Oregon Daily . _ _ EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday during the college year, except examination and holiday periods, with issues on Homecoming Saturday and Junior Weekend Saturday by the Associated Students id the University of Oregon. Entered as sec ond class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year, per term. Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the I niversitv. Initialed editorials are written by the associate editors. Unsigned editorials arc written by the editor._ A Walk Before Breakfast Like to take a brisk walk before breakfast? That’s what three-hundred odd residents of the N ets’ dorm are doing start ing this term. That is, if they want to eat. The Yets’ Commons was closed by order of the administra tion because it was operating at a financial loss, and because John Straub hall was not filled. Residents are now eating at Straub. (The page one story will tell you all this, so we re not going into the wliys and wherefores again here.) We agree that the University cannot afford, in these days of high-cost living, to operate a facility losing $2000 a term. The Vets’ Commons at Oregon State college was closed at the end of the 1950-51 school year for the same reason. Dorm residents there eat in the Memorial Union. But we think Yets’ dorm residents should have been con sulted before hand. The closure decision was made on Saturday, Dec. 15, the middle of final week. Only dorm counselors were told of the problem. A letter dated Dec. 22 informed the dorm men of the committee’s action. Nice Christmas present! The students affected should have had a chance to consider the problem and possible alternatives to the closure. Their de cision might well have been the same as that of the adminis trative group, but they would at least have had a voice. H. P. Barnhart, director of dormitories, agrees with us here. He admitted, after the decision was made, that it would have been preferable to consult students. But he pointed out the committee did not know until Dec. 15 that there would be so few men in the dorms. Room reservation slips, due Dec. 10, were turned in late. The drop came as a surprise, he said. It seems strange that the possibility of closing the Commons could not have been anticipated and presented to the students as an “if” proposition: If enough students didn’t reserve rooms, what should the school do? Or, room reservations should have been requested earlier. The administration has doubtless made needless enemies by keeping students in the dark again. '1 he fellows hiking down to Straub for meals would still dislike the three-times-a-day trek, but they’d be more apt to cheerfully take it in stride if they knew they’d had a part in the action. The Useless Jan. 2 Classes Generally speaking, the first day of January is regarded as a holiday. At the very least it should be a day of rest for the common man who has spent the preceding night ringing out the old and in the new. Morally, the practice of getting pie-eyed for New Year’s Eve may be inexcusable, but the custom is widely practiced by all hands, including college students. This makes hangovers, etc., the order of the day for January the Firsts. Unless, of course, one goes against the mores and spends the number one day traveling back to the campus instead of recuperating. Is there justifiable reason for having regular classes the day after the annual defeat of some PCC football team in the Rose Bowl ? We’ll discount the line of thought in our leading paragraphs as being too weak to stand alone. But many students enrolled at the University wouldn’t. So they celebrate or recuperate, etc., and return to school several days late. This makes regular classes on Jan. 2 something of a farce. Even those students on campus have to complete registration (preregistration notwithstanding) and pick up various supplies. This may not take very long (depending on the length of the lines) but it usually kills at least one class period. Class attendance seems to vary from 25 to 75 per cent. Some professors will dismiss the class. Others will stubbornly lecture if only one faithful conformist appears. Most professors will feel obliged to repeat their first lecture at least once. This either makes a sucker out of the professor or the students who made the first lecture. So why be dogmatic? Why not torget classes tor jan. n it were declared a Rope Yarn Sunday, students could straggle back to their respective houses or halls, finish registering, draw supplies, and just generally slide back into the groove without shortchanging themselves or their professors so early in the term. It might be argued that the same sort of situation would have to be faced regardless of when classes started. '1 hat might he correct to a certain extent (we won’t be dogmatic) but a con siderable segment of the campus population would appreciate the opportunity to draw an extra breath before the bell rings for the next-round.—B. C. < » • ♦ i C i I ] I 'l f. / . On the /lib. . . Two 'Hits' Slighted By SU Juke Box By Don Collin Of the "Hit Parade’s” big three, how come only "Undecided" on Student Union Juke? Where's "Slow Poke” and "Down Yon der"? The story of how "Down Yonder" written in the twenties achieved fame in the fifties is in Newsweek of Dec. 31. For the Sunday early birds, two outstanding; news commenta tors are Howard K. Smith and Charles Collingwbod (aired on KERG at 9:30 u.m. und 10:45 a.in. respectively.) Smith Is chief Eu ropean correspondent for (’IIS news. Broadcasts orglnatc in Eon don or on the Continent. It’s on the scene reporting by a brillunt analyst. t'olllngwood is top Wash ington reporter for CBS. Speaking of Washington re porters, Fulton Eewis Jr. |4 and 10 p.m. Monday thru Friday on KORE) got commendation for being on the same network at the same time for 15 years —a sup posed accomplishment. Off the cuff comment of Lewis’ long reign due more to the stock he owns in the network than to the quality of his work. Football over (Dick Patrick got Hoffman award; and basketball taking a breather before the sea son. Not much in the way of sports this weekend except for wrestling on KORE Saturday at 9:30 p.m. If you haven't stepped nut by 8:30 p.m. (Saturday) give