Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1952, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Spike Jones and His Musicians
Will Play in Arena Ballroom
Spike Jones will play in the
Arena ballroom April 22.
Sponsored by the Order of the
O. Oregon's lettermen's club, and
the local Junior Chamber of Com
merce, the musical madman and
his "Depreciation Review of 1952”
will feature Sir Frederick Gas, the
City Slickers and Jones' wife, Hel
en Grayco.
Two years ago Jones played be
fore a crowd of 6000 persons in
McArthur court. The Arena ball
room holds 3000. His band will
again use the pink tubas and col
ored clarinettes used on his last
Eugene appearance.
Tickets are on sale at the Big Y
Market. Graves Music and Art.
Thompsons Music Store and the
Chamber of Commerce office.
Ticket sales will begin on the cam
pus in the near future.
Money taken in from the Jones
appearance will be used by the
Junior Chamber of Commerce to
defray costs of the seventh annual
Jaycee Junior Amateur Golf tour
ney Aug. 9-16 to be held at the
Country club.
Place your orders now for
Caps and Gowns for Commencement
Announcements are ready for
immediate delivery
All orders taken on the balcony
Board Approves Honor Banquet
A recognition banquet for mem
ber* of Student Union directorate,
board and committees and three
additional coffee hours were ap
proved by the SU board Wednes
day evening.
Thiee coffee hours, which will
bring to five the number planned
this term, for the honor code,
ASUO presidential candidates and
Henri Barzun, author and visiting
lecturer, were scheduled by the
Resignation of Board Member
Donna Bernhardt was submitted
by chairman Ralph Hillter. The
board tabled discussion on instal
lation of a loud-speaker for the
soda bar and the ballroom commit
tee report.
Mary Ellin Moore was named
permanent chairman of the record
ed music committee following in
tcrviows with prospective candi
On recommendation of Director
ate Chairman Clyde Fahlman, the
board approved a special commit
tee which will study the past year s
! activity pool setup.
A request that the board spon
sor Sigmund Raseher, saxophonist,
was referred to a special commit
tee. Robert Vagner of the school
of music made the recommenda
I tion.
CAMkuS calendar
Monday, April 14, 1952
11:45 Festival of ('ontenip Art
111 MU
7:30 Block Si Tackle 1I0SU
3:00 Jtiv Del Sem
4:00 1’1 Delta Phi
MU Vodvll Film
7 :00 AsUleplads
112 Mil
113 MU
333 MU
334 MU
Ailing Auto?
You need the campus Doctor
of Motors
• tune-ups
• complete overhauls
• guaranteed service
C. & W. auto repair
DIAL 5-6246
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To America t
And even to those beyond our shores.
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Whatever their race I
Whatever their creed!
Whatever their color I
Whatever their national origin 1
I shall forever do my part to keep America great! „ -
For when I am healthy, America prospers
And tyrants tremble before my might.
I am America’s life-blood I
I am America’s strength I
/ am thejnihvark of the World's freedomt
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Emerald "Sliaek"; or rail
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and I j».rn.
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a year! Investing that much in
a G.E. oil-fired plant will pity
you u 40 per cent return on your
money! (let the lowcfown today
from Coojs-r Bros. Heat Service!
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KELVIN RKFRIG. $45. After 5.30
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Board Surveys
Mentor Training
Teacher education in Oregon will
be under study during the six
month survey being sponsored by
state board of higher education.
Karl W. Anderson of Ohio State
j university, recently appointed re
; senrch director for the survey com*
■ milter, will arrive in Oregon June
15 to begin the study.
The Ohio educator was recom
mended by T. O. Holy, who con
ducted the survey of public schools
for the legislature last biennium.
The need for the survey arose
from several factors, according to
Travis Cross, director of the divi
sion of information of the state
i system. Among these arc the cur
rent teacher shortage at the ele
mentary level and the present hIIo
j cation. A recent point of contro
versy was the granting of the pro
gram for the degree of master of
science In education to the tin cj»
; state colleges of education.
Results of the survey will be
submitted in a comprehensive pro
gram of teacher education and
submitted to the chancellor, if pos
sible by the time the next legisla
ture meets so that any necessary
legislation might be acted upon.
Two additional outside consultants
will work with the committee and
Anderson on the final report.
Survey committee chairman is
J. F. Cramer, dean of the general
extension division of the state sys
tem of higher education, who Iras
been ill since February. Vlron A.
Moore, assistant dean of the gen
eral extension division, has been
| serving as committee chairman in
| Dean Cramer's absence.
New Officers Elected
By Legal Fraternity
Williams chapter of Phi Alpha
' Delta, national professional legal
fraternity group in the Oregon
law school, lias elected new offi
cers for the 1952-53 school year.
New justice is Thomas B.
Brand, vice-justice is Robert Boy
er, and clerk is Leroy Ehlers. All
are fifth-year law students.
J. Kelly Farris, past-justice of
the fraternity, was elected official
delegate to the 50th anniversary
convention of Phi Alpha Delta
which will be in Chicago, 111., Aug.1