Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1952, Image 1

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    Volume LH1 rMVKicsiTV Of OREGON, ki'uk.nk, ti ksiiav, vpkii. ir», inr,:i m mbkk 102
AGS Voters Nominate Pat Dignan
The All-American Honor rat
ing lius been awarded the Ore
gon Dally Kmrruld by the Asso
clHtnl ( ollrglate Prm, Kdltor
I.ormi I.arson bus been notified.
The Kmerald hiih one of right
college dallies to win the highest
rating. Twenty-four dallies were
Kntered In the 46th All-Ainerl
ean critical service, the Knit-raid
was among 323 college papers
rated. 1‘apers Judged were
among those published during
fall term.
The 22 page edition put out In
honor of the l nlverslty's 73th
anniversary celebration last Nn
vfmhcr ri'cchi'd the comment
‘‘well ilon*-.”
Stating thi* Fane raid hail ex
i-i-lli-nl campiiii anil outside cov
erage, th*- news writing anil ed
iting was also judged excellent.
Front page niak**-up was given a
similar rating.
I'nder the departmental pag<-s
anil s|H-<-lal features, thr i-iilto
rial page was also gin-n an ex
eellent rating as was the sports
Iii past years, the F.rnerald has
lieen eonslstently rated All
American, winning the award in
1038, from 1038 to 1942, in 1044
and 1045 and 1047. Tho moat
recent top award was earned in
Arrording to tho seorchook,
tho rating Mas determined by
standards not by tho papers
thomsohos in oaoh group in com
pariMtn with one other.
Klrvon divisions of college
publications wore entered in the
eritieal service, including—be
sides dailies—weeklies, by-week
lies, monthly papers and nows
magazine-*. There were also the
same categories for junior col
lege publications.
University Press Break-in Try
Stopped by Emerald Workers
Burt Stryker, a boarder at Phi
Kappa Pst, made a forced entry
into the University Press early
Monday morning in an unsuccess
ful attempt to steal a copy ot
Monday's Emerald.
After a short struggle Stryker
was subdued by members of the
Emerald staff and turned over to
Eugene police who booked him on
a charge of disorderly conduct. He
was released in the custody of
John Beal, sophomore in liberal
arts and a member of Phi Kappa
Psi. No complaint had been filed
Van Rysselberghe
To Talk on Science
"Salvage of Science in Post-War
Europe" will be discussed by P. J
Rysselberghe, professor of chemis
try, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Student Union Browsing room.
Gordon Wright, acting head of
the history department, will be dis
"bussion leader.
An sabbatical leave from 1950
through the fall of 1951 Van Rys
selberghe spent most of his time
in Italy as a Fulbright visiting lec
turer at the Institute of Technol
ogy of Milan,
He also spent time in France,
Switzerland, Belgium, Spain and
England doing electro-chemical re
Van Rysselberghe also studied
the effects of war on university
life in Europe and the problems of
research in those countries.
against Stryker Monday evening.
Emerald staffers said they were
still considering the matter.
The incident followed earlier at
tempts by Phi Phi's to obtain
copies of the paper, apparently for
the purpose of preparing a rebuttal
to an article which appeared on the
| editorial page of Monday's Emer
Stryker and Beal appeared at
the pr< ss at 12:45 a m Monday and
asked for a paper. They were told
that legulat release time was 7
a.m. and they left. At 1 a.m. the
doors and windows of the press
were locked. At 1:15 a.m. Bill
j Carey, ASUO president and a
member of Phi Kappa Psi. and
Max Ingereon, also a Phi Psi. came
to the press and requested a paper
which was refused.
About 1:30 a.m. Stryker and
Beal were observed in the vicinity
! of the press. A few minutes later
i Stryker presented himself at the
glass paneled press door. He spoke
jbut could not be heard above the
I noise of the press. A sign saying
■ 'Tins paper comes out at 7 a.m.”
was placed in the window. Stryker
i shook his head. The door was
I opened a crack and Stryker was
j asked what he wanted. Stryker
; jammed his stioulder against the
! door and forced it open enough so
I that he could enter. He tried to
i work his way to the papers. Em
erald staff members prevented this
and Stryker sat down on a nearby
j table.
