Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1951, Page Three, Image 3

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    World News Capsules—
I Communists Continue Attacks
| Against Allied Truce Talks
Compiled by Donna Lindbeck
(From the '.Viren of Anxocliitod I’rrns and United I’renn)
I lie ( ommunists continued Monday to complain loudly about
Allied delays at the truce talk table.
I be I’eping radio boradcast a semi-official Comtnunist com
mentary that lashed the I'.X. command for failing' to accept the
k'ed proposal for an imediate buffer zone across Korea. They
said, in effect, the Allies are just stalling.
Previously, the Peiping radio broadcast a new Communist
( liaise that Allied planes bad violated the security area over
Panmtmjnm on Sunday and Monday. A I'.X. spokesman said
the charge is being investigated.
Meanwhile, for the Allied delegates talking to the Reds in
Panmunjom, the picture is as before—no progress.
The air attack was stalled in Korea . . .
... by a drizzly rain Monday, and only nix missions were flown. Two
weather planes completed their job of reconnaissance, and four B-26
bombers flew through the murk to hit Red front positions with radar
On the ground, Allied infantrymen plodded through greasy terrain
’ for a thive-rpiartcr mile advance that took two slippery hills on the
central front.
A train wreck in a blinding snowstorm . . .
... ii. Wyoming Monday has killed at least 21 persons and possibly
us many as 32 Many others were injured when two east bound at ream
liners, the City of San Francisco and the City of Los Angeles, crashed
near the Utah border. 0
The City of San Francisco rammed the rear of the other train which
had halted for 1 block signal” in the blinding snow. The trains are
usually ten minutes apart, but the blizzard made both late. Apparently
rno-t of the deaths occurred in the last two cars of the City of Los
'The war to end wars' was commemorated . . .
...by much of the nation Monday amidst increasing arms produc
tion, an unwanted war half a world away, and faint hopes for enduring
President Truman keynoted the day in a nationwide radio address.
He called for an increased defense buildup to guard against new
dangers of world war.
The annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington cemetery was held
within sight of freshly-dug graves for the dead of the Korean war. The
president's place at the ceremony was taken by defense secretary Rob
ert A. Lovett. He echoed the president's appeal for strength.
Prime Minister Churchill told Commons . . .
.. . Monday there is a possibility of a high-level meeting v.ith Premier
Jo of Stalin when “circumstances are favorable." He said there were
no plans at present for negotiations with the Soviet Union, however.
Churchill made his statement as he and Foreign Secretary Anthony
Fden prepared to go to Washington, probably in January, for confer
en es with President Truman and Secretary of State Dean Acheson.
Rescue of Iran from its financial crisis . . .
.. . came Monday when the International Monetary Fund announced
it is crediting that nation with $8,750,000. The deal was made while
Premier Mossadegh talked with President Truman and the State De
partment about the oil dispute with Britain.
Fund officials say Iran needs the money desperately to help buy
food and raw materials to offset the loss of revenue from its oil.
Egyptian dock workers went on strike . . .
... at the vital Mediterranean port of Alexandria Monday in pro
test against the loading of a British freighter bound for Bombay.
Egyptian Customs Director General Mahmoud Said Bey urgently
appealed to the st rikers to return to work. He said the strike went be
yond the government’s call for a boycott of British goods and was “ex
tremely harmful to our national interests.”
Much of the freight blocked in the walkout is badly needed by Egypt,
Bey said.
Closer to home, 'phone workers . . .
... walked off their jobs Monduy in Oregon, Washington, and at
San Francisco, protesting proposed transfers of men. The several hun
dred telephone installers are employes of the Western Electric Co.
The dispute came when the company proposed to transfer 30 men
from Oregon to San Rafael, Calif., where housing is virtually non
There were no picket lines, and normal service was expected to con
tinue in all areas barring equipment failures.
Philippine Communist rebels were in battle . ..
. .. Monday with army reinforcements after the Hukdalahaps raided
the town of Santa Ana Sunday night.
The outbreak came on the eve of Philippines’ provincial and munici
pal elections Tuesday. Reports said the elections may be postponed in
Santa Ana because election materials were burned in the municipal
building. .
♦ ♦ ♦
More American aid to France . . .
... brought an air of urgency to the meeting of General Eisenhower
nnd U.S. Army Secretary Frank Pace in Paris Monday. Main topic at
the conference was how to speed arms to the western European army.
The urgency note came as France warned that she faced a serious
economic crisis and would not be able to meet defense commitments
next year without1 more American aid.
