Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1952, Image 1

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    Omaon daily
J:ijty-lhird year of Publication
Volume LIU
The Weathermen Says
... it'll hp partly rioudy tmlay
and tonight. Exported high, 50. Ex
pected low, 39.
Marian Anderson
To Appear Here
Wednesday Night
American contralto Marian An
derson will give her second Eugene
concert at 8 p.m. Wednesday night
in McArthur court. Miss Ander
son, one of the most honored mu
sical artists in the United States,
appeared in Eugene in January of
1947 before an enthusiastic audi
Students will be admitted upon
presentation of student body cards.
Faculty members must hold Civic
Music association membership
Miss Anderson will be accompa
nied by another musically well
known individual, Franz Kupp. A
native of the Bavarian Alps, Hupp
started his musical career at the
age of 1.1 on the violin under his
father's teaching.
By the age of 7 he was playing
the piano and at 10 heard his own
compositions performed in his
• The Munich Academy of Music
claimed him at 14 where he won
the annual Bavarian government
grand prize for four consecutive
years. Thereafter he visited vari
ous cities in Europe as soloist and
as accompanist till 1938 when he
was chased out of Europe by the
Despite years or study and voic«y
practice, Miss Anderson confesses
that it is still a big job to get a
concert tour into shape.
First, she must try a great many
more songs than she will actually
sing and choose the actual concert
numbers with Hupp, her accompa
nist for the past eight years.
And to top this, she must plan
for four different programs to cre
ate variety. The search for perfec
tion never ceases. The two points
considered in choosing a song are
beauty and personal appeal, for
Mias Anderson feels that she can't
really make the song live to her
audience unless it really means
something to her.
"A sincere giving of one's self,
however, ulways commands re
spect. And a song must belong to
one before it can be given to
( Please turn to faqe seven I
Speech Classes Will Present
Two Plays in Lab Theater Today
i iik imru siuueni uieaier pro
duction of the year will be pre
sented at 4 and 7:30 p.m. today in
the laboratory theater, 102 Villard,
by speech classes of Frederick
Hunter, instructor in speech, and
Horace Robinson, associate pro
fessor of speech.
The production Is free and open
to the public.
"Gooseberry Tarts" is the pro
duction of Hunter’s class. It was
written by Charles Lowe, and is
directed by Emmet Huff, who is
assisted by I^auralee Miller, with
Hunter supervising.
The Cast
Oast of this production includes
Joanne Forbes, Hester Longneck*
er; Betty Wise, Minnie Slocum;
Sharon Hamilton, Flower Perkins;
Leonard Krickcvsky, Gus Hender
shot; Mary Louise Gooding, first
girl; Claribel Swearingen, second
| girl! and Gayle S. Pattee, Mary
■ Alice.
The production staff for the pro
duction of "Gooseberry Tarts" is
the 367 speech class. Lorin Miller
: is technical director, assisted by
I Edward Tyler, who Is also chief
j electrician. Sunny Carnahan is
\ property mistress, Lauralee Miller,
sound technician; Carol Anne Mc
j lean, costume mistress; and Bever
J ly Larch, make up supervisor.
Another nay
"The Circle," a play by Somer
; set Maugham will be produced by
| Robinson’s class and supervised by
! the speech professor.
Cast of "The Circle" includes
[ Ann Moyes. Lady Kitty; Davia
; Saul, Elizabeth; Robert Pierik,
! Arnold; Bill DeLand, Teddy; Alan
| Barzman, Porteous; and Randy
] Myers, Champion-Cheney.
"Anna Christie" by Eugene O'
; Neill will also be presented by
Koblnoon h class. Characters In the
play are Jeanette Stone, Anna;
Kelther Geibcrs, Chris; and Harold
Long, Burke.
January Was SU's
Busiest Month
i January, 1952, proved to be the
| busiest month for the Erb memor
1 ial student union building on com
j pus since its opening in Septem
ber, 1950. Union facilities were
I used by 258 groups, totalling 27,
718 persons, for last month.
J Approximately 1000 groups rep
resenting 80,000 people have met
in the union since July, 1951. Uni
versity students and guests have
contributed a total of approxi
mately 70,000 ringups on the foun
tain cash register since September.
