Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1952, Image 1

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    n daily
I'ijty-first year oj Publication
Senate Will Hear
Plan for Primary
A plan
•new Imsinc!
for an all campus primary will be brought up under
ess at the ASl'O senate meeting tonight.
Under the suggested plan, which has been under discussion
by a United Students association interim committee, each
party would hold an ASL'O conducted primary. The voters
would directly elect all the candidates to appear on the general
y lection ballot with the exception of the president.
• ine presidential candidate from
each party would be chosen by
-conventions. Delegates to the con
vention* would be chosen on the
Jjasis of schools, each school being
j^tfbtled a certain number of dele
gates, according to the enrollment
%jf the school.
Each candidate would have itH
iown delegates on the ballots in the
Ischools, and students would vote
for the delegates backing the can
didate they favor. The convention
would number approximately 45,
according to the plan.
Advantages of the plan, as ex
plained by Virginia Wright, USA
interim committee chairman,
would include a stirring of student
I,interest and the necessity of mak
Senate Agenda
Agenda for the AHUO sen
ate meeting tonight at 6:30
r p.m. nlll Include:
0 Student Union board
£ Mil I race report
^ Emerald report
£ Old and New Business
|ing the presidential candidates
("work in their own behalf to obtain
their convention delegates. The
plan would also prevent plurality
• lections such as the recent fresh
,'bnttn election, Miss Wright said.
1 ‘ We feel the plan has advant
ages,” Miss Wright said in Bpeak
.ing for the USA committee. "It
'■will be an extension of democracy
"as the students would be directly
participating in the primaries.”
*> Miss Wright emphasized that
the plan was not in its final form,
but tentative and subject to
Number of Lunch
Tickets Increase
One hundred and fifty additional
tickets for the Dad's Day luncheon
Saturday noon are available in the
Student Union today.
The new tickets were made pos
sible by a decision to enlarge the
size of the luncheon opening the
doors between the Student Union
ballroom and the Dad s lounge.
The 500 original tickets to the af
fair. which is for dads, daughters
and sons, have been sold out. ac
cording to Karl Onthank, associate
director of student affairs.
Lawyers Make
Hearing Draft
A formal complaint, protesting
the installation of pay phones here,
may be filed shortly with the Pub
lic Utilities commission.
Dick Kading, chairman of the
ASUO phone committee, said law
yers working on the case for Ore
gon students had corne up with a
draft of a proposed formal pro
test, which would entail a formal
hearing before the PUC.
"We hope to file a joint com
plaint along with Oregon State,"
Kading said. He added that he
planned to see representatives of
OSC’s- Co-op manager's associa
tion, which is heading the anti-pay
phone fight there, sometime today.
I How Did You
Say that Name?
! HONOLULU — (U.R) — Gov. i
j (>r,-n K. I»ng gave three minor
I children of Mrs. Rose Khpaukau
Ikawekiuolunalilo I.um-I.ung Ka- j
1 II a break Wednesday when un- i
der executive decree he ordered j
their names changed.
He changed:
Cynthia Kapaukaukawckiuolun
ahekiliikamakookaopua Kali to
Kapaukaulkawekiuoliinalilo Cyn
thia KaU;
David loane Kallokalaniolapa
pua Kail to David loane Kail;
And Daniel lini Kallokaianiol- '
apakamvilakuikahekiliikamakao- I
pua Kali to Daniel Uni Kali.
Schoolmates call them Cyn
thia, Dave and Dan.
Sigma Chi Adopts !
'Hell to Help' Week |
Sigma Chi voted Tuesday evd- i
ning to adopt the “hell to help i
week" program suggested by Herb
Cook, junior in business, and pre
sented to the Inter-fraternity coun
cil Jan. 18.
The fraternity plans to put the
plan into operation during its next
initiation which concerns a pledge
class large enough to handle an
outside project.
Cork's proposals suggests that j
fraternities have pledges going j
through initiation work on com- !
munity service projects such as,
campus clean-up. aiding the aged j
and disabled and clean-up of the j
Purpose of the plan would be to
promote good feeling among living ;
organizations, to provide a stibsti- I
tute for “hell week" which would j
retain all of its values but none 1
of its perils to health, scholarship
and house unity and to dignify the
initiation, Cook said.
The IF'C will set up a committee
to aid fraternities in changing
'hell week" to “help week," it de
cided at its last meeting. The IFC
has stated that the change-over fs
a matter for individual house de
cision. The committee will act
only as a coordinating group.
