Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1951, Image 1

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    Foqqy . . .
• . • In III)' morning . . . clearing in
llir afternoon In tlu> weather for
today. Temperature will remain
similar to Sunday’)*.
Orman Daily
Fifty-first year of Publication
Deadline Today ... i
. . . for applieation to take eollego
draft deferment tests to to- given
in Deeemher. . . Get applications r*£
Eugene Armory.
Moonlight Girl Finalists
FINALISTS IN TIIH I’hi si^ma Kappa Moonlight (itrl contest arc
top row from left to right: Marilyn Tower*, Jean I'aiiltm and Verla
Thompson. Ilot tom row : Su/anr e N>y, Kosemary N aught and Jeanese
<rlst. Winner of the title will be decided Wednesday night.
I nifruld 1'Unto h /Y.V \f-<r
Hayward Field Scene of Small Fire
The nia s exodus of football farm
from thi- southwest corner of the
Hayward Kidd grandstand during
the fourth quarter of Saturday's
Oregon-ldaho clash had nothing to
ilo with the score of the game.
A fire had broken out on a tar
paulin rov ring some tackling
dummies under the grandstand.
When the smoke came through the
grandstand, the fans decided to
A stream of water from a gar
den hose was directed upon the
blaze, and when this failed, city
polic e went into action with a 100
loot hose and yut the blaze''out be
fore firemen arrived. Eugene Fire
Chief Ed Surfus, who had been
watching the game, directed op
Surfus stated that the fire prob
ably was started by a cigarette
^dropped in the oil on the tarpaulin.
He added that damage consisted
of "holes in three tackling dum
mies" and the effects of water
upon “sacks of lime or fertilizer”
in the area.
Record Rally Seen
For Idaho Game
it,"^stated Oregon Yell King Cy
it," stated Oregon Ycl Leader Cy
Newman when asked about last !
Friday's pep rally for the Duck :
football squad.
Newman, who estimated the at
tendance at 2,000, remarked that,
he had "never conducted a rally
with the spirit of that one." He i
added that he was highly-pleased
with the enthusiasm of the "very
spirited crowd."
Speakers at the rally included
Dick Heed of the downtown Duck
Club, Coach Len Casanova and
assistants and Webfoot Co-cap
tains Mike §ikora and Dick Pat- '
need predicted Oregon wins over 1
Idaho and Oregon State, adding
that the all-time Duck-Beaver
record demonstrates a definite I
Oregon margin over the Corvallis!
Exercises Feature Huge Procession;
Conant Declares Communism Out
The five - block - long academic
procession which led the way to
the convocation exercises formed
on the old campus near Deady and
Villard, among the earliest build
ings constructed on the Oregon
The brightly-colored hoods de
noting academic rank provided a
brilliant contrast to the sombre
black gowns as the procession,
headed by the flags of the United
.Slates, the state of Oregon and
the University, moved across the
campus toward McArthur court.
An ocasional rounded hat in
place of the traditional motarboard
cap and the rare colored gown
marked graduates of foreign uni
Wash Ur Leads Column
P. R. Washke. president of the
faculty senate, led the two-abreast
column. He was followed by Presi
dent Newbum and Conant. Stu
dent: and townspeople lined the
walk as professors, delegates and
members of learned societies pass
ed slowly by Johnson hall to Gcr
linger and up University street.
The University of Oregon band,
under the direction of Ira Lee,
played "March Catillon" as the line
entered McArthur court and seated
itself in the center of the auditor
ium. Members of the platform
pai ty were seated on a stage at
the south end of the court.
Invocation Delivered
The Rev. George Swift, rector of
Rt. Pauls’ Episcopal church of Sa
lem. delivered the invocation. His
prayer was followed by messages
of congratulation from Paul L.
