Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 08, 1951, Page Five, Image 5

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By Jim HayCOX
Coach John Borchardt st.-rts his aqua-ducks off for the 1952
season as one of Oregon’s most promisiong swimming brigades
possibly the best—in the schools history. Some rather large
holes need to be filled this year to make the team stand up to
last year's aggregation. Apparently, however, those holes are
going to be filled. And as usual, the Hawaiian boys will play no
small part.
Borchardt will have, as his assistant swimming coach this
year 1’ete Van Dijk (pronounced dike) who last year burnt up
the northern circuit with his paddling efforts. Pete, who used up
Ids one year eligibility, probably knows almost as much about
the swimming trade as Borchardt, which is saying quite a bit.
\ an I)ijk, incidentally, holds two ^varsity swimming letters
from Cornell university. He lettered there in 1946 and 1947 at
the age of 16.
Oregon Second in '51
, ^llu<’ the 'var> tlie Oregon varsity has, with one exception,
a reservation on the third place spot. The exception was
that I >51 team. 1 hey finished a good, hut not particularity
strong second against the University of Washington. This
pear they well may do better poinlwi-c hut first place it
yould he something of a miracle against the Huskies. There's
a reason, two or three of them to he asact.
\\ ashington has three things Oregon doesn't have ... a lot of
money, a big pool and depth in numbers. All this phis three
All-Americans: I’etc Salmon, I lick Magnuson and Merril
I lodge Washington should stay on top all right.
Ducks Saps Ducats
To coin an already overused phrase, its no secret Oregon
Boesn’t have as much money (legal money) for grants-in-aid
Or athlete’s work projects as she would like to have. It’s also
no secret the university has an inadequate, to say the least,
Swimming plant. Built somewhere back in the twenties, the
building has poor ventilation, an unreliable chlorination sys
tem and, most important, it is too small. There isn’t room
enough for the whole team to work out at the same time.
As to the matter of depth, the university won't probable for
i long time, be able to match Washington.
The three aforementioned factors should keep tis well below
the Washington strength. Last years Northern Division Cham
pionship meet in Seattle is a good example of how size works
to advantage.
Huskies Enter Full Team
Washington entered four men in practically every scheduled
j\cnt; Oregon could usually muster only two. The final score:
Washington, 165; Oregon 75; WSC, 66; OSC, 19; Idaho, IS.
1 he situation is similar to a track meet. A lot of thirds, fourths
jod fifths with a few firsts and seconds will win you almost
ibi\ meet. As it turned out, Washington could have probablv
done it even without a couple of her “big three.”
But says Oregon’s varsity, “We’ll be better this year." Owing
to the freshman ruling, the Ducks will have some additional
depth. Another reason is that this year’s team shows amazing
variety, many fellows being able to swim at least two events.
Returning lettermen are:
Returning Aquaducks
I JIM ALLEN1. A junior from Weiser, Idaho. Jim was a
tm-bcr oi the first place 400 yard medley relay team, took third
in the individual medley relay and a fifth in the 220 yard free
style event in last year’s Seattle championship meet, lie will
swim two and possibly three races each meet this year.
I >Ik K Kl OK I) 1‘,Sl IILL. A senior from Portland, Dick
Captured a third in the .100 yard medley relay and sixth in the
100 and 200 yard hreastrokes at Seattle.
DOR DON EDWARDS. A junior from Portland. Placed sec
ond in two events, the 220 and 140 yard freestyles and third in
the 1500 meter freestyle at Seattle.
MIKE POPOVICH. Took a third in the 300 yard relay race
at Seattle. Presently handling part time center spot duties on
the football team, he should turn out when grid season ends.
. Rehind these four stand two Hawaiian kids, upon whose
efforts may mean the difference between a fair and a very good
year. They are:
't OSH INARl, 1 ERADA. A junior from Hilo, Hawaii. Yosh,
ineligible last year, took a fourth in the national AAU compe
tition in 1950 and holds the Oregon pool record for the 200 vard
j MlLl'ON KOTOSHIRODO. A senior from Honolulu,
Haiwaii. Another of last year’s ineligibles, he holds the junior
Hawaiian AAU record for the 100 yard breastroke.
SAE Tops DeltTeam
As Spikers Sparkle
By Lauren Loveland
Fn tlx; intramural volleyball games Wednesday afternoon,
Stan Ray downed McChesncy, French rolled over Nestor, SAE
battled to a narrow win over Delta Tan Delta in “B” tilts. Tau
Kappa Epsilon bowed to Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Chi took
a close one from Chi I'si in “A" action and Sherry Ross for
feited their "M* game to Gamma Hall.
I he game between SAE, a perennial volleyball power, and
(toll n rr n .. ....... .M l L J
finest played this season. Both
teams showed splendid offensive
power but their defense lacked the
polish and finish displayed offen
SAE was sparked to their win by
Bob White and Mike Kittredge,
both of whom are outstanding
spikers. The Delta played their
best in the first game as they
downed SAE 15 to 9. Not to be
outdone, the SAE squad came!
back to edge the Delta 15 to 11 in
the second game. SAE continued!
to roll and thoroughly trounced
the Delta 15 to 0, and took the
match 2 to 1.
