Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1952, Page Four, Image 4

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    Ducklings Beat|
Pacific U. JVs
Led by ex-Marshfield high star
Howard Page, the Oregon JVs
trounced the Pacific JVs 02-42.
Tuesday night.
Except for a few minutes in the
- first period. Oregon led all the way.
building up their lead, and winning
going away. At the end of the,
first quarter Oregon held a IS-12
margin, but before the end of the
balf, the visiting Badgers closed
the margin 29-27, on buckets by
Proffit and Gibbs.
In the third period. Page scored
9 of his 16 points to fashion a 46
3S lead for the Ducklings.
The final period saw the young
Badgers score only 5 points, while
Page, Choat. Hempe and Blodgett
were all throwing in counter for
the JVs. For Pacific Proffit and ,
Metcalf were high with 9 apiece,
although Proffit fouled out early
ia the fourth period. Marxer hit
nine and Seignnind scored 8, all
bis points coming on four consecu
tive buckets in the first quarter.
Oregon controlled the back
boards throughout most of the
game, and harried the Badgers j
into hurried shots. The Ducklings
victory was very decisive, seeing ,
them able to score when the points
were needed, and keeping the Bad
gers constantly on the defense.;
Rogers and Philips put in a good ,
game on the backboards. i
KKX HUNT shared scoring honors with C'lict Noe in the Tuesday
night tilt with WSC. Botli tame out with 13 points on the tally sheet.
Hunt's superb performance aided the 1)ik U come out on top with u
59-45 score.
Oregon Ducks Cop
Series from WSC
By Larry Lavallo
University of Oregon's league
leading Ducks spanked the barn
storming Washington State Cou
gars again 59-43 Tuesday night in
McArthur Court.
A crowd of 0,125 sat in on a
carbon copy of Monday night’s
opening Northern Division PCC
contest which was also won by Bill
Borcher's Ducks, 59-45.
Oregon Tops Conference
Oregon, the only undefeated
team in the entire Pacific Coast
Conference, thereby stretched its
margin over idle Washington, Ida
ho and Oregon Stute to a full
Forward Bob Peterson, who only
Monday broke a PCC rebounding
j record by recovering 21 times, ad
| justed the league mark again by
cleaning tlie backbourds on 25 oc
Noe ami Hunt High Scorers
Los Angeles’ Chet Noe and Coos
; Bay’s Kenny Hunt paced the scor
ing parade with 15 points each,
i George Rosser, Cougar center
| rustled the mesh for eight tallies.
The lead changed hands twice
in the opening quarter and was
i even but once, at the 10-minute
I mark. 11-11. Rosser kept the Ducks
off-balance with a pair of scintilla
ting overhand hooks while the
Be Happy- GO LUCKY!
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Luckies taste better. So, Be Happy—Go Lucky!
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Ducks’ scoring output was widely
Ducks I.eud :>t Half
The dam broke for Jack Krirl's
double platoon In the second pci:
od as Noe accepted passes off
Uorcher's fust, break for three con
secutlve buckets, one u whirling
twister. Kosser cut loose for it left
hander, after Noe's second bucket,
to interrupt the outburst. Oregon
mounted the 17-13 advantage to
a 27-20 halftime count.
Noe led off the post-lntermlssion
half with a tip In, following a wil l
under the net scramble and Mel
Streeter quickened the pace with
a 10-foot cast. Eric Roberts, a
Hollywoo d, Calif. Importation,
brushed by his cross-city rival,
Noe, for a layup and was foule 1
in the act of shooting Roberts
added the extra point and the men
from the "Inland Empire" were as
close to setting the par- as the
Ducks would allow them. 31-23.
Peterson, who was well on ;
way to establishing the rebound
record with a half-time t' tal of 10
continued to clear the backboard
and teamed with the stylish Hunt
to give the Webfoots a 43-30 thn -
quarter margin.
( ollgur» I-nil Ifeliilul
Peterson's on<* hand shot fr in
the free throw lino midway in tin*
finale gave the Ducks their long'- t
load of the night, 53-36.
Officials Tim McCullough n 1
Lon Patterson whistled 32 viola
lions; Oregon committed 16 12 r.
the second half. The Webfoo:
shooting average was 2h 5 and
Washington State's. 23 per cent
The visiting Cougars again
seemed to be unable to stop the
vastly-improved run and puss of
fense of the Ducks, and able to
break thiough for a sparse number
of close in shots or layups,
hollowing is the summary:
Roberts <71 F (lOi Petersor.
Mullins (0) F (41 Streetei
Rosser (8) . C i!5i No.
Brown (3) . G i15 i Hunt
Swanson (2i G (4i Wegner
Subs: WSC; Streamer 4. Myron
4, Steinbrunner 6, Foxley 6. How
ell 5. Roberts. Oregon: Vranlzan 3.
Farnam, Bonnemun, Holland 2,
Covey 2, Hawes 3, Bottler 1.
Desk, Kee Briggs: Staff: l-arr.v
Lavelle, Bill Gurney, Lauren I.me
land, Herb Voremlierg.
There arc two vacnncics to be
filled in the basketball manager
staff. Anyone interested shOuT-1
contact Don Lee either at Omega
hall or McArthur Court.
Who Did You Say Is
a Boy's Best Friend?
On«*r thrrc wa» a soph
omore who»e father
li.nl a had hahif of say*
jug “No”. Vehemently.
Particularly about
money. A-k him th"
Big Queition and hi*
jowl* would turn a
icteiiing siiaiji* ol vermilion.
So Junior, his need needled by three
days of living on Pup 0-Nip (liver flavor)
sandwiches, cant about for u New \p*
proaeli. Found it, too. Right ut the West
ern Union office. He just nut down and
worked out n wire to Negative Polarity
Pappy. A brisk little wheeze ... to wit:
“Must have twenty dollars immediately.
Urgent. Please (lush by telegraphic money
order." Results? Our sophomore was
caressing the cash within two hours.
What’s Junior’s major? Psychology, of
It’s darned good psychology to wtre
home at other times than just when you
need help and comfort. For holiday greet
ings Mother’s Day- good news about
grades—things that would make Home
Happier. Try it next time. Just head for
your local Western Union office.