Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 29, 1952, Page Three, Image 3

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    World News Capsules --
Sen. Richard Russell of Georgia
Announces Presidential Aims
Compiled by Mery Ann Mov/ery
(From the wire* of the Flitted Frews and Associated Press)
Sen. Ric hard Russell of < icorgia 'I'lmrsday announced his
candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency.
Russell's announcement prompted speculation on the possi
bility of a Democratic third party revolt. Russell led a revolt
in the Democratic convention in 194M, when lie collected 263
votes from 11 states. Hut the Senator did not join the Dixie
crat party.
Russell characterized himself as a Jeffersonian Democrat who be
lieves in the greatest practicable degree of local self-government. Five
Southern Governors Talmadgc of Georgia, Byrnes of South Carolina,
Battles of Virginia, Shivers of Texas and White of Mississippi an
nounced their support of Bussell. So did Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia.
These leaders hope to create a Southern bloc of nine states which would
give them a balance of power In the electoral college, and through
the election Into the House of Representatives.
After five weeks in office ...
... French Premier Kdgar Faure offered his resignation to Presi
dent Auriol. Faure resigned Thursday after he was defeated in the
French national assembly on a vote to Increase taxes 15 per cent. The
increase was to help pay for French rearmament. The tax vote was
.the second of 20 votes of confidence demanded by Faure. He won the
first one, which involved his determination to carry on the war against
Communist rebels in Indo-Chinu.
-On the Korean front. . .
...Allied planes fought a one-sided air war Thursday, flying 625
.sorties to blast new gaps In North Korean supply lines. Sabrejets
sought Ked MIOs south of the Yalu river, but the Reds stayed under
ground. Only light patrol action was reported on the ground.
The prisoner exchange issue of the Korean truce talks now rests
with senior armistice delegates. One delegate from each side is meet
•ing to try to resolve the still-deadlocked issue. Staff officers are meet
ing on the truce supervision issue.
♦ ♦ ♦
A woman student was suspended . . .
.. . from Wayne university ns a result of Thursday’s House Un
"American activities hearings.
Mrs. Lorraine Faxon Melsnor, 21, was suspended after she refused
| to answer questions put to her by the committee. University Presi
dent David Henry said her attitude indicated either an unreasonable
■rcfusual to cooperate or a primn facie admission of criminal acton.
MAYFLOWER Starts Wed. March 5
SI Lisi
I Hugh
\ McDermott
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Her love was written in the song that
, rode the tides of conflict!
- for clothes GOOD & CLEAN . . .
G. & C. Washaferia
2470 Alder Phone 5-5190
Open 8 to 6 — Six days a week
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• Electricity is safe.
• Electricity is clean.
• Electricity is versatile.
• Electricity is the
energy for your home.
Deadline Placed
On Junior Weekend
Theme Suggestions
Theme suggestions for Junior
Weekend, May 9-1J, may be placed
in the boxes in the Co-op and the
Student Union lobby until 4:30
p.m. Monday.
Those submitting themes should
make them of a general scope so
that themes for the float parade,
prom and other events for the
weekend may be built around it,
Junior Class Vice-president Don
Collin stated.
Winner of the contest will re
ceive tickets to the prom and din
ner for two. The theme will be se
lected by the Junior Weekend com
mittee composed of the class offi
cers and committee chairmen.
Little Art Gallery
To Show Paintings
An exhibit of water colors by
Howard R. Sebold, assistant pro
fessor of architecture, opened In
the Little Art Gallery Thursday
and will continue through Mar. 6.
The display is sponsored by the
student chapter of the American
Institute of Architects.
Water color painting is Sebold’s
hobby. He has exhibited paintings
at Columbia university, at annual
shows of the American Water
Color society, the New York Wa
tercolor club, the University of
Florida and Heald college in San
Officials Predict
(Continued from page one)
cooperation with the company as
is indicated."
Scholl said that the statement
of the Oregon officials would not
Jeopardize the installation of flat
rate phones in the houses. He said
that he would have further consul
tations with the University admin
istration regarding the dormitorv
Oregon State college has agreed
not to file its formal complaint
with the Public Utilities commis
sion and the Oregon complaint,
which had been mailed Wednesday
afternoon, has been revoked. One
of the conditions laid down by the
company was that the changeover
would not be made if a formal
complaint was filed from either of
the schools.
State Radiomen
/Continued from pa^e one)
by the student forum in the SU.
Saturday's meeting- will include
registration in the SU at 9:30 a.m.,
a business session at 10 a.m., a
luncheon in the SU at 12:30 p.m.,
business session with election of
officers at 1:45 p.m. and a station
program and sales clinic at 3 p.m.
The annual OSBA banquet will
be held at the Eugene hotel at
6:30 p.m. and will feature music
by the University Singers and in
stallation of officers. Preceding
the banquet, “Hawaii Calls” will
salute the group on their broad
cast from the Islands at 6 p.m.
Hey Gals!
Leap Year Lyrics
Are in the Air . . .
You just catch him,
We’ll take it . . .
from there
620 Willamette
Frey to Speak for WSSF Drive Thursday
iv,“ Mwuuve secretary
of Studentenwerk, the German
student welfare organization, will
speak here Thursday at 1 p.m. in
the Student Union on behalf of the
World Student Service Fund drive.
Frey has long been active in the
Studentenwerk work which is
Germany’s substitute for the ac
tivities carried on by student
unions in America. He was direc
tor of the Kiel; German division of
•jinaentenwerk before he was pro
moted to the position of national
director of the organization.
An informal coffee hour will fol
low the open meeting.
Sugar Plum
13th & Hilyard
May catch you
with an empty
fuel oil tank.
Let us fill it
Delivered at your Convenience
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TOILET WATER (reg 125)
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Liquid Petals is a truly
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it delicately wherever body
warmth will bring out the
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Accent it w'ith delicious
Friendship’s Garden Toilet
Water for day-long, evening
long flower-fragrance.
Suggestion: Makes a lovely
Easter or Mother's Day gift.