Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 11, 1952, Image 1

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Fifty-fust year of Publication
Volume LIII
Anderson's Climb
To Stardom Told
Marian Anderson, famed contralto, who sings for Civic
Music association members and university students at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, at McArthur court, has been rewarding as well as
Miss Anderson, who climbed to stardom via scholarships and
help from other people, established a foundation to aid talented
young people in 1942. Since then she has awarded more than
$20,000 to over 30 young people, regardless of race or creed.
one icnirininTH ner i niinin ipma
church who helped her by the "fund -
for Marian Anderson's future" and!
the vartoua teachers who subsi- j
dlzed her, seeing in her, a great i
Three of the Anderson Awanl
winners are Genevieve Warner, ^
new soprano at the Metropolitan j
Opera. Camilla Williams of the
City Center opera in New York
and Luther Saxon who toured in
"Carmen Janies" an the male lead.
The Philadelphia Bok Award of
$10,000, received by Mias Ander
son in 1941. started the fund to
which the internationally known
singer contributes sums out of her
earnings. Every U.S. resident is
able to compete in this contest. Be
sides scholarships, Miss Anderson
has received at least twelve cita
She has appeared in more than
300 cities, singing 800 concerts to
some four million listeners in 44
states and the District of Colum
Tuesday Lecture
Features Flach
Michael J. Flach, visiting lec
turer on international relations,
will speak Tuesday evening in the
Browsing Room on the "East-West
Originally scheduled for Wed
nesday, this lecture has been
changed to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday In
the Student Union.
In discussing the conflict, politi
cal and otherwise, between the
western powers and the Soviet
Union and its satellites, Flach will
attempt to clarify the basis under
lying the present tension between
the East and the West and will in
dicate how the problems can be
intelligently met.
Flach has traveled extensively
throughout Europe and speaks sev
eral languages. In 1945, he was a
professor at the Institute of Mod
ern Languages in Prague, Czecho
slovakia and at the end of the war
he served as an officer for the
Czechoslovak Ministry of Informa
tion in Prague.
The speaker is a member of Phi
Beta Kappa and the American Po
litical Science Association. In 1948,
he won the Dr. Sudhindra Bose
award "for the outstanding con
tribution to international under
standing and co-operation."
Martin Kroll, instructor in po
litical science, is the d'seussion
Majors in the college of liberal
arts, to satisfy the group require
ments, must complete a year se
quence in each of the three groups
and a second year sequence num
bered 200-210 in one of tho three
Pet Show Ends
When Dogs Lose
Barking Voices
York boy*’ club pet show Hun
day, the content for the loudest
harking dog turned into a tough
The dogs barked lustily
throughout the show, when they
weren't supposed to bark. But
when their turn t^ime for the
harking contest, ihe dogs sud
denly—and simultaneously—be
taine silent.
The pleas of their young mas
ters fell on deaf ears.
No barks in the barking con
Faculty Passes
Honors Program
A program designed for fresh
man and sophomore students of
superior scholastic ability has been
approved by the University of Ore
gon faculty.
Called "sophomore honors," the
program, to go into effect next
fall, calls for a series of courses
which will be open to the upper
twenty percent of each entering
Class. Top students will be chosen
by aptitude tests and high school
eligible students may meet the
group requirements by passing the
examinations without taking the
courses. A passing grade in the ex
amination will give the student full
credit for equivalent honors cours
es. History, social sciences, litera
ture and a choice between biolog
ical and physical science will be
covered by the tests.
The program was approved at
the November meeting of the gen
eral faculty. "Sophomore honors"
was originally proposed last No
vember in a report on the curricu
The faculty feels that such a
program will leave time for elec
tives, language study or courses
leading to specialization In the col
lege of liberal arts or the profes
sional schools. Hoyt Trowbridge,
professor of English and chairman
of the comimttee on sophomore
honors, said the committee felt “in
a mass system of education, the
gifted students, who can profit
'flense torn m route eioht)
Senate to Discuss Proposed Plan
For All-Campus Election Primary
By Kitty Fraser
Discussion on the proposed all
eampus election primary was
taken off the table at Thursday’s
ASUO senate meeting- and post
poned until this week's meeting.
