Uregm UailTf EMERALD The Orecon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday during the college year, recent examination and holiday periods, with issues on iTomecorning Saturday «nd Juiimr Weekend Saturday by the Associated students of the University of Oregon. Entered as sec '•id class matter at the post office, Eugene. Oregon. Subscription rates: J5 per school >ear. S2 per term. tr term. , . A _ Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of tho. writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the AS1TO or of the Uniwrsity. Initialed editorials are written by the associate editors. Unsigned editorials **■- written by the editor. Lorna Larsox, Editor Abbott Paine, Business Manager Phil Bettbni, Managing Editor GaETcasN Gbondaul, Bill Clothibr, Dow Dewet, Associate Editors Gbetcheh Grife, Advertising Manager News Editor: Larry Hobart Assistant Managing Editor: Bill Frye Night Editor: Sarah Turnbull Sports Editor: Bill Gurney Ass’t Sports Editor: Larry Larelle Asst News Editors: Kathleen Fraser, Phil Johnson. Ai Karr Makeup Editors: Kathleen Fraser, Judy McLoughlin, Harriet Walrath Feature Editor: Ward Lindbeck layout Manager: Jack Cady Classified Ad Manager: Tom Matthcwf Women s **«ge temor: uiauys oergem Wire Editor: Tom Jaquea Asst’t Wire Editors: Theda Jack, Mary Ann Mowcry, Herb Yoremberg Photographer: Pete Moc Ass’t Photographer: C huck Plummer Day Managers: Carolyn Silva, Carolee Tate, Mary Waddell, Sally Thurston, Irene Bullard , , _ _ Advertising Salesmen: Merle Davis, Janet Petersen, Marcia Dutcher. Sue Mtkkel sen, Denise Thum, VV ard Cook, Sally liaseltine. Barbara Keller No Masks Tonight In^Korea We’d like to see more Hallowe’en parties tonight. We’ll bet the U.N. and Communist troops in Korea would rather be bobbing for apples than for each other's heads. We’d rather the delegates at Panmunjom were haggling over whether to have hard or soft cider for Hallowe’en celebration than arguing the fate of thousands of human beings. We wish that the world’s thousands of war orphans were out “trick or treating” tonight, instead of begging for morsels to keep themselves alive. If the only dissension between the Iranians and the British ■was over a little soaping of windows, we’d be much happier. There’ll be witches and goblins in the air tonight. But only a few are of the Hallowe’en variety—too few. The ones we’re thinking of have been flying day in and day out for as long as we can remember. They’re the spirits all right—evil spirits of hate, of greed, of distrust, of dishonesty, of misunderstanding. They’re not the kindly, fun-provoking spirits that'll be flitting around at our University Hallowe’en party, the type that, come just on Oct. 31 each year. We wish they were. Quedt Isdu&Uol A Solution to Flunking Out Ed. Note: Here’s an idea that’s gone the long way around to get to the Oregon campus. On the editorial page of the University of Maryland’s “Daily Diamondback,” we found the following “Solution to Flunk Out Problem” first developed in the “Cavalier Daily” of the University of Virginia. • With tongue in cheek, we present the Virginia theory: It seems that the University of Virginia has found a ready solution to the old problem of flunking out of school, according to “The Cavalier Daily.” To the rescue came Robert Tyson, of tiie psychology and philosophy department of Hunter college. Tyson’s success method, entitled “Ten Commandments on How to Stay in Class,” is printed below. You're invited to rely on it at your own risk and all complaints from flunk-outs should be forwarded to psychology department, Hunter college. 1. Bring the professor newspaper clippings dealing with his subject.. . demonstrates fiery interest and give him timely items to mention in class. If you can’t find clippings dealing with his subject, bring in clippings at random. He thinks everything deals with his subject. 2. Look alert. Take notes eagerly. If you look at your watch, don’t stare at it unbelievingly and shake it. 3. Nod frequently and murmur “How true!” To you this seems exaggerated. To him, it’s quite objective. 4. Sit in front, near him (applies only if you intend to stay awake). If you’re going to all the trouble of making a good impression, you might as well let him know who you are, es pecially in a large class. 5. Laugh at his jokes. You can tell. If he looks up from his notes and smiles expectantly, he has told a joke. 6. Ask for outside reading. You don’t have to read it. Just ask. 7. If you must sleep, arrange to be called at the end of the hour. It creates an unfavorable impression if the rest of the class has left and you sit there alone, dozing. 8. Be sure the book you read during the lecture looks like a book from the course. If you do math in psychology class and psychology in math class, match the books for size and color. 9. Ask any questions you think he can answer. Conversely, avoid announcing that you have found the answer to a ques tion he couldn’t answer, and in your younger brother’s second grade reader at that. 10. Call attention to his writing. Produces an exquisitely pleasant experience connected with you. If you know he s written a book or article, ask in class if he wrote it. , As to whether or not you want to do some work, in addition to all this, well, it’s controversial and up to the individual. — Letters to the Editor— Answer to Isolation Emerald Editor: Last week several freshmen ex pressed to me their dissatisfac tion with the deferred living pro gram. It seems that their major complaint was the feeling that they were not an active part of the University. All of them stated that most of their acquaintances were confined to the freshman class. Considering the “taboo" category to which they have been sentenced, the freshmen caste in deed have a legitimate plea. It has been disappointing to witness the result of this yoke and even more disheartening to discover the lackadaisical attitude the freshmen have as to chang ing the situation. Seniors have often said that in the “good old days when we were freshmen” things would have been different. I believe that this is an unfair statement to make, and I am of the opinion that the Class of ’55 is one of the most outstanding classes to enter this University, But merely to resign them selves to the fact that they are the victims of circumstance and to do nothing about