a listen to Kl'GN’s last broadcast of a series of four documentaries on the Soviet Union. .Mrs. Ada Sie gel, daughter of a non-Bolshevik Mininster of Justice in Lenin's first coalition cabinet, narrates the series, entitled “USSR." Sat urday’s broadcast is on "Russian Humanitarianism vs. Marxist Communism.” Others dealt with nationalities and minorities in the Soviet Union, the economy and the evolution of a new Soviet man. A map showing the forced labor camps is available at following address: USSR, American Broad casting Company, New York 20, New York. Will report later if scripts are available. Comments of the week: Ed Murrow (KERG 5 p.m. Monday through Friday) on Stassen's list of presidental advisors including Baruch, MacArthur, Eisenhower, Harry Byrd and Jim Farley. "The sum total of this advice will be confusing”.. . Charlie McCarthy (KERG Sundays at 5:30 and 9 p.m.) on superstition that a kiss takes ten minutes off your life. “I’m going out and commit sui cide.” KPOJ’s Ted Hallock .(ex U of O) wants to sell his record col lection for a price with four fig ures ... Band for Military Ball January 19 will probably be K.P. ... A University student is trying to get a 15-minute spot of the local air for a “Student Views of Politics” series. Now that an elec tion year is with us, many stu dents will bo first-voters. Pur pose will be to review and dis cuss issues and candidates with occasional guest experts and the candidates themselves. KASH’s Dinner Hour Concert (5 to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday) now announcing name of selections, helps those who know themes but not titles. KASH bare ly keeping head out of water fi nancially . . . NBC’s expansion of stations may by-pass Eugene or to get it another network may have to be dropped. fyn&m Ma^ue... 15 YEARS AGO Jan. 4, 1987—Oregon’s new $365,000 physical education build ing will be opened for public in spection tonight. The building, which is almost entirely artifici ally lighted, will be open for stu dent use Tuesday. Eight students made all A grades fall term, the honor roll reveals. The School of Business Administration ranked highest with 19 students on the honor roll. i So TMMMS Ms Oregon * Silence and Disinterest Slow Progress of UO Student Senate --By Jim Kaycox---4 Depending somewhat on indi vidual opinion, tiie A8UO senate either ran or stalled its way through fall term and its first 12 weeks of ex istence. To me it cluttered a word I’ll define as halting but hopeful motion in a more or less straight line - toward success, we hope. But that, many senators will agree, is no real com JIM HAYCOX piiment. Nor was 11 sc micnucu. I^ots of things went wrong which shouldn't have. Most could and should l*> explained as fol lows: It was a new organization somewhat undefined in spite of a constitution and made up of students inexperienced in the roles they were to play. Most, I said, but not all. The thing that really stuck out like a sore thumb, at the first and at the last, was the Indolence, In difference, and Ignorance of some of these so-called “senators.” Koughly half a dozen of the group did most of the talking and seem ingly carried all the weight of de cision. Why others even bothered to Interrupt their Thursday nights is a mystery. Granted, it got slightly better near the last. But just a few of these silent-senators arc still a few too many. Apparently, nobody ever told these sheep why they were there. Nor did they stop to ponder the question themselves when they petitioned. Back in PS 201 and 202 they try to impart the idea of a na tional senate and house of repre sentatives. As our group is uni cameral, its duties may in some ways differ from those we hear about on the national scene. But the great duty of any senator, be he or she here, in Washington or Timbucktoo, is a constant one; that of representation. It can't be done by sitting back in your chair and picking your nose. Which brings us to a second sticker. Tou can't muke much noise if you don't know what’s going on. Tou can't be much of a senator if you begrudge the student body three hours of a Thursday night, stay fogged in through most of thut, and then fork'll tin' whole ivorliN till | next Thursday nlkl>t. Being senator In a juli In Itself. Thd are more Hum a few In this cut, gory, t««. But the«C two things, the i lence of some of our cistwht senators and their apparent dv interest, are the only two chargt of any consequence J can male Other points of confusion cun up but as often us not provided welcome comic relief. For example, hardly u meetli went by without some tangle w> parllumcntury procedure. Mo than once the group passed som thing, went on. then wondered they passed It legally or nc About thin time somebody lab off both shoes and la-gins Count. Several times the vote wi insufficient, so another vote taken. On one memorable occ sion they couldn't scrape up t| extra ballot and a motion tfj would have passed by nif. was vetoed. The record, thus far. 1» ii what one would call Imprcssiv unless you eonNlder that tin \,'j onlj been at it this one term, j will not Is* time to retillv jinti this group until |M-rhups the n of school. But there is a chance that wi* in the next couple of months tl senate will have u chance to siu itse lf as the powerful and r«-pt sentative body It should be. The Issue may well be the hoe code. Talk from honor code cot mittee members, all but a couj of them senators themselves.* encouraging. Before the end the term that committee mayj port tack with a workable pi of operation. Hilt here’s the hitch. If rt) smalt group of ‘‘silents’’ with the senate refuses to get on tj stick and goes on playing Its lit! game of boredom, the honor ecu will prolmhiy go down the lira Just as NSA (National StudeT| Association) did. And you slum have heard that debate ... It w sad. 1 doubt if more than three I four senators knew anyth!) about NSA. The rest showed"' either by saying rather sensclq things or, as most of them (j by saying nothing at all. Let's just hope It doesn’t h/ pen again. Let's hope this i» year has brought new vitality i| to this organisation, Oregoi greatest experiment In stmjr government. “Gosh, what a Christmas list. You must 1m> sending ‘Noel - to thV If 'e faculty!’’