Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1951, Page Six, Image 6

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    Robinson Slated to Give
Reading of Play in SU
Horace W. Robinson. associate
p., lessor of speech a'id director of
tne University theater, will present
a reading of F. Hugh Herbert s
j.tay “The Moon Is Blue" at 7:30
pm. Wednesday in the browsing
i com of the Student Union.
Discussion leader will be Wil
liam Tugman, editor of the Eugene
Kegister-Guard and active in the
Eugene Very Little Theater group.
Richard Watts, Jr. of the New
\ ork Post commented on March 9.
V~>1: "At last Mr. Herbert has
v ritten a sex comedy that has an
atmosphere of modest sophistica
tion toward its subject yet man
ages to keep a spirit of attractive
innocence. It is funny, good na
tored and likeable ... It is a com
edy of spirit without malice, even
when it aims at two such familiar
targets as television and the state!
"The Moon Is Blue" is currently
playing at the Harris theatre in
Chicago, the Walnut Street theatre .
i Philadelphia and the Henry Mil- j
ier theatre in New York city. The !
play was first stage ! earlier this I
year nt the Henry Miller Theatre
in New Yoik by Otto Preminger.
Starring players were Barbara Bel
Geddes. Donald Cook and Barry
Robinson first came to the Uni
versity in 1933. graduating from
Oklahoma City university and re
ceiving his M.A. from the Univer
sity of Iowa. He was manager-di
rector of the Eugene pioneer pag
eant in 1947 and has been active
in the American national theater
and academy. He is now a member
of the steering committee for the
National theater assembly.
Committee Announces
Record Concert Choice
Tuesday evening "Die Fleder
maus" will feature the weekly re
corded concert at S in the Student
Union music listening room.
Marian Cass will be in charge of
the concert, one of a series pre
sented weekly by the SU music
The recording is by the Vienna
Philharmonic orchestra and chor
us, directed by Clemens Kratiss.
USA Group Plans
Party Objectives
A group of United Students As
sociation members met Sunday to
discuss USA plans for this year.
The group formulated a statement
of objectives and principles for
USA. one of two campus political
The two principles emphasized In
the declaration were "belief in a
political party composed of indi
vidual students believing in free
dom of political action and in a
political party not based on social
standing, economic status, living
organization, restricted member
ship. and group conformity."
A temporary committee was set
up by the group to propose organi
zational machinery for USA opera
tion this year.
•It was decided to submit these
tentative plans evolved by the
committee to an open meeting of
all interested students for discus
sion and ratification or approval.
Students formulating the stutc- |
merit were Donna Buse, Don Col
lin, Willy Dodds, Merv Hampton.
Helen Jackson, Phil Johnson, A1
Karr, Dick Lee, Jim Mead. Dick
Newstrum Chuck Olson. Jackie j
Pritzen and Virginia Wright.
Movie of UO-WSC
Game Set in SU
Movie of the University of Ore
gon-Washington State college
game will be shown at 0:150 p.rn.
tonight in the Student Union ball
Gene Marlow, assistant football
coach, will narrate the film and
give a scouting report for the Uni
versity of California game.
Next week there will be a double ,
billing for the final football movies
of the season. The Boston Univer
sity-Oregon and the University of
California-Oregon games will be
The football movies this fall
have been presented through the
cooperation of the University ath
letic department and the Sl' movie
On AH Products
Permanent-T ype
Ph. 5-9668 — 5-9267
808 E. 13th
Failure Seen
By Students
By Sue Lichty
Last week the Senate passed a
resolution that faculty promote
student attendance at intellectual
assemblies. Students do not seem
to think that this resolution will
help the situation much.
They gave various reasons for
their pessimism concerning its ef
fectiveness. Many felt that it was
not up to the touchers to promote
them, and that they would not be
successful if they tried. Some said
that teachers have already pro
moted them and it has not worked.
Jackie l’rltzen senior In ICng
lish "I think the senate has no
right to do that. It's the students'
responsibility. The faculty should
not be taxed with that responsibil
Hob Shryock senior In architec
ture "A professor who sees a stu
dent one or n few hours a week i
can't possibly make him go to
Ann Richards sophomore in
Knglish "The trouble with that
is it ends up being enforcement!"
Don Ford senior in law "I
don't think the faculty will have
any influence unless it deals with a
specific course the professor
Sandra Price sophomore in
speech "I don't see how it car
work. They probably have already
promoted them, and it ha -n’t
Jim Cecil senior in business ad
ministration "It isn't up to the
faculty to promote them. It's up
to the students to gel them-elves
to go."
liurbara Williams senior in
speech "It all depends on how
they promote them. It is not a
good idea to force us to go. If
they can make it seem interesting,
and know enough about them to
do a good job of promoting them,
it's a good idea."