'King' Candidates
Eliminated to Six
The field was narrowed to six Wednesday night in the “King
of Hearts contest.
hinalists named are: Hal Dunham, Theta Chi and Alpha Chi
f hrnga; Hoi, Chambers, Alpha Tan Omega and Delta C,amnia;
laul Lasker, Alpha J au Omega; Boh Brittain, Sigma Alpha
hpsilon; Jim Harding, Kappa Alpha Theta and Pi Kappa Psi;
and Arne Borgnes, Phi Delta Theta and Kappa Kappa hainina.
Hostess Voting
Ends Today
Voting for Dad's Day hostess
will end at 3 p.m. today, with votes
to be counted tonight and the win
ner announced Friday.
Booths, open from 9 a.m. to 3
p.m., arc located in the Co-op and
Student I’nion. Students have been
reminded by the hostess committee
that student body cards are re
quired to vote for the three final- |
Dad's Registration: Satur
day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
Student Union and from 9 to
11 a.m. in the lobby of the
Eugene and Osburn hotels.
9:30 a_m. — Executive com
mittee. Board room, Student
11 a.m. — Annual Dad's
Day luncheon for dads, SU
2 p.m. — Annual business
meeting for -Oregon Dads;
Dads’ room, Student Union.
« p.m.—Dinner with sons
and daughters at living orga
nizations and elsewhere.
8 p.m.—Varsity basketball
game, University of Oregon
vs. University of Washington,
McArthur court.
8 p.m. — "All the King's
Men," University theater.
10 p.m. — Mixer, Student
11 a.m.—Dad’s Day service
in Eugene churches.
1 p.m. — Dinner with sons
and daughters.
ists, Mrs. Jane Carlisle Moshofky.
Mrs. Isbel Leighty Ingham, and
Mrs. EaNelle Gay Newman.
Tickets for the Dads' luncheon
are sold out but names and tele
phone numbers are being taken at
the Student Union main desk in
the event all tickets reserved for
mail orders are not sold.
Dads who ordered tickets by
mail may pick them up in the Em
erald hall office of Karl Onthank,
associate director of student af
f Piease turn to Page eight)
women wno nolfl tickets to tho
fiance may vote for their choice itv
thc Co-op next week Monday
through Friday.
Tickets are 60 cents and will ho
available in both the Co-op an*.
Student Union on Monday.
The “King of Hearts" will reign
over the YWCA sponsored Heart
Hop on Feb. 8. Living organiza
tions open for dancing will be Car
son hall, Delta Gamma, Alpha Chi
Omega, Sigma Kappa and Kappa
Kappa Gamma.
KWAX Awarded
Listening Room
For Student Use
The Student Union board grant
ed campus radio station KWAX a
student listening room in the SU
at meeting Wednesday evening.
The action was taken following1
a request by Glenn Starlin. assist
ant professor of speech, and Dick
Hardie. Starlin pointed out be
cause KWAX was, an FM station
and there were few such sets ir*
the area, difficulty had been found’
in establishing a regular listening
Awarded the station was 206,
one of the music listening rooms,
which has FM facilities in use now.
| The board furthered plans for
; tlie John Crown concert which wilt
be held in the Music School audi
torium Mar. 3. Jane Wiggen was
appointed ticket chairman. Maggie
Powne was appointed to handle
miscellaneous items and Donna
Buse was appointed general chair
Dean Theodore Kratl of the Mu
sic School appeared earlier to dis
cuss the relation and position of
the school and SU cooperation.
Orville Collver, chairman of the
Browsing room committee, pre
sented a vocational orientation pro
posal to the board which will wait
action of the board at next week’s
A request for funds to pay for a
guest square dancing caller was
granted The guest caller is to be
Joe Dolan, principal of Springfield
_ f Please turn to pane eight I
A Look Back at Events of Deferred Livina System
v (Ed. note: After a yenr and a
I half of deferred living, the Em
erald ta surveying the system an
It ha* developed and a* It In now.
The following la the first of two
^ articles in a aeries presenting an
account of the plan and back
ground of ita development. See
' ond In the aeries will appear Fri
day. Another article In Satur
, day’s Dad’s Day issue will sur
vey freshman men and women’s
4 opinions on deferred living, and
a final article will appear In
Monday’s issue.
