Omm Daily (EMERALD 18 thru 22. 25 thru 29, 12 Entered •chool year, $2 per term. Opinions expressed on the editorial pare are those of the writer and do not Pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by tiie associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor.__ His Pride in the 'll' Goes with Him This is where we came in—one term less than four years ago. But we’re finally got our union card so now we’re going East. One of the questions we’ll probably be asked as an Oregon graduate is: “What kind of a University do they have out there in Eugene?” It won’t be hard to answer. It’s a damn fine one, mister. One of the best in the country. And it’s steadily improving. You might consider a University as a social triangle with the faculty making up one side, the library another, and the physical plant the final leg. They combine to make a University as strong or as weak as the collective parts. At Oregon they make it strong. It’s not hard to take a quick inventory of the new additions to the physical plant. There’s the Student Union, one of the finest in the nation, with facilities for any social occasion. There’s Carson hall, an ultra-modern dormitory for women. The new business administration building will be ready next vear. The new science building, fully equipped with the latest gadgets, will be opened this spring. Over in Deady hall, the University theater is one of the very best in the country with a $30,000 light mixing panel second to none. The new addition to the library brought the booK snen capacity to 535,000 volumes. The open shelf system is unique among state universities and matched by few private insti tutions. It enables students to go where the books are, browse among- them, rather than wait at the desk for one book at a time. President Newburn misses no opportunity to strengthen and improve the library. We hesitate to comment on those professors we consider out standing faculty members. But to nail down the point about high-class faculty, we might mention two professors we don t know anything about except what their reputations indicate. There’s more to the new building than its atomic age equip ment. Professor R. T. Ellickson, head of the physics depart ment at Oregon, was the former head of the physics department at Reed College where physics is the single most distinguished department in a distinguished college. Pierre V an Ryssel berghe, professor of chemistry, is an international authority on electrolysis. Other items: Last year the French Government presented honor awards to 10 American universities for distinguished work in French literature. Oregon was one of the ten. Oregon has four Ford Foundation fellows. Only six other institutions in the United States have been honored with four Ford grants. The sophomore honors course adopted tnis year is aesignea to challenge and stimulate superior students. This is expensive education for a state institution, comparable to that offered in the finest private universities. The law school, school of architecture and allied arts, and the school of journalism have national reputations which com mand respect throughout the country—and perhaps even farther. Eight state department sponsored German newspaper men are studying at the Oregon school of journalism. Oregon was one of four schools in the United States selected by the state department for such a program. Of course, there’s still an intangible that goes along with the social triangle. You might call it school spirit. We don’t care much for the term so we’ll call it something else. Pride. There should be a lot of it at Oregon. There’s plenty to be proud of. Sometimes we tend to sell the University short because we doubt if a state institution can keep its requirements high enough to match the private universities. But to meet that problem, the University has established the freshman dormi tory program with an expert counseling system. The system is newer than the Student Union but even so it paid off last fall term. The entering freshmen who can make it if they have help, are making it, and the others who should never have started to college are quickly spotted and returned to their rightful owners. This is democratic education at its best. It’s a fine system in a fine university. Give it a year or two and this stuff some people call school spirit will bloom like a rose in fertile ground.—B. C. (P.S. We’ll still call it pride.) (Ed. Note: This is the last time you’ll see B.C. at the end of an Emerald edit. Associate Editor Bill Clothier has all his graduation credits and leaves soon for a position with Better Homes and Gardens magazine in Des Moines, Iowa. We re sorry to see those initials, which represented a mighty able and willing associate, disappear from this page.) ( > t ( ( l I I M i I YMCA Prexy H AH CHUN, senior In art ami architecture, recently elected YMCA president. Other YM of ficers elected were Ted Uoh, spe cial student in liberal arts, vice president; I^onard Calvert, freshman In pre-journalism, sec retary; and Jim Hetrick, fresh man in biology, treasurer. Buggy Shows Speed CHARLESTON, W. Va. (U.R) — Police reported an unusual traffic violation. A driver was arrested for drunken driving, running a red light, and going the wrong way on a one-way street. Vodvil Heads Reauest Names from Houses All-campus Vodvll Program ming Chairmen Joanne Forbes ami Patricia Bcllmer have requested that living organizations elect and turn in the names of their house chairmen to them before March 21. MIhh Forbes may be reaclii^ru 5-900*1, MIhh Bcllmer at 5-2615. The first meeting of chairmen will be held April 2 at 4 pm. In the Student Union. got "final frenzies"? Relax for a bit before those finals. Drive out to Rod Taylor’s for quiet, friendly atmosphere. Chinese and American foods for your enjoyment. 'Why not drive out TODAY? rod taylor's 4CM) Pacific Hiway S. Dial 5 > -004b - USED BOOKS WANTED A Representative of Long's College Book Co. Will be at the "Co-op" on Wednesday March 19 thru Saturday Noon March 22 To buy used textbooks which are No longer required on this campus. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CO-OP STORE F. Grant Getchell and James W. Getchell Aruto-unce . . . OPEN HOUSE . . . JjOSi Sp/UtUf, Opening . . . ^oday! The only drive-in cleaners in town! You don't have to leave your car to leave your clothes, at the... New Location 12th & Pearl Streets Dial 4-2152 • 421 Coburg Road Dial 5-3153 • 19th & Agate Streets Dial 4-8141 CLUB LEANERS HATTERS-DYERS AND TAILORS «