Another new record was set last
month in the use of the SU ball
room. It was in use 21 days dur
| ing January.
Some People
Will Do Anything
To Win a Bet
PORTLAND—(,T)—A man at
the wheel of a car crossing the
mile-long Interstate Bridge be
tween here and Vancouver look
ed as If he had no clothes on.
Police stopped him. Sure
enough, he hadn’t.
The shivering motorist — 23
year-old Milton J. Russell of
Camas, Wash. — said he had
made a five-dollar bet that he
could drive across the bridge in
the nude.
Deputy Sheriff James Sims
told him he’d lost the bet. But
then Sims considered what
charge to place against him.
Russell hadn’t been drinking. He
wasn't disorderly. And, being
inside his car, It wasn't a case
of indecent exposure.
So, after thinking it over, the
deputy wrote:
“Cited for not carry ing a driv
er’s license.’’
The University's own composer,
George Hopkins, who is also pro
fessor of piano, will present his
yearly concert at 8:15 p.m. tonight
i in the music school auditorium.
I Hopkins is well known in the
Northwest for concert appearances
in 25 cities in Washington, Oregon
and California, plus programs in
Arizona and New Mexico. To
) night’s all-American program is
i dedicated to the idea of brother
hood among the American peoples.
Four U.S. composers, including
Hopkins himself, arc included in
this evening’s program plus two
1 from Cuba and one each from Ar
gentina, Mexico, Chile and Bra
The program will be as follows;
MacDowell’s "Improvisation,"
Hopkins "Gavotte’ from "Three
Dances in Classic Form”, Griffes’
"Sonata", Ginastera s "Seia Pre
ludios Americanos'" Lecuona's
"Danza de los Nanigos" Nin’s
"Danza Iberica’, Elmerco’s "La
gunita", Chavez's "Preludeio No.
7" (Lento), Soro-Barriga’s "Dec
laracion,” Vilia-Lobos, "Alma Bra
sileira” (Chores No. 5, and "Con
cert Paraphrase on Gershwin
Themes” (Transcription by Hop
Flachfo Lecture
On Cold War
Tonight In SU
The cold war between East andht
West will be the topic of MichaeK
J. Flach, visiting lecturer on inter
national relations, when he speak**--''
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Student
Union browsing room.
In discussing the "East-West
Conflict’, Flach will undertake to*
clarify the basis of the present
tension between the Western pow
ers and the Soviet Union, and indi
cate how we can intelligently meet
th> world problem.
Flach has traveled extensively
throughout Europe and spe aka
several languages. In 194(‘. he won,
the Sudhindra Bose award "for the
outstanding contribution to inter
national understanding and co-op
| eration."
! The speaker is a member of Phi
i Beta Kappa and the American Po
litical Science association,
j Flach was formerly on the etaif
| of the Institute of Mc-dern Lan
jguages in Prague. Czechoslovakia,
i and an officer for the Czechoslo
I vak Ministry of Information. In
[this country he has taught at
j Tufts college of Massachusetts and
[ the University of Iowa.
Oregano to Take
Pictures of Emeraldites
Pictures of Emerald staff verk
jers for the Oregara will be taken
j between 2 and 4 p.m. today at the
| Emerald shack.
Oregana staff and Piggers Guide
[staff photos will be taken between -
,2 and 4 p.m. Thursday at the Ore
gar.a office.
MArrY olK iHDAY TO US . . .
The Emerald Observes Its 52nd Anniversary Todav
VOLUME I, NUMBER I or the Emerald’s prede
. cesser, The Oregon Weekly, appeared on Feb. 12,
1900. Although other campus publications—mostly
- literary magazines—proceeded it, The Oregon
-Weekly was the first campus newspaper as such.
(Eli. Note: In (his year of celebration
of the University’s 75th year, the Em
erald pauses to observe a birthday of
its own. The following article describes
the growth and history of Oregon's
campus newspaper since its beginning
in 1»00.)
By Ward Lindbeck
The Emerald has a birthday today.
