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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1952)
isenhower May Enter GOP Primarv jdge Says He'll Enter e in New Hampshire . uoCQUENCOURT, France, Jan. 6—(UP)—Gen. ^ i) Fisenho"er refused to deny tonight a Washington ?'nt Vl js a Republican presidential candidate, and a high I !e to him commented that "silence is sometimes more ff t'than any statement." aij Kisenhower had been forewarned of the an ^mnci ■ u . , (‘a|>ot Lodge, Jr., that his name entered as a Republican >*»• Hampshire primary. (or Lodge's assertion that h. certain Eisenhower would not lie the declaration, the ofti noted that the general a reti ed be interpreted ns being ifirmation. k only thing to emerge from ■bower's deserted headquar hre came from Gen. Charles rJ»ffll chief of SHAPE s pub jfonnation division. He said: jere will be no statemi nt to lt iSunday i■ Monday we shall tie general a full report on itor Lodge’s statements, and if ^es to make sdtne comment. I it will be made available to rose, but there is no guarantee 111 that the general will say thing for the record." Ike May Not Talk rr.. Alfred C. Gruenther. Kron er's chief of staff and his hand ed candidate to replace him as 1 -Mil CABOT LODGE ,J!{. *e commander when and if toies to return to the United & refused any comment wh-n W'.iie Lodge statement. Eisenhower might be ^ by the pressure of his sup [“* to make his first public taer.t on whatever political tatlons he may have, the odds * tonight that he would evade “feet declaration. Benhower’s position, as out ,‘° close friends who have ta in recent months, is ' ^rowing of a hat into t: ™ ring until he is certain : r n(^nted’ and even ™ ^ he la really noede J‘ ‘ l“at time comes : J, «* initiafive with - to his supporters askii • relieved of his command. “Use turn to par/e nx) uue today lr Registration uL'S the last day to pay CnaltmPo'e re^tniion &icyhfltegl8lrar Cilfford k nce has reminded su W Viatel °f $5 wil> be fine will i eS*8trafion and ^ $1 Per day ^fSal m comP‘et<-d. " h had S Tn’ 3’%1 *t« dent affQ- eck(i(* through tho h. office a «tr,r “ th,; registr ’l P nec"s" e^t ^nt oi l proc,'M blent wii, : of the term .,n ;l Week, Conatn available until le ia, .onstance said. '1)r change acy0Ur° register and is Jan- lb plcke(1 UP at thCllC Cai(i,s rnliy f office in MeArthathletic busi ®- to 12 nnnn thur cr,urt from > tte eardand 1 to 5 P iSto2’-which afJmi' kiu^muHtVVent*' stu Ust be Presented. Ike's Chances Predicted Good By Phil Johnson Campus instructors and local Republican leaders were asked Sunday to state their opinions on the report thut Senator Lodge was entering Gen. Dwight Eisenhow ers name on the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary ballot. A majority of those questioned believed that Eisenhower has a good chance to capture both the primary and presidential elec tions. It was generally stated that Eis . ennower would make no basic changes in the United States for eign policy, but that his views on domestic issues arc not very clear at this time. Elvnhower Not "Indispensable" Among those questioned, the , opinion was unanimous that Kiscn j (lower is not ‘indispensable" in Eu rope, and that h:s position as lead ! er of the North Atlantic Pad mili tary forces can be easily filled by another man. Bill Van Nuys, who circulated Eisenhower petitions for the Ore gon Republican primary, said Sun 1 Jay that every person he asked to >ign the petitions had done so. "I have not run up against any j opposition when I asked anyone to ngn a petition," he remarked, add ng that he had collected "50 or | >0” signatures, all that were de sired. He declined to comment on Lodge's announcement. Formidable Candidate Edward Boehnke, chairman of (he Lane County Republican Ccn 'ral Committee, stated (assuming that Eisenhower will run; "I think that there is no question in any one's mind that Eisenhower will be a formidable candidate.” He asserted that it would be very dangerous “to pick a man out or the air" for the presidency, but that this didn't apply to Eisen hower, because the general, while at Columbia university, “prepared ; himself to be president." Stating that the North Atlantic Pact leader "reverts to the sound ' principles of moralitiy in govern orient," Boehnke also remarked that governmental corruption Is "absolutely” caused by lack of molality among the common peo ple. The Republican leader did not believe that Western European re , armament would suffer as a result of "Ike's" removal from the scene. strong Appeal Young Republican County Chairman Ted Goodwin asserted (hat Eisenhower would have strong popular appeal" against Robert Taft, Harold Stassen and Earl Warren, but that "Ike’s” hances depend upon the primary elections. Goodwin predicted that Eisen hower, if elected, would introduce ! 