Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1952, Image 1

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    The Pioneer Father's . . .
... history Involve* a park trip ami
a wilderness feud. For a full ac
count sec story by Hon Brou n on
I»h |fc «•
Volume LII1
1‘ijty third year of Publication
Partly Cloudy . . .
... Wednesday and Thursday, wi(iv
showers Thursday Is the weather
report. The evpeoted high today
47, low 34.
Meeting Today
Features Speech
On Race Problem
"Racial Discrimination In Eu
gene" wiU be the topic of a talk by
the Rev. Neil Culbertaon, a minis
ter taking advanced studies at the
University, at a meeting at 4 p.rn.
today in the Student Union.
The meeting has been called to
determine whether there Im suffi
clent interest on the capipus for
reactivation of the student chap
ter of the National Association for
|hc Advancement of Colored Peo
ple. The organization became de
funct here laat year.
All students and faculty mem
bers, regardless of race, creed or
color, who are interested in the
preservation of fundamental hu
man rights, are invited to the :
meeting, said Charles Aull, gradu
ate student in mathematics.
/\uii, who in masing Hrrangr
ants for the session, said that
Miss Marian Anderson, noted col
ored concert artist who sings Wed- I
nesday night in McArthur court, !
is being invited to the meeting.
Interest in the NAACP has been
revived among some students re-!
cently, according to Ault, by the j
testimony on colored housing con- •
dltions in Eugene. This was pro- 1
sented by Edwin C. Berry, execu
tive secretary of the Urban league :
of Portland, before the state fair
employment practices committee,
and by a reported threat to burn
down a Eugene house which was
leased to a colored family.
Among the stated purposes of
the NAACP are: To secure the
vote for Negroes everywhere in the
Uited States: to abolish injustices
in legal procedure, particularly
criminal procedure, based solely!
on color or race; to secure equit- '
able distribution of funds for edu
cation; to abolish segregation, dis
crimination, insult and humiliation
based on race or color; to equalize
the opportunity to work in all '
fields with equal pay for equal
work and to abolish discrimination
against Negroes in the exercise of
labor's right of collective bargain- i
Ing through membership in orga- '
nteed labor unions.
Delta Theta Phi
Pledges Students
Deady senate, the University of
Oregon's chapter of Delta Theta
Phi national professional legal fra
ternity, has pledged ten students
from the ranks of the University’s
law school Warren Woodruff, dean
of the senate, announced.
Men pledged are Robert Holland,
Sidney Ainsworth, Sherman
Holmes, Joseph French, Joseph St.
Martin, Edward Kellog, Bernard
Kelley, Roger Rose, William Death
erage and Roger Doolittle.
Initiation is planned for Feb. 23, |
followed by a banquet honoring the |
Civic Committee
Organized to Study
Negro Segregation
Democracy in Eugene may have
taken another step forward Tues
day night when more than 300
persons cramming the Fellowship
hall of the Central Presbytetian
church, voted organization of citi
zens' committee to work out a
solution to the problem of discrim
ination against Negroes in this;
city. Many University students and !
faculty members attended.
*’ The vote followed discussion of
(Please turn to page seven)
Maybe the Baby
Doesn't, But
How About Dad?
TACOMA, Wash. -<U.R)- Some
times a waitress Just can’t 1
please the customer.
t’sually cheerful, waitress
Faye Holbrook recently Haiti
"he’ll never tierce another root
"It1" thl* way,” "he moaned.
“Thl» bedraggled looking family
of five came In here yeaterday,
ordered meal" and except for the
me"" they made, thing" were
about normal.
“But when they started to
leave, the father handed me the
dirtiest baby-bottle I’ve even
seen and a"ked roe to fUl it with
root beer.”
Mr". Holbrook "aid "he duti
fully "crabbed and cleaned the
bottle before filling It and hand
ing It back to the father for hi"
“thirsty” year-old-"on.
“He was furious,” "he "aid.
“He told me: *
‘You should know that a baby
doe "i|ft take ice in hi" root
Famed Contralto
To Sing Tonight
Marian Anderson, world famous
contralto, will sing at 8 p.m. to
night in McArthur court.
Students will be admitted upon
preaentation of their student body
cards. Faculty and townspeople
must hold membership in the Civic
Music association, which is sjgm
soring the concert.