Students Given Chance
For Summer School Study
At University of Olso
Students who will have com
pleted at least. their freshman year
in any accredited college or univer
sity by June, 1952, will have the
opportunity to attend the Univer
sity of Oslo's sixth summer school
this coming summer.
Open to American and Canadian
students, the school will be held !
from June 21 to Aug. 2, 1952. A
special feature of the 1952 session ;
will be an institute for English
speaking teachers, similar to the
one held in 1951.
Students may choose courses in
four fields: general survey of Nor
wegian culture, the humanities, so
cial studies, and education system
of Norway. Ail classes will be con
ducted in English. The administra
tive staff includes an American
dean of students.
Six semester-hour credits may
be earned in the six weeks course.
The session is approved by the
United States Veterans Adminis
tration. A limited number of schol
arships are available for the sum
mer school.
Students attending the school
will leave New York on June 11. i
Reservations for the return trip
are available Aug. 5, 19, and
Sept. 2.
A catalog of courses, prelimin
ary application material, and
further information may be ob
tained from the Oslo Summer!
School Admissions office, St. Olaf
college, Northfield, Minn.
Hawk Praises
UO Fraternities
Fraternity cooperation in the
University deferred living program
j lor freshman men was praised
Monday by Haw Hawk, director of
men’s affairs.
’’The hands-off policy is one of
the finest manifestations of group
cooperation I have seen,” he de
clared. Rushing of freshman men,
under the deferred living program,
cannot begin until winter term;
Hawk said that the fraternities
deserved credit for their observ
ance of the hands-off policy.
Dick McLaughlin, Interfrater
nity Council president, added that
he felt the houses were earnest in
seeing that this program was suc
cessful. He pointed out that IFC
had voted unanimously last Thurs
day not to allow any informal
rushing during the Christmas va
cation, even though the official
rush period begins on Jan. 8.
Foreign Students
To Hear Doctor
Dr. Stanley Richmond, Eugene
physician, will discuss federal
health insurance in regard to the j
American Medical Association
with the 54 foreign journalism
students at their weekly after
supper seminiy- tonight in the
John Straub dining hall.
Porter Receives
Reprints of Article
K. W. Porter, visiting professor
of history, has received the re
prints of his article on ‘‘Negroes
and the Seminole War, 1817-1818”
which appeared in the July, 1951,
isisue of the Journal of Negro His
Before coming to Oregon, Por
ter worked for three years writing
a history of the Humble Oil and
Refinery company in Houston,
Texas, under the auspices of the
Business History Foundation.
Porter has been working on the
general subject of Negroes on the
American frontiers for over 10
years. Besides having articles pub
lished in the Journal Hispanic
American Historical Review. All
the articles dealt with the Negroes
or the Serninoles, or both.
i • M r > , , j
AWS Committees
Open to Petitioners
Petitions for the general chair
manship and committee members
for the Associated Women Stu
dents’ benefit Christmas tea to be
held on Dec. 1 are now being ac
cepted, the organization has an
Petitions may be turned in to
Nancy Allison in Hendricks hall or
Helen Jackson in Carson or put
in the AWS mail box in 312 Stu
dent Union. Deadline for petitions
is Thursday, 11 a.m.
Faculty members and wives,
housemothers, students and Eu
gene townspeople are entertained
at the annual affair. Combined
with it is the project of fixing
Christmas packages for the under
priveleged families of Eugene.
Each campus living organization
is asked to adopt one family and
provide gifts of toys, personal ar
ticles and food for it.
Committees open are food, deco
rations, publicity, collection, pro
gram, distribution and invitations.
Phi Alpha Delta
To Visit Court
Phi Alpha Delta, national pro
fessional legal fraternity, is spon
soring a trip to the supreme court
of the state of Oregon, Thursday
Chief justice James T. Brand has
extended an invitation to hear oral
argument on two cases during the
Members of the fraternity and
their guests will adjourn to Judge
Brand’s residence after the argu
ments for refreshments.
The trip is part of the group’s
program to review Oregon's court
The United States has over 1.000
species of trees of which approxi
mately 100 are considered of com
mercial value.
jHute*u*Uf 9*t
5:00 Piano Moods
5:15 United Nations
5:30 New*
5:45 Campus News
0:00 Music in the Air
6:30 Radio Workshop
7:00 Showtime
8:00 Campus Classics
9:00 Serenade to the Student
10:00 Anything oGes
10:50 News
10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight
11:00 Sign Off
He Hopes Not
— Will Drowne hoped there was
nothing in a name when he joined
During his first 10 years of col
legiate coaching, Frank Leahy of
Notre Dame saw his teams lose
nine games. Four of those losses
occurred in 1950. ,
the Navy as an apprentice seaman.
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