Fair Today . . . . . . line! t(•night with clear «ky*. High today B4, low 40. Volume MU m FCo daily EMERALD 4CITAT fifty-third year of Publication I NIVER.SITV OF OREGON, El GENE, TIESDAV, APRIL 22, 1952 The First Installment... ... at the Oregon Honor rode ap pear* on page 8 today. Student*-* vote on the plan in a ranip*«--wi«lo referendum Wedne*day. NX MBER JOT AGS Class Office Nominees Chosen Selection of tile Associated (.reek students class officer slate 'vas made Monday afternoon and nominations for senate at largc Monday night. 'I oni \\ rightson was voted to run for senior class president and Jane Simpson for senior representative. Duck Preview Tickets Available Tickets for the Duck Preview luncheon to he given in the SU for ’ the high school seniors visiting the j campus this weekend and Univer sity freshmen are now on sale in the dormitory cafeterias. The tickets, which are being is sued to the freshmen at a cost of 15 cents went on sale Monday. Women students can purchase their tickets at ('arson hall or Hendricks hall, while rrfen's tickets' , nre on sale at the Straub hall cafe- i teria. v Ann Diel*» hnelder, chairman for • the luncheon, request s that the freshmen co-operate In making the lyncheon a success. "The purpose p the luncheon is to acquaint the .•eutors with Co,.»ge. npople and to sell them on the University," Miss it Dielschneider said. I The luncheon will replace the • rr .i.’ar noon meal at the dormi tories^ The event ts scheduled for Saturday at noon. Serving will be done by Skull and Dagger, sophomore men’s hon orary, and Kwama, sophomore women's honorary. Speakeis for the event will be Sarah Turnbull, Associated Wom en Students president; Bob Glass, freshman class president; and Bill Carey, ASUO president. Representing the administration and the faculty will be Golda Wickham, director of women’s af f!’lease hint h> page six) I he Junior claim presidential nomination went to Bob Brittain and the junior representative post to Joan Marie Miller. Bob Summers was elected as the-, sophomore class president candi date and Janet Miller for the sophomore representative spot. Senate-at-large nominees arc Ancy Vincent, Don Parr, Bob Glass, Jody Greer, Mary Alice Baker, Francis Gillmore, Mike Independent Files Karl llarshhargcr, sophomore In speech, has filed an a candi date for srimte-at-largr on a non-partisan ticket. He \«ill run for one of the nine senate-at large posts along with the candi dates from the t'nitcd Students association and the Associated Greek students In the all-eainpus election April 30. Lally, Bill Walker, Bob Morris, Pat i Gustin, Cathy Tribe, Jane Slocum, i JoAnn Sloan, Alex Byler, Jim Light, Andy • Berwick, Bob Bos worth, Rosemary Hampton, Ann Gerlinger, Fred Decker. Mary Ellen Burrell, Bill Frye, Fred Baltz, Pat Kuan and Sylvia Wlne gert. i A "very short” recognition talk for each senate-at-large candidate will be given at 3:30 p.m. today at Pi Beta Phi, AGS President Larry Dean announced. Election of the; senators will take place at Sigma Alpha Epsilon Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. I" — I Strange Whoosis Now Decorates Science Window Spring has come to the new science building. Sitting all by itself in a large ; window ease on the seeond floor i Is a small bowl—with a flower- ! lug plant In it. The plant has I green scalloped leaves and tiny i white flowers. And It has a name: "Romanz- ; off la I 'nalHsehcnsis.” Beavers to See UO Entertainers A rant of 35 Oregon students will visit the Oregon State campus j Wednesday to present the Univer-1 =ity's first exchange assembly. Kntitled "Passing in Review", the program features the three ! great entertainment periods in the United States the 1690's, the 1920's and the 1950's. The assembly runs principally along musical lines with comedy j provided by emcees Bob Chambers, junior in liberal arts, and Alan Barzman, junior in speech. Background scenery for the ' show is in the form of a large book witn pages which will turn to in troduce different sections of the - program. Following the OSC presentation the show will appear at Willamette on Maty 13 and is scheduled to ap pear before Oregon students on May 20. Chairman for the assembly is Andy Berwick, freshman in liberal | arts. Costumes were handled by j Diane David, freshman in art. Sets j and props are in charge of Bob! Bosworth, freshman in art. and j finance and transportation arc; under the direction of Harvey 1 Wells, freshman in liberal arts. | and Ward Cook, freshman in busi- | ness. Assembly Today On Honor Code Do you want an honor code at the University of Oregon? If <-o. today's honor code Assembly in the Student Union ball room may be of importance to you. It not, the assembly—at 1 p.m.—may -till he of importance. It you're not sure, the assembly and the coffee hour at 4 p.m. in the SU Dads' lounge may be of even more importance, with the referendum being held Wednesday morning. This will be the only centra) dis cussion of the honor code; orienta tion groups are completing their discussions of the code with living organizations and other groups. The Emerald is printing the honor code committee report again to day and the synopsis of a debate on the code will be printed Wednes day. The assembly today will end with a question-and-answer period, and the committee will be guests at the coffee hour—which will be an informal question pjeriod for stu dents to continue asking about and discussing the code. Speakers at today's assembly will include Merv Hampton, com mittee chairman, and Jean Gould committee member, who will dis cuss what the code could mean to Oregon Students. E. G. Kbbighausen. faculty mem ber of the committee will speak as one faculty member: Director of Student Affairs Donald M. Du Shane will present a message from W. C. Jones, acting University president.»and will make remarks on his own behalf; and Don Collin, ASUO Senator, will speak against the code. ASUO President Bill Carey will give introductory remarks and moderate the question period. The assembly will be held for all students, Hampton said, but stu dents who have not been contact ed by orientation groups are espe cially invited. Code on Trial Wednesday Students will express their offi cial opinion on the Gregor. honor' code in the University-wide refer endum at 10 a.m. Wednesday The ballot will contain one issue: "I anv in favor of the adoption cf the honor code at the University of Oregon Yes or No.'’ The vote will be held in 10 am. classes at the first of the hour iiw*. most cases. A voting booth v.hll bo set up on the west terrace cf the Student Union from 10 to 10:45 a.m. to enable students who *1® not have 10 a.m. classes to veto on the code. The vote will be the basis cf de Uerminir.g whether the adoption cf an honor code at Oregon will be requested. If a substantial major ity of students express themselves*— in favor of the code, the AS"UO honor code committee will a s k the Senate to request its adoption by the faculty, according to Commit tee Chairman Merv Hampton. This would undoubtedly be ic quested through the student disci pline committee, which has dele gated authority from the faculty, Hampton said. •H*’ added that ho ■ presumed the discipline group would require that the faculty as j a whole make the decision as to : adopting or rejecting the code. A team of vote-takers will dis tribute the one-question ballots to I classes and the SU booth, ard wii^ I Pick them up after the votine. NS A Prexy Urges Senate to Send Congress Delegation, Bill Dentzer, president of the National Student Association said Monday while on campus, "If you're at all interested in NSA, you ought to at least send your student body president or some other dele gate to the national student con gress this summer.” Dentzer, who is touring the Great Northwest area for NSA, said financial restrictions are im portant to a school but cost should ’-r ‘ 'v an obstacle to joining or ''"lending an observer if the orga nization is deemed worthwhile. (The ASUO Senate winter term re pealed a motion to send an observ er to the next congress because of financial difficulties.) Offers Members Much And, the national president stat ed, NSA can offer a member in stitution all it can handle it is up to the school to use it. No univer sity can really judge whether it ought to belong to NSA unless it does send an observer, he asserted. The congress this summer will be held at Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind. • Cost of joining NSA for a college of Oregon’s size is 75 dollars, he ■, .jiHid. Cost of sending a delegate to the congress varies from about 100 dollars for one delegate to less than that amount for each delegate as more are sent. A travel pool rebate is granted for each delegate. He suggested Oregon should also send an observer to the regional NSA conference in Washington in May. The expense here, he said, would be negligible. Dentzer graduated in political science from Muskingum college in Ohio last year. National NSA presidents must drop out of school for their term as president, but he will attend Woodrow Wilson college at Princeton university next year.. Arrived Monday He arrived on campus Monday morning- he left Boulder, Colo., national NSA headquarters, Sun day night. He will tour colleges and universities in Oregon, Wash ington and some in Idaho mostly non-member schools, discussing prospects of joining NSA or send ing congress observers. He will tour most of the nation while NSA president. The three fundamental activities of the national organization illus trate its worth, Dentzer pointed out. These are: 1. A service organization plat form for exchange for student governments. NSA is a federation of student governments: it does not exist outside of them. Dentzer said NSA helps student govern ments on theory why they exist on practice problems — how to make programs effective and on administrative and technical prob lems. 2. The national student voice. Two million college students ought to be organized enabling them to be heard on the national level. Dentzer contended. He explained that NSA can concern itself only with national problems that affect students "as students," not merely as citizens. This would include universal military training, he said, but not general foreign pol icy. NSA cannot take partisan po litical stands, he added. The Voice Abroad 3. The American student voice abroad. Dentzer told of the activi ties of the Inteinational Union of Students. Communist - dominated world student organization. This group is "deadly effective," he said, in its program of preaching the Soviet line to students throughout the world. We need NSA, Dentzer empha sized, to tell the students of the world what Americans are really thinking. Right now, he stated, IUS is winning the student cold war. He asserted that 99 per cent of the unrest in the Middle East had the IUS behind it. Dentzer mentioned that he is looking for students who can speak Spanish or Portuguese and who are ••politically keen'1 to tour South America or to act as guides lor Latin-American students in Amer ica this summer. Membership Growing XSA throughout the nation is growing in membership slowly, Dentzer stated. (It now has over 300 member schools.) Some schools i drop out, but still more enter, he said. Dentzer said the chief reason for schools dropping out is that they don't send delegates to the national student congress and don't utilize the benefits made available by MSA. "You don't get anything out of XSA unless you put something in unless you make sure of what is available," he asserted, i He pointed out that XSA is a | federation of student governments — and thus is an integral part of J student life, not an added burden. | Material from XSA is used by all agents of student government, j Dentzer explained, such as honor] rode committees, and freshman*, orientation groups. No new agen cies are needed, he said. Asked about charges made in* Senate fall term when NSA veadp* discussed, charges that it was dom inated by radical elements Pent zer pointed out the group's active- • program against the efforts <► 1US. the attacks made on NSA by IUS and the charges of "fascism’’ by radical elements coupled wi; V— the charges of “communism" by right-wing elements. Initial Congress At the first congress ir. 10* Dentzer explained, there were somo left-wing elements in NSA but they were soon eliminated becaur®— “schools just don't elect Commu nist delegates". Opinions of mem bers vary, he said, but evidence • that NSA is definitely not Red cat*** be seen in the all-out attacks -o#*-' IUS and the Communists on NSA. It is this type of a Cornmunv't program in the Middle East aru** South America which is turning the people against Americans be cause the people don't know tho facts, Dentzer stated. For this* - reason, he pointed out, NSA must be utilized to tell students of other nations what Americans really at o thinking.