Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1952, Image 1

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Fifty-third year of Publication
t'NIVKKSITV <>r OKMiOS, KI'OKNK, MONDAY, Aruil, 21, I!(52 NIMBER 106
Lusk to Entertain
At Preview Dance
Preparations are In progress for
! the Duck Preview Weekend dance,
.scheduled for .Saturday night,
April 2d. Johnny Lusk and his or
• cheatra have been chosen to play.
Decorations for the walls of the
Student Union ballroom, where the
dunce la to be held, will be con
structed around the main idea of
.Ducks participating In various
types of campus activities, such as
playing football, attending class
f - or sipping coffee.
4" Sponsored by SI', Preview
The dance Is being s(M>nsored by
•the Student Union standing dance
committee and the Duck Preview
^ dance committee, under the direc
tion of Cathy Tribe, Duck Preview
dance committee chairman.
Other members of the weekend
•dance committee are Sylvia Win
gaid, Billie Hamden, Elynor Rob
blee, Ken Carnahan, Jo Chase and
AGS Class Slate
Gets Nod Today
V1 Candidates for the Associated
ii'ifk students nominations for
las:, offices will lie voted on at
.3:30 p ill. today at Alpha Chi Ome
. Tonight the policy committee
will screen petitioners for senate
f at-large. Candidates who lose a
L class office nomination may peti
lion for a i-mate-at-largc nomina
> tion following the election this aft
p ernoon, AGS President Larry Dean
* announced.
- Candidates for the class offices
Senior class president: Bill Frye,
Mike Bally, Tom Wrightson.
_ Senior representative: Mary A1
ice Baker, Ann Carson, Gretchen
Grefe, Frances Gillmore, Jane
’ Simpson.
junior class president: Bob Brlt
« ttfin, Clark Miller, Bob Morris, Bill
Junior repre ertative: Ann Diel
schnider, Patricia Gust in, Carolyn
_ McLean, Joan Marie Miller, Patri
cia Ruan, Jane tSlocum, Cathy
• Sophomore class president: An
dy Berwick, Alex Byler, Don Gar
. trell, Bob Summers,
r Sophomore representative: Ann
«. Gei linger, Rosemary Hampton,
Joan Honeywell, Janet Miller, Jac
quelin Steuart, Janet Wick.
Nomination speeches for senate
• at-large candidates will be given
•by campaign managers at 3:30
- p.m. Tuesday at Alpha Chi Omega.
-Voting on the senators will be at
• 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at Sigma Al
• pha Epsilon.
NSA President
/On Campus Today
• Bill Dontz,.r, national president
• of the National Student Associa
tion, will be on campus today, ac
• cording to word received by Merv
’Hampton, ASUO vice-president.
" Dentzer will arrive from San
Francisco this morning and con
tinues on the Oregon State College
. Tuesday. No definite arrangements
. were made as of Sunday night lint
- Hampton hoped to have a meeting
..between Dentzer and Oregon stu
dent leaders this afternoon at the
Student Union.
Elaine Potts. With the exception
of Miss Wingard. who is in charge
of obtaining chaperones, the mem
bers of the Duek Preview dance
committee are working with the
members of the SU standing com
Twenty-rent Charge
There will be a charge of 20
cents per person for University
students; it will be collected at the
door. High school seniors attending
Duck Preview will receive their
tickets when they register.
Each living organization is re
sponsible for getting dates for the
high schoolers staying with them,
according to Cathy Tribe, chair
man of the dance committee. The
same plan as last year will be fol
lowed. Each men's living organiza
tion will contact a women's orga
nization and will arrange dates for
the visitors expected to stay in
each of the houses.
Freshmen vs. Prep Seniors
As explained by Miss Tribe, the
high school senior men will be
dated with . University freshman
women, and the senior women will
•’u to the dance with freshmen men
Tioin the University.
The dance will begin at 0:30 p.m.
and will continue until 12:30 a.m.
An addition to the program for
the weekend was announced Tues
day by Jackie Wilkes, Duck Pre
view general chairman. On Satur
day from 11:30 until 12. the state
director of selective service, Maj.