Fifty-two years ago, on Feb. 12, 1900
the first issue of the Oregon Weekly, the
direct fore-runner of the Emerald ap
peared on the campus.
There had been other publications be
fore the Oregon Weekly. The first work
to appear was the Reflector, a literary
magazine, sponsored by two literary or
ganization. After the Reflector came an
other literary publication, the Oregon
Monthly, which continued to come out
after the Oregon Weekly began publica
tion. Both the Reflector and Oregon
Monthly carried little news and concen
trated on articles, stories and poetry.
First Editorial States Purpose
An editorial in the first issue of the
Oregon Monthly, stated the future poli
cies of the paper; “Through these col
umns we shall endeavor to keep the stu
dents informed as to what is happening
around them and to point out every pos
sible avenue of advancement."
The editorial continued by saying that
the Weekly was not printed in opposition
to the Oregon Monthly, but was intended
to handle different material entirely,
lilkes Signs of Times
Signs of the times are evident by some
of the ads carried in that first issue. One
large ad on the back page proclaimed,
"The Rambler- the best bicycle ever
built.” Another ad on an inside page
stated, "1/3 carload of Crescent bicycles
on the way."
Even during the early days the editors
liked to experiment with variations in
the paper. Although throughout the
eight years of publication under the
name of the Oregon Weekly the page
size remained at 4 columns wide, it was
sometimes printed in color.
Headline Size Increases
The earliest issue of the paper had no
large headlines but towards the end of
the first year their size increased. The
later issues also carried more stories on
page one. The first issue had three
stories, but by the end of the year the
front page had 7 stories.
During many of the years of the Em
erald and Oregon Weekly, a subscrip
ln Which We Explain .. .
Today’s nameplate reads '’Fifty
third year of publication."
On Monday's nameplate, the line
read “Fifty-first year of publication."
What, happened ? It seems we'\ e
been misled during the first part of
the school year. Wc thought we we re
50 years old, and were therefore in
our fifty-first year of publication.
But, after much research, it turns
out that we were 51 all the time—and
never even noticed.
Therefore, today we celebrate our
fifty-second birthday, and begin our
fifty-third year of publication.
tion rate of $1 or over a year, or 5 cents
a copy v/as charged.
A. N. McArthur was the first editor
of the paper.
Name Changed in 1909
The paper didn't bear the name of
Oregon Emerald until the first issue of
1909, on September 29. The change of
name occured in conjunction with a
change in the frequency of publication.
The editorial‘explained that the in
creased size of the University made it
necessary to publish the paper twice a
week. It also predicted that the Emerald
would become a daily.
Eugene's poet. Joaquin Miller, was in
directly responsible for the name that
was selected for the bi-weekly. He con
tinually referred to Oregon as the “em
erald state" in his writings ar.d the con
notation of the name, along with its re
lationship to the school colors, made it a
logical choice.
Spcu ts became important on the cam
pusa round this time. When the Oregon
Weekly first appeared it used most of its
front page to tell about an oratorical
contest and its winner. But the first is
sue of the Emerald gave the number one
position to a story headlined Large
Squad for Eooiball Under Eorbes" and
a sub-head boasted, “Sixteen Old Men
Make Championship for Oregon Cer
tain. But still much of the news con
cerned debates:
Emerald Published Bi-weekly
The Oregon Weekly appeared' every
Monday, but with the name of the Em
erald, and under the editorship of W. C.
Nicholas it was published en Wednes
days and Saturdays. It still co?t stu
dents 5 cents a copy.
Besides the changes in the paper it
self. the pay scale for the editoi, busi
ness managet and their assistants is now
different. When the- Emerald first came
out under that name the editor was paid
$100 a year and the business manager
$7S. Now the editor receives SCO a
month. The business manager averages
about $60 a month but his income de
pends on how many ads are sold.
Paper Grows with University
In 1912. when the Emerald was print
ed tri-weekly, the size was reduced to a
five-column paper and this continued
for a few years. The papers immediately
preceding these issues were six and
seven column papers. Again an editorial
gave the reason for more issues as an
increase in size of the University along
11’least' turn tv fayc eight)