Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1951, Page Two, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily , _
The OmcoK Daily Eh halo ir published Monday through Friday during the college year,
• _• .. :.L .a UMmueononir \ntnrHiiv nnrf Ivininr
per term.
Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer »nd do not pretend to
represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University, Initialed editorials ire written o*
the associate editors. Unsigned editorials s* z written by the etlitor.
Losna Laxson, Editor
Abbott Paine, Business Manager
Phil Bkttens, Managing Editor
Gxetchen Gxomdahl, Bill Clothie*. Don Dewey, Associate Editors
Gxetchen Gbefx. Advertising Manager
Books all Your Life
Go write an editorial on Book \\ eek, the lady editor told us.
We protested weakly, but to no avail, and soon found our
selves stumbling down the sidewalk toward the library with
the vague notion that the story must be where the books are. f
But the books had no comment. Then we met a professor
who did.
"When we mentioned that Mayor \ . E. Johnson is urging ,
everyone in Eugene to read for the knowledge that leads to
wisdom, this professor commented bitterly that he had been 1
urging his students to observe book week every Monday for
nearly 15 years with the same object in mind, and he hoped ,
the Mayor would be more successful that he (the professor) 1
had been.. ,
Maybe book week isn't so hot after all. Somebody once said 1
a little wisdom is a dangerous thing. Either you take the whole ]
course or leave the stuff alone because a taste of it will just
make you realize how low on the scale you really are.
Anyway, why urge university students to observe book
week ? The ones that will observe it need no urging. The others
aren't worth the writing time of a sweetness and light editorial.
Let’s observe a book year—or a book decade. If it's worth a
day it's worth a lifetime.—B. C.
Fellowship Every Week
The YWCA and YMCA across the world are celebrating
formally this week an idea we wish students would spend more
time thinking about every week.
This is World Fellowship Week, and the keynote is under
standing—understanding which replaces mere tolerance and
kills fear.
We’re more and more impres s’d with the lack of under
standing shown by American students about other nations. An
example, in fact, appears elsewhere on this page. Our foreign
students are constantly showing us up in our lack of under
Understanding comes through study—and what better place
to begin than in a university which in addition to regular
courses offers contact with students from nearly every nation?
We think the idea of a \\ orld Fellowship Y\ eek is commend
able, but we'd rather see the feeling seriously spread through
out the yeah—G. G.
French Football
“Xo-.v, now, WdrtKal—just lie back afn* relax—anyone could fumble
a ball on th’ goal line.”
*!)uA ViUta-4. Speak...
rhe German Problem Must be Solved Soon
(Kd. Note: Mr. Zahn is studying journalism on
he campus under a state department sponsored
migrant. Before coming here this fall he was city
•tlitor of a newspaper in Freiburg, Germany. The
irgunlzation he’s writing about, the “Free German
louth,” asked him repeatedly to lead their Frel
uirg group. He refused. The e-ganlzatlon is now
brblddcn in Western Germany, but Is growing in
he Eastern section.)
By Gerhard Zahn
If your attention has been directed toward
European politics and politicians you are aware that
he reunification of Eastern and Western Germany
s an urgent question. My country's future is
crapped in obscurity as long as the Iron Curtain is
dosed. There are two alternatives now to open
his curtain by violence (this would mean another
vorid war) or to submit to a compromise. Oon
litionally, such a compjomise could be the solution
o a problem which presses heavily upon Germany
From 1933 until the last days of his power, the
German dictator, Adolf Hitler, promised tin- Ger
nan youth a splendid future. The results of Hitler’s
uture plan: Castles In the air and thousands of
housands of German boys bled to death In World
>Var II.
Now. a new generation has grown up in the
?oviet zom- of Germany. In the course of a few
rears (from 1940 to 1951) by employing every
jossible means, a handful of young communist
eaders, among them Hermann Axen, Karl Morgen
itern, Erich Honecker and the woman, Edith Bau
nann, have succeeded in organizing the "Frews
Deutsche Jugend” (Free German Youth).
