Exams Scheduled for Graduates The graduate record exam will he given Friday and Saturday, J. Spencer Carlson, counseling center director, announced. Students taking the profile test Should present tickets of admission at 1:45 p.m. Friday at 103 John son. Those taking the aptitude and advanced tests Saturday are to pre sent their tickets at 8:45 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. to room 3 Fenton. Wife Shows How LODI, N.Y. —(U.R)—Mrs. Anah Boyer is top drawer in her house hold, politically speaking. Running on the Republican ticket for town tax collector, she defeated her hus band, a Democrat, by 177 votes. Invite Dad down for Dad’s Day Movie of Hawaii To Be at Carson,. The picture "Highway to Ha waii" will be shown in Carson hall Thursday from 6:30 1o 7:30 p.m. by the Kugene Travel service. The showing will be part of an informal meeting of all University women interested in the service s 1952 Oregon-Hawaii tour planned for this summer. The trip, in its third year, gives coeds a seven week stay in the | islands where they may attend the j University of Hawaii if they wish, Lou Weston, of the Eugene Travel service, said. ■Mrs Edna Stokes. Carson hall housemother, and Mrs. Thomas Gray, Sigma Kappa housemother, will chaperone this year's tour, the service said. Dad's Day—Feb. 2-3 jjoh QpfuoJitu+Uti&i Information about all Job oppor tunities may be obtained at the graduate placement office In Em erald hall. The officer procurement office of the U.S. Marine Corps announces its officer candidate course to be held at Quantico, Virginia, on March 17. 1952. Applicants must clear Port land by Feb. 15. This program is for recent graduates of the University. The Marine Corps headquarters is assigned a quota of 15 men for the class and at the present there are only 6 men accepted. Beyond physical requirements all a candi -= ..= date has to have is a degree ami be between the ages of 20 27. Eye and dental . require ments have been reduced to 13-20 vision for each eye and 18 srcviceaMe teeth. Toiir Marshall, of General Electric’s inter viewing staff, will be on the Oregon ctnfWS Feb. 4 to interview members of the March and June graduating classes. Although from G.E.’s Hanford plant, Marshall will speak with those interested in the Schenectady oj>eration* of the company. Physicists, chemists, and business administra tion graduates are needed at this time, his company has announced. Any interested students are urged to regis ter at the graduate placement office. King off Hearts (Continued from t'age one) over the Heart Hop on Feb. 8. The girl-ask-boy dance is sponsored an nually by the YWCA and held pro gressively in five selected women s , houses. Judges for the contest are: Ma jor E. W. Palm, assistant professor j of military science; Exine Ander- j son, assistant professor of music; j H. D. Fehly of Fehly Studios; Miss , Sally Turner of Russell's; Cathy ] Tribe. Betty Co-ed; and Marty , Hankinson. Joe College. Dads' Mixer Planned A Dad s Day mixer will be held in the Student Union ballroom aft er the Oregon-Washington basket hall game Saturday night from 9:45 p.m. to 12 midnight, accord ing to Don Almy, chairman of the SU dance committee. All fathers and guests are in vited to attend the mixer, Almy said. Entertainment will be pro-' vided at 10:30 p.m. The SU dance committee is sponsoring this event of Dad's Day weekend. Norris to Head Panel Will V. Norris, professor of physics, will preside over a panel discussion group at the 21st an nual conference of the American association of Physics Teachers this week at Barnard college, wom en’s undergraduate division of Columbia University in New York. Norris will lead discussion Satur day on activities and objectives of the regional sections of the organi zation. Vote Investigation (Continued from page i met "The cahlnot should serve an a good screening body for the sen ate,” 'said Hampton. "It haa ^reut potentialities, but not the desire to make it work." "It is not only the fault of the student body president but the members as well. Public Relations Chairman Stu McCoHom nlso asked for Investi gation into the refusal to allow the Oregon ski team to go to Banff, in Alberta. Canada. McCollum stated that the team, with n budg et and u recognized coach, faced the objection thut It would miss school (four days, he said) but Oregon's basketball and baseball teams had faced the same prob lem. Dad's Day Tickets