Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1952, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Future Concerns
(Continued from page one)
he fails on earth.” But he said that
this ceaseless struggle to live is
not life. It is like the state of a
person under the influence of a
drug, he declared, adding that
most people take refuge in relig
ion because of frustration.
The wise man is he who under
stand “the whole,” said the Swami.
“We are all changing. We live for
just a moment whether we like it
it or not and the only reality in life
is death. We are dying every mo
ment, yet westerners have not
learned this. Everyone must die,
yet everyone thinks he will live."
Humans Know Form
The Swami described human
knowledge of life as encompassing
only a clay form modeled by the
potter. People do not see the clay
as such, but only its form, he said.
“The human mind cannot know
anything without form."
“The truth hurts so you people
do not talk about the truth. Man
alone can learn, yet do you know
what is real or what is unreal?
What kind of knowledge do you
have ?”
Members of the audience were
invited to answer the Swami’s
questions and pose a few of their
own in a continuation of the dis
cussion in the Dad’s room after
the assembly.
Invite Dad down for Dad's Day
Dad’s Day—Feb. 2-3
9:00 a.m. FWRel Ballroom Sl!
Noon PWR launch 110 SIT
Inti Lunch 118 SU
Speech Clin 112 SIT
Tiffin Table 114SU
1:00 p.m. PWRel Ballroom SU
3:00 p.m. SIT Board 337 SU
4:00 p.m. PWrel Movies
Dads Km SU
Dads Hostess 110 SU
Dads Comm 334 SIT
6:30 p.m. Mortar Board 112 SU
liwama 113 SIT
Yount; Demo 110SU
7:00 p-ni. Ed Act Movie
207 Chapman
334 SU
7 :S0 p.m. Student Court 315 SU
Browsing Km SU
Square Dancing
Ger Annex
Ins Soc 111 SU
Frosh Polling Booths
(Continued from page t tie;
Five polling booths are open
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. today. They
are located in Carson hall, the Stu
dent Union, the Co-op, the lounge
of Nestor hall and the north end
of the main hall in the freshman
Veteran’s dormitories.
Night Editor: Sue Riddlesharger.
Staff: Don Mickelwait, Bob White.
Make-up editor, Kitty Fraser;
Copy desk. Ginger Lavdon., Donna
May4 Judy McLoughlin, A1 Karr.
1239 ALDER
On Our
Three Religions
(Continued from page one)
4. Respect of younger brother
for older brother relationship.
5. Confidence between friends.
Different From Went
Filial piety is the root of all vir
tue, Tatsuml pointed out. Loyalty
means to abide by the law in the
West, but it means sincere service
from within the heart in the East,
he stated.
Other Confucian virtues, Tat
suVni said, are generosity, respect
fulness, gratefulness, humility,
faithfulness, self control, courage
and manliness.
Tatsumi said the Chinese social
order ranges downward from the
scholar to the farmer to the arti
san to the merchant.
Down-to-Earth Doctrine
Turning to Bodhidharma, Tat
sumi said the highly philosophical
Buddhism of India was rejected
and Zen Buddhism was turned to
instead. It was a down-to-earth
doctrine founded by the patriot, he
asserted, much like Lao’s teaching,
although with a Buddhist flavor.
Bodhidharma was believe d,
falsely, to be the founder of the
practice of meditation, said Tat
sumi. He was instrumental in the
practice, however, meditation be
ing used to obtain a clear head and
to get perspective.
Two schools of thought develop
ed around medittaion, the Wash
ington* professor pointed out,
North China favoring gradual en
lightenment and South China fa
voring sudden enlightenment.
Have Symbolic Meaning
Zan Buddhism is concerned with
much ceremony, Tatsumi stated,
usually not understood by the
West. Each act, he said, such as
those concerned with tea and flow
ers, has a symbolic meaning. He
cited the flowers arranged in a
bowl, the background representing 1
the cosmos.
From Zen Buddhism developed ;
the philosophy of the samurai, the
"knight-like class," Tatsumi said
The objective of building up mor
al stamina emerged, he said.
Name Band Set
For Senior Ball;
Petitions Wanted
‘The biggest name band since
Les Brown played for a Whisker
ino has been engaged for the
Senior Ball,'’ Dave Hodway, senior
class president, announced today.
Rodway called the ball, sched
uled for Feb. 23, “the biggest class
function of the year.” Name of the
band he said will be announced
Petitions for the ball committees
have been called for and are due in
the ASUO office in the Student
Union at 4 p.m. Jan. 30.
Chairmanships open include pub
licity, promotion, decoration, tick
ets, chaperones, clean-up, pro
grams and intermission entertain
ment. Hodway especially urged
seniors to petition for the commit
tee chairmanships.
Invite Dad down for Dad’s Day
Dad’s Day—Feb. 2-3
GRAVES, your complete music and art
store, carries a complete line of
• Brushes
• Paints
® Canvas Boards
• Poster Paper
and you can get the latest popular records at
_ raves
Phone 4-9252
Social Functions
Need Chaperones
Campus social chairmen were
reminded Tuesday that all social
functions for mixed groups held
after 7:30 p.m. must have a reg
istered chaperone. Kdith it. Jacobs,
counselor for women, who issued
the reminder at a meeting of liv
ing organization representatives,
said that all chaperones must be
registered with the office of stu
dent affairs.
