Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1951, Page Seven, Image 7

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■pro your 0(1 at (ho Student
jfUnion, innln ilotk or ut the
Shark, in person or phono ext.
SI I), between 2 and 4 p.m.
Monday to Friday.
Ittli e First insertion 4o por
.word; subset]uent insertions 2c
per word.
■ TNG a Used Car? Buy wholc
pe from large choice and save.
Indent dealer. Ph. 4-0558 after
riNG a Used Car? Pick car
|om large aasorlmcnt save up
$300. Student dealer. Phone
10558 after 3 p.m. 41
|ST SACRIFICE '40 Buick con
frtible. Pipes, extra.H. Harold
%'attn. Phone 4-3754 or sec at
JO 13 E. 22nd. Between 5:30 and
*71:30 p.m. 40
’37 j FORD coach, '48 Mercury
»m tor, 5 w.w. tires. Ph. 5-5043
BUICK, 5 passenger coupe,
-adio, heater, plastic seat covers
«^zfii fog lights. Clean. Contact
L< rna Larson, 5-1511 ext. 217
#r 5-9156. . .12
LOST Uruwn |ealncr jacket at
"Iliver View St. and Highway 90
Jv RFIWARD. Phone 7-7040. 40
LOST, green and white Dartmouth
dbandana on campus Monday
, Morning. Reward. Phone 7-8011
veninga. 41
IRONING - “Pick up and deliver"
■Bhirtjs, t rouse i s, %-tc. $1.00 per
• {hour flut rate, Phone 4-3962.
IpDKP.S U'ANTKI) to Bay area
f or Cal. game. Leaving Thurs
lay night or Friday morning,
'ontact Don Nemlr, Omega Hall.
KNNFLL'S shirt donated to Joe
11 'ollege was a Gouche Rogue. 40
IDKRS to San Francisco Friday.
[Share expenses. Return Sunday
[('all 5-4649 after 7:00 p.m. 41
[ACHKLOR basement apt. Funi
lishcd, 1! rooms, hot plate and re
jfrlgerator, shower. All utilities
[furnished. Laundry facilities. $30
{-per month. Ph. 5-5154 evenings
[2288 Alder 42
I$5.00 a week. Kitchen privileges.
[715 K. 13th. Phone 5-7728. 44
)UND, one pair white buck shoes
lat Halloween Dance, 5'j A A.
(Spauldings. Ph. 5-9552. -ii
lew Equipment
[eing Installed
A Science Building
[Installation of laboratory equip
ent for the new Science building
jis been started, I. T. Wright, su
Irintendent of the physical plant,
ailed Tuesday.
JSome of the equipment being
■stalled has been made by the
lysieal plant, and the remainder
Ii.h purchased from private firms.
|stallation of this equipment will
supervised by firm representa
I'es who are expected to arrive
|rly in December, according to
[Completion of the heating and
Intilation systems and other fin
|iing work is now being carried
by a contractor, Wright added,
fie new Science building will
bfiuse the physics, chemistry and
biology departments.
* -^'ght Editor: Sue Riddlesbarger.
*vN!Sht Staff: Ann Robinson, Ann
yyiTffrtroek, Carol Walker, Nancy
ndolph, Jean Bosserdet, Jo
^pyes, Sue Puller, Dorothy Blew
Homecoming Tickets
Representatives of men's living
organizations who have not al
i-<-ti»ly done so may pick up tickets
for the homecoming dance by 4
p m. today in the Student Union.
HC Dance Committee
There will he a meeting of the
homecoming dance committee at
4 p.m. today in the Student Union,
according to Chairman Mike Dally.
The room number will be posted in
the lobby.
Delta Chi Alpha
The second informal discussion
period of Delta Phi Alpha, national
German honorary, and the Ger
man club will begin at 7:30 p.m. I
Thursday in the Geriingcr hall
Walter Schwarzlose, visiting
Journalism student from Germany,
will discuss “Journalism in West
ern Germany” and other phases of
present-day Germany. His talk
will be followed by an informal
discussion period.
University students and towns
people are Invited to attend. Re
freshments will be served follow
ing the program.
YW Service Commission
The YWCA general service com- !
mission will meet at noon today in 1
the "Y” headquarters in CJerlingor 1
Bernice Madison, assistant pro
fessor of sociology, will lead an in
formal discussion on sociology
The group's new adviser, Mrs.
W. C. Jones, will be introduced j
during the meeting.
Francis Gillmorc will speak j
about World Fellowship Week, also j
during* the meeting.
YW to Sponsor
Coffee Hour
A World Fellowship Week cof- ,
fee hour sponsored by the YWCA
will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. !
today on the third floor of Get- \
The program for the coffee hour !
will Include a Spanish dance by [
Joan Bnnbauer and two songs, '
"Mariunlna" and "Walking at ;
Night," by the freshman music |
A pedal "voices of America" |
narration will also be presented.
Taking the part of the "voice of :
America" will be Mary Williams.
The- "voices" of other countries
will be those of Surinder Mehta,
foreign student from India, Yo
shiko Seki of Japan, Eva-Marie
Vogler of Germany and Pete
Streefkerk of Holland.