Gen. T. E. Rilea, and his assistant,
Col.»T. W. Mason, will speak to
< I’liUuw turn In f'tirw nu/lil)
WSSF Campaign
Begins Today;
UO Goal $2008
The 1952 World Student Service
Fund drive opens today, with the
money designated to Pakistan, In
dia and Greece for student relief.
The drive will officially close with
the all-campus Vodvil show Fri
day night. Proceeds from the tick
ets will go directly into the fund
This year a goal of $2000 has
been set.
In conjunction with WSSF drive.
Alpha Phi Omega, men's service
honorary, will be- in charge of the
"Ugly Man" contest.
The contest is entered by every
living organization on the campus,
each of which select a candidate
for the title and support him by
contributing money to a milk bot
tle in the Co-op.
Bottlf-s with the candidate's
name and living organizations
sponsoring him will be in the Co
op today until closing hours Wed
nesday night. At this time money
will be counted and the six obtain
ing the most money will be desig
nated as finalists. Their respective
bottles will remain in the Co-op
until Friday night and the winners
will be announced at the Vodvil
An auction to be held Friday
afternoon at 4 p.m. outside the SU
is another project to help raise the
money for the goal of the Univer
sity of Oregon's drive. Campus
personalities including Skull and
Dagger members, "Ugly Man"
finalists and others will go up on
the block.
30 Per Cent at UO . . .
College Majority Feel
Few Students Cheat
A little over half of students
polled by the Associated College
Press throughout the nation be
lieve that very few students make
i practice of cheating on tests and
A similar poll conducted by the
Kmerald, questioning 30 students,
showed that 30 per cent of those
interviewed feel that very few stu
dents at Oregon cheat.
Personal Poll Showed 17 Per Cent
• A personal poll conducted by the
student discipline committee last
year showed that 47 per cent of
Oregon students have cheated at
some time.
Answers received at Oregon
showed a slight tendency toward
a belief in a greater amount of
cheating here than results showed
in the national poll. Here are the
comparative figures:
Comparative Results
ACP national poll 51 per cent
believe very few cheat; 24 per cent
feel about one-fourth cheat; 12
per cent think about one-half do; 4
per cent believe about three
fourths cheat; 2 per cent think al
most everybody does; and 7 per
cent have no opinion.
Poll at Oregon 30 per cent said
very few cheat; 30 per cent think
about one-fourth do; 23 per cent
said about one-half make cheating
a practice; 7 per cent feel about
three-fourths cheat: none question
ed thought almost everybody
cheats; and 10 per cent have r.o
In the national poll a coed at
Wheaton college. Mass., who
thinks very few of her fellow stu
dents cheat explained, “We have
11’li'iisc turn to fniic riiiht)
Reitz Scheduled
For Junior Prom
Johnny Reitz and his orchestra have been selected to play
at the 1952 Junior from, April 9.
1 he title J he Most I alked About Hand in the Northwest,”
has been given the band by Pacific Coa-t promoters. Reitz’s
engagements include civic organizations, service clubs and
other universities throughout the Northwest.
“Talk of the Northwest”
SU Assembly
To Feature Talks
On Honor Code
Students will have a chance to
hear the honor code centrally dis
cussed in Tuesday's 1 p.m. Student
Union assembly the day before
the student referendum on the
Two student members of the
honor code committee, one faculty
member, and administration speak
er and a speaker opposed to the
code will be on the program. A
question - and - answer period will
Question Period at 4
Also scheduled on the day's pro
gram is a Student Union coffee
hour in the Dad's lounge at 4 p.m..
at which all members of the honor
code committee an agent of tn#
ASUO Senate will be guests, and
will be available for an informal
question-and-ar.swer session.
This is the scheduled assembly
ASUO President Bill Carey will
make introductory remarks. Merv
Hampton, chairman of the com
mittee. and Jean Gould, member,
will discus; what the code would
mean to the Oregon students and
what its advantages arc.
Ebbighiuiscn to Talk
E. G. Ebbighausen. faculty mem
ber of the committee and former
chairman, will speak on the code
as one member of the faculty. Don
ald M. DuShane, director of stu
dent affairs, will present a mes
sage from Acting University Presi
' Please turn tv />«< e v:v'U) ^
Opinion Forum Planned for SU
A public opinion forum to sum
marize major domestic and foreign
issues in the 1952 presidential cam- j
paign and sponsored by Life maga- j
zinc, the National Broadcasting
company and the National league
of Women Voters is scheduled for ,
the Student Union Wednesday at |
S p.m.