1 bipartisan foreign policy with few changes from the present American foreign policy. “Ike" probably is “a traditional Republican" on domestic issues, Goodwin said, and he is "to the nght of Warren" on issues con cerning labor, economics and gov ernment regulation of business. Could Heat Truman Asked if an Eisenhower ticket eould defeat a Truman Democratic ticket, Goodwin quickly replied, “Oh, I definitely think that he eould beat Truman.” “Any good Republican could probably win if the election were today or tomorrow," Goodwin re (Please turn to pane seven) He's Not Talking I - (iK.V OW KilIT I». F.ISKMKHVKK Hf'ii rnloml on (<OI* Mrlo-t in \c« Hampshire primary. Frosh Hen Hear Rushing Rules A "hands-off" policy with no contact between fraternity men and freshman men will be in effect today as freshmen sign tip for tho week’s rushing program. Inter fraternity President Dick Mc Dattghlin announced Sunday eve ning at a meeting of prospective rtishces. About 130 freshman heard rush ing rules and rcpilations explain ed by fraternity men at the meet ing in the Student Union ballroom. Sign-up for rushing dates will, begin at 1 p.m. today in the SU ballroom. An “official" table will be located at the stage-end of tho ballroom and rushers will be given two copies of an unofficial dato card there. Kach rushec will pay Jo rushing fee. Hushing eligibility will bo checked. A freshman rushee must have a 2.00 accumulative GPA and a. 2.00 GPA while carrying at least 12 hours for the previous term. (About 360 freshmen arc scholas tically eligible to rush, the office of student affairs ha1- reported. This figure represents approxi mately two-thirds of the freshman (lass, i Freshmen will take date car ds to any of 21 tables arranged along the sides of the ballroom. Kach table will be labeled with the name of a fraternity. A fraternity repre sentative will be behind each table. Rushecs will sign up with frater nity representatives for not more than six dates. They may sign up for not more than two dates with one house. Sign-up will continue until o p.m. Freshmen will r eturn to the ball room at 7 p.m. when they will fill (Please turn lu Paqe six) The Millrace—lts Past and Its Future (This Is the firs! In ;i scries nf five articles by Emerald Reporter Bob Southwell dealing w itH the mill rare, its history and proposed plans for it—rd.) By Bcb Southwell The millraro tukes some water from the Willam ette river, carries it aimlessly through Eugene and then empties it back into the Willamette. Likewise, campaigns to improve the millrace start in some committees, wander through Eugene and University circles collecting opinioins and money and then seem to disappear as the stream docs it self. What is wrong? The Emerald will attempt to ex amine the matter in this series of five articles. To prove that the millrace is really worth examining, this article will probe into its past history. If the millrace seems important to University tra dition. it was essential to pioneer industry. Back in the 1850s an rnterprsing man named Hilyard Shaw noticed that the W’illainette river had started lo shorten itself with a slough at either end of a great bend. By cutting a five block canal between these two sloughs Shaw built, the millrace and provided tlie water power for future Eugene industries. Industries Harness Millrace That was in 1851 or 1S52. Before long a lumber mill and a flour mill harnessed the stream and by 1856 a brewery had commenced operations, also. In ! IS77 the local furniture factory moved to a millrace site for its cheaper power. But the Eugene residents soon discovered that the millrace could mean play as well as work. By 1900 j the students of the local college, the University j of Oregon, were canoeing up and down the stream i past several landscaped back yards which residents had found very appropriate for their millrace sites. I It was soon reflecting campfires and echoeing sing i ing, for pirnicing on the millrace became popular. Rare Used to Wash Elephants One of Eugene’s first circuses used it to wash its elephants in the race. The tlcphants enjoyed their bath so much that instead of returning when their keepers called, they merely blew trunkfuls of water at the despondent keepers. And so the residents and University students begun to see the millrace as a recreation centci while the industries considered it merely as a power potential. A < lash was inevitable. As the Willamette river fell below the level of the millraee. the compa nies built a dam and enlarged the stream to main tain its water flow. This enraged the home owners. In 3913 the Millraee Protective association was organized to represent the home ownefs and before long a suit against the millraee concerns was filed. Though the court’s decision favored industry, canoe ing became all the more popular on the millraee. The University decided to sponsor a “canoe carnival" in 1911, but it had to be postponed until 1912 because of rain. A 1912 Oregon Emerald headlined the event: "Carnival to be Classy". Canoe Fete Evolves By the time the 1915 Junior Weekend rolled around the canoe carnival had turned into a "Vene tian Water Fete". Featuring elaborate floats built upon canoes, the traditional canoe fete thus evolv ed. ATO took first place that year with its imita tio nof a submarine, German weapon during World War I. And so the millraee evolved into an integral part of Eugene and University life. J. O. Lindstrom, Uni versity business manager, commented: "Canoeing on the millraee was quite a thing in past years. Trees bordered it in those days an dthe current was so fast that you had to row hard to make any progress. Judge Day T. Bailey, now of Lane county court., made quite a busincs sout of renting canoes at the old Anchorage restaurant.” Ke described the canoe fetes as "quite a thing. The floats would bo propelled by swimmers in front of neatly 4,000 spectators.” Featured in Song To illustrate the past prominence of the millraee, Lindstrom cited an official Oregon song. As I Sit and Dream at Evening”. Its words include: “I like a shady place by the old mill race at dear old Ore gon." But in 1943, a flood destroyed the intake of the stream and two years later another flood razed the banks along it is edges. It couldn't be repaired until after the war, so the University had to forget its traditional canoe fetes and favorite spring pastime "for the time being.” The war ended and then the trouble began.