Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1952, Page Two, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily . m _
ondclass matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per
per term.
Opinions expressed on the editorial pa»e are those of the writer anJ do not pretend *°
resent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Initialed editorials aie written by
represent the opinions v..w —, v -- - ,
the associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor.
Lorn a Larson, Editor
Robert Greenlee, Business Manager
Phil Bettens, Managing Editor
Gretchen G RON DAHL, Bill Clothier, Don I)ewky, Associate Editors
Gretchen GrEfk, Advertising Manager_
Wire services: Associated Press, United Press. Member, Associated l ollegiate I revs.
The Big Question
We should know soon the answer to the big question: \\ ill
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower run for president?
When Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge (R., Mass.) announced Sun
day he would place Ike's name on the New Hampshire primary
ballot as a Republican candidate lie took tne
most significant step so far toward extracting
a statement of political ambition from Eisen
Why? If Lodge does formally enter Ike's
name (and we assume he will do so) sometime
previous to the Jan. 31 deadline for filing for
the Mar. 11 New Hampshire primary, the public
will know his intentions. New Hampshire law
gives the candidate 10 days within which to
withdraw his name. Otherwise it stands and
the man is a candidate.
A statement from Ike may be forthcoming at
any time. What would he say? Senator Lodge
said Sunday he was confident that Eisenhower
would not deny his Kepublican candidacy willingness n con
tacted by newsmen in Paris. He was right. The general didn't
deny it. But he didn’t confirm anything, either.
Ike can play the “no comment’’ game and keep the public in
suspense for a while longer. Still, the New Hampshire law re
mains; if he doesn't withdraw his name from the ballot, lie's a
The New Hampshire primary is Mar. 11. The deadline for
filing is Jan. 31. Ten days from the latter date—Feb. 10—the
people will know.
Let'sjHave Games, Not Massacres
The Pacific coast area’s annual humiliation is over, and there
are only 359 days until the next Rose Bowl game.
Even the California boosters will admit it now: The Big Ten
conference plays a heck of a lot better brand of ball than does
the Pacific Coast conference. You can’t blame a 40 to 7 wallop
ing on “the breaks,” especially when it is the seventh consecu
tive Rose Bowl defeat for the Bowl’s host teams.
The Pacific coast teams played a rough schedule this year.
Most of the Coast schools put forth squads that were fairly
evenly matched. And by late November Stanford, the fat times)
best team on the Coast, was on its way to the Rose Bowl.
The intense competition among West coast teams seemed to
indicate that Oregon was operating in a right tough circuit.
But it wasn’t tough enough to cope with the Big Ten-type, all
around power of Illinois.
Unfortunately, many of the sports writers and enthusiasts
up and down the coast have been too slow to recognize the
fact that the boys from the Pacific just can’t cut it against
certain competition. Because of this, 96,825 football fans again
sat through a football game that was a good first half, period.
Despite this rousing demonstration of Pacific Coast futility,
we on the coast, and we Oregonians in particular, can take
pleasure in two facts. Firstly, Stanford led in what has become
the most important aspect of Bowl games, despite the fact it
was a 33 point inferior to Illinois. The men from the farm are
expected to collect some $85,000, while the Fighting Illini
figure to bank less than $45,000.
Secondly, the Oregon and Washington schools have not been
involved in any of these seven consecutive Rose Bowl defeats.
First Southern California lost to Alabama. Then the Big Ten
pact was signed and UCLA and USC lost in rapid order. Then
it was California that lost one, two, three games. And now it’s
^ It is time to break this entangling Rose Eowl alliance so that
a football game, not a massacre, can be provided for the foot
ball faithful of the Los Angeles area. The majority of Big
Ten members have indicated that they would prefer to get out
of the Bowl as soon as the current five-year plan is ended.
Pacific coast schools should announce their willingness to let
the Midwesterners leave in peace.
The Big Tenners must be tired of winning these no-compe
tition games. The question is, are they tired of taking home
the many thousands of dollars that come as their share of the
gate receipts?—D. D.
1 _
Qm/i 'UiUta'il Sficzk . . • |
Indian Finds Holiday Costly, Misses Out on Kij
By ManakkalS. Ramani
During fall term I had been
talking to people like some of the
fabulously rich oriental princes of
American magazine fables. I
hinted that I was considering the
question of spending my vacation
either in Canada or in Mexico. Ii
then struck me that I might take
a look into my pocketbook and
this simple procedure induced me
to think of spending Christmas
at Seattle or at San Francisco.
Further self-examination led me
to weigh the advantages of spend
ing the vacation in Portland or in
Pendleton. At last I made my de
cision to stay in Eugene itself.
In my own country, India,
Christmas is u time of festivities.
Universities in India have a more
developed sense of responsibility
towards students and close down
for a whole month. In the major
cities we have high-brow enter
tainment programs featuring top
artists in the fields of music,
dance and drama. These are be
yond the reach of the common
people and even of a middle class
family. For these humbler folk,
(I am one Of them), we have in
our towns during Christmas the
equivalent of the American coun
ty fair.
During Christmas in India,
many of us spend money more
freely than we do in the rest of
the year. Nevertheless we have
nothing to compare with the
spending spree which I found
Americans indulging in during
recent weeks.
I had great fun watching
crowds in the shops downtown
stampeded by high-powered sales
talk into purchasing articles for
which they may not have any
urgent need. Before I knew what
had happened I found myself
holding a package containing
complete sets of dresses for my
little nephews and nieces. I am
at present spending sleepless
nights trying to figure out how I
could find the money needed to
send the articles which I had
purchased to my folks in India.
