Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1952, Page Four, Image 4

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    Not One, But TWO ■
No-Hitters Scored
In Opening IM Tilts
By Jack Dennon
With the exception of one game,
the intramural softball action
Monday evening was largely a
series of one-sided affairs. The
three-ring circus type of action
saw two pitchers gaining no-hit
ball games. Sigma Chi’s Jitn Cal
cerwood pitched a no-hitter against
Pi Kappa Phi, and Phi Kappa Psi's
Hal Lemon held the boys from
Sigma Alpha Mu hitless. Top slug
ger for the day was ATO's third
sacker. Altman, who connected for
four long blows in as many trips
to the plate.
In back of Calderwood's no-hit
pitching, Sigma Chi squashed Pi
Kappa Phi 21 to 0. Calderwood
-struck out five batters, walked
Cas Recovering,
fill Return Soon
Ler. Casanova. Oregon football
coach, says be “feels better than
at any time in the past three
months.” Talking by phone Mon
day to Assistant Coach Jack-Roche
from a San Jose, Calif, hospital,
Casanova said his back would be
..jiiaced in a cast Friday or Satur
day following an operation April
1-1 for removal of a spinal disc.
Casanova hopes to be in Eugene
in time for the opening of spring
.football drills on Monday, April 14,
or soor. afterward.
Ulll > V «..v V. ..
self. Barney Holland also collected
a homer for Sigma Chi.
Phi Dclts Win
Phi Delta Theta batsman collect
ed 16 hits to help walk on Delta
Upsilon 18 to 4 Phi Delt pitcher,
Clay, gave up just four hits, one
of them a homer by DU's McCon
nell. Phi Delt's Post and Clay each
banged out triples.
I Sigma Alph Mu bowed to Phi
I Kappa Psi 18 to 1, as Demon held
j the losers hit less. Demon also hit
a triple and shortstop Wayne Bal
lantyne socked a home run to aid
the cause. The Sammy pitcher.
Olds, allowed eight hits and struck
out 4 batters. Demon whiffed five
In the second round of the day's
play, the Campbell Club men suc
cessfully snubbed the Delta Tau
Delta diamond outfit by a com
fortable 13 to 3 margin. Heino and
Jones shared the pitching honors
; for the winners, while losing
moundsmen were Beerman and
ATO downs PKA
| On the upper field the Alpha
(Please tuni to page five)
Order of 0 to Meet
The Order of the O will meet
at noon Wednesday at the Alpha
Tau Omega liouse, according to
President Jim Divesay. Initiation
will be held for new swimming
j letter-winners, and all members
■ are asked to attend.
I —i— ■■■■
Best company <r!
an Easter bonnet
ever kept. . . ^
Get ready for Easter with Arrow Shirts in white,
solid colors, and patterns, and Arrow Ties.
Siegmund Fogs One Past Aggie
STEE-RIKE TWO Is what the umpire called on Beaver catcher John
Thomas after this pitch In Friday'* Oregon-Oregon State base bull
game. The camera caught tae hall In mid-air after leaving the left
hand of Duck I’iteher Don Siegmnnd. Catching for the WebfooU Is
Kon Bottler. The Beavers won the contest. 4-1.
Tennis Team Slates Weekend Tilts
Against Multnomah Club, Irvington
Coach Bob Laurence's varsity
netmen will see their first action
of the season this weekend when
they travel to Portland to take on
the Multnomah Athletic Club and
the Irvington Club tennis squads.
The MAC match will be played
Saturday, ar.d will consist of six
singles matches and two doubles
events. Sunday the Ducks will face
the Irvington Club in a marathon
of eight singles and four doubles
contests. Both matches figure to
provide a stiff workout for the
\ Battle for Top Spot
Intrasquad practice was resumed
last week after a lay-off over the
spring vacation, and competition
among the eight aspirants for posi
tions on the five man squad con
tinues to be fierce. At present
Jack Neer, Bill Hose, transfer Paul
Once there was a Sopho
more who had mastered
Strategy and Tactics.
He could point out
Win diagrams, just where Napoleon had
Pulled a Hlooper , . . and hovv the Hundred
Years’ War could have been stymied in twenty
Minutes, if he had only been consulted.
He didn’t, however, know Women. As he
demonstrated by forgetting his girl's Birth- 1
day. She, naturally, was Incensed. Sent him
a chilly letter canceling their date for the
Spring Weekend, three Days away, and
announcing that She was Through. Forever. !
Fortunately, he was a Man of Infinite Re- |
source, He waited until Thursday, then
hiked to the Western Union office and vent
a telegram. Very casual ... to wit: "Sony
you can t make Weekend. Under circum
stances, am dating Eloise Witherspoon, You
may have seen her Picture when she was
Voted Dreamiest Dish on Campus.”
His Pigeon arrived, breathing Fire, on the
first train Friday. After the Air hud settled,
it turned out to lie a Wonderful Weekend.
Even in Less Devious Ways, Telegrams
work Wonders. They coax Cash from Home
in Moments of Crisis . . . give you a Head
Start on competition for Dates . , . make
Arrangements and Reservations, quickly and
easily. M'Jmtener you try to Promote, it’s sound
Strategy to Make yotir Pitch by Telegram,
Willey, and Tom MacDonald are
all fighting it out for the number
one singles spot on the squad.
