be open, as will the men’s
PE building.
(Please turn to /•ape seven)
Student Union Board Nominates
Eight Member-at-large Candidates
Eight candidates for positions on
the 1952-53 Student Union board
a s mem hers-at-large were nomin
| ated VVednt sday afternoon by the
The candidates are Den Zavin.
Pat Cellmer, Sharon Anderson. Jim
! Wilson, Donna Covalt. Pat Cheat
Orville Collvtr and Jib Eibertson.
The board will elect two of the
| candidates, who are or will be
j juniors and seniors next year, for
one term.
Appointees by the ASUO to the
i joint committee for selection of
board memb< rs was announced by
Chairman Ralph Hillier. ASUO
members of the committee are A1
Karr, Mary Alice Baker, Virginia
Wright and Rosamond Fraser.
Donna Base reported to the
j board that eight petitions have
been submitted for membership or.
Bssingiiicsn Lends
Ugly .¥,3r Contest
Hank Bonnerman headed the list
of finalist.- for the Ugly Man con
test with contributions amounting
; to $57.72 for WSSF.
Other finalists for the title are
! Ulrich Trumpener with $14.97:
Wade Carter, $41.33; Mel Elevens.
$29.49; Neil Cha-e, S27.-19 and Dave
Jeremiah, $25.07.
Voting on the six finalists to de
cide who the Ugly Man will be is
to continue until Friday at 5 p.m.
The candidate who has the most
contributions to the WSSF drive
will win the title. Booths will be
j set up in the Student Union and
the Co-op for voting.
The title winner will be announc
| cd during the all-campus Vodvil
Friday and given a trophy and
t "Herman" if he can be found.
j the board for the 1952-53 yea •.
: Pei sonal interviews of the canui
| ni«tr*c will bf1 held Wednesday at
!‘.he regular meeting.
Policy Clarified
The board clarified its position
; concerning the use of SU program*
| for campus benefits. Policy at the
j present is to recognize the four
I organizations acknowledged by the
ASUO-vYSSF, Red Cross. Coir, mu
, nity Chest and the March of Dimes
and to allow campus organization*,
which do not benefit cuts.do
.sources to use the SU program
.upon approval by the board and
the chairman of the SU committee
••vhose program area is involved.
Adoption of the policy that all
I campus organizations sharing cn
an equal basis was approved. This
move was passed to eliminate fr
nar :al lesponsibiiities for phene
Sabin Reports
John Sabin reported from ’ho
perpetuation plan amendment com
mittee. The amendment was sug
gested because the perpetuation
plan calis for petitioning to get
members and the board felt that
this method was r.ot applicable in
connection with the Student For
um committee which is to have a
faculty member. The amendment,
which was passed by the board,
| provides that the board may ap
point or invite faculty members to
I become ex-officio members of the
| student forum committee.
Chairman Don Zavin reported
i on the personnel committee. Re
jcorded music committee chairman
i Mary Ellin Moore appeared before
the board to discuss a code of con
duct for the music listening room.
Arnold Toynbee Schedules
Two Anniversary Lectures
Arnold J. Toynbee, one of the
world's best known contemporary
historians, will deliver two lectures
at McArthur court next week.
Toynbee, presented by the Uni
versity Lectures and 75th Anniver
vary committees, will speak on
"Encounters Between Civilizations"
Tuesday and "The Lessons of His
tory” Thursday. Both addresses I
are scheduled for 8 p.m. in the
"1 think you could probably call
him the greatest living philosopher j
of history," said Gordon Wright,
head of the history department.
Townbee is not accepted by all his
torians as one who will rank along
with Edward Gibbon, Wright said,
but he may be remembered along
with siich men as Oswald Spongier.
(Gibbon is remembered to a great
degree for his “The Decline and
Fail of the Roman Empire";
Spongier for "The Decline of the
Toynbee, Wright continued, is
one of 20 or 30 men who "will stand
out and have seen the meaning of
history as a whole." He is, the pro
fessor said, "a man of tremendous
The eminent historian is per-1
haps best known for his six volume j
"A Study of History,” though |
others of his works have been pub-!
lished both in book form and in
magazines since 1920.
The first three volume of "A
Study of History," still not com
pleted, were published in 1934, the
second three in 1939 and an abridg
ment tby D. C. Somervell) in 1947.
A British subject, he has visited
the United States several times. In
1946 at Bryn Mawr college, Mass.,
he gave a series of six lectures en
titled “Encounters Between Civili
Toynbee has been Director of
Studies in the Royal Institute of
International Affairs since 1925
and is a research professor of in
ternational history at the Univer
sity of London.
He served his government during1
both wars and was on the British
delegation to the Paris peace con
ference in both 1919 and 1946.
From 1943 to 1946 he was direc
tor of the research department cf
the British foreign office.
He was born April 14, 18S9 and
attended Balliol College. Oxford.
After a tour of Greece he returned*
and was from 1912 to 1915 a tutor
and fellow at Balliol.