World News Capsules —- ■ ■ - Floods in Eastern States Kill Nine, 7009 Persons Forced trom Homes (T'roin the wires of the United Press and Associated Tress) Compiled by Kitty Fraser Hoods in three eastern states have taken nine lives and forced 7000 persons from their homes. 'I he flooded < )hio river, over its hanks in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West \ irginia, pushed its crest through Wheeling, West \ irginia, Monday and headed down stream for Marietta, Ohio. Hood stage at Marietta is 35 feet and Army engineers estimate the river will crest at 47 feet this afternoon. The crest i> not expected to reach Cincinatti until Thursday, Towns when* the crest has passed are not out of danger. Heavy rain In Central Ohio is expected to dump more flood waters into the Ohio through its tributaries. State officials report at least 100 Ohio high , ways cut by high water, with river bank industries flooded and schools closed in muny cities and towns. In Pennsylvania, officials said more rain had fallen over the past i weekend than the heavy rain that brought a disastrous flood in 1936. No casualties have been reported in Pennsylvania, a network of flood control dams is credited with saving the western part of the state from serious damage. Anti-British rioting . . . . . . ha« died clown In Cairo, the capital of Egypt, since King Farouk Sunday threw out the cabinet and set up a new one. The country re mains under martial law'and the new premier Aly Maher Pasha, says It will stay that way unless conditions change. The new independent premier has been promised conditional support from the powerful Wafdisl party, the group which was ousted when he was named premier. The condition is that the new premier follow the policy of ousting the British from the Suez Canal area and the Sudan. The United States has . . . . . . granted 300 million dollars to bolster Britain's defense production. It's about half what Britain said it would need. In announcing the grant, Mutual Security Director W. Averell Harriman noted that Bri tain is currently producing more military equipment than all other European alies combined. The money will come out of the seven billions appropriated by Con gress under the Mutual Security Act. Herriman said the grant will be used almost entirely for raw material and other items purchased up to next July. Harriman justified the grant with the explanation that without the 300 million. Britain would be forced to reduce its defense program mote than twice as much. And he said it's vital that no such reduction should be made. ♦ ♦ ♦ In Manila, reparations . .. . talks between the Philippines and Japan have opened on a friendly note. However, the meeting was quickly recessed after the Philippines handed the Japanese World War two damage claims of more than eight million dollars. Hazel Schwering Exchange Dinner Pairings Listed House pairings for the Hazel Schwering exchange dinners were announced at the Heads of Houses meeting Monday. The dinners are j scheduled for Thursday at all ' women's houses. The Hazel Schwering dinners, . named in honor of a former dean of women, are held for the purpose of collecting money for scholarship awards. Contributions are taken up at the dinners. Pairings are Alpha Delta Pi, Zeta Tau Alpha; Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Delta Delta; Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Kappa; Alpha Phi, Delta Zeta; Delta Gamma, ' Alpha Omicron Pi; Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Xi Delta; University house,* Ann Jttdson. Rebec and Orldes, Chi Omega; Carson 1 and 2, Highland and Hen ' dhicks; Carson 3, Kappa Alpha Theta; Carson 4, Kappa Kappa ' Gamma; Carson 5, Pi Beta Phi. Eugene Assistant Fire Marshal Frederick von Appcn, spoke to the group about fire protection regu lations in houses. Dance decora tions must be cleared by the fire ■ marshal before dances. Von Appen emphasized the importance of hav - ing monthly fire drills, using the fire escapes and checking alarms in the houses. Penalties will be im posed on houses not meeting the regulations, he said. Barbara Williams, heads of houses president, has asked that all women’s living organizations - turn in the names of their new officers to her or to Mrs. Golda Wickham, director of women's af fairs. Miss Williams also requested * that women's houses which can "house delegates to the Northwest, Drama conference here Feb. (j through 9 notify Mrs. Wickham. Morris Returns From Meeting Victor P. Morris, dean of the business administration school, re turned from the East last week where he attended a meeting of the executive committee of the American Association of Collegi ate Schools of Business. Morris is a member of the ex ecutive committee. The University of Oregon is a member of the asso ciation. The University entered the association in 1914, very soon after its organization. The executive committee is con sidering the application for admis sion of several schools in different parts of the country. These appli cations, however, will be held up for a few months pending a nation wide study of the standards of the schools which are already mem bers. The study, beii»g made by Dean Richard L. Kozelka of the School of Business Administration at the University of Minnesota, is cover ing some 25 schools of business. The executive .committee also completed plans for the annual meeting of the association which will be held this year at the Uni versity of Denver, late in April. While in the East, Morris inter viewed a number of men who are being considered for appointments on the Oregon staff. Among the campuses visited by Morris were Columbia, New York University, Michigan, Wayne, Chi cago and Washington university at St. Louis, Mo. Morris said he found that upon these campuses, veteran conditions, shrinking en rollments and staff vacancies are about the same as