Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1952, Page Five, Image 5

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fy 9iU tywmty
Iii fairness to Hob Peterson, it should be noted tliat he did
attend basketball practice each night last week, and the fact
that he was absent from the lineup during the St. Mary's series
was due to differences between him and Borchcr. In this
column Tuesday, Don Dewey wrote that Pete had missed
practice altogether, and that his absence was the reason for his
stay on the bench.
Will Peterson be back in the lineup for the important Wash
ington series? The answer depends on whether or not he real
izes that there can be only one coach on any team.
At any rate, the vaunted Huskies are coming to town, and
every man on the Duck team will have to play inspired basket
ball if they hope to gain so much as a split with the men from
Seattle. One thing is certain; they certainly can't play any
worse basketball against Washington this weekend than they
exhibited in the first pair of tilt- at Kdmundson Pavillion.
Chuck Finley, Idaho coach, says in L. 11. Gregory's “Greg's
Gossip" in the Oregonian, that Oregon should split the series,
if this is any comfort.
Farnum and Covey Improving
Showing improvement in the St. Mary's series were Keith
Farnum and Hud Covey, who hadn’t been able to exhibit much
earlier in the season. Farnum, a six-foot, two-inch forward from
Salem, was demoted to the junior varsity squad just before
the series, but showed so well against the OSC jayvees that
he also saw considerable action in lu>th varsity tilts. The junior
from Salem made nine points Friday, and four as a starter
Saturday night, when he sank 17 points to lead the St. Mary's
looks as though he may continue to add badly needed scoring
punch to the Duck team.
Covey, also a junior, is an ex-Jefferson high school star from
Portland, who was held out of varsity competition last season.
He is a husky boy with considerable speed, and played especi
ally well Friday night.
(>n one instance in the clo.-mg seconds of the game, he made
a beautiful steal down near the Gael basket and collected a lay
in. He has not scored extensively as yet, with seven points Fri
day evening his tops for the season, but has a two handed set
shot which looks as if ;t might be deadly if he were “on."
Brooklyn Boy is Sef Shot Artist
Speaking of two-handed set shots, the one exhibited by slim
Art I’idoriano of the Gaels was almost uncanny. Especially
Saturday night, when he sank 17 points to lead the St. Mary’s I
squad. I’idoriano is from Brooklyn, and his style of play showed
it. In eastern basketball circles, the two-handed set shot is the
standard article in a player’s bag of tricks. Offenses are de
vised especially to give such deadeyes that split second they
need to sight on the hoop and cast off.
In fact the whole deliberate ball-control exhibition given by
the Gaels Saturday night was typical of traditional eastern
basketball. Of course, Slats Gill of Oregon State has long been
an exponent of deliberate basketball, and Chuck Finley’s
Idaho Vandals also like to take things slow and easy. The WSC
Cougars aren’t a lighting fast break outfit, either. That seems
to indicate that Oregon and Washington are the only ND teams
this season who really run in a big way.
Guisness Likes to Play Oregon at Seattle
Which brings us back to the impending Washington series.
We have a press release from the U of W which states that
Frank Guisness, stylish Husky forward, would like to play
against the University of Oregon evary day and twice on Sun
day, especially on the Edmundson Pavillion floor.
In bis three varsity seasons Guisness lias scored 96 points in
six borne games with Oregon. The first time he competed
against them as a sophomore in 1950, he accounted for 27 of
these counters, most of them on driving plays from his guard
position, lie added 12 the next night for a series total of 39.
Let's Hope Jinx Isn't Transferable
In his last four home contests, including the pair of debacles
he helped perpetrate against the Ducks on Jan. 18 and 19, Guis
ness has collected 63 more points to round out his 96 total and
a 16 points-per-game average.
lie was good for 19 and 17 points in the recent Seattle series,
with Mel Streeter guarding him. Perhaps he has some sort of
jinx on the Ducks at Seattle. Let’s hope it does not carry over
to Eugeny. A lot will depend on who Borcher assigns to .guard
him, and how well that man performs.
Bonneman Was Versatile
Athlete in South Dakota
By Martin Meadows
Hank Bonneman, a junior on
Coach Bill Borcher’s basketball
H'juatl who stretches six-feet, seven
inches into the atmosphere, is a
refugee from the flatlands of
South Dakota, where he attended
high school in the town of Huron.
Kerg Told Hank
The altltudinoux PE major was
first told about Oregon by Reedy
Berg, a former Oregon varsity
player who graduated in 1948.
Berg, who also hails from Huron,
finally talked Hank into making
the long trek west.
At Huron High school Hank was
on the varsity hoop team for three
, yearn, rapping things off by mak
ing the V-Statr team during his
senior year, when he scored 3M
points In 24 games, which is a
neat 15.6 points-per-game average.
