Clean for Spring! Bring your laundry here for quick service WAS?IATCERIA 2470 Alder Open Tuesday Nites 'til 8 DIAMONDS - WATCHES SILVERWARE HERBERT OLSON JEWELER 175 K. Broadway KiiK<*n<*, Oregon Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Phone 4-5353 For the Best in fish and seafoods Call 4-2371 NEWMAN'S FISH MARKET Fresh, frozen and canned fish and seafoods 39 East Broadway in ’52? Round Trip $280 via Steamship FREQUENT SAILINGS up HEW—-Tourist Round Trip Air *357-1° IN SEASON Choice of over 100 Student Class Tours tPAP Trovol Study Tours J7J Conducted Tours up ; University Tr*v*l Company, official bonded *g*nti for oil llnoi, hat rand*rod *fflcl*nt tr«v*l Mrvic* on a builntit bail* line* 1020. So* your local Iravtl aqtni lor loldtrt and dtlailt or vritu ut. UNIVERSITY TRAVEL CO. Harvard Sq . Cambridge. Mcfss. NO LYIN' You can march Into the Lemon ‘O’ and get • Fountain Service • Magazines • Drug Supplies THE LEMON '0' ‘DOC’ IRELAND, Prop 13th and Alder Board Will Select Business Manager A new Kmorald business man | ager will be selectefl at a 4 p.m. I meeting of the Student Publication j board on April 3. Petitions may be submitted to the office of Dick Williams, Student Union, until V ; p.m. April 2. Tho petitioner aclccted will fill the position vacated by the resig nation of Hob Greenlee, winter i : term manager. Term paper to finish? Finals to study for? If you're up late ... for any reason . . . you’ll enjoy an occasional snack to keep you going. Come in NOW for an excellent selection of tidbits! Hogan's Grocery & Wayne's Mkt. 544 East 13th Phone 4-6209 Day* COLLEGE CORDS For Young Men of All Ages 4.98 to 8.95 WE REDEEM GOLD ARROW STAMPS imuM. UTI-ITTBItS 61 East Broadway WE GIVE GOLD ARROW STAMPS CENTERPOISE POWER Vibration and power impulses arc‘‘screened out" as engine is centered and rubber cushioned between new high-side mountings. LARGEST BRAKES Big 11 -inch brake drums apply more leverage for more stopping power. Stops arc smoother, safer, with less effort. WIDEST COLOR CHOICE 26 rich new colors and two-tone combinations . . . widest choice in Chevrolet's field. New lie Luxe interiors are color-matched. BODY BY FISHER I ishcr Body sets the standard — for styling, for craftsmanship, for comfort! Fisher Uni steel construction is extra strong. UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE Chevrolet’s famous Knee-Action ride is now even softer, smoother. New shock absorbers give even finer ride control. WIDEST TREAD Chevrolet measures 58-5-4 inches between centers of rear wheels — a broader base to pivc you more sta bility, less sway! Only the New Chevrolet brings these fine features to the low-price field! Lowest priced in its field! Thi* heoutiful new Stylelin• De 2 Door Sedan — like many Chevrolet models — lists for lets It.un ony comparoble model in its Held. Continuation of standard equipment ond trim illustrated i$ dependent on availability of ma terial.) 4-WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION Chevrolet’s exclusive engine lubricating sys tem supplies exactly •he right kind and (mount of lubrication o each moving part. CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS The same material as the cylinder block, pis tons expand and con tract at same rate. This reduces wear, lowers oil consumption. SAFETY PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND Chevrolet alone in its field gives you safety plate glass in wind shield and all win dows, for a clearer, truer all-round view. INo other car in Chevrolet’s field offers you a single one of these features. Yet you’ll find many of them in America’s most costly cars. Here’s proof that you’re value ahead with Chevrolet . . . again in 7952 the lowest-priced line in its field! Come in and look it over. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! runnuuuc AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Simplek with fewer parts to\year. Smoother -no complicated in termediate gears. Op tional on De Luxe models at extra cost. MUSI rUWcKrUw VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Teamed with Power glide is the most pow erful valve-in-head en gine in its field and an outstanding performer in any fieldl ~7fe Qid/ Gate PRICED SO LOW! SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! * ! Cdnvenient/ir fisted unde/ *Aurb/nbbifes’' in your local classified teleohone directory i i i I