Rose is having scholastic diffi
culties, however, and may he in
eligible to play. Showing a good
deal of improvement lately has
been Ron Lowell, ex-Klamath Falls
star, who recently gave letterman
Don Neras a stiff battle before be
ing downed in a three set match.
Standings at present time have the
squad in the following order: Rose,
MacDonald. Willey, Neer, Nerus,
Lowell, Neil George, and Bruce
Dingier. Final rankings will be
made shortly prior to the opening
Northern Division match April 26.
Laurence is as yet undecided up
on what men he will use to form
his two doubles teams. The com
binations of Neer and Rose, and
MacDonald and Willey look par
ticularly good. Also playing to
gether have been George and Neras
semi-finalists in the ND tourney
last year, and Lowell and Dingier.
All four teams will be used Sun
day against Multnomah.
Cousins Works Out
Working out with the s<|uud
Monday, and displaying a sharp
pune, was Norman Cousins, edi
tor of tlie Saturday Review.
aorcher Lalls noopsters
Then* will lx* a meeting for all
those interested in playing var
sity basketball next year at .S:I5
Wednesday at McArthur court,
according to Bill Borcher, bas
ketball coach.
IM Golf Postponed;
Chi HI Wins Net Go
No panics v^ere played in either
tile intramural golf or tennis ac
tion on Monday, which was set for
the opening day of the season in
loth sports. ;
The slated golf match between
Delta Tan Delta and Tail Kappa
Dpsilon was postponed until Wed
lesday, while the Chi Psi-Pi Kappa ,
Phi tennis rnaich was won by Chi !
Psi on forfeit.
Mentor Pleased
By Relay Win;
UW Test Ahead
"I wan very pleased with them •
very pleased." Those were the
words Coach Hill Bowerman uaed
in regard to the Oregon track •
team's performance at lust Satur
day’s Willamette Relays. No doubt .
he should be pleased as the times,
distances, and heights turned In by .
the Duck thlnclada, who broke
eight records and garnered 10
other firsts, are comparatively un
heard of for so early in the season.
A pulled leg muscle sustained •
by Dick Zimmerman was the only
Injury reported by Webfixit truok
sters, so they should he ut full
strength to meet the tough Wash
ington Huskies .Saturday. The .
Husky meet will open the North
ern division dual-meet season for
Time trials are scheduled for**
today. The tentative entries for
the Washington meet as released
by the athletic news bureau are as
100-yard dash Bill Fell, Jerry
Mock, and Bruce Springbctt.
220-yard dash Fell, Mock, and
Ted Anderson.
440-yard dash Anderson, Doug
(dement, Merlyn Samples.
880-yard run Jack Hutchins, A1
Martin, Bill Hail, and Jack Lofti*
Mile run Fred Turner. Art •
Backlund, Roy Bradetlch.
Two-mile run Wayne Reiser, _
Ben Johnson, and Gary Garrett
120-yard high hurdles Larry
Blunt, Tom Swalm, Ralph Hisley,
and Dick Zimmerman.
220-yard low hurdles Jack
Smith, Hay Packwood, and Tom
High jump Jack Smith, Emery
Barnes, Wall Badorek and Charles
Broad jump Don McClure,
Tommy Edwards, and AI Oppltgci .
Pole \ault — Packwood, Itliss
Mannex, and Ed Robison.
•lax eliu—Chuck Missfcldt, Chet
Noe, and Brian Weddell.
Shotput—Noe, Ben Lloyd, and
Boh Craig nr Jlin Jones.
Discuss—I Joy d, Budorek, and
Don Long.
Mile relay—Anderson, Samples,
Clement, Fell, Hutchins.
JV Manager Wanted
A student manager Is needed
for the junior varsity baseball
team. Anyone Interested In tin
post asked to see Norm Kolb*
head baseball manager, at Mc
Arthur court.
26 Duck Athletes
Twenty-six men have been rec
ommended for vursity letters by
Athletic Director Leo Harris, sub
ject to approval of the ASUO
Senate. Twelve of these awards
will go to 1952 basketball players,
two to basketball managers, eleven
to 1952 swimming team members,
and one to a swimming manager.
In line for basketball awards are
Charles Henry ltonneman, Itonald
•lames Bottler, Charles N. Covey,
Keith t'arnam. Bob Hawes, Bar
ney Holland, Kenneth Hunt, Ches
ter Noe, Bob Peterson, Mel Street
er, Jim Vranl/.an, Kenneth Weg
ner, Donald Lee, manager, and
William I’erl, assist ant manager.
Receiving swimming awards will
be Yoshinabu Trrada, Gordon Ed
wards, Harry Fuller, Dave Houck,
Pete Charlton, Dick Ruckdesehel,
Milton Kotoshirodo, Jim Allan,
Henry Kairua, Allan Wakinekona,
Phil Lewis, and Clarence Ikeda,
Jim Jurkovich intercepted a pass .
on his own goal line in the 1 f>t0
Caiifornia-USC game and ran it
back to a touchdown for Califor-^
nia to give him the PCC record I
for running back an intercepted
W*-!. ,. | ,