This group has lieconic the instrument of the
tommunist |>arty behind the Iron Curtain. This
'King generation has been subjected to u process
if hardening and brutalization that fits It to lie:
•'reiheitskaempfer (the fighters for freedom). The
education of th<‘ youngster* hns only one education
al value and one aim—new blood for the Communist
I have so n evidence which proves this. In the fall
of 1949 the Free (iernmn Youth from the whole of
Germany and Communist representatives from
countries throughout the world met at Berlin for a
peace demonstration. The groups marched and sang
through the streets carrying red "storm banners"
with the picture of Ernst Thaelmann, a former
German Communist leader. At Treptow, a suburb
of Berlin, the youths placed a wreath at the I a.se
of a monument dedicated to the Russian soldier.
It Is ironic, Indeed, that In a peace demonstration
red storm banners which were at a certain time
signals of attack, should be employed as means In
preserve the peace. And, It Is strange to see these
youngsters honoring Russian soldiers as "liberators"
of Eastern Germany. The Indoctrination of the
rising generation In the Free German Youth Is al
most Identical to Hitler’s Nazi system. Rut It
is worse than liefore.
Thus, m my opinion, It Is high time to act, rather
than be "one duy” too late with the reunification of
Germany. The number of party fanatics among the
youths In Eastern Germany is Increasing rapidly
as they are influenced by the promise:! of the K •
ern zone government.
Communist newspapers day In and day out gl\
the people propaganda against the l tilted stall
They write that the I'.S. Is avoiding reunification
anil is preparing for war.
But the real purpose of Communist propaganda
to make Germany Into a Russian satellite. It will
be unsuccessful.
All Germans desired reunification Not under
Communist dictatorship but under the protection
of the Allies and of the Germans themselves My
hope is that the American government will realize
that it is time to act.
--Letters to the Editor
Why Not Kenton?
Emerald Editor:
Ever since I've been on campus,
there’s always been the same old
story of not being able to con
tact a name band. Every year
people gripe. Every year the
same answer comes back—the ad
ministration said "no".
Thursday night at senate meet
ing Homecoming Chairman Fran
cis Gillmore said that there was
a remote chance of getting Stan
Kenton here Friday night but,
not for Homecoming Saturday. I
sent a telegram to Mr. Kenton,
asking him if he was available
for Saturday night, and also to
list his previous correspondence
with the university.
I received a letter back saying
he had been contacted by Olga
Yevtich, SU program director,
and that Kenton would be avail
able Saturday night for the price
of $2000. Kenton said he then re
ceived a reply that this was too
much, and was asked if he could
be contracted for a lesser amount.
Kenton wired back that he was
available for $1500 or 60 per cent
of the gate which ever, was
greater. Mike Lally did not cor
respond with him any more but
let the matter drop altogether, to
Kenton’s knowledge.
On Sunday I saw Miss Gill
more. She said, "It is too late to
get Kenton now, for (1) another
band has already been contracted
and (2) the tickets and posters
have already been made.”
I talked to Mike Lally, dance
committee chairman, and asked
him why he didn’t send Kenton
a telegram accepting when he
came down $500. He said he
thought that it was both $1500
and 60 per cent. I asked him why,
even at $2000, why we couldn’t
have Kenton. He.said that the
administration said flatly “no.”
I didn’t know who he meant by
the "administration,” so I saw
Miss Yevtich and Les Anderson,
alumni director.
Miss Yevtich said she was not
the one who said "no.” She was
just acting in the capacity of
secretary to help out the dance
committee. She also said she had
been keeping a running account,
which is available to every stu
dent, concerning previous bands
contracted here and how success
ful they had been. It was a very
factual report, giving the reas
ons why we couldn’t pay $2000.
I then went to Anderson’s of
fice and asked him the same
question. He said that as ad
visor, he thought it was not a
wise move to obligate the Home
coming committee to $2000. There
was always the question of how
j 11 < 11VYV/utu aciuaiijr i/t unvn * >'»
the festivities. This sounded very
logical. But then, what about
previous dances where we didn't
have a name band ? He said he
was only the advisor for the class
dance and alumni affairs. He said
that he would advise against the
classes taking a gamble on bring
ing a name band, if he he thought
it might go in the "red."