* _
By Al Karr
More than three years have
■passed since the announcement
£hat a plan to have freshmen live
Outside fraternities and sororities
Iwas made to Oregon students—a
{period during which vociferous op
position to deferred living came
I from many sources.
. “ Now, says Donald M. DuShane,
^director of student affairs, the
’plan has general acceptance.
' The policy, unanimously estab
lished by University officials, was
announced at an Inter-fraternity
■council meeting Nov. 4, 1948, and
later to presidents of all Greek or
ganizations the next day.
Later termed the "DuShane
plan" (after DuShane, who took
over administrative charge of
what is now the office of student
affairs in May, 1948), the defer
red living was to go into effect fall
term, 1949, but was postponed one
year to allow Greek organizations
to build up membership.
The new system underwent a
major alteration this year with
separate freshman dormitory
Original Set-up
Deferred living as originally set
up was essentially this:
1. All first-year students to live
in dormitories John Straub, Vets'
dorms, and Carson hall or town
rooms, not in fraternity and soror
ity houses.
2. 1FC and Panhellenic sorority j
organization ,to decide quotas for |
following year's rushees and rules 1
for junior transfers.
3. University authorities to re
examine house capacities, enforce
to the limit of house capacity the
on-campus living rules for all
women and freshmen and sopho
more men and protect established
chapters from competition of new ]
nationals until period of adjust
ment is over.
A plan of deferred living had
been considered as early as 1937,
when the Oregon Dads studied the
situation, recommending deferred
rushing. No action was then taken,
chiefly because the financial con
dition of many houses would not
allow it.
When the administration's deci
sion was announced in 1948, War
ren Richey, IFC president at that
time, said it was too early to form
an opinion pro or con. DuShane
said then, "The University rc-af
firms its support of the fratemity
soiority system and its prior com
mitment to chapters already estab
lished at the University of Ore
DuShane Listed Advantages
Avantages stressed by DuShane
at that time included:
1. A common experience in
group living for freshmen.
2. Improvement of Greek-Inde
pendent relations.
3. Fewer adjustment problems
for freshmen because of elimina
tion of many fraternity require
4. Elimination of pledging a
house merely to have a place to
stay - arising out of fall term rush
week housing practices.
5. Putting dormitories and fra
ternities on a businesslike basis.
6. More serious-minded upper
classmen living in houses.
7. Higher quotas for Greek
houses—thus greater percentage
of Greeks among students.
8. Better counseling in the dor
mitories. ,
And the Disadvantages
Disadvantages he listed were:
1. Earlier deadline for dormitory !
applications needed.
2. Freshmen available for pledge
duties only at certain times.
The Interdorm council said at
that time it was not satisfied with
the plan, feeling it would "weaken
the dormitory system". The coun
cil asked for deferred rushing to
go with the plan; DuShane said
the administration would consider
the proposal. IDC said the plan
was "not just or practical” and
asked that the fraternities be
“cleaned up" first. DuShane told
them, “We have that in mind " <
Opposition came also from the
Greeks, who felt the dorms would
be kept filled at the expense of the
fraternities. They feared financial
injury during the transition per
Columnist Declared Opposition
On Nov. 13 an Emerald colum- j
nist, Mike Callahan, said he |
thought DuShane was the "fall I
guy" of the administration regard
ing the plan. Callahan said there
was IFC, IDC, and Panhellenic dis
satisfaction with the proposal be
cause they had not been consulted
before the announcement. He op
posed the plan because he felt
double counseling and double fi
ancial responsibilities on fresh
man pledges would be too much
of a burden.
Latei* A. H. Kunz, head of the
chemistry department, agreed in a
letter to the Emerald that the
dorms and Greeks should have
been consulted and suggested that
a halfway deferred living setup be
installed, or the plan be deferred
for a year.
Continued Opposition
JFC, I DC and Panhellenic con
tinued to oppose the plan. Then,
on Jan. 23, 1949, deferred livings
was postponed until fall term of
1950. DuShane explained that the
postponement was to allow a
longer adjustment period for the
fraternities and sororities. IFCT
called the postponement “only a
breather” and said it still didn't
like it. Panhellenic concurred.
One charge against instigators
of the plan at that time was “Its
purpose is to keep full dorm resi
dence to pay for the newly built
Carson hall.” Greek alumni joined’
student groups in opposing the
Friday: Second and conclud
ing article on deferred living
background, relating meeting of
all minds in approving the plan,
institution of the “Oregon Plan”
—freshman dorms, and the unfin
ished Holloway alumni report.