Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1952, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Teaching Materials
Added to Collection
A display of teaching materials
furnished by the Denoyer-Geppert
company has been placed in the
curriculum materials laboratory
of the University library.
The exhibit includes maps de
signed to aid teaching of geogra
phy, history and other social stud
ies and diagrams and drawings to
assist in science instruction.
The display, which is semi-per
manent, represents a significant
addition to the collection of sample
textbooks, courses of study and
other teaching materials now fn
•the library, the library staff said.
Moth teachers and student-teach
ifcrs, they said, would find the ex
hibit interesting.
Youth No Barrier
CHELSEA, Mass. (U.R)—Though
only 25 years old, Andrew P.
'•Quigley has been elected mayor
•of this city. He also is a state
YWCA Sponsors
Knitting Party
The first "work and play” party
sponsored by the YWCA upper
class commission will be held to
day from 3 to 5 p.m. on the third
floor of Gerlinger hall.
All upperclass women may at
tend. This week the project is knit
ting afghan squares.
Professor Writes
Publication Article
Arthur Pap. assistant professor
of philosophy in the university, is
the author of an article in the Jan
uary issue of Philosophical Studies,
a three-year-old publication of the
University of Minnesota Press.
Pap is also the author of several
philosophy books.
Invite Dad down for Dad’s Day
Pianist to Give
Recital Tonight
At Music School
William Woods, instructor in pi
ano, will give a piano recitul at 8
p.m. tonight in the muaic school
auditorium. Woods, a graduate of
the University of Southern Cal
ifornia, will present a mixture of
classical and modern music.
Included on the program will be
Haydn’s ‘'Sonata in C minor",
Beethoven's "Fifteen Variations
and Fugue” on a theme from the
Eroica Symphony. Opus 35, Bar
tok’s “Selections from Mikrokos
mos,” Vol. VI including free varia
tions, major 7th, minor 2nds and
six dances in Bulgarian rhythm;
Schoenberg's “Three Pieces from
Five Piano Pieces," Opus 23; and
Schubert’s "Sonata in C minor,"
Opus posthumus.
Woods, in addition to instructing
piano students, has appeared twice
with the faculty string quartet,
once as accompanist and once ns
part of a quintet.
Article in Japanese
Newspaper Produced
Gifts for Teacher
A demonstration of American
Japanese friendship has resulted
from the publication of nn article
about University classes in Japa
nese language and literature in a
Japanese newspaper.
Donald S. Willis, assistant pro
fessor of Chinese and Japanese
languages at Oregon, has been
showered with gifts from Btrang
ers in Japan since a story telling
of his request for "something
Japanese to adorn his classroom"
appeareil In the Osaka MaLnichi,
Osaka, Japan.
Willis had written to Prof. Ma
suyama Set-suo, who taught and
studied at Oregon in 1949-50, ex
plaining. "My language and litera
Attend Campus
and Exhibitions
• %
Little Art Gallery— Open daily, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00
p.m., until February 15.
Dr. L. N. Marx, associate professor of psychology,
will speak on hyprotism, Friday night, 7:45 p.m.,
February 1. Browsing Room — Student Union.
Dr. Bertram Jessup will speak on "Which and
What is Modern Art?" 8:00 p.m. Faculty Club.
Open to the public.
i turc students would doubtless feel
1 closer to the spirit and culture of
, Japan If their clansroom could be
I adorned with something Japanese.
"If you could obtain a flag, a
j map, pictures, posters perhaps
! some examples of calligraphy or
j drawing done by fude (brush) by
; Japanese students I should great
1 ly appreciate any effort you might
make on my behalf."
The Osaka newspaper heard
about the request from Manuyama,
who Is now assistant professor of
Knglish language and literature in
j Saga (Kyushu) university and
j teaches in Osaka and Kyoto.
The newspaper expressed Inter
est in the fact that American stu
dents are studying Japanese, with
u total of 25 enrolled last year.
Said the article:
•This is perhaps the first time thHt
| our flag has crossed the ocean to
j carry out the mission of friendship
between the two countries since .
was readmitted to the society Vi
nations after the conclusion of the *
Peace Treaty. It ia entirely fitting
that our Hi no Maru (Japanese
name for the rising sun flag)
should now lend itself to the fos
tering of understanding and thus
become a symbol of enlighten
Since publication of the article,
Willis has received a Japanese
flag, a map. examples of calligra
phy and painting, a doll, and other
I articles. With the gifts have come
interesting letters, Including one
| from a 19-year-old Japanese boy
| who would like to correspond with
some American students.
Women's Bridge
Contest Scheduled
Th<' women's intramural bridge
tournament will be held in ttw Stu
| dent Union tonight at 7 p.m. The
I tournament is sponsored by the
Student Union recreation commit
j tee and is directed by Myrna Olson
i and Gunning Butler. A trophy will
, be awarded to the winner.
At 2 p.m. this afternoon bridge
I instruction will be offered in the
SU. Following the lessons, two
i hours will be devoted to social
: bridge playing.
Voting Ends Today
(C ontinued from page one)
Tickets for Saturday night's
Oregon- Washington basketball
i game will be on sale at the regis
tration booths all day Saturday;
1700 tickets have been saved ferr ’*'•
sale to Dads then. There will be no
special section for dads as there
has been in past years dads may
sit anywhere, except reserved seat
section, if accompanied by a stu
The scheduled snowball rally has
i been canceled.
Registration booths will be open
in the two hoteU from 9 to 11 a.m.
Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. in the SU, according to Jo
Anne Abel, registration chairman.
KWAX Awarded
(Continued from page i-ne)
Junior high achool, who will ap
pear in the SU ballroom, Wednes
The board moved to request to
the ASUO senate for a list of cam
pus benefit drives officially sanc
tioned or okayed by the ASUO.
Action was brought about as a re
sult of a request to place a March
of Dimes contribution holder in the
center of the Ballroom floor during
the dance held last Friday night.
The executive committee felt the
Student Union should adopt some
policy regarding the matter.
Dr. Albury Castell reported on
action of the Student Forum series
Clyde F a h 1 m a n, directorate
chairman, informed the board of a
memorial program honoring the
late Randall Mills cf the English
department which will be held
March 7.
Pad’s Day—Feb. 2-3