Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 04, 1952, Page Seven, Image 7

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Flare your nd at the Htudent
Union, main dMk or at the
Shark, In person or phone ext.
2)9, between 2 and 4 p.m.
Monday to Friday.
Kates: First Insertion 4c per
word; subsequent Insertions 2c
per word.
SPECIAL — '40 Ford Coupe, ex.
cond. and clean, good motor,
tlrea and acccssorieH. Muat aell
fa at, In service. Call Bill Hall
5-2238. bl
er. < 'all Lillian Schott, 5-9044. 52
J.A !UiK XINULK BOOM with j<ri
vale bath. Well heated. 56 per
week. I’hone Mm. Blntz, 4-*5706.
WII.I, <:IVK BOARD, room anil
wage* to student in exchange for
help. I’hone 4-1*215. 51
Ann Thompson Wins
Two-term Scholarship
An Oregon student who has
made honor roll grades of 3.50 or
better every term she has been in
the University, has been awarded
a two-term Standard Oil scholar
ship. She is Ann Thompson, senior
in music.
One of the outstanding scholas
tic records in the university has
l>een made by Miss Thompson,
whose cumulative grade point av
erage is 3.78. She is active in music
affairs on the campus and Is a
member of f’hi Beta, national pro
fessional music and drama fra
ternity. During her junior year she
was president of her living orga
nization, University house.
The scholarship, one of four
given annually by Standard Oil of
California to an outstanding mem
l>er of each of the four under
graduate classes In the Univer
sity, was initially awarded to
Anita Holmes, journalism major,
who finished her work in the Uni
versity und has taken a position
in Washington. D. C. Two-thirds
of the $500 award will now go to
Miss Thompson.
KWAX Quacks Monday
Frosh Election Rules
University radio station KWAX
will begin winter term broadcast
ing at 5 p in. Monday with a new
series of special programs planned
for the coming year.
The FM station recently affili
ated with the National Association
of Eklucational Broadcasters and
will bring Oregon listenors a num
ber of NAKB tape-recorded pro
grams featuring talks, dramas, in
formation and music.
Recorded sessions of the London
symphony, the British Broadcast
ing company theater and the Her
ald-Tribune forum will be among
attractions offered on the new
The NAKB facilities are used by
86 high schools, colleges and uni
versities in the United States.
A woman’s show and foreign
student interviews are tentatively
scheduled for this term, the station
Station authorities asked that
all persons interested in doing ra
dio work visit the station studios
on the third floor of Villard hall
to discuss job openings. No pre
vious experience is necessary.
KWAX will follow the same
schedule as last term. The station
will be on the nir from 5 p.m. to 11
p.m. Monday through Friday and
from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday.
Candy Orange Slices
Good Mouse Bait
ST. LOUIS - (U.R) —For three
weeks Ben Ohm, superintendent of
the new St. Louis County court
house, waged a war on mice with
traps baited with meat and cheese,
lie caught about 10 mice.
Then Ohm changed his tactics;
eh wanted a more enticing bait. He
decided on candy orange slices to
bait his six traps. The count at
the end of another three weeks was
100 mice caught.
“If the orange slices hold out,
I'll get ’em all,” he said.
Deadline for petitions in the
forthcoming freshman election has
been set at midnight, Jan. 16, ac
cording to Merv Hampton, A8UO
vice president and chairman of the
election committee. Krosh ballot
ing will take place on the follow
ing Wednesday, Jan. 23, from 8
a.rn. until 6 p.m.
Kour officers will be selected by
the freshmen: a president, vice
president and two representatives.
Though the constitution does not
provide for a freshman secretary
or treasurer these Jobs, Hampton
explained, could be given the two
Petitions may be obtained and
returned at the ASUO office on1
(hr third floor of the Student
Union. Contestants should indicate
I he office they are seeking on the
petition. Hampton said.
A nominating assembly is slated
for Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. and will prob
ably take place in the Dad’s
lounge, Hampton stated. Office
seekers will be Introduced and
have a chance to speak.
The election will be supervised
by a six man election board. It will
consist of Hampton, Director of
Student Affairs Donald DuShano,
and five other student members. 1
Two students eaeh will be sug
gested by the two campus political
parties subject to Hampton's ap
proval and the fifth selected by
Frosh Rush Week Starts Sunday
(Continued from f’atje i nej .
suggestion, Sigma Chi President
I’ack Smith moved that there i
should be no fraternity men to1
keep the audience small and pro- !
vent early rushing.
When McLaughlin announced |
that the SU ballroom hart been cn-'
gaged for the rushing hcadquar- |
ters, IFC Student Adviser Boh j
Uhrist reacted with a strong objec- I
tion, stating that illegal rushing i
would tie easy in the public SU 1
Smith suggested a possible al- \
ternative, in the University high I
school gym. McLaughlin promised
to study that possibility.
"Hands Off” Favored
Larry Dean, Sigma Nu presi
dent, moved that a "hands off”
policy be followed by the fraternity
men in dealing with freshmen all
day Monday and late Friday night,
j The only objection was raised by
I Beta Theta Pi President Ken Ball,
who cal^-d the policy "unfriendly.” !
When the freshmen register
Monday afternoon using their own
initiative .they will obtain their,
unofficial date card at a centra!