Essentially, the plan, which grew
out of discussions by an interim
committee of the United Students
association, campus political
group, has two parts.
All-campus Primary
The first, explained by Virginia
Wright, ASUO senator and USA
interim chairman, calls for an all
campus primary supervised by the
ASUO to be held proir to the gen
eral election.
Ballot for Each V
Each campus political party
would have its own ballot with the
candidates for the party general
election nominations on it. Candi
dates for ASUO and class offices
would file with their party and Uic |
ASUO to get their names on the
Voters would then declare their
party at the polls, obtain the ballot
of their party and make their
choices for nominations fo the
genera] elections.
Almost Another Plan
The second part is almost an
other plan. It again prov des for
a general primary election for the
nomination of all candidates for
each party with one exception —
the student body president.
Presidential Delegates
Under this plan, each party
would have a convention to nomin
ate their candidate for student
body president. Delegates to the
convention would be chosen from
the various schools, the exact num
ber allotted to a school being de
termined by its enrollment.
Presidential candidates would
get delegates to support them in
each school where they wished
their names to appear on the bal
Convention Procedure
In the convention, delegates
would be pledged to vote for the
candidate they were elected to
support on the first ballot. If no
candidate received a majority on
the first ballot, the plan calls for
the delegates to be free on suc
ceeding ballots to vote for any can
didate thoy wish.
Were Valid Criticisms
Miss Wright pointed out that
approval of one part of the plan
dees not necessarily indicate ap
proval of the other'. She said there
were valid criticisms of the con
vention plan.
Advantages of the new system,
she has pointed out, are that the
students are given a direct chance
to choose their party slate and
'Treater interest would be created
through this wider participation.
Supervision of the ASUO over
the primary would be an advant
age, Miss Wright said. Also more
work-would be required of the can
didates under the convention plan.
The ASUO senate has control
over elections and part or all of
this plan or any derivation of it
that may be installed by the sen
ate, if it votes to do so.
'Dreamers' Control
Destiny of Theater
rlhc destiny of the American theater lies in the hands of the
profession s "wide-awake dreamer ,” according to Sawyer Falk,
principal speaker at last week’s Northwest Drama conference
on the university campus.
Registration for the three-day meeting reached 550. The large
enrollment made the conference the largest of it- kind held in
the nation.
In his address I-riday in the UniversitV theater. Falk
iJiuiiiru mai many people in the
theater today lack the vision, artis
rty and intellect necessary fro the
continuing success of American
Must Have Dreamers
"Competent workers, actors and
directors are not enough,” he said.
"They must have dreamers and
thinkers to guide them lowaid the
‘New Theater'."
Falk, head of the drama depart*
merit at New York's Syracuse uni
versity, maintained that the thea
ter is losing its grip on American
audiences because theater people
haven't properly analyzed the
changing world "beyond the thea
Theater Must Adjust
He cited changing individual in
terests, advancement in communi
cation media, industrial mechani
zation, enrichment of human life
and the control of atomic power as
forces which the theater must rec
ognize and to which it must adjust.
"The theater we are seeking
must take into account this change
and growth," Falk said. Theater
workers who recognize the chang
ing interests of modem man will
find the magnet to "draw audi
ences back to the theater.” He con
tinued, "Our problem isn't to bring
the theater to the people. It's
bringing the people to the thea
Recapture Old-time Wonderment j
Falk declared that by thinking
deeply into the problem, theater
people will be able to recapture the
wonderment and amazement winch
the theater held in early Greece,
Elizabethan London, and New
York in the 1920's.
Arousing popular interest in the
theater will depend upon creating
something new and extremely the
atrical, he said, concluding with
the thought that new materials
and forms are not as necessary as
a "new mentality."
Falk was introduced by Fred
erick J. Hunter, instructor in
speech. About 250 attended the ad
Harding Chosen
'King of Hearts'
Jim Harding was crowned "King,
of Hearts" between basketball
games at Mac court Friday night
to begin the annual Heart Hop.
