Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 28, 1951, Page Six, Image 6

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    Meeting Scheduled
During Vacation
On Kansas Campus
The 16th Student Volunteer
Movement Quadrennial conference
v ill be held Dec. 27 to Jan. 1 at
Lawrence. Kansas, on the Univer
sity of Kansas Campus. The theme
of the meeting is ‘ Christians in a
World in Struggle '.
There will be outstanding lead
ers from all over the world at the
conference, according to Jack Mer
rier, executive secretary of the
Any student who wishes may at
tend the conference at a cost of
$.lo plus the ocst of transporta
tion. More than 2000 students are
e .pected to attend and it is hoped
that many foreign students will at
tend also. Memer said.
YWCA Sponsors Talk
On British by Kroll
“The Crisis in British Society"
will be discussed by Morton Kroll,
i political science instructor, in the
first of this year's series of YWCA
sponsored student-faculty' fireside
to be held at his home tonight.
Those attending the informal
discussion will meet at 7 p.m. at
the YWCA before leaving for
fCroll's home. Persons not previ
ously contacted who would be in
terested in attending may contact
Gretchen Grondahl, YWCA social
; chairman.
Two coats of lacquer applied hot
1 to automobile bodies by a new
! method equal three applied cold in
the ordinary way, giving a sub
stantial saving in time needed for
NOW $2.0t
See Our New Fall Hats
Velours and Felts
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921 Willamette
You can’t beat the Manhattan Gabmont sportshirt for up-to-the*
minute style ... and it has all the built-in comfort that every smart
college man demands. The Gabmont is made of washable gabardine
that lets you save on cleaning bills. Comes in a variety of good
looking colors. And it will serve as an extra dress shirt because it
has long sleeves and can l>e worn with a tie. $5.95*
The Manhattan Shirt Co.,
Makers of Manhattan Shirts,
Sportshirts, Neckwear, Underwear,
Pajdmas, Beachwear, Handkerchiefs
♦subject to ops regulations
Compiled by Harriet Booth
At Zeta Tau Alpha . . .
Newly engaged are Marvin Jo
Churchill to Les Simons, Campbell
club; and Betty Joy Kimball to
Paul Shiell, U.S*Navy.
Hecent-weds include: Karen Ter
ry and Mike Popovich, Kappa Sig;
Dolores Frederick and Dick
Graves, Pi Kappa Alpha; and Nan
cy Radabaugh and Clyde Joiner,
graduate with the class of '51.
A tea honoring Mrs. Grace Mar
quam. new ZTA housemother, was
held last Sunday at the chapter
New additions to the pledge
class include: Jeanette Kimball,
Goshen; and Beth Johnson.
The ZTAs were hostesses to the
Eugene Mothers club at a coffee
hour following their meeting at the
chapter house last week.
At Kappa Sigma . . .
Holiday marriages will include
those of A1 Hassman to Roberta
Jean Davis and Jack Muntzel to
Joan Edith Miller. Both couples
have set the date for Dec. 1.
Married within the past few
months were: Jack Countryman to
Joann Bleth, Alpha Chi; A1 Riebcl
to Mary Ann Bonesteele, OSC
Kappa; Tom Bauman to Helen
Hyche, Alpha Chi; Bob Howard to
Mary Knox, Alpha Phi: and George
Schwarr to Jean Sewell, Chi O at
At Delta Zeta .. .
Marie Fletcher, DZ pledge, is
wearing Judge Elderkin's Theta
Chi pin; and Peggy Mainer was
recently pinned to Glenn St. Jean,
Pi Kappa Phi.
At Lambda Chi Alpha ...
Ron Hull pinned Marilyn Moore,
Alpha Omlcron PI, last Saturday
At Alpha Omicron Pi . . .
A tea honoring the alumni who
wore instrumental in redecorating
the AOPi house this summer, was
held at the chapter house Saturday
afternoon, following the Home
coming game.
At Sigma Kappa ...
The Sigma Kappas will entertain
35 undei priviliged children at a
Christmas party, Dec. 8.
Denise Thum is wearing Lin Jen
sen's DU pin; and Myra Olsen Is
pinned to Dick Boyer, Sigma Nu
at the University of California.
Two engagements took the Sig
l ma Kappas by surprise this week
. . . Barbara Darby is engaged to
j Jim Redman and Carolyn Welch
will become Mrs. Larry Davidson
next June.
Representatives from the Ore
gon Sigma Kappa chapter spent
’ Sunday, Nov. 17, in Corvallis, at
i tending Founder’s Day celebra
' tions
At Gamma Phi Beta . . .
Fritzi Belt/, recently announced
! her engagement to Tom Ford of
| Salem.
At Alpha Chi Omega . . .
Wedding bells will ring Jan. 12
! for Doris Ewen and Pete Bryant,
SAB and graduate of Willamette
university. Maxine Sandatrom an
nounced her engagement to Wer- j
ner Stork former Oregon student.
Sunday night.