Students, faculty, townspeople \
and residents of Lane county are |
expected to attend.
Results of the forum, which will
allow individual balloting to deter
mine which issues are most impor-1
taut, will be tabulated and the
leading questions will be asked of J
presidential candidates May 1 on j
the NBC program, "The Citizen's!
View of '52."
Eugene is one of a number of
cities to participate in this grass
roots opinion forum. On the local
scene the University’s department
I of political science is making the
arrangements in conjunction with
the Chamber of Commerce and
League of Women's voters.
In charge are E. S. Wergert.
head of the political science de
partment. Fred Brenne and Mrs.
Eldon Johnson, wife of the dean of
the college of liberal arts.
Speakers, who will make non
partisan presentations of informa
tion on 13 issues, include Charles
P. Schleicher, professor of political
‘-'cience. Ward Maey. head of the
department of economics, and
Richard Steiner, pastor cf the Uni
tarian Church in Portland. Voting
will be done following the talks
and a half-hour question period.
Presidential candidates who have
already agreed to appear or. the
radio program include Sen. Ester
Kefauver, Sen. Robert Kerr. Har
old Stassen, Gov. Earl Warren, and
Paul Hoffman, appearing for Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
inuring h:s fall personal appear
ance tour Reitz and hie band havo
appearmJ in practically every ma
jor club and commercial dance halb
in the region.
The orchestra presents a diversi
fied program through the combina
tion of a rhythmic style of music,
specialty numbers, and the singing
of sentimental ballads and bit
tunes of the day by vocalist, Mar
Reitz originally hails from Iowa,
but migrated west with his parents
and enrolled in the University of
Washington. His education, how
ever, was interrupted by Uncle
Sam ar.d he spent three years over
seas as a G.I.
Returning, he completed his
course of study and received his
degrees of music and arts.
It was during this time that the
original Johnny Reitz orchestra
was formed, playing for Univer
sity dances and in the Seattle area.
Since that time more and more
people have "discovered” his mu
sic. Just recently, the band inaugu
rated the opening of a new wing
of the Student Union at the Uni
versity of Washington.
The prom committee includes
Bonnie Birkemeier and John Tal
bot, co-chairmen; Sue Hamilton,
intermission; Paul Lasker, decora
tions: Jean Hall, program; Torn
Wnghtson, tickets: J.I.F.C.. clean
up; Barbara Eooth. hospitality.;
Jean Mauro publicity; Me;!e Davis,
Liberal Studies
Decrease Noted
By Ai Karr
A partial swing in American
campuses away from the liberal
arts—especially the humanities—is
the trend at Oregon, though to a
lesser degree. Eldon L. Johnson,
dean of the college of liberal arts,
has indicated.
A survey of 100 representative
institutions conducted by the Kew
York Times showed that in com
parison with enrollment ten years
ago proportionately fewer students
are in the liberal arts than in the
technical and professional fields.
More in Humanities
Johnson said the same trend ap
plies here, more in the humanities
than in the sciences, social sciences
or professional schools. A general
decline in.enrollment is true of all
areas, he said, and a decline in
staff members in the liberal aits
and humanities has beer, observed.
Chief cause of the shift, Johnson
explained, is the emphasis of tho
age. at least for the present, or. the
technical, materialistic and voca
tional aspects of education' increas
ed by the last war. He pointed out
that employers, while expressing a
desire for educationally well
rounded college graduates, in the
ory, tend to hire those with imme
diate vocational skill in practice.
This is not true of all employers,
however, he said.
special Situation
Johnson said one reason for the
drop in faculty in the humanities
at Oregon is the special situation
in service courses for freshmen ami
sophomores. This is best illustrated
in English composition, he said,
where many sections are offered,
and a substantial chop in enroll
ment means the release of a cer
tain, number of staff members.
By contrast, he pointed out, a
chop in economics majors means
smaller upper division classes, .but
(Please tarn te> fayc six)