Glancing under the table Stryker
(Please turn to page eight)
'Get the Lead Out' Campaign Nets
1300 Pencils for Students in East
More than 1,300 pencils have
been collected so far in the Uni
versity's campaign to send pencils
to students in India and Pakistan.
The "get the lead out" campaign
started last week at the suggestion
of Norman Cousins, editor of the
Saturday Review, who told stu
dents at last Tuesday's journalism
banquet that there was an imme
diate need for a goodwill gesture
on the part of American citizens.
He explained that unless the peo
ple of the Far East realize that
the United States wants their
friendship, there is danger that
»they will all turn to communism.
At his suggestion, members of
Sigma Delta Chi, men's profes
sional journalism fraternity, start
ed the University’s campaign to
collect pencils the following day.
"Pencils are badly needed by stu
dents in India and Pakistan,"
Ward Lindbeck, co-chairman of
the drive, said Monday. "Enough
goodwill gestures of this type
might mean the difference between
war and peace with these coun
Aim of the campaign is to get
at least.one pencil for every stu
dent at the University.
"So far,” Lindbeck said, "we
have averaged at least two pencils
for every student we've contacted."
Political Meet
Picks Keynoter
Gov. Val Peterson of Nebraska
has been .'-elected keynote speaker
for Oregon's mock convention in
May. according to an announce-1
ment made by Neil Chase, promo
tions and publicity chariman for
the convention, ‘Operation Poli
Peterson accepted the invitation
in a telephone cal! from Chase
Monday morning.
Ralph Cake, member of the Re
publican national committee from
Oregon, had suggested Peterson,
Chase said. a*n. James H. Duff
(R -Penn, i and Sen. Leverett Salt
onstall (R.-Mass.) were previous
choices, but Duff plans to leave for
Europe to see Gen. Dwught D. Eis
enhower and Peterson w’as selected
over Saltonstall.
Peterson has been governor of
Nebraska since 1917. He served in
I he army in the China-Burma thea
ter from 19-13-5, and was discharg
ed with the rank of lieutenant-col
onel in 1946. He has been an edu
(t'lcasc turn to page eight)
Frye Beaten, 3-2;
Lally Runs Last
I .:t Dignan won the Associated Creek Students party
nomination for ASLO president Monday night with a clear-cut
majority of the popular vote.
Digit an polled 641 votes to Bill Frye'- 360 and Mike Lallv’s
* fa
i here were 35 miscellaneous votes, ac
cording to ACiS Pro-idem Larry Dean, includ
ing four for On. Douglas MacArthur.
The total vote obtained by his opponents with the
extra 35 totals 564. Dignan .“641 topping that by 71
The three candidates were present at the vote
counting, Dean raid, and "all were satisfied with
the count."
Screening of the remainder of the AGS class and
ASt’O senate positions candidates for the April 30
all-campus primary election will be completed today.
Farther nominations and campaign speeches will
be made at a meeting Thursday at 3:30 p.sn., Dean
said. He asked that all campaign managers be ready
u,,,-., nummauon .speecr.es arcs tr.e candidates prepare their
speeches for that meetipg.
Approval of the slate as it will apprar on the ballot for the ger.erah
election will be made next Tuesday.
"I was very surprised the election was decided on the first ballot.”
Dignan said when contacted Monday night. He continued by saying,
"I feel that this indicates AGS will be solidly behind their candidate. ”
Four Seek USA Nomination
For President, Will Speak in SU
Don Collin. Herb Cook Jim Hay
cox and Helen Jackson will be on
the bailot for the United Students
association nomination for ASUO
president in the USA primary elec
tion Wednesday.
Miss Jackson and Cook were
added to the slate by petitions fol
lowing the screening committee
nomination of Collin and Kaycox.
The USA candidates will speak
ing for senate-at-large only will
of the Student Union. Those run
ning fo rsenate-at-larfce only will
speak first, followed by the presi
dential candidates and the class of
The primary election will be held
between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednes
day. Polling booths will be in John
Straub, Cai son, Vets dorms and
the Co-op.
