Newborns Go To Europe President and Mrs. Harry K. Tewburn left Monday en route to Europe where the University presi dent will study under the Carnegie it- ant which he was awarded in the spring of 1951. The grant gives Newburn the opportunity to observe and learn about the organization and admin i tration of state supported univer sities in France. Italy, Germany, England and Scotland. The Newburns will be in Wash ington Monday for a meeting and \ ill leave from New York on Jan. 9. arriving in London the following i ty. The next day they plan to leave for the Continent by car. First they will travel through France and Italy, then back tirough France and into Switzer land. occupied Germany. Belgium. Holland, England and Scotland. They will return to the Oregon campus in time for commencement i> June. The Masonic Building in Wey r outii. Mass., originally a church, v as built of beams cut for the V. S. Frigate Constitution but re jected by government inspectors. Peculiar Pilferer Robs Fraternity Burglars have funny ways. This one took the hard way. Aeeordlng' to police reports, he entered the Chi 1’sl fraternity house through an unlocked up stairs window, sometime during Christmas vacation, picked up a large-size radio-phonograph and hauled it into the basement. There he removed the record player and radio, speaker and all. from the cabinet, grabbed 30 records and left. Chi Psi memlters suspect he worked in the dark because lie overlooked another easy-to-car ry phonograph and a portable radio. Xo other entries were reported by living organizations during the vacation. Picture Window Proves Hazard For Birds BELLEVILLE. 111. — (U.PJ —*The Armin Gantners installed a large picture window in their home to get a full view of placid Lake St.. Clair. The window has proven to be a traffic hazard for birds. Recent casualties included a covey of eight quail. Five of the birds were killed when they flew against the window. The other three, crippled by the impact, man aged to fly away. The birds apparently are blind ed by the reflection of the big window. Doctors for an insurance com pany say three out of every five persons would like to reduce but only one out of five has seriously tried to do it. Tl COMPLETE DINNERS , $1.50 and up STEAKS CHICKEN SEA FOODS Plenty Of FREE Parking Space SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS FOR RESERVATIONS — CALL 5-9064 flieiu JlytuuQQtll Cc^e Harold and Effie Gravos, Owner 796 Highway 99N Campus Telephone Exchanges Proposed by Phone Company A formal proposal for installing1 special intra-campus telephone ex change has been sent by the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph company to the University of Ore gon, Oregon State ami Willamette university. The plan was offered by the PT&T as a partial remedy for the pay telephone problem. The proposed exchange would be set up as follows: 1. Students in living organiza tions could call any other living organization or campus number from a regular dial telephone. 2. Incoming calls from off-cam pus phones could be received through this exchange; however, calls to downtown points or other off-campus phones would have to be placed through the present pay telephones in each living organiza tion. 3. The company estimates that this service would cost $3.50 per month in sororities and fraterni ties, and $3 per month in dormito ries for each telephone installed. The installation charge would he $3 per phone. 4. The additional private branch exchange equipment which would have to be installed on the campus would not increase charges for each line in excess cf $1.25 per month over the above figures. If incoming calls are to be re ceived from non-campus phones over these special lines, the Uni versity would have to install addi tional equipment to handle it. Adoption of this feature of the service is left to the discretion of the University, phone company of ficials said. Also, the phone company will furnish individual flat rate busi ness service to individual rooms In living organizations for use of the resident of that room. This proposal was first advanced at a meeting of Oregon. OSC and Willamette students with the tele phone company and the Public Utilities commission in Salem last month. Student Wins Rhodes Scholaship A fraternity dishwasher won a Rhodes scholarship last month and Thursday was back in the kitchen again scrubbing pots and pans. Alexander Riasanovsky. gradu ate student in philosophy, was one of four students selected in a com petitive district oral examination Dec. 15 to attend Oxford college in England on a Rhodes scholarship. In winning the award Riasanovsky duplicated th performance of his brother. Nicholas, who won a simi lar award in 19-45. Riasanovsky, who washes