• Campus br>efs 0 Kuril house president hns been nuked by WSHK Drive chair man Jo Sloan to select bln WSHK representative by 5 p.m. Friday and notify Donna llart. r>-down collar spreads with a nice, casual roll In whites or colors. And of course you get a new Van lleuscn free if yours ever shrinks out of size. $450 VanHeusen RKO. T. M. ►I PlULLirS-JONKS COUP., NEW YORK 1, N. Y itonnie Blrkemcler, and John Talbot, Junior prom; Jody Greer, and Francis Gillmore, All-campus Sing; Dolores Parrish, and Pat Bellmer, queen's contest and cor onation; Jim Owens, and Norma Hultgren, float parade; Joan Car tozian, and Don Zavin, luncheon. Petitions will be called for by the above chairmen at the first of spring term. They will be due April 8. SHISLER’S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM » A.M. DAILY & SUNDAYS Tl L|_ 11 :00 P.M. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 COMPARE FATIMA* with any other KING-SIZE cigarette 1 FATIMA filters the smoke 85 millimeters for your protection. 2 FATIMA’S length cools the smoke for your protection. 3 FATIMA’S length gives you those extra puffs.21% longer. __mmL_ AND you get an extra-mild and soothing smoke-plus the protection of Fatima UALITY CIGAR £T §tlll Compare Fatima with any other King-Sire cigarette. If you're not convinced Falima is better, return pack and unsmoked Fatimas by Aug. 1, '52 for money back plus postage. Fatima, Box 37, New York 1, N.Y. Best of All KING-SIZE Cigarettes