Patterson, president of the Oregon
state senate: Dr. R. K. Kleinsorge,
vice president of the state board of
education; Morgan S. Odell, presi
dent of Lewis and Clark college,
speaking for independent colleges
of Oregon; Hoyt Trowbridge, pro
fessor of English, speaking for the
faculty; William N, Russell, presi
dent of the Oregon alumni associa
tion; and Bill Carey, ASUO presi
dent. Newburn delivered a re
Following Conant's address the
Oregon band played the “Oregon
Pledge Song.” The Benediction was
delivered by the Rev. Wesley Nieh
ohon. pastor of the Congregational
church of Eugene.
The academic procession retired
from McArthur court to the
strains of a march by Handel.
Speaker Urges
World Unification
The United States should remain
in the United Nations in the inter
est of organization of a future
world social order, despite ideol
ogical conflicts between Commu
nistic nations and the West, Nor
man A. M. MacKenzie, president
of the University of British Colum
bia, said P'riday.
MacKenzie addressed faculty
members, students and delegates
gathered in the Student Union
ballroom to observe the opening
session of the University of Ore
gon's 75th anniversary celebration.
"We are working with a primi
tive form of the organization of
woild governments." MacKenzie
stated. "Such a system is neces- I
sary to provide for the well being |
of all human beings."
The university president, an au- ;
thority on international law, ad- j
mitted that the principal problem ■
Involved was not the drawing up
of a world social order but its en- j
forcement through consent of the
world's people.
Soviet Russia and the United
States both believe in the exten
(Please tun to page seven)
Seles Continue
Through Tuesday
Announces Isaak
The Oregana late sales campaign
will continue through Tuesday, j
Nov. 6. it has been announced by '
Chuck Isaak, Oregana business |
"This will be the last chance to !
get the 1932 books," Isaak said.
"It is possible to pay only half the j
cost of the book now and finish j
the payment later in spring term." |
Yearbooks will be sold in living j
organizations by house represents- !
tives under the supervision of Dis
trict Representatives Mary Ann
Moore, Ray Wrigglesworth, Jim
Roberts and Bobbette Gilmore.
There will also be a booth located
in the main lobby of the Student
Union both Monday and Tuesday.
Free Oreganas will be given to
tiie top salesmen and to any living
group which has 95 per cent par
ticipation in yearbook purchases.
Inside Story of Daily Emerald Workers Related;
Production Takes Many Hours, Many Talents
By Ward Lindbeck
Here's your paper. The Emerald
offices are silent rfow. Only two
persons are working. The delivery
man has made most of his deliv
eries. It's about time to quit and
gut ready for class.
Tuc news or one of his
assistants is busy making out the
“tip sheet” before his classes be
gin. The sheet must be posted be
fore noon to give reporters enough
time to contact their news sources.
The Shacks doors open around
nine a.m. But except for a few
passers-through, the offices arc
empty until about 1:30. During the
morning reporters drift in to get
their day's assignment, one or two
type, out quick stories called in
by someone. The editors usually
meet for a moment or two, discuss
ing the coming paper. Ad sales
men are told to get ads, records are
The editors for the day’s paper
being coming in around 3 p.m.
Some new copy has been tin ned in,
it is edited. Old stories are checked
for new angles, hold-over copy is
edited, city newspapers are read
for possible local news.
The copy from reporters comes
in faster now. A telephone ringc,
the story must he taken down. A
story breaks that wasn't planned,
someone has to cover it, often the
editor on duty. The phone rings
again, another story, this time
about a meeting.
Ad side workers have been in the
shack since two o'clock. Salesmen
bring in ad orders, lay-outs are
drawn up. Ads are called in by
phone. And records of every ad,
the time it is to run, how much
copy, how much it cost, must all be
filed to keep mistakes to a mini
Editorials were written the night
before or early in the morning.
The editorial page has the earliest
deadline of all, its copy must be
at the press by 4 :30 p.m. Bibler’s
| cartoon has been picked, the col
umn written and edited. Letters to
the editor, received the night be
fore, are carefully read and an
swers writ tens.