dishes at his fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsi- j Ion. graduated from the University last spring in philosophy. He plans to study in the honors school in the ‘ Modern Greats” program of fered at Oxford. The scholarship will allow him to atend Oxford for two or three years according to the quality of his work and personal preference. Rom in Manchuria The 23-year-old award winner was born in Harbin, Manchuria. He attended school in China until tin fifth grade when his parents moved to Eugene where he finished his elementary and high school education. Riasanovsky served for 18 months with the 188th para chute infantry during World War II and was stationed in Japan. At the University Riasanovsky is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary and Scabbard and Blade, national mili tary honorary. His accumulative GPA for his undergraduate years was 3.58. He played the part of Lodovico in a University theater production of “Othello” last year. Riasanovsky lists his hobbies as reading science fiction, playing chess, bridge nnd basketball. He enjoys classical music. Only Oregon Candidate Riasanovsky was the only candi date from the University of Ore gon for the scholarship originally founded by Cecil Rhodes, an Kng tishman who made a fortune in South African gold and diamond mines. He was among two chosen from the state and one of the four finalists in a field of ten in the dis trict examinations. The scholarship will pay ull his expenses while studying in England. His brother, Nicholas Riasanov sky, entered the University at the age of 14 and graduated at 18 with a GPA of 3.83. He is now teaching history at the University of Iowa. Riasanovsky's mother is the author of the novel, "The Family" published under the name of Nina Fedorova, and winner of an At lantic Monthly magazine story prize of $10,0000. She has also written another novel, "The Chil dren.” and five or six short stories. Riasanovsky's father, V. A. Riasanovsky, has written books on Mongolian law and Chinese law and recently completed a work en titled "A Survey of Russian Cul ture," written in Russian. The family recently moved from Eugene to San Francisco. CAMPUS CALENDAR 11:00 Till Delta I’hi 110 SU 9:00 p.m. Mixer Dance Fishbowl SU Read and use Emerald classi fieds. '/"quitiMf TRc/totte* Freshmen Object To Electioneering By UO Politicos By Jean Lewis "Do you think political parties I should participate In the coming freshman elections?" was the question asked freshman students. Out of the eight students Inter viewed five were opposed to hav ing political parties. Their reasons were that they arc not necessary and that the freshman don't know enough about them. Three students thought they should have party elections because the freshmen could thereby become better ac quainted with the parties and the election process. Howard Hopkins freshman In business "I think I'd leave po litical parties out of It because freshmen don't know what politi cal parties stand for anyway." l*at Kyan freshman in liberal arts "Yes. It would help fresh men to get acquainted with cam pus lire and learn more about poli tics." raid Hales freshman in liberal arts "No, they don't mean any thing and there's no need for them where freshmen are concerned.” Arllss Harder freshman in mu sic "No, I think the freshmen I should be left alone to do their own deciding.” Ardys Van Osten freshman in liberal arts "Freshmen don’t know enough about political par I ties." Dick Davenport s- freshman in liberal arts "There should be po litical parties so that freshmen can get to know how they operate and what they stand for; they are a good deal if they are used right." William Hrundshess freshman in liberal arts "No, because there are no Greek organizations." Tottsle lloss freshman in politi cal science—“There should be po litical parties so that the freshman j can better understand the election process and so they will have the experience when they are ■ opho mores. Also it is a basis for under standing the national political party process." Tourists Get Clipped In Roadside Zoos HELENA, Mont. (U.fb "Free roadside zoos" with dice games operating in the back gave some of Montana’s tourist trade a black eye this year, the Montana Auto mobile Association said. Tourists were lured into the “free zoos" and then clipped in crooked dice games operated on the side, the association reported. Individual losses at the zoos in DeBorgia and near Ennis ran as high as $200. Send the Emerald Home! THE PERFECT ANSWER TO YOUR LETTER-WRITING WORRIES SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR THE FOLKS AT HOME $2.00 per term — $4.00 for two terms — $5.00 per year Omm Daily . _ _ EMERALD "Just Like a Letter from school — every day."