Special invitations have been
sent to a number of people but any
student and particularly members
of the Y are urged to attend, Y
members arranging the event
Not As Ordered
KART ST. LOUIS (U.R) A cafe !
customer paid $10 for a large
“take-out*’ order and left carrying
a bag. He was back in a few min
utes. By mistake he had been
handed a bag of bones and scraps
the cook was saving for her dog.
Bandits Have Heart
CHELSEA, Mass. • (U.R) Kind
hearted bandits who robbed a su
permarket of $2,200 phoned police
before fleeing to make sure that
the proprietor, Abe Bornstein,
would be released from n refrig
erator before he froze to death.
to the
Thick Creamy
11th & Chambers
Opinions Given
On Five-cent Hike
Of Phone Rates
By Sue Lichty
The Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph company has proposed a five
cent raise in pay phone charges.
At this time some eastern cities
have this plan in effect. The pro
posal would affect the cost of pay
phone calls In Kugcne if approved
by the Ihiblic Utilities Commission.
Students were asked, "What do
you think of the telephone com
pany's proposal?" Strong dissa
proval was shown by all ques
Jean Asplnnd junior in biology
"If they do raise the cost, I’ll
get a two-way wrist radio and help!
make Diet Smith a millionaire."
Hugh Ward junior in geology
"Personally, I don't even like the
five cents. I don't think it will go
through, at least I sure hope not."
I.ila Carlson sophomore in his
tory "They should keep it a
nickel. You can put a penny in the
nickel slot and it works!”
•lim Masters freshman in busi
ness administration "Gamma hall
isn't faced with that problem, be
cause we can call New York for
75c using pennies in the nickel
(.inter Loudon freshman in
physical education “I'll be doing
a lot of walking. I can't afford to
call someone every time I need to."
Kiehard Anderson sophomore
in liberal arts "I'm running out
of pennies anyway."
Tania Lennox junior in art "It
is very impractical.' You might as
well not have phones down here if
you have to pay a dime for a call."
Nancy dale sophomore in art
"I don't think students can afford
these high prices I"
Sue Hehneke freshman in lib
eral aits "I'll either have to set
up a crystal set, or get me a car
i ier pigeon.”
'Petticoat Fever7
Cast Announced
The cast for “Petticoat Fever."
the next University theater pro
duction, has been announced by
Director Frederick Hunter.
Myron Campbell plays Dascom
Dinsmorc, and Mike Hemingway
plays Sir James Fenton. Feminine
leads go to Sandra Price and Mari
gene Pelouze as Ethel Campion
and Clara V\ ilson. Supporting roles
arc played by Leonard Kirchevsky,
Gaylord Maurer, Allen Barzman
and Dianne Dunne.
The play, a comedy, will be pre
sented in the arena theater, be
ginning Wednesday, Nov. 28. The
run will continue Nov. 29 and 30
and Dec. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7 8 and 10.
Coats May Be Worn
In Rooters7 Section
The members of the white shirt
rooters' section at the homecoming
game may wear coats before the
game begins and during halftime.
Bob Brittain, card stunt chairman,
announced Tuesday in order to
clarify questions on the section.
Starts Today
“Across the Wide Missouri”
Clark Gable &
Ricardo Montalban
LANE 4*0431
Starts Today
"Passage West”
John Payne & Arlene Whelan
“Man from Planet X”
Robert Clark & Margaret Field
■VI l|H 8c ALDER DIAL S-1022
Starts Today
"Reunion in Reno”
Mark Stevens & Peggy Dow
SU. Features Mixer
In Fishbowl Friday
Bob Briggs, master of ceremo
nies for the "Fishbowl Frolic,” will j
handle a similar position for the
“Merry-Go-Round Magic” mixer to ;
be held from 9 p.rn. to 12 midnight i
Friday in the Student Union fish- !
Entertainment is to be provided i
for this no-date dance and music j
will be from records. Campus j
clothes are in order.
Students in Infirmary
Students evading classes Tue.j
way by occupying berths in the in
firmary were Ted Zahn, Helen Alc
Gary, Paul Weston, Amelia Pretka,
Carla Sears, Donna Kemr.itzcr,
Sylvia Groth, Ann Yager, Rich
ard Anderson, Richard Barclay,
Richard L. Smith, William Glass,
Miiesh Sonstegaard and Ann John
Read and use Emerald classi
VUL rid
y. ridn CjueSSing.
alout diamonds?
Because of our many years of specialized
experience and our knowledge of diamonds
■we are qualified to give you reliable
counsel. We invite you to come in and
see our large selection of Genuine Orange
Blossom rings, known nationally for tlieir
superior Lcauty and fine craftsmanship.
We will ke glad to explain tke reasons
Lack of tkeir finer quality and value.
JeWelra Store
*— : a as
button down, Winsocki,
button down!
"VanHeusen Oxfords
. . . and it’s away you go
looking casual . . . feeling
comfortable in your new Van
Heusenbut ton-down Oxford.
Soft, long-wearing fabric . . .
freedom tailoring . . . tradi
tional college smartness.
Only Van Heusen Oxfords
give you all these! $4.50