Six Dates
They can fill this card with six
dates, restricting each house to!
two dates, by contacting the fra-1
ternities which will be represented j
behind smaller desks.
That evening they will return to ■
mingle on the floor with fraternity
men in the usual rush week fash- ;
ion. Each fraternity man, identi
fied by a pin which will name his
fraternity, will contact the pledges
he desires and also help the rush
ees find the fraternity representa
tive they might seek.
After attending one date at a
fraternity a rushee will be able to
break succeeding dates with that
house at the student affairs office
each night.
He will be able to sign up for
any other fraternity he desires.
Fraternities will post their drop
lists in the rushing headquarters
each morning and will probably
send representatives to sign up
rushees dropped by other houses.
Friday night the frosh will list
their preferences in first, second
and third choices from 10:00 to i
12:00 at the rushing headquarters. I
The fraternities must have their |
preferences in by 1:00 that night. !
Saturday morning the rushees will
return to find the fraternity's j
pledge lists and pay his $10 pledg
ing fee.
McLaughlin gives the fn,lowing
suggestions t > rushing freshmen:
1. Don't wear your high school
2. Keel natural and don't get
hepped up and worried. Just re
member that the fraternities arc
just as eager as you are.
3. Try to follow the rushing
rules as closely as possible.
4. Look at all fraternities fair
ly and squarely don't be influ
Pre-Med Students
To Be Interviewed
Interviews with all students
wishing to be considered for ad
mission into the 1952 fall class of
the Oregon Medical school will be
held Jan. 11 in room 1 of McClure.
Applications are to filed at once,
the admissions committee an
nounced. The blanks are available
in room 1, McClure.
Appointments for the interviews
may be made until Saturday with
the secretary of the department of
chemistry, Helga Koivisto. Fall
term grade reports should be
brought to the admission inter
Proceeding the interviews, on
Thursday, the admissions commit
tee will hold an informal question
and answer period on the study of
medicine. All interested people are
invited to attend, the committee re
Dr. E. S. West, professor of bio
chemistry at the medical school,
is chairman of the committee. Dr.
W. B. Youmans, head of the physi
ology department; Dr. Joseph B.
Trainer, assistant physiology pro
fessor; Dr. D. W. E. Baird, dean
of medical school; and W. A. Zim
merman, executive secretary of the
medical school, comprise the com
The largest brassiere on the
market is size 60. Twenty dozen of
them were sold in the United
States last year. The most popu
lar size is 34 inches.
889 E. 13th Ave.
Few Present for First Day of Classes Here
(Continued from frogc our)
weeks of classes ace needed and
then start out the term on a Mon
day,'1 he said.
Departments which indicated at
tendance ranging from one-third of
enrollment up to about onc-half
included foreign languages, geog
raphy and geology, history, and
philosophy. Several departments
adhered to the approximate 50 pe r
cent average, including anthro
pology. biology, economics, Eng
lish, political science, psychology,
religion and sociology.
Best attendance was in the de
partment of military science and
tactics and the school of law. Thr
military department, which has a
merit system giving demerits for
unexcused absences, had from 00
to 95 per cent attendance. This
Vets' Dining Hall
( Continued from page one)
have been feci in Ihe Commons
winter term and 300 spring term,
the policy committee decided.
However, the number for winter
term would have been below 300.
too small for an economical opera
tion, Barnhart said.
Deficit Told
Cast term, the Vets Commons
was feeding 400 to day in a set-up
geared for 800. Barnhart said. The
Commons had a deficit of about
$2,000 as of Dec. 19, due mainly to
the low rate of income because of
the smaller number. The Commons
facilities would be too large for the
small number using them.
Students affected by the deci
sion of the committee were notified
by letter during the Christmas va
Members of the dorm policy
committee are Donald Du Shane,
director of student affairs: Ray
Hawk, director of men's affairs;
Mrs. Golda P. Wickham, director
of women's affairs: J. O. Lind
strom. University business man
ager; and Burkhart.
Head and use Emerald classi
1 figure-. however. is below par, t! <*
department pointed out.
Attendance in the Jaw school
was better than 90 per cent, ti c
school said.
Science Above Average
Moat science departments atten
dance was above average, the sur
vey shows. Chemistry courses wetc
“well-attended” and physics de
partment ranged from 75 per cent
in lower division courses to vir
tually 100 per cent in upper di
vision classes. Biology had 60 per
cent and geology from 30 to 73
per cent.
Above average attendance was
also reported jn the schools of
aichitecture and allied arts, health
i and physical education, and music,
all from 75 to 80 per cent, although
i still below regular attendance.
A common tendency observed bj
most department heads was better
attendance in upper division
j courses than in lower division, the
survey indicated.
Now Playing
‘Callaway Went Thataway'
Howard Keel &
Dorothy McGuire
"Calling Bulldog
Walter Fidgron &
Margaret Le gton
ItI llo 8c M.DEP Olftl 5-1022
Now Flay ing
"Rocking Horse Winner”
Now Playing
"Day the Earth Stood Still”
‘The Guy Who Carr e Back”
25% i
.. on all HEN'S SHOES!
* Roblee
* Pedwin
* Allen Edmonds
* French-Schrener-Urner j
997 Willamette