I firmly believe that Lally
could have arranged something to
bring Kenton here when he came
down to $1500. Possibly (1) an
other organization guaranteeing
some money, if the dance was not
as big a success as anticipated, or
(2) the classes may have helped
defray the loss between them, if
one should have occurred.
To sum it all up, this Home
coming will be like all the rest
of the dances. NO NAME BAND.
Even though Ray Anthony, Al
vera Ray, the King Cole Trio, and
Stan Kenton were all available at
this date.
When is the administration go
ing to give us a break and let us
have a name band? If we sit back
and take it in stride ... never!
Let’s have your opinion on the
matter, as students. Would you
turn out and support him? From
here on it is all up to you.
Herb Cook
Junior Class Rep.
rf-notn the Ma^ue...
Nov. 13, 1920—Tomorrow all
hands will meet at the men’s
gymnasium to celebrate the Hay
ward field conquest (football).
They will drink beer and eat
pretzels at the Journalism Jam
boree. (Oh! fer the good old
Nov. 13, 1031—Contrary to pre
vious announcements there will
be no classes held tomorrow.
The student advisory commit
tee decided liecause of the large
number of alumni expected on
the campus for Homecoming, all
tomorrow’s classes will Itc dis
Nov. 13, 1030—New men’s
gymnasium scheduled to he in
operation by now will not be oc
cupied until Jan. I, according to
Dean John Fiovard of the physical
education school.
Nov. 13, 1041—Dean Wayne
Morse of the law school returns
from Chicago where he served
as chairman of President Roose
velt’s emergency board for inves
tigation of railroad labor dis
SltaifLl and fylatl..
No Stan Kenton
By John Roaney
Because of "budget limit a'
and vacation time, the Hornei or:
ing committee didn't think it ad
viaabte to bring Ktan Keaton and
crew to the campus. Kenton, :
slated to open the Ar^na ball
room Nov. 2.3, couhl have ...
had for $l.r)00. Instead, the Arena
ballroom, a fabulous place bidd
ing 3,000 will get him. Univer
sity could have used both band
and publicity from a "name"
Contact had gone on between
Mike Rally of the Homecoming
committee and G.A.C. but the
majority of the committee, and
Lea Anderson, alumni dlrei tor,
felt l(tat because of the date of
Homecoming and past experi
ences with "name" bands, it
would be safer to hire a cheaper
band. They got a fairlv cheap
band. (I wonder how Melody
Ranch is on Saturday night?)
Added hassle turned up when
the committee, after renliznr
boot and then finding : mm >■ • •
else hail already contra' I 1
ton, tried to make an a.
ment whereby tile Homer on :
committee would promote ■ teu
ton on all Homecoming deals and
would cancel all Friday night
events after 9 p.m., in return for
reduced prices to university stu
dents for the Kenton session.
Everything was rosy Monday
morning, but in the afternoon
this columnist received n p’
call from Mike Rally changing
things. Rally said that after "dis
cussing the matter witli Ri s
Anderson they both deckled that
the matter had been a product of
"hasty thinking" (the affair had
been hashed out since Thursday)
and that all arrangements made
that morning should be cancelled.
On to more pleasant things
around here and let's hope that
Francis Gillmore isn’t given too
bad a time. It wasn’t her fault
and she made a whale of an effort
to try to rectify unfortunate cir
JATP big success in Portland
last week. Group had more power
and drive than last year, accord
ing to all reports, and everybody
fine except for Krupa; "lie's get
ting old" . . . Anthony flopped in
Eugene last week. Band was
great, some Miller instrumenta
tion but none of the sluggii'hr.ess.
Chance to get Louie Armstrong
and group down here in the wint
er if the students want him. Very
early plans as broached by Terry
Garner of Western Amusement •»
Corporation call for an hour and
a half jam session for fifty cents
a head.