Hunt, Noe Top Scoring As ND Hoop Season Ends Cupt. Ken 1 hint and Chet Noc, n pair ot talented reserves from the 1951 Oregon basketball tram, stepped in this year to capture the Duck North ern Division and total season .scoring titles. Hunt became the highest .scoring "little man” In the history of the league when he tallied 218 points and his season's work vaulted him into second place In the all-time Oregon'scoring records behind Roger Wiley, who tallied 2.15 poults In 1949. Noe's 176 points over the entire season was tops for the squad and his 195 conference total ranked him as the fourth highest scorer in Duck history, trailing Wiley, Hunt, and Dick Wilkins. The big center was fol lowed by Hunt with 361 points and Bob Peterson's 352. Peterson also ranked third in conference piny with a 170 total. Ken Wegner, sophomore guard from Portland, led the regulars In accu urucy from the field, hitting .367 in league action and .368 for the entire season. Another sophomore, Bob llawcs of Bend, led the free throwers with .781 in the division games and .750 for the season. New Records Set Complete scoring for first twelve varsity Ducks during the season and the Northern Division games follows: A dozen team records and five new indllvdual standards were put on the recotd books during the 30-gamc season. The list of the new marks for the year follow. 1'irc throw. attempted (N'U) 42 v» OSf 215-52; old mark 38 v» OSC 3-36 48. tier tliri.it4 .cored (NU) 29 v» OSC 215-52; obi mark 151 v> OSC 3 6-48. t ier throw. mixed (ND) ..'I v« WSC 2-22-52; old mark 19 v« OSC 3-6-48. Rebound., game 74 v« San Jov 1-3-52; old mark 07 v. Utah 12 1 50. Average point. pel game 60,4 in 30 itnmri; old mark of 59.9 net in 19J1, I rcc thro*. attempted (NU » isoo I ctrrnon; old mark of .198 %rt by Kclxmnd* (X) 223 by Bob Pclcrwinj old mark of 1MJ wt I>y Peter* I^oncuf'iff in 1951. >n in 1951. 1952 NORTHERN Mayer & Petition Ken ffupt. g DIVISION AND TOTAL SEASON SCORING f rt N e, C IU ! I'r!rt **>n, f Krn Wegner, g Mr! Streeter, f I' l» II.iwo, g I<*>n !! ••.tier, « Keith I a mam, t L in ry Holland, g Hank 1$ oincmawi, c J :n Vranuan, f Bud C .c>, g Nl) rs Mi rs ND TS N1) TS ND TS NH rs ND TS ND TS ND TS ND TS ND TS ND TS G PGA FG 16 210 72 30 367 128 16 226 72 JO 147 112 16 212 60 28 423 1.19 15 I 19 190 70 22 11 71 29 162 5 1 1 5 47 12 26 90 27 15 49 18 28 90 27 14 45 26 89 15 .15 29 20 14 24 12 10 17 32 8 1 4 10 17 2 50 11 22 26 PCT .3 U .349 .319 .317 .283 .329 .367 .368 .310 .333 .255 .300 .367 .300 .378 .360 .2 ?9 .237 .250 .3 1J .118 .220 .200 .231 FTA FT PCT. PF 100 74 .740 32 149 107 .718 58 90 51 .567 47 165 92 .590 80 74 50 .676 61 114 74 .640 109 54 34 .630 47 87 54 .621 84 41 24 .585 37 74 24 .585 37 32 25 .7*1 19 40 30 .750 33 11 6 .545 24 21 10 .476 46 15 6 .400 20 44 21 .477 43 32 22 .688 16 52 33 .635 29 8 2 .250 10 12 4 .333 15 7 3 .429 11 19 6 .316 32 4 3 .750 12 8 -9 .625 18 GD RE 1 56 2 83 2 176 3 377 7 223 12 465 A TP AVE 58 218 13.0 , 102 363 12.1 6 44 9 88 2 87 2 87 1 12 1 27 0 28 0 46 0 21 0 38 0 14 0 53 18 0 30 ii 19,5 24 367 21 170 43 352 24 92 194 68 68 49 84 42 64 40 85 38 69 10 24 7 28 7 17 12.2 12.5 10.5 12.6 6 1 6 7 4.5 4.5 3.2 i 2.3 j 2.8 2.3 2.8 | 3.3 , 2.5 2.4 0 7 1.2 0.5 1.2 0.7 0.8 Burglar Helps Out FORT WORTH, Texan (UP) Nlghtwutchman Homer C. Sellars had to borrow a nickel from a bur-. glar he captured In a business1 , house so ho could call police to come and get the intruder. On or off reservations, Indians are free to hold any type of em ployment, private or governmental, without restriction. Charles Curtis, one-time vice i president of the United States, was a i>rs>-endant of Indian chiefs in tho Osage and Raw tribes. The Great Smoky Mountains In North Carolina and Tennessee are the highest mountains in the Uni- j ted States east of the Rlack Hills. fifth season School of the Dance Connecticut College on a hilltop overlooking the Thames River at New London, Connecticut July 14-August 24, 1952 Study with: Doris Humphrey. Louis Horst, Martha Graham, Jose Limon, William Bales, So phie Maslow, Jane Dudley, and other noted dancers , . . Certificate and academic credit available. Co-directors: Kuth Bloomer, Martha Hill For details write: Box 28 School of the Dance, Connecti cut College, New London Con necticut. Is your car FUN TO DRIVE? If not, here's why ... It lias no pep, no “gel up and go.” It burns too much gas and oil, breaks down too often. Chances are you can remedy all thC . .. easily, quickly, in expensively. Bring your ailing auto to the campus Doctor of Motors for a complete check-up. You’ll be pleased with the results; probably recom mend all your friends to the ... C. & W. Auto Repair 947 Franklin Blvd. 5-6246 Too Big For Rabbits WHEELING, W. Va (U.R) Con nervation office™ rubbed their eyes after three giant rabbits had been found dead on roads around Wheeling. One rabbit was four inches short of a yard long. It had ears seven Inches long, a six-inch tail and a 22-inch girth. The first real coke oven in this country is believed to have been built in Conncllsville, Pa., by a foundry owner. APPLICATION PICTURES plan to have them taken early. make your appointment NOW the FEHLY STUDIO 1240 Kincaid Phone 4-4332 II IN SPRINGFIELD $ Dollar Days $ March 13—Thursday 11—Friday 15—Saturday mujuu nylon hose 97c NYLON SLIPS $3 *5.08 MUNSINGWKAR OOWNS *3 Patricia 1st Quality NYLON HOSE 67c Dickie MEN’S KHAKI PANTS *3.77 Hawaiian PRINT SPORT SHIRTS *1.77 Men’s 85c HOLEPROOF SOCKS 2 pr. *1.00 Men’s CORDUROY JACKETS *8.88 Y Tflexonder YOU can TRAVEL i to most any point on earth . and have your tour arranged at NO EXTRA CHARGE by the Eugene Travel Service ... REPRESENTATIVES FOR SUC1I HIGHLY REPUTED TRAVEL FIRMS AS • Thomas Cook • American Express • Simons Gateway • Brownell • Mercury • Consolidated • Drake • Columbia All Services Offered by Us Are FREE Services Eugene Travel Service Eugene Hotel Lobby Phone 5-8431 Travel Unlimited Fennell’s Campus Shop Phone 5-6461