Established Businessman Enters UO as a Freshman By Ward Lindbeck It is the usual thing for col lege students to have come right from high school or the services. It’s not too unusual when a stu dent is a retired teacher or busi ness man. But it is unusual when a person continues his well-started •business career while attending college. That's what Milton Van Zanten, 31, is doing. He is a pre-journalism freshman is registered at the Uni versity for the first time last summer. If things go right, he said, he’ll go straight through and ^et his BA. in three years or so. Not a Whim Going to college isn’t just a whim with him. He has a defin ite purpose; one thit will further •ifiis career in the insulation busi ness. The burden of a proposed nation-wide advertising program ^••ests on his shoulders, he said, and afce wants to be prepared. Van Zanten is carrying 14 hours this term. Besides his school work. *fcis duties as general manager of .Southern Oregon for the Therm O-Seal Insulation Co., keep him ..pretty busy. Bailt House But last summer, he and his wife found time to design and -build a six-room house at 90 Gil -vham Rd., where they and their . four children now live. The rough lumber of the house cost only $159. Most of it came from two large chicken houses which he and his Wife tore down. Oregano Salesman Wanted Now A call for Oregana salesmen has been issued by Chuck Isaac, busi ness manager of the yearbook. -Isaac said men are especially wanted. The top three Oregana salesmen this term will receive free 1952 Oreganas. Isaac said. Barbara Zumwalt. junior in edu cation. and John Hudson, senior sociology., were the top two salesmen fally term, each receiv ^ing free books. The only living organization with more than 90 ^»er cent of its members having ■•purchased Oreganas is Pi Beta Phi, also receiving a free year book. Isaac said students interested in Ihe sales work may contact him at -