All students who are not eligible
for membership in otter campus
political organizations may vote in
the USA primary upon presenta
tion of their student body cards.
Dick Davis is now the sole can
didate for senior class president.
Miss Jackson who was also run
ning having entered the presiden
tial race. Merle Davis and Dolores
Parrish are running for the senior
representative post.
Junioi class president candidates'
are Dick Hollenbeck. Ben Schmidt
and Tom Shepherd. Ee.rl Bowler
and Bob Simpson are running for
the junior representative nomina
tion, Ilia Edwards having with
drawn. '
Milan Foster and Dor. Rotenberg
will oppose each other for the
sophomore class president nomina
tion. Representative candidates
for the sophomore class president
nomination. Representative candi
dates for the sophomore class are
Aloys Erown, Judy Ellefson arnr
Mary Whitaker.
Senate - at - large nominees are
Aloys Brown. Pat Choat. Don Col
lin. Dick Davis. Merle Davis. Judy
Ellefron, Milan Foster, Earl Fow
ler, Jim Haycox, Dick Hollenbeck,
Helen Jackson. A1 Karr. Jim Lan
caster. Judy McLoughlin. Peter
Moe, Don Rotenberg, Ben Schmidt,
Tom Shepherd, Bob Simpson anck
Mary Whitaker.
Two Light Operas Are Scheduled
For Theater's First Spring Production
“The Old Maid and the Thief"
and "The Devil and Daniel Web
ster" will be presented by the Uni
versity theater April 18, 19, 23, 24,
25, and 26 in the University thea
Gordon Howard, senior in speech,
will play Daniel Webster in "The
Devil and Daniel Webster" which
deals with the story of Jabes Sto
nex, played by Morris Beachy,
graduate in music, who has sold
his soul to the devil. This disclosure
is made during a country festival
in New Hampshire at which a Bos
ton lawyer named Scratch, played
by Larry Swanson, junior in liberal
arts, appears carrying a black box
under his arm out of which a lost
soul, in the form of a moth flics.
An Appeal to Webster
Left alone with his wife Mary,
played by Janice Evans, Eugene.
Jabes tells how he made his ba
gain. They appeal to Daniel Web
ster who promises to help them.
But Scratch is an excellent lawyer
too and he summons from the Pit
a jury of famous American traitors
and renegades and a hanging judge
who presided at the Salem witch
trials. Before this jury of damned
souls, Webster pits his powers of
oratory against the craftiness of
Scratch in an effor t to rescue
"The Devil and Daniel Webster"
will be directed by Horace W. Rob
inson, associate professor of
speech, with the help of E. A. Cyk
ler, professor of music, who will di
rect the music. Donald Allton. as
sistant professor of music, will di
rect the chorus.
The Gallant Thief
Others in the cast of the opera
Justice Hathotno played by Keith
Gebers. senior in speech, and a
chorus of men and women.
"The Old Maid and the Thief"
revolves around the Old Maid, Miss
Todd, played by Audrey Mistretta,
freshman in music, her spinster
companion Miss Pingerton, played
by Dorothy Anderson, junior in
music education who take a young
man. played by Walter Martin,
senior in music, into Miss Todd's
home. As various articles disap
pear from the house, suspicion of
thievery falls upon the man. By
this time however, the two okV
maids are so endeared to him by
his gallantly and charm, that they
are loath to give him up, thief or
This one act opera will mark the
University debut of two of its four
characters: Miss Mistretta and An
ita McGregor, music freshman,
who plays the part of Laetitia.
Both have wide experience in their
chosen field. Miss Mistretta’s voice
figured strongly in her selection a»
Miss Oregon of 1951. She also
placed first in a city-wide singing
contest at Long Beach, Calif., three
years ago. Last year she receivecL
the highest rating at the Newberg
Competition at Newberg.
Active in Portland
* Miss McGregor lias a:so been ac
tive in the music world in Port
land. For the past two years a
soloist for the Portland Rose Fes
tival, she appeared as soloist with
the Portland Symphonic Orchestra
in their weekly broadcasts last
summer. Also last summer, Mis»
(Fleeuc turn to pane eight)