A legal chaperone, Mr.*:. Jacobs
raid, must be a married faculty
couple or a house mother.
The freshman social program,
which will Include exchange des- j
erts and possibly a leap year
dance, was explained by Cy Filing- j
son, men’s counselor.
Foreign Student
To Talk on French
Customs at Lunch
Marc Delemme, special student
in political science from France,
will speak on •’Appreciation of
French Customs” today at noon
at the weekly foreign affairs
luncheon in the Student Union.
Delemme attended the Institute
of Political Science, a diplomatic
school in Paris, and is currently
finishing work for a B.A degree
from the University of Paris in
English and German.
The international affairs lunch
eons are sponsored by the inter
national affairs committees of the
?%'CA and YWCA ar.d are held
every Wednesday. All interested
students are invited to attend, a* -
cordlng to Pieter Strecfk<rk.
chairman of the YM committee.
Temporary Dorm
Rates to Increase
Minor changes in fees and room
charges at eight state colleges
and universities including Oregon
were approved Monday by com
mittees of the state board of high
er education.
Room charges in temporary dor- ■
r.iitories (the Veteran's dormtto- j
t ies are considered temporary i will
be taised from $5 to $6 a term !
beginning with the summer ses- |
sion, the finance committee said.
The increase will make temp
orary rates $50 a term for two
man rooms and $03 a term for
single rooms. At the present time 1
the rates are $15 for a double room
and $57 for a single room.
The curricula committee retom- j
mended approval of an honors pro
gram worked out by a committee
of Oregon faculty members for
“superior” sophomores at the Uni- ;
versity of Oregon.
The same committee also ap
proved a Ph D. degree at Oregon
in health and physical education,
a medical technology program in
cooperation with the University,
and an extension of the Air Force
ROTC prog am at Oregon.
Resident medical ' udent fees at
the University of Oregon medical
school were raised $2 a term and
resident dental students’ fees $5 a
Hefty Theft
lice sought a strong boy after a
theft at B. Berry and Sons. The
culprit took a 300-pound anvi.'..
Hostess Pictures
Due in SU Today
Today noon In the deadline for
submitting pictures for the Dad's
Day Hostess contest, according to
Put Dlgrmn, Dad's Day general
The pictures of eligible women
may be turned In to the A8UO of
fice in the Student Union, or to
Carolyn Silva at Kappu Alpha
Very few pictures have so far
been received, according to Miss
Silva, and she urges that anyone
knowing of an eligible contestant
to submit her picture before the !
A board of Judges will select !
three finalists from the pictures,
and th<se in turn will Is; voted on |
by the students. All pictures will
be returned to the contestants.
Injured Veterans
Eligible for Refund
Military personnel who weir
hospitalized us the result of
wounds, Illness or Injury In Korea
are eligible for Income tax refund ,
from the Internal Revenue Huroa'P
The 1950 tax law provides an ex
emption for such servicemen for
the period they were hospitalized
In the United States and the Far
Men who may be in line for re
funds may consult local revenue
collectors as the procedure
Ducks Prepare
IContinued from pane fan;)
lumky Kim Phillip*, was tin*
guiding light for tin* Ducklings. as
hi- potted ten (mint*.
The second scrimmage session
saw the varsity again winning,
this time by a 27-8 count. Hawes
and Wegner at guards, Noe at
center, and Freshman Ron Bottler
and big Jim Vrantcan at forwar . .
was the varsity lineup for tins
Bill Blodgett, freshman ft >m
Grant high in Portland, and Kay
Hempy, another first-year man,
were the JV forwards Three other
frofch rounded out the lineup: Kex
Davis and Bob Hlnman at guards,
and six-foot, six-inch Bill Choat a
North Bend product at center.
Noe I* Kffectlve on Boards
HiiwoH and Wegner clicked n a
fast break to lead off play, with
Wegner on the scoring end. Noe
was again effective on the bn k
boards, and Barney Holland was
working well on the fast break for
the winners.
Met Streeter, Hunt, and six-foot,
three-inch Forward Keith Farnuni
broke Into action later, with Hurt
having a hot afternoon on shots
from around the key.
Scoring statistics for the first
16 Oregon games show Peterson
leading with 210 points for a 13.5
per game average. Second is Noe
with 197 counters and a 12.3 aver
age. Hunt comes next with a 100
figure and ICO markers.
Fete Has 804 Itehounds
Wegner has 110 for a 6.8 aver
age, while Streeter sports a 5.fi
average and 89 points. Holland
uninds out the six leading scorers
with a 2.8 average on 44 counters.
Peterson has 804 rebounds t"
lead the squad, while Noe leads
In free throws made with 47. Top
shooting average among the regu
lars is Wegner’s .369, followed by
Peterson’s .342. Streeter has a .327
mark, Hunt .311, Noe an even .300.
843 13th