Harding, sponsored by Phi Kap
pa Psi and Kappa Alpha Theta,
defeated five other aspirants who
were Hal Dunham, Bob Brittain,
Bob Chambers, Paul Lasker and
Arne Borgness. The winner was
chosen by vote of the women buy
ing tickest tc the dance.
Ann Darby, president of the
YWCA who sponsored annual girl—
ask-boy dance, made the announce
ment of the “King." Gloria Lee, co
chairman -with Nancy Randolph
for the coronation, announced the
ceremony, held for the first time
in the igloo.
The 'traditional dunking' cere^-.
rnony for the “King" was held on;
the lawn of Carson hall following,
the game.
Approximately 350 tickest were
sold to the affair, one ticket ad-;
mitting a couple to dance in apy
of the houses. Refreshments were,
sold at the houses during the eve
Dancing was held in five wom
en's organizations: Carson, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Sigma Kappa, Al
pha Chi Omega and Delta Gamma
all of which were decorted to fol
low the “Leap Year Lyrcis" theme.
Move Decided
By Conference
Aftc-r four consecutive years at
the University of Oregon, the*
Northwest Drama conference will*
move to Seattle in 1953 where it!*'
host wlil be the University of
Washington theater.
The move was decided’on at a
Friday business meeting in. tbo
University theater. Horace Rob
inson, associate professor of speed*
and director of this years confer
ence. extended an invitation on bo
ha.f of the University, but Wash
ington won in the vote that fol
A financial report of last year’**
conference was also given during
the meeting by Robinson. He re
ported that $850 was received by
registrants and expenses totaled a
little more than $1000. "As in past
years,” he said, "we finisted in the
rest but the success of the confer
ence was an even greater compen
sation for that loss."
Last year 135 adult? and 380
students registered for the three
day event. Roy C. McCall, head of
the speech department, sponsor of
the conference. said .that 550 par
ticipants had reg.stered by Friday
Famous Author
To Make Speech
Bernard JDeVeto, eminent author
And magazine writer, will visit the
university May 6 as part of the
75th anniversary-celebration of the
University of Oregon. He will ad
dress a university assembly an#1
will meet witfr-stuaents at a coffee
Since 1935, DeVoto has served a»
editor of Easy Chair in Harper’**
magazine. He has-served as editor
of the Harvaid Graduates’ maga
zine ahd the Saturday Review of
Literature. His iatest books are
"Mountain Time ’ ar.d ’Across the
Wide Missouri.'’
DeVoto holds honorary literary
'degrees from Middle bury college.
Kenyon college, the University of
Colorado and Northeastern univer
sity. From 1922-27 he was an as
sistant professor of English at.
Northeastern and from 1929 to
1936 he was an instructor, lec
turer and tutor at Harvard uni
He is a member of Phi Beta
Kappa, national scholastic honor
ary-, the National Institute of Art*'
Hopkins Recitaf
Set for Tuesday
George Hopkins, professor of pi
ano, will give an All-America*
concert at 8:15 Tuesday at the
school of music auditorium.
This concert will include num
bers from the United'States—Mac
;Dowell’s "l*nprrsic-at>on." Hapkin’s
ovn "Gavotte” from "Three Danc
es in Classic Form” and Griffesp—
"Sonata from Argentina—Ginas
teras "Seis Pieludios American
os": and from Cuba—Lecuona’**1
"Danza de los Niniges" and N:n’s»e
"Dar.za Iberica”.
The second-half of the program
is in the same order—-American
bomposei Elmercc's "Lag unit a
(Tango"; Mevicos Chavezs "Prc
luuio No. 7"; Chile’s Soro Barnga’se
‘Declaracion ’; Brazil’s Villa-Lo
bos' "Alma Brasileira"; ar.d-the
finale returning to the states,
•‘Concert Paraphrase on Gershwin
Themes'.’ isansciitoed by Hopkins, •