Greenwood to Talk
To YWCA Cabinet
Lois Greenwood, former execu
tive director of the YWCA, will
speak to the YWCA cabinet at its
regular noon meeting today.
Miss Greenwood has just re
turned from an extensive trip of
a number of European countries
including England, Scotland, Nor
way, Sweden, Denmark, Germany,
Belgium, Holland, Switze land,
Italy and France. She will tell of
her experiences and the people she
met during her trip.
The talk by Miss Greenwood will
be a part of World Fellowship
week being celebrated by the
YWCA this week.
A coffee hour will highlight the
week arid is scheduled for the third
floor of Gerlinger hall from .'5 p.m.
to 5 p.m. Wednesday.
All students interested are in
vited to attend the coffee hour,
Marian Briner, Myra Wood and
Francis Gillmore, general chairmen
for the event, announced. Dress
will be campus clothes.
Arrangements are being handled
by freshmen commissions with re
freshments under the direction of
the arts and crafts commission
and posters and decarations by the
service commissions.
The drama and music commis
sions will present entertainment
which will include musical num
bers and a special narration.
Weed Continues
A Weed has covered the campus
since summer, but the University
appears to favor it.
The Weed is Wilbur Weed, fore
man of grounds maintenance, since
being hired last summer. He is in
charge of the crew which takes
care of all campus planting, mow
ing, fertilizing; • trimming and
Social Calends
f ollow inul
r«ciul art ivitlcs
Week it I'r:
Nov. 14
Rebec House
Gnmmu 1‘hl-Sigma Alpha Mu
UllllliTN •
pi i Kappa Pal-Kappa Alpha
Sthmr. Nu-Alphtt Omlcron l*i
Campbell Club-Sigma Kappa
Nov. 15
OriilrM-Tuu Kappa Epsilon
rtil Kappa Psl-Dclta Gamma
Stan Ray-Susan Campljcll
Beta Thetu I’l-Kappa Kappa*
Sigma rbi Kpsllon-Pl Bata Phi
Sherry Konn-Zcta Tau Alpha -
Delta Upsllon-Alpha Xi Delta
Nov. 10 jjj
Firesides: t
Zeta Tail Alpha
Hunter Hall
Yeomen .
Sigma Ghl Dinner anti Fireside—;
for Sweetheart Candidates ™
Nov. 17 „
Sigma Chi
Dances: , (
Hendricks —
Carson Hall ' jP
11 :1.1 a.in. < hem 1 >•-|>t 111 M _
Noon Promotion Cumin II
Movie Comm 302 SI
French fs«iii<- 110 HI
12:S0 p.m. Ilally Board I I ! si ;*
3:00 Bon ling I-cbhouh
Bee \ rea SI
Frosh I'rcMdi ills
112 s I
1:00 SI Comm 302 SI
Mu I'lii Fpsllon
Muiniii Hull (icr g
0:30 Scaldiard ami Blade
331 '■I ,
Mu I'lii Cp*dlon
110 s| f
huauia 31a SI
Druids Comm LSI —
I'lii Tlietu CpslIon
213 SI
1'out liall Mo\les m
Ballroom SC .
7:00 ( hr Science 213.sf
Alumni Hull (>er
Heltu \u Alpha
211 SC
Dunce Iu'hhoiih ;
Duds ICiii S l
7:30 Ct \ I'lnc Comm
31a SC
(ieojf ( lull 112SC
lleeord Concert
202 SC
YMCA Committee
The YMCA community service*
committee will meet nt 7:30 p in.
tonight in the offices of the YMCA
in the Student Union.
The YMCA membership commit
tee will meet in the offices at 8
p.m. tonight.
* * *
Pre-Nursing Club
The Pre-Nursing club will meet
Wednesday at 12 p.m. at Wesley
house, according to Alice Welk,
Wilbur R. Hubbard, former in
structor in psychology at the Uni
versity, will be guest speaker.
* * *
Engineering Class
Students studying for third class
radio engineering tickets will meet
at 8 p.m. tonight in 306 Villard,
according to Ansel Resler, in
* * *
Kwarnus, sophomore women’s
honorary, will meet at 6:30 p.m.
tonight in the Student Union.
Winter Registering
To Start Monday
Advance registration for winter
term will begin Monday, Nov. 19
and continue through Dec. 1,
Regular registration will begin
Jan. 2 and classes will begin Jan. 7.,.