Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 04, 1952, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Emerald's Top News Stories
Came Early in 795/
(Continued from Pant ont)
but Loscutoff admitted to the Em
erald that the suspension wua
grounded on a "morals” charge.
Defending his ex-teammatea,
hoopster Bob Peterson charged
that the pair had "not been given &
fair deal," and the case was fan
ned anew; but Peterson dropped
his protest as quickly art it had
arisen, and the furor gradually
died down.
6. A8UO elections and the new
In spite of several last-minute
independent candidacies, elections
were relatively quiet this year.
What made them important wus
that mi s student elections mark
ed the going into effect of the new
A3UO constitution, which replaced
the old executive council with the
larger senate and smaller cabinet
Results of the elections saw a
majoritiy of offices won by the As
aoclat«><l Greek students and the
first AGS Htudcnt body president
since the United Students Asso
ciation wafl founded In 1048.
7. The Debbie Issue.
A high-minded Emerald editorial
May 17 touched off a nation-wide
hornct'fl nest when it charged that
an Oregon sorority had "through
alumnae pressure" forced a mem
ber to move out of the house be
cause she was dating a Negro stu
Reaction across the nation was
almost instanntaneous, with ar
ticles in Time magazine and East
ern newspapers dramatizing the
situation. The end of the story, as
far as the newspapers were con
cerned, saw the couple, Debbie
Burgess and DeNorval Unthank,
married in Vancouver this sum
8. The resignation of Oregon's
head roaches.
News of the resignation of grav
el-voiced Jim Aiken, Oregon's head
football coach, and his replacement
by Lon Caaanorva reached vacation*
Ing Webfoota early In the Hummer,
when Aiken announced that he
wan retiring to go Into business.
No »ooncr had Oregon students
returned to the hooka in the fall
than Hoop Mentor John Warren
alao announced his resignation, to
enter the hardware bUHlneaa, Later
Emerald storie* announced the ap
pointment of Bill Borcher to re
place Warren.
9. The ln»tallali<in of pay tele
Biggest in fact the only hot
iaaue at Oregon during the fall of
'61 wan the controversy over the
installation of pay telephones by
the Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph Co. in all campus living or
ganization* as students returned to
As a result of the move, students !
for each telephone call. This re
Hu]ted In loud student howls and a
long-continued Emerald campaign
were required to shell out a nickel
with attempts to get together with
Oregon Htftte and Willamette in
fighting the decision. The PT&T
proposed ft countermove: a campus
exchange for inter-house calls. As
1952 gets under way, the end is not
yet in sight.
10. Oregon's 75th anniversary.
Outstanding educators and rep
resentatives from the nation s
campuses gathered in Eugene over
the weekend of Nov. 2 to particl- j
pate in the University's big 75th
anniversary birthday party, which
saw sp« echca. processions and ban
quets in honor of the event.
This event, last of our list for ,
1951, will like some others con
tinue into 1952; the year's program
of outstanding speakers in honor
of the birthday is not yet over. i
Among the events which should
receive honorable mention for top
Interest In T>1 Is the celebrated
beer controversy, which, however,
hit its peak In late 1950. The past
year, however, Haw the eventual
result of the squabble: order* first
forbidding Taylor’* and the Hide to
Bell beer before 4 p.m., and then
final prohibition of beer sabs in
the cam[)UH area, effective now.
There they are our selection of
the campus's top news events in
1951. The present academic year
has started out quietly enough;
what will 1952 have in store?
The greatest altitude at which
men can live without wearing an
oxygen mask varies considerably,
depending upon one's physical con
dition and the length of his stay
at the high altitude, but above
15,000-20,000 feet the oxygen in
the air is not sufficient to main
tain life.
YOU have an opportunity NOW to better pre
pare yourself for tomorrow's lifetime work.
Practical application of college training in ad
vertising space-selling, layout, and secre
tarial work is available to you through posi
tions on your newspaper—the OREGON DAILY
But apply TODAY. The importance to you of
starting at the beginning of the term is obvi
Do yourself a long-range favor. Have fun ...
meet new friends . . . gain practical business
experience that you will value as one of the
most important phases of your college career.
• • • •