I spent Christmas Eve with
people who were my first friends
in Eugene. My host is an execu
tive in a local lumber mill. I met
him quite by chance the day after
my arrival in Eugene in Septem
ber last. Since then I had been
a frequent visitor to his hospi
table home and was therefore
specially happy to be with him
and his family on Christmas Eve.
The three little daughters of
my host sang Christmas carols
after which had some home mov
ies depicting Oregon scenery. Af
ter dinner my host read to us
an interesting story touching on
the significance 0f Christmas and
stressing Christian virtues. Worn
out as I was by the final exami
nations, (and the revelries which
followed the exams), 1 fell Into a
deep and peaceful slumber a.s my
host continued his reading.
The next day I was the guest
of a professor of the University
who had invited me for Christmas
dinner. I will refrain from nar
rating In detail the estimable
qualities of this gentleman and
his charming lady.
I thought that 1 would spend
New Year’s Kve quietly at home,
liut a pleasant surprise was In
store for me. An attractive girl,
whom I had encountered in my
school, asked me whether I would
rare to join tier and her friends
in a New Year's Kve party. It
did not take me long to tell her
that 1 would be glad to accept.
I was very pleased when her
group took me to the Waldorf
Astoria of Eugene. For at least
three hours the people who had
gathered there behaved just as
they wanted, without any re
straints imposed on them by con
siderations of age, position or
prestige. In that atmosphere even
Mr. Freud himself would have
speedily shed all his complexes,
obsessions and phobias.
At about 11 p m. paper crowns
were distributed along with an
assortment of noise-making de
vices. I found a venerable gentle
man sounding a trumpet with all
his might; an interesting little
thing seated at a
WM" emitting a series li^
crlbaWI.- yells; a third waVhl
inK 0,1 ruh*)or balloons S, 'j
eoncculed delight. I WJ
",th ‘■•“""••Jerable amu^
heso happenings and I „
that ail the time j hJ°'
1 witling a rattle for a» i?
worth. ‘ *
> had read In Americas bo,
■ at al the stroke of n,|i„
there ssas a free-for-all J!
during which It sva,
for gentlemen to take (,scUJ
llhertles with ladles in the 1
lag. 1 was determined not to
regard this old and res,*,
American custom, I told
charming friend, that, ,,ld
married though I was, t n
honour I lie custom by ot((|
her a brotherly (?) kiss*
tlie ness year was announced.I
1 excited?
I sat on waiting for the ns
to stop and the announcemes
be made. Strange are the ss
of Providence. Stranger are
pranks of Providence when
eagerly seek something. Bys
oversight the stroke of midn
passed tinlieralded. I will not
scribe to you how I felt at
nasty trick played on me by
fellow who ran the hotel. I
get even with him some day,
-I //if» Zoo
A Moral: Don't Sob^on Floor,
Especially Not in Wintertime*
- By Bob Funk --—-—_
It was winter term, and bitter
ly cold. "There is going to be a
warm spell," the radio kept say
ing. A typical lie of the kept
radio, the implement of the cham
ber of commerce.
In the fraternity house the
members of the intelligentsia
were lying around 0*1 the floor,
sobbing into the rug and thinking
esoteric thoughts. The thoughts
were so esoteric that even the
thinkers did not understand them.
It was the ultimate in thinking.
"I think," said one, lifting his
lint-covered head off the floor,
“that it is the horrible, stifling at
titude of the fraternity that is,
er, urn--”
"Stifling us,” a second genius
answered. Everyone glared. It
was obviously too simple, too un
“It Is the peasants around us,”
the first oracle continued, “that
frustrate our souls, that force us
to stay up late at night gossiping
about them, so that we are too
Winter Term at Oregon
you *VIUl- BtEXftCTtO IN TM|SCOW«*5
rent books to Buy.
5V?,ooo WORP
Tff*H BAPflZ
or 2y short
themes ...
5hot (SUN
AW£WCe« J!*/
*-AT£ pAPfPi /»y%<y'
TAepifjgjj dM././
“\ou hate me now, but think of the fun you’ll have telling new stu
dents I teach a snap course.”
11 r**«l to get up in the niorni
ho that we cannot (jo to class,
that they make higher gr»
than we do. Ah, the bitter lit)
of it!”
"It might be that they
smarter,” one of the lesser ial
ligentsia said.
"Smarter! Bah! It Is impossi
to be smart if you have not n
Thomas Wolfe, if you are
things instead of against thin
if you are happy, and if y
brush your teeth and wasl
Everyone agrecdod silently. Th
all communed.
One of the most unhappy (a
therefore most intelligent) sat
and said several large wor
“Dendriform, dendrite, dendro
dendron, denegation, dengue,1'
breathed. Everyone breathed ba
esOterically. He had memorii
the words from Webster's f
Jegiate Dictionary.
everyone hiss
"Actually, ne naiu,
illumination that is stifling
We need candles.
"Candles!” p
"And wine!"
“Wine!” everyone emitted
For a moment they »p
most happy. I'1"'11 th^ ^
this, and Immediately beed"1
we realize this is Poss^ col(
best idea so far tor
ful and heartfelt ^
Someone said they
°* r_h; sa
It was
not to con
too un'fS0 e.
Almost- 've
iis conversation m#( <
inued all
te manager turnea
and the ”'teI'lgfC‘ evei
s. No one noticed .
<s, until a P'cdge
lum the rug. , j{
in moral of this is »
er to lx- dumb am t d
ight than to he sm* v
it ..
‘ protection aRjconil °„
^erat ures. The_ „„ to d*
better to tie _ a ft
eplaee other ( "tif
«»• ■»-«;
rugs are cleantu