Barbara Kurilo anil Jeanette
Morse are wearing the Beta pins
I of Norm Fenton and Jim Bauer,
Manager to Talk
On Future Jobs
B. F. Mullaney, personnel man
ager of Crown-Zellerbach paper
company will be on the campus
Thursday to discuss opportunities
with Crown-Zellerbach, particular
ly in accounting.
Students interested may sign up
for individual interviews in the
graduate placement office and also
attend a group meeting Thursday
afternoon in the school of business.
Jobs are available with the
Crown-Zellerbach company for De
cember graduates and also for
graduates later in the year. Any
accounting students who are in
terested, whether sophomore, jun
ior, or senior, are urged to discuss
these positions with Mr. Mul.laney,
Karl Onthank, scholarship chair
man, said.
A number of Oregon graduates
are now employed by the Crown
Zellerbach company.
The meeting Thursday is an op
portunity for students interested
in accounting to obtain informa
tion about accounting positions
with one of the largest paper com
panies in the country, Onthank
Silicone rubbers are now made
in sponge form and have resistance
to heat and cold superior to plan
tation rubber sponge, while nearly
equalling it in other properties.
Brunton to Speak
At Real Estate Club
Gordon Brunton, president of the
Eugene Realty board, will discuss
the real estate field and its prob
lems before members of the school
of business administration’s real
estate club at a meeting of the
group at 7 p.m. Thursday in the
Student Union.
All interested students may at
.tend, according to Howard Mader,
member of the club.
Officers will be elected at the
1 meeting, Mader said; the club has
no officers at the present time.
|YM Fall Party Set
In Gerlinger Annex
The YMCA Fall Party will be
i held at 8 p.m. Friday in Gerlinger
Annex. Members of the YMCA and
all students who have indicated
i an interest in the Y are invited to
1 the party.
Dancing, card games, entertain
ment and refreshments will high
light the evening according to Jack
Merner, executive secretary of the
YMCA. Jim Hetrick is chairman of
the event.
All persons who are planning to
attend are asked to call the YMCA,
extension 429, by 0 p.m. Thursday,
Merner said.
S^e. On'i Ocrm|i£cXe -T)i
ft BY
• Campus Briefs
• Duds' Day general chairman
petition* arc duo In the AHUO of
fice In the Student Union hy 1 p in.
Petit Iona arc available at the
\SUO office or In the office of stu
dent affairs In Emerald hall.
* * *
• Medical school applications for
students who plan to enroll in the
University of Oregon School of
Medicine next fall may be picked
up In room 1, McClure hall. Appli
cations are due by the first week
in December.
* • •
• The student court vs III meet
this evening at 7:30 pin. in the
Student Union. In addition to han
dling traffic citations the court
will hear reports from its members.
* * *
• Petitions for Emerald business
manager are due by noon Thurs
day in M101 Student Union.
The publications board will se
lect the new business manager at
a special meeting Thursday night.
The vacancy was created by tho
resignation of Abbott Paine.
• Dean V. I*. Morris of
school of business administration
will speak on "How Much Cents
Does Your Dollar Make" at 8 p in.
today at the downtown YMCA.
community center.
* * *
• llul O Kamanina, Hawaiian
student group, will meet at 7:30
p.m. today In the Student Union.
Clubs Plan to Hear
Geology Professor
From South Africa
I,c.stcr C. King, professor of ge
ology at the University of Natal,
Duiban, South Africa, will talk on
"Continental Geomorphology" at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Student
Union. The talk is sponsored by the
Condon Club, geology group, and
Sigma Xi, national science honor
King will discuss the develop
ment and determination of the
ages of plainlands, their multipli
cation under earth movements and
correlation of the main plainlands
of the world.
King Is recognized as one of tho
world's foremost authorities on
tho theory of continental drift, ac
cording to K. M. Baldwin; associate,
professor of geology. He has pub
lished several papers on the theory
which contends that once all tho
continents on the earth were one
huge land mass and that through
the ages the continents have drift
ed apart.
King is making a tour of the
United States and Canada nude?
the sponsorship of the lecture com
mittee of the American Associa
tion of Petroleum Geologists.
Group Pictures
Now Being Taken
For Yearbook
Presidents of all clubs and non
living organizations subscribing foe
space in the 1901-52 Oregana are
reminded by the Oregana that
their pictures will be taken by the
University Photography bureau in
the basement of Johnson Hall
today from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Dress is informal.
Any president of a University
club or non-living organization who
was not contacted as to an appoit
ment should appear at the photog
raphy bureau within the hours spe
cified above, Oregana Editor Bob
Funk said.
First Meeting Slated
By Hillel Foundation
Hillel Foundation, University
Jewish group, will hold the first
regular meeting of the term at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Student
Rabbi Juliums Nodel, the groups
new adviser, will be on hand at the
meeting to help in the formulation
of the groups activities for the <
year. All Jewish students are in
vited by the foundation to attend
the meeting.