they are in the West. Buy Luncheon tickets for Dad in S.U. today. Pianists Featured ( Continued from page one) habit never to practice apart, and thus never hear the music except in its entirety. The program Tuesday night will include: "Air Tendie" by Francois Cop perin, "Concerto i" C minor" by ? ■ rc-Mcmmm GOLD AND FIZDALE Back, "Variations on a Theme of Beethoven” by Camille Saint Saens, “Jeux d’enfants” by Georg es Bizet, "Danzon Cubano” by Aaron Copland, "Waltz from Sec- : ond Avenue Suite in New York" by ; Vittorio Rietl, "Waltz Musette” by Francis Poulenz, and "Bra ziliera” by Darius Milhaud. Northrop Pictures (Coniinued from page one) than Nehru and the West because the Indian Hindus have more in common with the Chinese Confu- 1 cianists than with the West. The four major philosophies of Asia are 1 giving rise to a solidarity of Asia. ; he said. Northrop also believes there is a possibility of a united Europe be cause most of Western Europe is predomimintly Homan Catholic, which gives those countries a com mon cultural base. Northrop will speak at 1 p.m. today in the University theater on the subject of "East and West and Problems of World Law.” Social Calendar Social activities for the rest of the week include: Wednesday Dinners: Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Delta Delta Smarty Party Thursday Hazel Schwering Dinner Friday Firesides: Phi Kappa Psi Gamma Phi Beta Sigma Kappa Theta Chi Saturday House Dances: Delta Tau Delta Delta Upsilon Sigma Alpha Epsilon CAMPUS CALENDAR Noon Drama Staff 110SU French Table 111 SU j 1 Atomic Energy Exhibit Ballroom SU Northrop Lecture Univ Theater 1:80 Coneert Comm 323 SU 4:00 Honor Code 337 SU Northrop Coffee Hr 334 SU Rally Bd 110SU 7:00 Class Council 111 SU Dance Instr 334 SU Chr Science 3rd Fir tier 1YCF Alumni Hall Ger King of Hearts 315 SU 7:30 Chess Club Comm L SU ! Open Rushing 8 Fenton Boys Farm Well NAUGATUCK, Conn.— (U.R) — During the past seven years, Mi chael Wargo, 18, and his 13-year old brother George have received nearly 900 awards for their farm ing efforts. The boys' crops and animals were raised on a hillside farm comprised of only three he—. ■ ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ 1 ' Modem Dress Role Last for Jo Delap Dy van savage “This in the first modern dress show I’ve ever played in," Jo De Lap stated in reference to her role in “All the King’s Men.” "It is also the first time I've worn heeis on stage,” she continued. Miss DeLap plays Sadie Burke, Willie Stark's little helper. Sadie is a hard bitten, cynical woman, “from the wrong side of the tracks.” Though not pretty fher face was scarred, a dynamic and domineering person who has con trol over all the men in the play with the exception of Stark, whom she loves sincerely. Sadie Meets Stark Sadie meets Stark when she is sent along to keep an eye on him for the political bosses, who have persuaded him to run for gover nor. They want Stark to run as a "dummy” candidate to split the votes against the opposition. Sadie travels with him during the cam paigning and later becomes his mistress. "Though the role of Sadie is a comparatively short part, her mood varies from deep gloom to hysteria and sunning,” Mi3s DeLap said. Mercedes McCambridge won the Academy award as the best sup porting actress as Sadie in the film production of "All the King’s men.” 21st Play Miss DeLap's stage work “comes of rage” with this production. "All me King's Men” is the 21st main. stage play she has worked on in her four years at Qregon. She has handled all jobs connected with the —fzugene Register-Guard photo JO DELAP theater. At present Miss DeLap holds the title of wardrobe mist ress for the theater. Another of her jobs was stage manager of "Martha," one of the largest productions ever put on by the University. Among the plays Miss DeLap has appeared in are “Anne of the Thousand Days," “Warrior’s Hus band," “Mary of Scotland" and “Modwoman of Chaillot.” 'King of Hearts' Candidates Meet At 7 Tonight in Student Union Eliminations for “King of Hearts" candidates will begin at 7 tonight in the Student Union. Candidates have been nominated from men's and women's living or ganizations, although the final list of candidates was not available Monday night, Selection Chairman Joan Walker announced. The Heart Hop. a girl-ask-boy dance sponsored by the YWCA, will be held on Feb. 8. Five wom en's living organizations will be open for dancing during the eve ning and refreshments will be sold. Theme for the dance is “Leap Year Lyrics,” with each house to have decorations tied in with a differ erent song title. Members of the Y commtitee working on "King” selection in : elude Sally Haseltine, judges; Lu | cille Woodside, voting; Ginger Loudon, pictures, Maureen Reiter, arrangements; and Miss Jones, Only 500 luncheon tickets re main. Be sure you have one for Dad. Buy Luncheon tickets for Dad in S.U. today. Mock Convention Delegates to Meet State representatives from the living organizations for the cam pus mock political convention are asked by state delegation chair man Bob Hidderbusch to contact him at Phi Sigma Kappa. Representatives will be given the name of the Republican national committeeman from the state they represent in the convention so they can contact the committeeman for information. Living organizations that have not yet selected their two repre sentatives are to do so as soon as possible, Ridderbusch said, as a meeting of all representatives is planned for Thursday in room 3, Fenton at 6:30 p.m. go to HAWAII Gals, here's your invitation to the Eugene Travel Service's HAWAIIAN PARTY! See United Air Line's film, “Highway to Hawaii’’ ...learn how yon may enjoy a perfect summer vacation with the ... Oregon-Hawaii Tour of 1952 That's Thursday, Jan. 31 . . . 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Carson Hall music room. Bring vottr friends 1 i . -