it suggests that the freshman class is lack ing in that spirit and initiative which has characterized so many of Its predecessors. By way of "taking the Inill by tbo horns” may I suggest that the freshmen take a more active part In school activities. For In stance, the Fine raid has many positions open for energetic stu dents regardless of their class. l-Ol those who are Interested, the senate meetings are open to any one, regardless of their class. At the senate meetings you will meet the people who are running the school, students und faculty alike. At the senate meetings you will learn the way In which stu dent government functions. Another v/ay in which you may dent body is participation in the Hallowe'en party which is to be held tonight. Muriel Hagendoom and Gerry Pearson, who are chairmen of the decoration and entertainment committees, are both in need of help, regardless of class. For those freshmen who are dissatisfied with their existence as campus "untouehuhies" 1 sug gest getting off “your dime.” Stewart McCollom Hubert Feels Neglected Kmerald Kditor: Since the climax of the Joe College-Betty Co-ed contest we have been experiencing a feeling -A Datj at the Zoo A Davenport Replaces the Dog As This[Fraternity's Best Friend - Bv Bob FOnk-—— Due to pressure from the fra ternal hearth (and who are we to deny-the Call of the Bond?) we are writing this column about Teker honey. Teker honey is the name given to the dog-at the place-we - live. She had lived there sporadi-' cally and rath er disinterest edly for two or three years, until a couple of weeks ago, when T e k e r honey disap peared. BOB FI N K The disappearance or aeam m a fraternity dog is usually a thing to be met with tears and a journ alistic essay on man’s best friend. Fraternity dogs are men tioned in the same reverent tone of voice as the pass word. Not so with Teker honey (we realize that this is a horrible name to keep re peating, but to call her Gertrude would be falsifying the facts). The last word of Teker honey was from Straub Hall, that es tablishment being in favor of our coming over and taking the dog home. Being used to Teker hon ey’s nomadic ways, we ignored the call from Straub. Two or three sophomores lounged luxuri antly on Teker honey’s private davenport, and hoped she would stay away a long time. She did. Four or five days later the house president noticed that she was gone. This news was privately cherished by several persons who have had run-ins with Teker honey. About a week later, in house meeting, it was decided that someone ought to find Teker hon ey. If put up to a vote, this idea would have been crushed over whelmingly. It is not that Teker honey has no friends at the place we live. There are one or two. Actually, however, Teker honey is pretty awful, and no one is sure she is even a dog. One of her more lovable tricks (in these pieces one always men tions lovable tricks) was to walk partway up the stairs and fall down, putting her hip out Of joint. The veterinarian, who is now quite wealthy from hip-set ting sessions, is one of the per sons lobbying in our house meet ing to get Teker honey back. Teker honey also brought friends (canine) home who wan tiered abjectly about the house, sometimes for days. These frienda were often found sleeping on one's bed or in the middle of one's literature notes. It is to be feared that Teker honey did not run wiLh the beat crowd. It has been contended, that Teker honey was a boxer, but no one is sure, and no one is going to ask an authority. As for men tality, Teker was non-existent. There were some that said, how ever, that she had a beautiful soul. We doubt it. Teker is now gone—some say for better, some say for worse. The house president and the vet erinarian are looking for 'her. However, if you see Teker honey, do not call. Do not say a word. Head her in the opposite direc tion. It may be very brutal of us, but given the choice of having her back or sitting on the daven port, the davenport would win every time. In this sedentary age, it may well be the davenport that be comes man’s best friend. of growing discontent at not hav ing seen our champion, Hubert. Humanities. receiving the ac claim that hus been d>'« tin.i little-known entry. He haa he n difficult to conaole I tils pant day. Actually, lliihert may not en joy the popular popularity tvhlcli many of the entranta huve Inin receiving, hut well, in the words of the eliamplon lilmaelf, lie en joy* the more "epicurean ile. lights of competent approhutlon." But Hubert la no snob, noslrrc! He may be aeen any morning (in cluding Satin day i Bometlmo !«■ tween six and seven o'clock, with hla familiar grey ault ahlny though It may be In spot* nimb ly pedaling ilia bike from Straub hall toward Heady. Ilia t he. ly and resounding saluatlona arc familiar to many an early riser on the University campus. Him. Phi Beta Kappa key swings Jauntily beneath his vest, for Hu bert believe* that discretion is really the better^>art of exhibi tionism. Although this regretfully llttlc knoun entrant In our recent i nn^ test Is taking his Ph-I). in Mid dle-Eastern Transcendental Phil osophy, his life Is not one of i i.ii t in nit I study. Muny a lively game of chess has he played of a Sat urday evening and he Is reputed to be one of the “big guns of chess" among Ills eirrle of friends. Anil oh yes Hubert has a love life, the thought of whieli cheers him through his long eve nings of study. He has modestly confessed that he and ills "little sweetheart from Mills college" have been keeping quite steady company for the last 13 years He added, in a slightly plaintive voice, however, that she is tak ing her "master’s” at Bampi jm college, French Equatorial Af rica. This far Hubert has classi fied and catalogued 729 Ways to Pop the Question, and hopes fur early success. Incidentally, Hubert sees many interesting facets In the number 729, and hopes to study them at an early date. Hmm—when? did I leave my glasses ? Eric Norot ad Omega Hall the Mvufue... 10 YEARS AGO Oct. 31, 1941 — The dean of women announces 1 o'clock per mission for girls attending the Whlskerlno. 20 YEARS AGO Oet. 31, 1931 — Organ grid team travels to New York City to face the New York Unlversjjfcjf Violets in Yankee Stadium. Anti-Flunk Compound ,cf $ fP'o '' “He’ll be the only guy in history to laugh himself to a college degree.”