Copy desk workers come in
around 4 o'clock p.m. They gather
aiound a horseshoe-shaped desk,
the make-up editor in the well or
center. News copy is taken from
the news office, the make-up editor
reads enough to sec the story's im
portance. He decides the headline
size, the column space, and then
turns it over to one of his assist
ants. The assistant, struggling
with word counts, writes the head
Then the copy is rushed to the
press shop. Linotype operators arc
given a story, they type and cast
it quickly. Most headlines are set
by hand. The story, set in type
with its head, is locked in a form
and is ready for the press.
Lights go on in the Shack. Type
writers tap noisily until about 5:30
p.m. People drift from the office,
taking a break for dinner. Dead
line time. 4:30 has passed, but
much more news will come in.
At 6:30 p.m. the editor for the
night comes back to the Shack. Al
most immediately the phone rings.
Press shop calling; they're out of
copy. If copy is available, it is
quickly edited, heads written, and
rushed to the waiting linotypists.
Copy deck workers return. Story
by story, the paper is assembled.
Over at t-he University press,
students are setting heads, reading
proofs, and taking page proofs.
The linotype machines set type,
type is assembled and locked in
But there is still some blank
space to fill. Some reporters are
covering meetings and speeches.
About 9 or 9:30 p.m. they come in,
rush to a typewriter and pound out
their stories.
The copy is edited, and again a
(1'lease turn to payc seven)
"As far as I am concerned, card
holding members of the Commu
nist party are out of bounds a*
members of the teaching profes
sion," stated James G. Conant,
president of Harvard university, in
an address before the 75th anniver
sary convocation Friday afternoon.
He emphasized, however, that
with the single exception of Com
munism, a professor’s political
views, social philosophy and re
ligion are no concern of a univer
sity, provided they are within tho
"Kduration depends on the free
dom of inquiry, and requires tho
independence of the university fac
ulty, ' he said.
learning Centers Vital
"As long as centers of learning
reflect the essence of diversity of
opinion and tolerance of opinion,
America will remain strong no
matter what lies ahead," Conant
Speaking on the subject, “Uni
versity Education and National Se
curity," Conant traced the devel
opment of the general education
system in the English speaking
colleges, as against the university
traditions of learning for its own
sake and the professional schools.
"All American universities have
the task of holding the balance of
those three elements in the univer
sity tradi’ion,” he pointed out.
Conant also went into the prob
lems faring the American univer
sity as a result of the present na
tional mobilization program and
the drafting of men and the use of
faculty members in various de
fense projects.
War Claimed Avoidable
Conant believed that the present
situation would not immediately
develop into a full-scale war, say
ing "if we are patient, strong anti
courageous, we may avoid war,”
but pointing out that there were
no immediate prospects of peace.
He said that the university
should not assume that the strug
gle would be long or short, but
should give in to mobilization. If
university faculty members must
be used in national defense proj
ects, Conant said, it must be made
ceitain that it is necessary as
teaching standands must not be
lowered through loss of faculty
"Education can be adapted to
the present situation." he said, "an
this has happened before." In the
case of those men who will have
their education interrupted by
service in the armed forces. Con
ant recommended giving them all
the help they need when they re
turn to finish thir education.
Faust Emphasizes
Humanities' Role
Return to emphasis on the hu
manities and their concern for the
values of truth and excellence was
urged by Clarence Faust, a direc
tor of the Ford Foundation, in the
main address of Friday night’s
75th anniversary dinner.
University President H. K. New
burn concluded the remarks of the
dinner with an emphasis on the
contribution of persons to the
founding and growth of the Uni
versity of Oregon and a pledge for
the future.
Faust, in his address, "The Place
of the Humanities in a University,”
asserted that the humanities must
deal with the problems of bringing
the values of truth and excellence
to the people, since some other
group will do so if the humanities
do not. He said society would deal
with the same, problems that uni
( Please turn to page seven)