In football Bonncman also put
in three years, two of them as a
tackle and one year at an end posi
tion. Hank also captured the state
discus title in track his senior year
by spinning the platter a distance
of 133 feet.
All This and Baseball Too
Further demonstrating his ver
satility, Hank participated in Jun
ior Legion baseball in his home
'Grand Old Man' of Billiards
AT THE STUDENT UNION for the remainder of the week will be
Charles C. I’eterson, World Trick Shot Billiard Champion. He is giv
ing both exhibitions and instructions to campus men and women.
IM Bridge Tourney
Set Tonight at SU
The men's intra-mural bridflje
tournament, sponsored by the Sto
dent Union recreation committe*,
will be held at 7 p.m. tonight in
the SU.
The bridge trophy, presently held
by Beta Th. ta Pi, will be awarded
to the winner.
! BOB: I bear you’re going in the Dog
! Food business, Bing.
! BING: Yep...we're going to maho
ARF.. .You know ARF’s the only Dog
Food your dog can ask for by name.
• • •
JACK KIRKWOOD: I'd like to show
you a picture of my Dad. ..Old Gon\§
BOB: Very interesting...why is fc#
sitting in the electric chair holding to
highball in his hand?
KIRKWOOD: Simple .. .boy .. .tkwt
was the day he was chosen "Man of
• • •
BOB: Bing ... you’ve been playing
teacher’s pet with our sponsor long
1 enough. Imagine wearing shorts mad#
out of Chesterfield wrappers!
BING: Not so fast, Bob ... How do ytm
explain making your musicians lie on
1 the lawn so their bodies spell out “They
• • •
BOB: So you won't go out with me
night.. .Well, you'll be sorry... FU
just call up Mauna boa ... Miss Hawmi
you know ...Let's see, the number is...
Mauna boa is n Volcano!
BOB: I'll get that Crosby...1 gasw
him $5 for that telephone number ...
He said it was the hottest thing in tha
Islands !
• * •
BING: Me a penny pincher? Look
Scrooge...I happen to know you line
the insides of your trousers with
t money.
BOB: That’s a great big lie.
BING: Don’t tell me ... I’ve seen yoo
| in the locker room ... and the flap on
i your underwear has a serial number.
* * *
PEGGY LEE: Mornin' stranger...
Welcome to the Gopher Hole Hotel.
BING: Thanks Ma'am. My namefs
ltAce" Crosby.. .Have you got a vacant
room here at the Gopher Hole?
PEGGY: Yes Sir.. .and believe me it*s
a pleasure to have an ilAce" in ths
• • *
DOCTOR: Before you can go oversea*
I want to put this stethoscope on your
chest and listen to your heart.
BOB: Go ahead.
DOCTOR: Amazing... Arthur God
frey’s got a show in there too!
* • •
Enjoy Bob and Bing on radio: Boh
every Tuesday night on NBC and
Bing every Wednesday night on CBS.
IM Bowling Marks
Gamma Hall 3, Sigma Nu 1
Sigma Chi 3, Hunter Hall 1
Theta Chi vs. Lambda Chi Al
pha, incomplete
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 3, Nestor
Hall 1
Tom Edwards of Sigma Chi and
Ned Takasumi of Gamma Hall
each rolled over a 500 series. The
Theta Chi-Lambda Chi Alpha
match will be finished at a later
date. It was postponed due to the
absence of several Lambda Chi
SAE's Crush Tekes
(Continued from pope fou/)
times while the Fijis had 14 fouls
called on them for a total of 32
fouls in the game.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon had a pic
nic with the Tekes, as they thor
oughly trounced them 35 to 9. At
no time during the game did the
Tekes cause the SAE men any'
worry. The halftime score was 20
to 7 and matters went from bad to
worse for the Tekes as they were
able to add only two points in the
second half while SAE kepi up
their merry pace with 15 (mints
in the second period.
The scoring honors for the game
went to Bob Carlson of SAE with
11 points. He was followed by Pat
Dignan with nine and Mike Kit
tredge with six. This was the clean
est game of the afternoon in the
matter of fouls with SAE being
called three times and TKE four
Delta Upsilon took their handball
match from Sigma Phi Epsilon two
games to one.
More than just a liquid, more than just a cream
. . . new Wildroot Liquid Cream Shampoo is a
combination of the best of both.
Even in the hardest water Wildroot Shampoo
washes hair gleaming clean, manageable, curl
inviting without robbing hair of its natural oils.
Soapless Sudsy ... Lanolin Lovely I
29* 59* 98*
P.S. To keep hair neat between shampoos us: Lady Wildrool Cream Hair H. vising