Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 13, 1952, SPRING OPENING Edition, Page Six, Image 6

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to a truly delightful
dinner ...
served in suroundings
harmonious with fine food.
For a Bit of Relaxation
Before Finals
the new
just North of Eugene—796 Hvvy. 99 X.
Get Out the Crying Towels . . . This Is Sad
These Little Things Have Worried
Schneiter for the Last Four Years
By Fred Schneiter
A few things hnve been bother
ing me all during my four years
here, and unless I get them off my
chest now, I'll probably worry
about them all next year in Korea
I suppose I could just fold my
diploma and slip off quietly, with
out a word about them. But in
hopes of forming a griper's group
on the subject, I’m passing them
These problems have nothing tc
do with pay phones, getting beer
in the Student Union or calling
students by their first or last
names. My gripes are concerned
with more concrete, material
things . . . things I can reach out
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
\ V /
“They had me
fencing with
fancy facts!”
A hey crossed swords with the wrong man
when they engaged this swashbuckling senior
in combat! At first, he was foiled by the tricky,
“one-puff” . . . “one-sniff” cigarette mildness tests.
But he parried their thrusts with this gleaming
sword of logic: The only way you can judge
mildness is by steady smoking. That’s the true
test of cigarette mildness!
It’s the sensible test . . . the 30-Day Camel
Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try Camels
as your steady smoke, on a day-after-day,
pack-after-pack basis. No snap judgments! Once
you’ve tried Camels for 30 days in your “T-Zone”
(T for Throat, T for Taste), you’ll see why ...
After all the Mildness Tests ...
Camel leads all other brands hfbiffiont
nnd touch nrul ask, "Why Is tills
so ?"
Suit Situation
The first question Is, what hns
kept the Oregon Historical society
from whisklng-off the Deady hull
basement men's room? The build
ing Is being renovated, but the
little room probably the 1876
original with its dangling chains
and cast iron fixtures, remains.
Also, why aren’t there funny
little poems on the walls, like in
the other men's rooms? The Deady
room’s walls are udorned with
math problems.
Then there's that lily pond just
south of Deady. It's a cute little
pond ... But why don't they keep
something in it besides leaves and
rain water? The only time it's
filled is during Junior Weekend.
And it's filled then for the sole
purpose of throwing freshmen into
it. Another thing about the pond:
Why doesn't its fountain spurt
higher than a quarter of an inch?
Sad Sundial
The sundial cast of Johnson hall
bothers me too. Why did they put
shade trees all uround it? About
A new gnomon was installed
this week on the Johnson hull
i the only time the sun can get at it
is at dawn.
This doesn't really matter too
much, because the gnomon Is miss
Checking Accounts
• Your money is safe, yet
always available. Just $1 .(X)
for a book of 10 checks
which you use whenever you
wish. Open your account
or THI
Eighth ond Willamette
Member Federol Deposit Insurance Corporation
in# anyway. But that given rim- to
the question, "Why doesn't It have
a gnomon?" All other sundials
have gnomons, Perhaps It Isn't
really n sundial.
Anil what about the four-faucet
ed Fenton fountain? It looks flue
with all Its cast Iron curlicues -
But why doesn't It have water like
other fountains?
Hud Krnlor Bench
The too, there's our senior bench,
in a good location, traditional and
what not. .. But why doesn't any
one ever sit on it ?
Sorority tfesserts baffle me too.
The girls dance, play cards, take
your cigarettes, giggle, wiggle and
sing .. . but they never serve de^
Also, there's that four-foot high,
moss-covered rock column that
stands east of Villard hall, next to
the highway. It's Inscribed, "Class
Of 1893." But what is it ? .
I've concluded it's one of two
things. It's either a broken obelisk
the top of which whk possibly
carried off on Home long-forgotten
Aggie raid, or else it's merely a
hard boiled egg-cracker for cam
pus picnics.
As a final thought, why is the
pioneer father carrying that whip
towards the pioneer mother?
Could be that nil these questions
are on his mind too, and he's on
his way to Johnson hall to see the
president ?
SU Cards Ready
For Faculty,
UO Employees
Faculty Student Union cards arc
still available to civil service em
ployees of the University and the
state board of higher education
who live in Eugene.
The cards may be applied for at
the main desk in the Student
Union. Employees must leave their
names and information regarding
their position at the desk and a
card will be; issued following ac
ceptance of the application.
Card holders will enjoy the same
privileges now provided to stu
dents by the SU board-sponsored
Birds usually do not begin incu
bating their eggs until the full
complement has been laid, because
otherwise the resulting young
would be different ages and sjf.es
and the larger ones would get all
the food, says the National Geo
graphic Society.
Take time out from cramming for finals
... come on in and cram for fun!
extra-special pasteries here for St. Pat's Day
*7I4e cJlosne &cdien.if
86 Jv Broadway