Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1952, Page Seven, Image 7

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    ’•'Campus Briefs
( 0 The foreign language depart
ment's journal club will hold its
first meeting of the term at 8 p.m.
'Thursday In the faculty club. Hoyt
.Trowbridge, professor of Kngllsh,
will speak on "The Revolt Against
llistorleal Scholarship In Literary
0 The Oregon Majlis executive
committee will meet Monday noon
Ip the Student Union.
0 Petitions for Junior Week
end may be turned in at the Stu
dent Union in room 303 today. The
deadline for petitions for the fol
lRwing committees is April 8. The
committees are: promotion; radio;
pu b 1 lei t y ; traditions; terrace
(lance; sunlight serenade; junior
prom; all-campus sing; queen's
contest and coronation; float pa
rade; luncheon; and cleanup.
0 1'txir members of Orides
\t'cre honored by the Orides
mothers club Feb. 25 at a banquet
in Oerlinger hall, Allene Huffman,
uophomore in liberal arts, Patriea
Fruity, sophomore in music, and
Marian Briner, junior in history
s*nd president of the organization,
\v<t' awarded Janet Smith scholar
ships for spring term. Marian Cass
seceived the cup for outstanding
freshman woman In Orides.
. 0 Petitions for chairman of
the SU recorded music committee
are due Tuesday at 5 p.m. Prtl
Monern will be interviewed by the
fit’ board Wednesday; duties of the
ohairman are to supervise the
rnusie listening rooms, be respon
sible for record collections, and
present the weekly record con
0 Camp Cleatvox, Lane County
igirl stout camp, needs waterfront
.•fluff camp counselors, Positions
■open for the eight-week season in
clude unit leaders, assistant unit
leaders, nature specialist, arts and
•craft specialist, camp nurse,
handyman, and cooks. Those in
terested have been asked to con
tact Mrs. Janet B. Stutz, executive
director, at 1215 Oak st., telephone
0 All living orguni7.ationN
.should turn in Duck Preview hous
ing preference lists by noon today
Ui 309 Student Union, General
Housing Chairman I’ut Gustin said
YWCA Retreat
Weekend Event
Members of the old and new
\WCA cabinet will hold their an
nuul spring retreat this weekend
Sit a camp near Silverton. The
will travel by chartered bus,
i leaving at 4 p.m. today from the Y
headquarters in Gerlinger and re
flirn Sunday.
Those attending who planned on
leaving at 3 p.m. are asked to be
at the Y at that time by Miss Mary
Khzabeth McDowell, Y executive
Noiv Playing
with William Holden
with the Globetrotters
IT! Il.s ft ALDER DIAL 5-1022
Now Playing
Montgomery Clift &
Elizabeth Taylor
Now Playing
James Stewart &. Arthur
^ - Joseph Cotton &
Ttarbara Stanwyck
Petitioners Needed
For 'Sing' Jobs
Petitions for All-Campus Sing
chairmanships have been called for
by Junior Weekend chairmen.
Committee chairmanships open in
clude judges, decorations, pro
grams, tickets, seating, publicity
and contact committees. Deadline
is Monday at 4 p.m. Petitions may
be turned In to Jody Greer at Pi
Beta Phi or Francis Gillmorc at
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Four Women
<Continued Irani f>aye one)
work in journalism. Two Univer
sity of Oregon women, one fresh
man and one sophomore, will also
be honored for their Journalistic
Entertainment for the dinner
Will be furnished by the School
of Music.
Co-chairmen of the event are
Gretchen Grondahl and Fred
Schneiter, presidents of their re
spective fraternities. Working un
der them Are Marge Floren, invi
tations; Charlene Christiansen,
women of achievement; Adeline
Garbarino, arrangements; Abbott
Paine, printing; and Pat Choat,
high .school gue.sts.
The dinner will be held in the
Student Union at 7 p.m. Tuesday.
Invited guests have until Monday
noon to make their reservations in
the School of Journalism office.
New Law. Study
Offered by USC,
Open to Juniors
A new program of study for the
Bachelor of Lawn degree, open to
graduates of two-year colleges and
students who have completed two
years of college, will be started by
the University of Southern Cali
fornia School of Law ia Septem
Four years of law study will be
required for the Bachelor of Laws
degree. This is the first time that
students with two years of college
work have been eligible as four
year candidates for tho degree in
the SC School of Law.
The new "2-4" program was
developed by the SC law school
to provide a four-year course of
study to enable students to attain
a more complete legal education
than is possible in the normal
three-year curriculum.
Applicants for admission are re
quired to take the national Law
School Admission Test, which will
be given on April 26 and August
0. Information concerning the test
and application blanks for admis
sion to the SC School of Law may
be obtained upon request to the
Office of the Dean, School of Law,
University of Southern California,
3618 University Avenue, Los
Angeles 7, California.
Application for admission should
be filed by May 1, if possible.
BA Seniors Win Store Awards
fourteen business school seniors
will receive .store service awards
and scholarships to two eastern
universities, according to N. H.
Cornish, professor of business ad
The students will get between j
$500 and $ 1,000 each, enabling
them to enroll at either the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh or New York ;
university. Pan of their graduate
work will be spent in a major sto’e
in Pittsburgh or New York.
Receiving the awards are Nadir e
Stephens, Richard Bjorklund,
Darhl Davis, Charles Smith, Ro<>
ric Smith, Conrad Christense >,
James Kent, Richard Blenkinsoo,
Frank Preston, Haward Made.-,
Thomas J;iza, Richard Schwary,
Helen Triska and Donald Warnek-:.
4 0431
SUN. - MON. - TUE.
April 6-7-8
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