Now on her seventeenth tour of
America. Miss Anderson is appear
ing for the second time before a
Eugene audience. She will be ac
companied by Franz Hupp, noted
Miss Anderson's program will in
clude :
rreueric nandel s "Tut
ta Raccolta,” "Piangero Mia Sorte
Mia from ‘Julius Caesar',” “Ch-io
Mai Vi Possa,” anil “Dank sei Dir,
Franz Schubert s "Gretchen am
Spinnrade” taken from Goethe's
Faust and the spinning wheel song,
his “Llebesbotschaft,” "Der Tod
und das Madchen," and "Der Erl
konig," Gaetano Donizetti's "O Mio
Fernando from La FavoritoV’
After an intermission Miss An
derson will sing “Oliver Cromwell”
arranged by Benjamin Britten,
also his "Plough Boy"; "Early One
Morning” arranged by William
Tarrasch; "Barbara Allen" arrang
ed by Roger Quilter; and "Yar
mouth Fair” arranged by Peter
A group of Negro spirituals con
cludes the program; "Wide River”
arranged by H. T. Burleigh; "He's
Got the Whole World in His
Hands" from the collection of Mar
ian Kerby, arranged by Hamilton
Forrest; “If He Changes My
Name” by Robert MacGimsey; and
"Ride on. King Jesus” arranged
by H. T. Burleigh.
After spring and summer tours
in Europe and South America,
Miss Anderson enjoyed a brief fall
vacation before beginning her cur
rent tour. May and June saw the
famous contralto giving 20 con
certs in five countries, including
Paris, France; London, England;
Berlin, Germany; Florence and Mi
lan, Italy; Geneva and Zurich,
From Genoa, she went straight
to South America, giving four con
certs each in Rio de Janeiro and
Sao Paulo, three in Montevideo
and seven in Buenos Aires, to meet
the public demand. Large crowds
attended each one of her perform
Temporary 'Status Quo'
Proposed by P T & T Official
By Phil Bettens
The Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph company wants University
students to accept the "status quo"
the pay telephones now in opera
tion here — for possibly seven
months while the company investi
gates similar situations in other
areas of the country.
Kred Scholl, PT&T general com
mercial manager for Oregon, made
this request of Dick Kading, chair
man of the ASUO telephone com
mittee, while conferring with Kad
ing here Tuesday. Accompanying
Scholl were R. B. Bacon, PT&T
southern Oregon district manager
and W. G. Keith, PT&T general
commercial engineer for Oregon.
Survey Plan Told
The proposed survey would take
at least 60 or 90 days, Scholl sajd
However, the company would defi
nitely complete it by the beginning
of next fall term.
He said that the company want
ed to avoid a formal hearing be
fore the Public Utilities commis
sion — that such hearings were
lengthy, time-consuming, expen
sive and were sometimes delayed
quite a while.
Scholl Quizzed
He was asked by this reporter:
"If the students filed a formal
protest, and a hearing was called
by the PUC, what do you think
would be the result?"
"1 think we (the PT&Ti would
win," he answered. 'We think the
present tariff is sound and equit
"Would you accept the status
quo (the pay telephones» until we
make a survey to find out more
about other areas?" was .Scholl's
request. "Perhaps then well be
able to offer another .solution.” He
aded, however, that he had no idea
of what that solution might be.
Delay Not Hiatt
Scboll said that this request for
a delay was not an attempt to
"stall” the students.
"We want to investigate thor
oughly the administration of this
tariff throughout the country."
fThe PT&Ts tariff provides for'
coin box service in semi-public in
stitutions; the PT&T has said that
fraternities, sororities, co-ops and
dormitories are semi-public insti
tutions. )
And Keith said: .
"We have nothing to offer now
(in the way of an alternative
plan I." That's why wc need time
to make this study throughout the.
ATO Reinstated in A GS
With Disciplinary Provision
Alpha Tau Omega's petition for
reinstatement in the Associated!
Greek students, campus political
group, was accepted by a 22 to 6
vote at Tuesday's AGS meeting.
Under the AGS constitution,
ATO will be subject to a one year
disciplinary period during which
time they will have a vote in the
organization, but not be allowed
any candidates for ASUO or AGS
The fraternity's petition for re
instatement was read at the last
AGS meeting and the vote taken
at this meeting in accordance with
the constitution.
Left AGS
Alpha Tau Omega left the Greek
bloc two years ago when their can
didate for student body president,
Barry Mountain, failed to get the
AGS nomination. They joined the
United Students association, a coa
lition party of Greeks and inde
pendents, and Mountain was nom
inated by USA and won the stu
dent body president election.
A proposal to amend the consti
tution was read to the group but
a motion was passed to table the
proposal until the next meeting.
