Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1952, Image 1

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/■■///V lltird year of Publication
I MVKKM1TY Ol ()l(K(i()N, KIKiKNK, THUKKDAV, AI*KII. 17, 1952
Volume IJI1
Helen Jackson Wins USA Primary
UO Construction Work
On Schedule—Wriaht
All construction work on campus
Is going along "quite satisfactor
ily," according to I. I. Wright, su
perintendent of the physical plant.
The biggest project, the con
struction of Commonwealth hall,
t'.ic new business administration
< molding, and the remodeling of
Oregon and Commerce halls, is
Third Language
Confab Begins
At UO Today
College and high school teach
ers from all over the Northwest
flock to the University today for
the opening of the third annual
Pacific Northwest Conference of
Foreign Language Teachers.
High points in the conference,
which ends Saturday, will indudi
a talk by Gordon Wright, acting!
head of the department of history,
a production of the French play j
"Le Medccin Malgre Lui," and an
address by Ira O. Wade, chairman
of the department of modern lan
guages, Princeton university.
Wright will speak on "French- |
men, Arabs and Americans in
North Africa” following an infor- >
mal dinner which opens the con- !
The play will be presented Sat- j
urday in the experimental theater,
Villard hull, and is produced by
Jean Guedenet, assistant professor
of romance languages. Tickets are
being sold by professors and stu
dents and may also be obtained
at the door.
>~The conference will include three
general sessions, to be attended by
al delegates and six different !
group sessions with teachers able !
< Please /urn In fa fie wen )
scheduled for completion this sum
mer and the buildings will be ready
for occupancy next fall term. The
budget for the entire project is
Wright reported that the land
scaping around the new science
building should be done early this
term. He also said that most of the
painting on the Press building and
the architecture annex is finished.
Pome trimming and clearing needs
to be done, he added.
Studies Made
Tentative studies have also been
made for the remodeling of the
second floor of Johnson hall. Wick
anil Hilgers, architects for the mu
sic school and business administra
tion addition, have been employed
to do this.
No estimation of cost has been
submitted since the plans are not
completed but according to Mr. T.
O. Lindatrom, University business
manager, the plans will be com
pleted by the time school lets out
and reconstruction will begin dur
ing summer vacation.
Offices Replaced
The second floor of Johnson hall
originally contained the Univer
sity business offices and registrar's
office. A huge lobby was provided
for the lines of students during
registration. Now, since those of
fices have been replaced by the
Bureau of Municipal Research, and
the Business Offices and Regis
trar's Office have been removed to
Emerald Hall and the Student
Union, the lobhy serves no func
tional purpose.
Johnson Hall was constructed in
1916 and few minor changes or re
modeling has been done on it since
then. The most important change
occurred two years ago when the
office of the Dean of Women and
Dean of Mon were removed to Em
erald hall.
Service Representative to Visit UO
To Discuss Officer Examinations
A Foreign Service officer of the
U.S. Department of State will visit
the campus April 23 to discuss the
forthcoming Foreign Service offi
cer examinations.
He is Robert C. Brewster, 30,
who has just completed an assign
ment in Managua, Nicaragua and
will soon leave for a new post as
political and economic reporting
officer in Stuttgart, Germany.
Brewster is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Washington.
Brewster will speak at a coffee
hour at 4 p.m.' in the Student
The examinations are open to
young men and women regardless
of race, creed or color between the
ages of 21 and 30, who are Ameri
can citizens of 10 years standing
and who, if married, are married
to American citizens. Women can
didates can not be married.
Starting salaries arc from $4000
to $5000 a year depending upon
age and qualifications and officers
may advance to a salary of $14,300
a year with opportunities to he
appointed to ministerial rank with
salaries ranging up to $25,000 a
year. Retirement and leave priv
ileges are granted in these posi
t ions.
Successful candidates will be
stationed at any one of the 300
U.S. embassies, legations and con
sulates scattered throughout the
world in sonic 75 countries. Tours
of duty will also be served from
time to time in the department's
headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Duties will consist of serving as
counsular officials, cultural, po
litical or economic officers.
Closing date for applications for
the Foreign Service Officer exam
ination is July 1. Applications may
be obtained from C. P. Schleicher,
professor of political science.
Schleicher will also make arrange
ments for interviews with Brew
ster during his campus stay. For
eign service applicants are re
quired to take a written examina
tion which will be given Sept. 8-11.
This exam is followed by an oral
Results Held Up
On Vodvil Tryouts
Results of the tryouts for the
all campus Vodvil show, held
Wednesday night for women's
houses, will not Is- announced
until Friday.
Tryouts for the men’s houses
will be held tonight, the schedule
Is’ing printed elsewhere in to
day’s Kmerald, and the entire
list of finalists will appear Fri
Haycox Second
In Vote for Prexy
Helen Jackson received the United Students association nomination
for ASUO president Wednesday night, to be the first woman candidate
for the post since 1944.
Muss Jackson polled 3,13 votes to Jim Haycox's 244, following red;1:
.vwL'n Lanru r>y me ouier two candi
dates. Before the redistribution process Don Collin
had 165 votes and Herb Cook 60.
