*4 - - Letters to the Editor - - No Conspiracy Kmcrald Kdltor: Ah h member of the UHA Steering ‘Committee, (and maybe thm makes me a party leader) I read with amuaement Bill Frye's not so subtle insinuations of a deep dark plot between the K.m erald editors, particularly Miss Larson and the UHA party In the mimeographed scandal sheet that was distributed In the early Mon day morning hours. His charges are obviously the mouthlngs of a candidate and not a sane individual. I have been the treasurer of Ihr USA party for the pant five months. During that time 1 have met Mis* lairson just once. She never came to a meeting of the USA steering committee, nor was there any Indication at any of these meetings that party mem bers were In collusion with her. There has never been to my knowledge any conspiracy be tween USA party leaders and Miss Larson to defeat AOS candi dates. We Just happened to ar rive at the same unfavorable con clusions about those candidates sepa rately. Dick Paul USA Treasurer The Delts Clarify Emerald Editor: I should like to take this op portunity to clarify a statement printed in the Emerald Friday, April 11. It concerned the student body presidential candidate Bill Frye and Delta Tau Delta fraternity. The Emerald, In citing Torn Shep herd's fallacies and statements that were far out-of-bounds, said that Bill Frye had promised this fraternity a senator-at-large post If we gave him our support. Re garding this I would like to make the following statements: 1. Bill Frye promised us abso lutely nothing for our support. 2. The senator-at-large offlee Is an elective position and must be petitioned for In order to even have u name placed on the ballot. No one In this fraternity turned in a petition to that effect. I hope this will clear up any no tions that might have been start ed by the statement made by Shepherd. Bob Slietterly rri Hld. nl, Delta Tau Delta Courage Praised Kmeruld Kill tor: The ideal of political freedom has at last raised its timid head and shaken its fist at the farce we call campus politics. Tom Shepherd has had the courage to reject the political tyranny of the Greek Bloc, which tyranny mas querades under the name of "fra ternal unity." I am liuppy to see that some one on this campus stands for in dividual freedom In political mut ters, and I offer my congratula tions to Mr. Shepherd for refus ing to give in to political coer cion. When a man decides whom or what he will support in the mat ter of politics, he must make his own decision on the basis of some principle, not on the basis of what fraternity pin he wears. I was also interested in Mr. Shelterly's belief that the group is more important than the indi vidual, because I had always thought that the group, any group, exists for the good of the individual. This theory of “organ ization-for-organization’s sake" is a crime against society. Chris Williams Grede Disappointing Ktneruld Krill or: The very entertaining address by William Grede has left me rather dissatisfied, especially since there was for some obscure icason'no time for questions last Monday night. Kirst: Mr. Grede stressed his own selfishness in order to show what good byproducts were the result of it. As an example he told ns why he had started an insurance policy in his factory. If somebody died, the workman in his factory passed the hat, no that the widow would be pro vided for; but as Mr. Grede was the one that had to hand over the contribution he told how he felt obliged to put in a consid erable sum himself. His selfishness made him pre fer an insurance deal instead. But this was not selfishness alone, be cause he was in no way bound to provide for the widow. So I think that positive results Mere the effect bf first a sense of moral responsibility, and sec ond of ids self-interest. My ques tion Mas: whether all managers felt that way, and if the social struggle today is not mainly di rected against those managers that huve only selfishness und no feeling of responsibility? Second: Mr. Grede remarked that in 1949 compared with 1929 the U S. and Europe resembled each other much more, and that this was not because Europe had Americanized, but because the U.S. had Europeanized. (Note the play on the prejudice of the audi ence please.) In 1929 he said the U.S. was much more bouncing on its feet, and the instability and insecurity of that time was a much better security than the social security that exists now. I wanted to ask him whether he had completely forgotten that nasty little stumble that occurred right after 1929. It is so surpris- I Ing to find that a people gets a little more careful after a de pression like that? i nr aouticu people nave i rep ly, consciously chosen to have loss chance to become million aires, but more chance to have a decent life than in 1929. If this is what Mr. Gredc meant with his statement that the people are los ing their sense of freedom, I do not know my English properly. Besides, I wonder whether Mr. Grede thinks that there is as much room in the U.S. to bounce around on as there was in an earlier part of this century. May be he thinks that there is an other dozen empty states wait ing to be settled west of Oregon. Thirdly: The address was TOO entertaining, especially since Mr. Grede got some laughs at the CIO, social security, etc. It is a well-known and effective tech nique to make an opponent seem ridiculous in order that people may not believe in his arguments. But as we were an intelligent audience, according to Mr. Jones, tills technique should not have been used as it just depreciates the user. Compared to an honest, sin cere and positive approach of Water Keuther, this address was entertaining (in the wrong way), evading