The proposed amendment would
provide for a two year disciplinary
period instead of one-year for
houses reinstated in the organiza
tion. During this two-year period,
they would again have a vote but
be allowed no ASUO or AGS can
didates. The proposed amendment
was presented by Dick Kading,
Sigma Phi Epsilon president.
Amendment's Provisions
In addition the amendment
would provide that approval of a
petition for reinstatement must be
made by a two-thirds vote instead
of the present simple majority.
Another amendment proposal
was also discussed concerning the
amount of time to eiapse between
the presentation of a petition for
reinstatement and the next meet
ing in which it is voted upon. It
was suggested that a specific time
between these meetings be pro
vided for in the constitution.
Flach Slates Russia and the U S.
Must Co-exist or Fight World War
Russia and the United States |
have no alternative but to co-exist :
in the future if they do not want j
World War III, Michael J. Flach.
visiting lecturer on international !
relations, said Tuesday night.
"You can bargain with the Rus
sians," he said. "But a deal for
continued peace can be made only
if the West is very strong.”
"Open war has ceased to be a
useful technique of policy,” Finch
said. "With the destructiveness' of
modern weapons . . . war yields no
victory, but only degrees of de
He sees the East-West conflict |
as a fight between the two seeur- |
ity systems of the United States I
and Russia. The economic and idc- !
ological clashes lead up to this po- .
liticai conflict, he said.
"Russia has always been expan
sive, and the United States has
always been trying- to check her,"
he said. "Yet for most of the time
the West has managed to be at
peace with Russia."
Flach said that the defensive se
curity area of the United States
includes not only the whole land
mass of the Americas but also ex
tends beyond both oceans. The
Soviet government, he said, is like
ly to consider itself secure only
when all the countries bordering
the Soviet Union are Communist
He feels that Russia will not
promote an all out war for Com
munism in the forseeable future.
Instead they wish to spread Com
munism's control by every means
short of war.
country, to see if we can come ijjv
with another solution.”
The company's only alternative
plan was the intra-campus ex
change. which has been set aside
by the ASUO senate.
Phone Shortage Questioned
In view of the national demand
for telephone service, Scholl was
asked, wouldn’t the intra-campus
exchange—which would require
about four or five phone# in eacls
living organiaztion—deprive ctherir
of phone service?
No. he answered. The rraiiv
shortage in this area is cable -not
instruments- and other equipment
— and the houses are already
amply hooked into the company’s'
Anotnfrr question was put to
Scfccll: In using pay phones, -aren't
University students being force*
to pay more per call than other
users of phones ?
Cost Averaged Out
He admitted that this was true,
but added that this was probably
averaged out through a reduction
in the number of calls made by in
dividuals. "We anticipated a 35 per
cent drop in calls from coin boxos
wben the rate went up to a dime ’*
Scholl said.
He said this semi-fcrced-reduc
tion in calls might be construed as
depriving students of some phone
Oregon Xot “Test Case"
The PT&T is not trying to make
O:egon a "test case." in order to
have a precedent for installing pay
phones in other schools in its area,
Scholl said. The company is only
trying: to enforce its tariff regula
tions properly, and had no idea of
using any sehoo! as a "test area."
Scholl said that apparently the
students had been misinformed
about the so-called Illinois plan.
According to information the Em
erald obtained, the University of
Illinois successfully fought off an
attempt by the Illinois Eeli Tele
Pteasc turn to page rigliTj
Committee Awaits
Honor Discussion
The honor code ccmmittee's
three-man delegation to Stanford,
university gave indications to the
committee Tuesday of what its
"Stanford honor system report”
will contain.
The group, including llerv
Hampton. Jean Gould and John
Beal, returned Monday night. They
went to Stanford Thursday.
Hampton, who led the delega
tion, said they talked to students
and faculty members and foundk
almost unanimous approval of the
Palo Alto school's system. One fac
tor contributing to its success, ac
cording to those talked to, ’was
Stanford’s "honor spirit."
The report will be made to the
committee at its Tuesday meeting,
Hampton said.
The talk that the "skeleton com
mittee" had Thursday with Orlan
do Hollis, dean of the law school,
was discussed. (The Stanford dele^
gation was r.ot at that meeting.)
The problem discussed was wheth
er it was better to install an honor
system in the whole university at
one time or in upper division
school? as they desire.
The matter will be discussed by
a segment of the committee with
the discipline committee Friday.
The problem of possible conflict
with the proposed honor council
and the present student court was
referred to subcommittee, to be
discussed between the latter group
and Fred F.isser, student court