Dick Davis was unopposed for the USA senior class
presidential nomination. Merle Davis won the senior
representative nomination with a vote of 293 to Do
lores Parrish's 253.
The junior class presidency nomination went to Tom
.Shepherd with 357 votes over Dick Hollenbeck's 247.
Ben Schmidt s 161 votes for the post were redis
uiDuic-ci. coo simpson defeated Ea: 1 Fowler 311
votes to 228 for the junior representative spot.
Helen Jackson
Senate-at-large nominees and the votes they received are: Jim
Haycox, 116; Don Collin. 109: Judy McLoughlin, 85; Ben Schmidt. 57;
Dick Hollenbeck, 53; A1 Karr, 48; Pat Choat, 47; Jim Lancaster, 46;
Herb Cook, 44 and Don Rotenberg, 26.
Milan Foster won the sophomore president nomination by seven vote't
over Don Rotenberg. The vote was 261 to 254. iiarv Whitaker won the
SU Board Petition Deadline
Monday; Screening Plans Set
MHcninery for screening canoi-:
dates for positions on the 1952-53
Student Union board was announc
ed at the board meeting Wednes
Petitions for membership on the
board are due by Monday. Open
ings are available to sophomores
from the schools of business ad
ministration, journalism, and edu
cation and the college of liberal
arts; a junior from the school of
health and physical education, and
one representative each from the
law and graduate schools.
Appointed Wednesday to the
joint screening committee to inter
view peittioners were Jane Wiggen,
Clyde Fahlman, Donna Buse and
Ralph Hillier. Remainder of the
committee, chairmaned by Paul S.
Dull, faculty representative on the
board, will be made up of repre
sentatives of the ASUO Senate,
Petition blanks are available in
the box outside 301 SU.
The board approved a committee
recommendation that the Platoff
Don Coossacks be secured as a spe
cial attraction for next year, to
appear Nov. 14. If this concert
proves a success, the committee
recommended that a second attrac
tion be scheduled for winter term.
A provision will be made for
paid labor to set up chairs for the
SU movie and concert programs in
next year's budget, the board de
cided. Set-up had previously been
handled through the activity pool
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sophomore representative nomina
tion with 262 votes. Judy Ellefsen
I was second with 212 and .A loy»>
Brcwm with 127.
Two women ran for the AST»
number one post in 1944. Audrey
j Holliday, candidate of the Inde
pendent Students, winning the post
over the Greek party candidate,
Phyllis Horstman. This was during
the war years, however, v.herv
Plcase turn to pave set cn)
The agenda for the ASl'O sen
: ate meeting at 7 tonight in the
Student I nion includes the fol
lowing items:
• Election procedure
• Constitution commtitee re
• Athletic award recommen
Two Operettas Present
Contrast in Stage Settings
By Jackie Warded
Presenting completely opposite
problems in staging, the two latest
University theater productions.
“The Old Maid and the Thief" and
"The Devil and Daniel Webster,"
will oj>en Friday for the first of six
In "The Old Maid and the Thief," ,
the primary emphasis , is on the1
- Eupcnc Rroistcr Cuard flii'to
. . . moved into a barn
music and the singers with the
scenery serving as a background.
Also, although the operetta is
short, the action takes place in
several locales necessitating the
building of each locale on the
stage. As a result, the scenery is
suggestive and similar to the type
of setting used in television.
A single chair and short railing
serve as the back porch, a painted
fire place, which looks almost j
three dimensional from a distance ,
and two chairs form the living
room. A few stairs leading to a
platform, upon which is a bed and ;
chest, depict the bedroom, the j
actors moving swiftly from scene 1
to scene.
Unlike the other production with
its four characters and many
scenes. “The Devil and Daniel
Webster" has a chorus of over 30
voices besides its principal actors,
but only one location. The original
setting of this dramatic musical is
a New Hampshire farmhouse, but
for reasons of space it has been
moved into a barn where a barn
dance is in progress.
Members of the stage craft
class, who construct scenery for
University productions as a part of
their laboratory work, have used a
contemporary interpretation of
scenery as it was painted in the
early twentieth century. Timbers
are painted on the born backdrop
instead of built there as is the
usual custom today. Bales of hay
and sacks of feed are used to add
realism to the barn.
“Rustic costumes to fit into the
barn setting were not too difficult
to find, and neither play presented ]
any real problems in costuming,”;
stated Joan DeLap, wardrobe
chairman. "A pageant commemo-;
rating Lewis and Clark and other,
pioneer figures is held every three
years in Eugene, so we were ab’o
to borrow several costumes from
Daniel Webster's costume wa»~
patterned on pictures of the mar*- •
and of other figures of his day, so
it piesents as accurate a view a;*
possible of costumes of the lS40's.
Old Scratch, or the Devil, is dress
ed as a seedy Boston lawyer.
Set in the lS90's, "The Old Ma><*~
—Eugene Ecgistcr-C lard gketo
. . . with suggestive scenery
am) the Thief” features costume**
of that period. Miss Pinkeiton
(Dorothy Anderson), the village
eccentric and gossip, is dressed-in
black and white with an ornate hat
to add to her eccentric characteri