ROTC Was Established at UO in 1916; Emerald Opposed It Originally By Paul Keefe The development of the Ileservo Officer Training Corp program on the Oregon campus haa extended over a period of 36 years. The inllitary department la planning on further development and expansion here at Oregon. The army haa Increased 1 t a quota for advanced students as haa the air force. The ulr force has established two more options, or career fields, to facilitate the ex pansion. Strong Opposition The first factual Information about a military program at Ore gon la from the Mar. 12, 1915 Em erald. In that Issue campus offi cials expressed their strong op position to a "military Instruction program" here. The view was re flected in an Emerald editorial which also opposed any such plan. The first positive move toward the establishment of the ROTC program was the presentation of a petition, signed by 100 students, to the administration asking for a voluntary drill. Petition Presented The petition was presented to the faculty on Mar. 18. 1916, and the first drill was held Mar. 29, 1916, in the Eugene armory. The drill was under the direction of Col. C. C. Hammond, Oregon Na tional Guard, and J. D. Foster and Ed Harwood, Oregon students who were elected temporary cadet captains. The first drills were voluntary with HO at the first and 62 at the second After the second drill ten tative plans were made for an exhibition drill during Junior Weekend but cancelled because of lack of experience. On#* Hour Credit firunted The Emerald announced on Jan. 9. 1919, that the faculty had de cidcd to grant one hour credit for drill and all men students would be required to attend three drill periods a week, unless physically disabled or because of “consci entious objection." Col. William H. C. Bowen, then head of the military department, announced that any student who failed to comply with the rules would be suspended from all Uni versity classes. He also said that the first uniforms had arrived, (irowth Steady No figures are available on the number of students who attended the early drills, except the first two, but growth from 1921 was steady. Five hundred were enrolled in the military department in 1921, 25 in upper-division courses; near ly 1000 in 1929,/ and 1093 winter term 1951-52. Of the present num ber 294 ure in army basic, 128 In ▼ army advanced, 407 in air force basic, and 104 in air force ad vanced. With this progress several other organizations have evolved. The KOTO band was organized in 1924, discontinued for the war years and reactivated in 1947. The rifle club dates back as far as 1928 when they won their first trophy. The actual date that they organized is not available. A woman’s rifle When a Young Mans Fancy Turns to Love'1 BRISTOWS Jewelers 620 Willamette i team wiih active during 1940-42 but wiih discontinued. Scabbard and Blade, military honorary, re ceived ltd charter In 192X, waa In active during the war but reac tivated In 1947. Optional Banin Requested Throughout the 1930's spasrnod ic driven called for HOTO on an optional bantu. During one of the driven for optional KOTO, a coun ter-drive, inninting on compulsory l*OTC, be launched. Nothing came of any of the driven. In 193S Gordon Connelly, an Oregon student, charged that the military program wan “valueless, a waste of time and han no legiti mate place an a compulsory fea ture of a liberal university." He said that he would not attend KOTO classes or drills. Referred to Faculty lli.n case was referred to a fac ulty committee but no positive action was taken for five months. During that time, student opinion seems to have favored his stand. The faculty committee decided that he was exempt because of "conscientious objection." Upper-division ROTO was dis continued from 1942-43 through the l94r)-46 school years. Classes were again held hi 1940 and the air force KOTO program was added. General Mark Clark, as com manding general of the 6th Army, provided a highlight in the Oregon KOTC history when he visited the campus on May 4, 1949. He is the highest ranking officer to ever visit the University. He was here to inspect ROTC facilities and con fer with University officials.” Born Under Fire BOSTON (U.Ri Mra. Ethlet Mur ray. 35, gave birth to a baby in her apartment even an firemen were fighting a fire in the upper floora of the buiPling. Another Big Egg FORT WORTH, Tex (U.R) — A half-pound egg nine inches long arid seven inches around the mid dle was laid by a White Rock hen owned by the J. W. Henrys. Oregon was very slightly favojp ed to defeat Idaho at Eugene whw they met in 1949. The Ducks won 41-0, the largest margin in tha history of the Webfoot-Vandal series. 9 trsetsv TO T>/W with a No-Minimum-Balance account • No charge for deposits • Open an account with any amount over $1 • Only 10c per check—in books of ten I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of EUGENE MAIN OFFJ£E Willamette at Broadway ANOTHER GREAT Layaway Event /A THIS TIME IT'S CATALINA SWIMWEAR ... holds each suit of your choice without further payment until May! Yes, it's a little early for outdoor swimming . . . but we asked for early delivery of our new Catalinas .. . just for this event! Now you may choose from a wide assortment of sparkling new styles ... have your selection reserved for the sunnin' and swimmin’ time that’s soon to come. Only a $2 deposit on each suit w ill hold it for you until May. See the outstanding styles currently advertised in Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, and the Californian . . . now, at the Broadway. V Reserve YOUR Catalina Today!