some important issues (steel), flattering (students go ing Lo take over in the future), unfairly playing on people's pre judice, and was, over all, rather disappointing. Dirk Schepers Holland USA Presidential Aspirant Says . .. '/ am Promising Nothing...' (Kcl. Not*-: Miss Jackson's petition was not filled out In time for her to flic- in the USA primary before Monday. Therefore, we are run ning her statement today. We ran those of Herb Cook, Don Collin and Jim llaycox Monday.) By Helen Jackson "If you elect me, I promise .. ", the kicker head for the statements of the previous ASUO No. 1 aspirants will not apply to me. I am promising nothing. I feel that the two parties will nominate and eventu ally the student body will select a president who will best represent the University of Oregon; who has the intelligence and experience to act according to the interests of ni-uuniL uuuy a» a wnoie; ana wno can exercise the judgment necessary in handling problems as they arise WITHOUT being bound by previous promises. How could I possibly promise an open primary although personally I am strongly in favor of such a plan ? I can certainly support it and intend to do so but nevertheless I could never promise it because I do not and could not control the Senate. How could I promise "pay phones out of the dorms” al though as a dormitory resident I could hardly be apathetic toward the situation and do propose a new committee to continue the push for "free” phones? How could I promise, although I support. tt mm rate para wnen so mucn depends on the actions of the City of Eugene ? My record on the senate, the stands I've taken on NSA, the presi dent s wage-cut issue, etc., are all open to praise or blame. I acted on personal convictions and will continue to do so. I can only look hopefully toward greater unity on the campus, to a senate that will split over issues rather than parties or personalities and to the fact that the students will get to know and then select the most qualified and sincere candidate to represent and guide them. - - Letters to the Editor - - Individual Worth Km<■ raid Kditor: So the Delts have depledged an individual, or should I write an individualist. Granted the Greeks have their so-called party system, but how many members in each house are thoroughly acquainted with the party to which they are affiliated? Because one member chooses to be of another party, docs that necessitate action of this sort? True this situation Is bad con cerning the oncoming election, but maybe people will realize just what parties mean in an election. At any rate, corruption is shown in our campus politics, as stated by Mr. Shepherd, in that the Theta Chi and Sigma Chi chances were ruined in 1950 and ’51. Perhaps this is an overstate ment of circumstances, but it only adds to that "fixed" cam paign feeling that is prevalent. Houses should not be depicted in politics; rather candidates should present their qualifica tions and be elected on individual worth. True that candidates need backing, and these may be by houses in a campus position. But if a member of a house selects another party, then he should have the opportunity to realize h i s beliefs without pressure brought forth by the group. In this fashion each person af fecting a ballot may clearly real ize a candidate’s worth, without voting as a house retains the position of expressing. Perhaps the AGS should at least consolidate the houses when issues of politics are to be domi nant in campus affairs. But that only provides for superficial de mocracy. As one AGS senator comment ed, in that the independents might organize and AGS not have a ehanee, the issues and elections may be one-sided for a while. But also candidates may have to put forth proof Of their qualities, without names of houses. And in this the voters may elect indi viduals who will be more respon sible to the campus group (of all students) as a whole. And to Tom Shepherd, who may be “an idealist in regard to his naive view of campus poli tics,” I send congratulations for adhering to his beliefs of what he thinks is right, without the bor rowing of ideas from group pres sure for an AGS ticket. Donna May AWS Council to Plan For Coming Year The executive council of the ; Asociated Women Students will ! meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the : Student Union to discuss plans for the coming year, according to Sarah Turnbull, AWS president. Members of the council include all heads of women’s living organi zations, Orides, presidents of wom en’s honoraries, presidents of the YWCA and the Women's Recrea tion association. DuShane Nabs Veep Position Director of Student Affairs Don ald M. DuShane has been elected vice-president of the national asso ciation of student personnel ad ministrators at its meeting in Colo rado Springs, Colo,. DuShane, one of two vice-presi dents, was on the association’s na tional executive council for three terms. He will serve for a one-year term in his new position. DuShane was on the resolutions committee of the conference, whose chief topics of discussion were phychological counseling and ways to improve students re sponsibility and integrity. Sugar Plum CANDY, MAGAZINES, SANDWICHES 13th & Hilyard Rental Typewriters V "Better Machines Within Your Means" OFFICE MACHINERY AND SUPPLY CO. 30 11th Ave., E. Ph. 4-8035 S T U D EN T S All undamaged Books Purchased Spring Term are returnable for full credit until April 15th. U of O CO-OP STORE DO YOU KNOW? A few students leaving school found it necessary to cancel their OREGANA subscriptions. These few remaining OREGANAS are now on sale at the Co-op. Thursday will be your last opportunity to purchase your copy of the 1952 OREGANA.