I.ambda Chi Alpha easily down
ed Tau Kappa Epsilon 2 to 0. In
the first game the Tekes scored
(i points to 15 for I-ambda Chi
but in the second game they were
able to score only 2 while Lambda
t ill scored 15.
Stan Ray fielded a team of only
three men and still were able to
roll over the MeChesney team 2
games to 0. Stan Ray’s team, made
up of G. Links, D. Williamson, E.
Meier, downed McChesney 15 to
6 in the first game and 15 to 9
in the second.
Sigma Chi, after getting off to
a had start, came back strongly
to down Chi Psi 2 to 1. Chi Psi
dumped the Sigs 15 to 5 in the
first game bat the Sigs turned
the situation to their advantage
and rolled over the Chi Psis 15 to
3. The third game was limited to
a minute time limit as the game
didn’t begin until after six o’clock.
At the end of the ten minute
period the Sigs were ahead 7 to
5 and so won the match. The Sigs
were led to their victory by Steve
Butler, a sparkling set-up man.
French Hall easily downed Nes
tor Hall in two straight games.
They won the first game by a
15 to 4 margin and the second by
a 15 to 10 score.
Sherry Ross failed to field a
team and so forfeited their game
to Gamma Hall.
Prep Champs
Determined as
Season Ends
The lineup for the closing; rounds
of Oregon’s class "A" football
campaign the championship play
offs were lacking only four dis
trict champions today with the
first playoff round in the show
down for the state's elite 16 only
a week away.
The four contested berths in the
prep picture will be filled by next
Decisions Soon Complete
All but two district kingpins
have been named in both division
of “A" play and crucial games
over the weekend will either de
cide the remaining champions or
dump the issue in the laps of dis
trict committees, which have the
final say in the case of ties.
Kegular ‘ha son schedules for
schools grind to a close over the
weekend with many traditional
spicing the program. But of prime
Interest will be four games, that in
each case could decide a district
The hotly contested District
Eight toga will be at stake when
Corvallis High’s injury-plagued
Spartans meet the off-and-on Bull
dogs of Albany Saturday at Al
bany. Corvallis, Bend and Salem i
were all very much in the title
scramble. Corvallis, with a 3-1
mark in district play, including a
win over Bend, must beat Albany
to stay in the running with Bend,
which finished district action with
a 4-1 mark. Salem, victor over Cor
vallis, was beaten by Bend for a
3-1 record.
Committees May Act
If Albany takes Corvallis, the
crown would go to Bend. But a
Corvallis victory would leave the
decision up to committee, thus once
beaten Salem enters the picture.
The other decisive division one
game is in District Five where
Marshfield, unbeaten in three dis
trict games, meets North Bend
with a 2-1 district mark, Saturday
at Cos Bay. The Pirates could j
clinch the banner with a win, or
create a three-way tie with a loss j
and put the vote up to committee.!
Ftoseburg was trounced 48-0 by the
Pirates for its only district defeat
in four tries.
“Quick Death” Coming
In division two, Kainier and Col
umbia Prep will stage a quick
death battle for the District One
bunting Friday in Portland. Vale,
unbeaten District Seven leader,
plays Ontario. A Vale victory j
would assure the nomination, but
a loss would tie with Nyssa, a 1-1 '
club in district play.
Matson Loads
In Nationwide
Grid Scoring
NEW YORK — (U.R) — Ollie
Matson, San Francisco's burly six
foot two inch fullback, had a
stranglc-hold on the nation's in
dividual scoring leadership today.
By scoring three touchdowns
against Santa Clara Sunday, Mat
son increased his total to 102
points. 18 more than his closest
rival, according to National Col
legiate Athletic Association statis
In addition to leading the na
tion's gridsters in scoring, Matson
is the number one man in rushing,
also, with a total of 1,279 yards
gained, 352 yards more than his
nearest compeitor.
Matson ( a 205-pounder who
runs the 100 yards in less than
10 seconds, gained 228 yards in 31
tries against Santa Cl^ra, marking
the third time this season that he
gained more than 200 yards in
rushing in one game.
Johnny Bright of Drake, who
played with a protective face
guard to protect his broken jaw
last Saturday, ranks second to
Matson in ball carrying records.
Tobin Rote of Rice tossed 85
consecutive passes without an in
terception during the 1949 season.
To Meet
AAU Team •
Today Oregon’s cagemen will en
gage in their second practice
scrim magf of the 1951-1952 season.
Their opponents, Copping's AAU,
boast several ballplayers who
should ring a familiar note in the
ears of Oregon sports-fans. Keith
Wade, ex-Southern Oregon College
scoring standout will start for the
visitors as will Bob Amacher, for
mer Duck center and former var
sity forward Ernie Baldini. These
boys as well as the others who wilt
play for Copping’s are enrolled
at the University now in accord
ance with Pacific Coast conference
Wednesday the Ducks went
through a short and snappy drill
preparing for their next day’s
scrimmage. Coaches Borcher and
Kirsch stressed tip off plays, out
of bounds plays, and half court
offensive drills during the t\fro and
a half hour workout.
Working together in the first
unit on those offensive drills were
Chet Noe, Ken Hunt, Ken Wegner,
Mr-1 Streeter, and Bud Covey. The
second outfit consisted of Keith
Farnum. Bob Peterson. Hank Bon
neman, Bob Hawes, and Ron Phil
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